Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1775 Ji Yangyang, you've had a terrible time

Qiao Yingzi shivered, raised his head to meet his questioning eyes, and tried to say in a calm tone: "What are you talking about? What are you lying about? I don't understand what you are talking about."

Lin Yue said: "Song Qian didn't agree with you to come to Shenzhen to participate in the Nantah Winter Camp. You insisted on coming, right?"

"I... I didn't."

She lowered her head, clutching the shoulder straps of her backpack with both hands, trying to dodge sideways, and left quickly, but Lin Yue had predicted her movements and stopped her again.

"Let's make things clear before we go."

"I said I didn't lie." Qiao Yingzi was very excited: "Get out of the way, you won't let me call someone."

Even if she was found out, why did she insist that she was not lying, because she was sure that Lin Yue would not contact Song Qian and Qiao Weidong to confirm the matter.

"First, I remember that the activities of Nantah University's winter camp started yesterday. If Qiao Weidong is able to persuade Song Qian, you should have arrived in Shenzhen the day before yesterday instead of getting off the plane today. It is already afternoon, except for hotel booking and Hurrying, you missed 2 whole days of class. Second, with Song Qian’s personality, she will take care of what you eat, drink, play, and sleep. If possible, she will even decide what you think. You come from Beijing all at once When you go to Shenzhen, a metropolis in the south, you will definitely send someone to accompany you. It just so happens that Qiao Weidong has nothing to do. No one else wants to go to work, and he can’t borrow money for investment. Third, in winter in northern China, the temperature is below zero, while in Shenzhen it is above ten degrees, and the maximum temperature during the day can reach twenty degrees. Here to put down jackets, and you, you came here with a backpack for school, what does that mean? Either you left in a hurry and didn’t have time to prepare, or you didn’t dare to bring a suitcase because you were afraid that your family would notice your intentions , to sum up, your coming to Shenzhen this time is almost like running away from home, right?"

Qiao Yingzi stayed where he was after hearing what he said, and he didn't expect him to see through his little trick at a glance.

Surprise, embarrassment, panic, nervousness, shame, resentment, bewilderment... all kinds of emotions are in my heart, which is very unpleasant.

"Little girl, can I help you with anything?"

At this moment, a middle-aged security guard in uniform came over and asked Qiao Yingzi, but his vigilant eyes kept falling on Lin Yue, as if he noticed the conflict between the two and thought she was being harassed .

"No, thank you, we know each other."

The security guard confirmed the look in her eyes, examined her again and again, turned and left.

Qiao Yingzi lowered his head, looked at Lin Yue again after a few breaths, and begged, "Can you keep this secret for me? I beg you."

"It would have made Song Qian and Qiao Weidong angry, and I would have been very happy, but this time... well, I promise you, I won't tell you about the fact that you stole to Shenzhen."


Qiao Yingzi felt relieved when he heard that.

Lin Yue asked again: "Have you been to Shenzhen before? Do you know the way to the place where the winter camp is held?"

"Don't worry, there is a Gaode map, I can navigate if I don't know the way."

"If you take a taxi, remember to choose a car from a regular taxi company as much as possible, and try not to touch an illegal car."

She nodded, hummed, paused for two seconds and suddenly raised her eyebrows.

"Are you worried about me?"

Lin Yue said: "Nonsense, this is Shenzhen, not Beijing. You are not familiar with the place where you live. If you encounter difficulties, there are few ways to ask for help."

Qiao Yingzi asked, "How many days are you going to stay in Shenzhen?"

Lin Yue said: "If the situation goes well, it will take two or three days, if not... Anyway, try to go back before the Spring Festival."

"Then... If I encounter difficulties that I can't solve, can I call you?"


Lin Yue was very surprised. Although Qiao Yingzi was not Ji Yangyang, she was not stubborn, but with his relationship with Song Qian and Qiao Weidong, it was difficult for her to ask for help when she encountered difficulties. What happened to her today? Could it be... that people become cowardly when they set foot in a different place?

"Then I'm leaving, goodbye."

A smile appeared on Qiao Yingzi's tired face, he waved to him, and left.

Without thinking too much, Lin Yue watched her leave the hall and return to Ji Shengli and Liu Jing.

"What happened just now?"

Before she arrived, Liu Jing asked her what was on her mind first. It seemed that the intervention of the security guard caught her attention.

"Nothing, let's go."

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't want to talk about it, she naturally thought it was about Song Qian and Qiao Weidong. After all, Lin Yue made those two feel ashamed at the psychological lecture. As their daughter, Qiao Yingzi had a tense relationship. one thing.

Ji Shengli hurried to catch up with two steps.

"Let's take a taxi and go."

"No need." Lin Yue said, "My dad has a friend here, we can borrow his car and drive for a few days."

"You want to drive?" Ji Shengli was taken aback: "Shenzhen is so big, do you know the way?"

He knew that Lin Yue could drive, and his skills were not bad, but that was in Beijing, and this was Shenzhen, and the traffic habits were slightly different. He had visited Shenzhen before when he was the deputy mayor in the western region, and he knew this city well. The electronic police are very powerful. If you are not careful, you will get a ticket. It is not troublesome to borrow someone else's car to drive, but it is a headache to deal with violations.

"Do not worry."

Lin Yue just smiled slightly without explaining.

A joke, in the world of "Twenty Do Not Confused" and "The World", he has lived in Shenzhen for many years. He knows the road conditions of this city well, and he can drive to the destination with his eyes closed. "It's no problem to describe it, and it's absolutely qualified to drive a Didi ride or something.


More than an hour later, a Volkswagen SUV came to an old street in Longhua District that can be described as "dirty and messy". Lin Yue found a place to park the car, pointed to the narrow alley diagonally opposite and said: "Ji Yangyang lives in a two-story private house inside, but it's still early, so he probably hasn't come back."

Liu Jing bit her lower lip lightly, looking at the street outside.

A migrant worker in worn-out jeans stood under the signboard of a hardware store that was whitened by the rain. He was smoking a smoky cigarette. The stove next to the food stall was almost on the curb. There was white smoke, I didn’t know whether it contained steamed buns or siu mai, and the whining sound of the blower diluted the crying of the children at the door of the drugstore. The adults were answering the phone and had no time to pay attention to him. He was not allowed to run around. At this time, a man walked out of the beef and mutton shop farther away, and poured a basin of dirty water into the foul-smelling sewer hole. He didn't care whether the splash was on the pedestrians nearby, and he didn't look back. away.

Ji Yangyang lives in this kind of place?

What was his living environment like before? First it was the townhouse of grandma and grandpa, and then the flat floor where uncle could not live in. Even if the living environment deteriorated after the parents came back, it was a well-decorated two-bedroom house in the school district. The property was diligent and the residents were friendly. But look here...

"Liu Jing, eat as much as you want."

Ji Shengli handed her a hamburger, which was bought at the McDonald's on the side of the road just now, because Lin Yue said that Ji Yangyang's return home time was not fixed, and he needed to wait for the rabbit. It was already evening, and they had no intention of finding a suitable one. When I was eating, I wanted to make do with it.

"I'm not hungry."

Just as Liu Jing was about to refuse, seeing Ji Shengli's eyes, and remembering the "three chapters of the agreement" at home to persuade her husband to agree to her coming, she could only take it and eat it bit by bit.

Ji Shengli also took two mouthfuls of a chicken fortress, feeling a little choked, and when he was about to get some mineral water for a flush, Lin Yue pointed forward.


The two looked up after hearing the words, and saw two people walking under the streetlight on the right front, the one in front was dark and thin, they didn't know each other, and the one behind... was wearing a denim jacket from the street, with army green pockets underneath. trousers, and a pair of stained sneakers.

The important thing is the face, aside from being thin and tired, it's not their only son Ji Yangyang.

Seeing this, Liu Jing couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to open the door to get out of the car. Ji Shengli grabbed her hand: "Wait a little longer."

She knew that her husband was afraid of getting off the car suddenly and scaring her son. With their physical fitness, it was almost impossible to catch up with the young man in full bloom. But it is difficult.

The two patiently stood still until Ji Yangyang passed the car, and Ji Shengli winked at his wife. The two pushed the car door as carefully as possible and chased after him from behind.

Lin Yue didn't get out of the car, but chose an old song by Andy Lau and listened quietly.

After the three people on the opposite side of the road argued for a while, Ji Yangyang compromised. The dark and thin man left after making sure that he was not in danger. The three of Ji Shengli's family walked to the seats at the barbecue stall next to them and sat down.

After staying in the car for a while, feeling that the emotions of Ji Yangyang and Liu Jing had stabilized, Lin Yue left the cab, straightened his coat and walked across the road.

On the way, he vaguely heard Ji Yangyang tell his parents what happened after he left home, and how he got here in the past two months.

Those two people were very sad, Liu Jing's eyes were red, but when he came to Lin Yue, he just wanted to laugh, because he just wanted Ji Yangyang to taste the human suffering that the people at the bottom are suffering every day, but he didn't expect this bastard It's really... quite interesting.

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