Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1774 Wandering on the verge of blackening

"Huh, Yingzi?"

Huang Zhitao froze in place. She couldn't understand why Qiao Yingzi came to the river when it was so cold outside and it was dark. In summer and autumn, some people played cards in the activity area. Lin Yue occasionally played the saxophone. She came out for activities. It's understandable to take a walk, but it's winter now, who would leave the heating room and run outside to suffer from the cold?

Qiao Yingzi said: "So you are together?"

Huang Zhitao didn't expect that this was the first sentence her best friend said after they turned against each other. She fell silent, neither admitting nor denying it.

"So you are not acting, right? No, it should be said that the fake show is really done, right?"

At that time, Qiao Yingzi ran away in a fit of anger. Huang Zhitao tried to explain to her on WeChat. In addition to emphasizing that she did not expect Fang Yifan to betray her good friend, if she knew it would be like this, she would definitely not do that. I like Lin Yue, but because I have a dirty relationship with Ji Yangyang, I don't know Lin Yue's attitude towards her, and I have very strong self-doubt, so the truth is much more complicated than it appears, and Qiao Yingzi didn't get these words Therefore, he added more information, saying that the two kissed in front of their faces in order to show Fang Yifan, so that this dog skin plaster would not always pester her.

Now, being caught by Qiao Yingzi, there is no Fang Yifan within a hundred meters, so what does it mean that they are walking arm in arm in the community?

Huang Zhitao actually wanted to say yes. Although she didn't think Qiao Yingzi was a threat to her relationship with Lin Yue, she was able to get the affirmation of her girlfriends, thus forming a consensus in the social circle that the two were together, which would help force Lin Yue to be together. Jump to make a choice, or a further compromise.

But she always felt that something was wrong with Qiao Yingzi's situation.


"You don't need to explain." Qiao Yingzi said coldly: "You know that he is not clear with Xiaomeng, and you still want to approach him like a moth to a flame, and you still say that everything is acting, Huang Zhitao, you are lying to a ghost ,you disgust me."

Leaving this sentence behind, she simply ran away.

"Yingzi...she...why is she...unreasonable."

Huang Zhitao was very angry. What about her and Lin Yue? It was up to the two of them whether they were moths or not. What did it have to do with Qiao Yingzi? Look at this eccentric rhetoric, making it seem like she had done something outrageous.

Yes, her behavior had a bad influence on Qiao Yingzi, but in the final analysis, the main responsible person is Fang Yifan, and the direct responsible person is Li Meng. She is the secondary responsible person, okay? Fully open?

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

Lin Yue did not comment on this matter, and walked calmly towards the apartment building where her home was located.

"En." Huang Zhitao immediately put the unhappiness behind him, and happily walked forward together.

Qiao Yingzi walked into the unit building, just in time to run into Tong Wenjie who came out to throw out the trash.

"Yingzi, what are you doing up so late?"

"Can you manage it?"

After saying this, Qiao Yingzi went straight into the elevator, where Tong Wenjie was standing in the building waves with a garbage bag in her hand, looking at the closed car door with a dazed expression. She had known Song Qian for more than ten years, and this was the first time she saw her. Qiao Yingzi is so rude, yes, Fang Yifan made Qiao's house a mess, but the culprit of this matter is obviously Lin Yue, as is Qiao Yingzi, why do you have to go to Nantah University? She also teamed up with that little bastard to deceive her parents. It can be said that it is completely her own fault. Now she greets her kindly, but she is treated as a punching bag. It's simply...

Tong Wenjie glanced at the door of Room 103, and muttered, "Who is that?"

In her opinion, it is obvious that these people have their own problems, and instead of introspecting deeply to correct them, they use a magnifying glass to find the shortcomings of others.

Qiao Yingzi didn't know what Tong Wenjie thought of her behavior just now, and she didn't have the energy to figure out what Tong Wenjie was thinking. When she returned to her room, she went to the bed and took out her phone to unlock the screen.

The blue light dispelled the darkness and illuminated her face.

On the order page of the Ctrip APP, there is a ticket, flying from Capital International Airport to Shenzhen Baoan International Airport, the time is tomorrow.

The anxiety caused by continuous insomnia has greatly reduced the quality of life. Stimulated by Liu Jing's cancer, she finally made up her mind to go to Shenzhen to participate in the Nanjing University winter camp. .

In the middle of the night, she went downstairs to freeze. First, she was confused about her parents' reaction after she left, and she was a little upset. She wanted to calm down and see if the severe cold could dissuade her from going south. Just when she was standing at the bridge and remembered that Ding Yi, who had attempted suicide by jumping into the river, was staring at the water in a daze like her, she saw Lin Yue and Huang Zhitao.

The parents talked about Huang Zhitao's situation, and they didn't understand that her parents were willing to go to Africa to be a doctor, and they didn't want to accompany their daughter in the third year of high school. Arrange your own time as you like, and there may be unhappy days, such as when she and Lin Yue pretended to be in a relationship, but it is undeniable that every day is very fulfilling. In fact, her emotions towards her girlfriends are not just angry, but more It is jealousy and envy.

Ji Yangyang was free and at ease when he didn't have his parents by his side. Now that Ji Shengli and Liu Jing are back, he chose to run away from home in order to avoid them.

And Lin Yue...

With Ji Yangyang's lessons learned, although she shouldn't, she thought more than once that it would be great if there were no such parents.

Or... How nice it would be for her to switch lives with Huang Zhitao.

Can cater to her interests; know her tastes; always have amazing ideas; say what you want to say, do things you want to do; and take away her first kiss; have been beaten and scolded;

Obviously, she and him are just like a pair of enemies, and it is more likely that there will be a relationship described as "dog blood" in TV dramas, but now...

I kept thinking about this in my heart, and later realized from Huang Zhitao's behavior that Wang Yidi was also interested in Lin Yue, so the sense of loss became stronger and stronger. She was the first to know him and had the closest relationship with him. Why did the two become like this in the end? ?

It's all Song Qian's fault, Qiao Weidong's fault...

If they hadn't turned against Lin Yue, how could she have become a sandwich biscuit, and the reunion of her parents did not bring her a good family environment as expected. Song Qian is still strong, Qiao Weidong's hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

Thinking of this, she lost sleep again.


The next day, Capital International Airport.

Half a minute before the plane door closed, Lin Yue, Ji Shengli, and Liu Jing entered the cabin. After confirming their information, the stewardess told them that the plane was about to take off, so they hurried to their seats and sat down.

Entering the economy class, they continued to walk backwards, looking for their seats. During this process, Liu Jing suddenly stood still next to a seat, and Ji Shengli almost hit her back.

"Why don't you leave?"

Liu Jing didn't answer this question, but looked at the girl on the right and said, "Yingzi, why are you on this flight? Are you going to Shenzhen?"

Qiao Yingzi stayed up all night last night. She was resting in her seat with her eyes closed. When she heard the voice coming from the front, she looked up. She first saw Liu Jing's face, and was stunned for a moment. Then she saw Lin Yue behind Ji Shengli. There was a flash of panic.

She never expected to meet them on the plane.

The key is how to answer this question. Lin Yue knows that Song Qian won't let her go to Nantah University's winter camp.

"Ah, it's going to Shenzhen, Aunt Liu Jing...Where are you?"

"Oh, let's go to find Yang Yang. Lin Yue confirmed it last time when he went south, and this time he will take us to find him." Are you going to participate in the NTU Winter Camp?"

Qiao Yingzi smiled awkwardly: "Yes."

Lin Yue asked very "interestingly", "Didn't you say a few days ago that your mother disagreed with your going to Shenzhen?"

" dad...have done her job well."

She thought that Lin Yue, Qiao Weidong, and Song Qian had turned their backs, and they would not go to verify this matter in all likelihood, so they could just lie and get away with it.

"Oh, then I wish you a good grade in the winter camp exam."


Thinking of last night's thoughts, she was a little disappointed in Lin Yue's blessings that were seven parts polite and three parts distant.

"The three passengers who just boarded the plane, the plane is about to take off, please don't chat in the aisle, sit down as soon as possible, and fasten your seat belts." A reminder came from the flight attendant.

The three of them didn't dare to neglect, they didn't pass Qiao Yingzi, and walked to the last row to take their seats.

After a while, the plane began to slide down the aisle, and soared into the sky with the sound of whistling wind.

4 hours later.

The plane landed at Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport and came out of the connecting passage. Lin Yue told Ji Shengli and Liu Jing to wait a while, and stopped Qiao Yingzi who wanted to get away from them as soon as possible.

"Qiao Yingzi, are you lying?!"

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