Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1801 Su Mingyu, watch me peel your skin (Part 2)

Su Mingyu squinted at her nominal second brother, the contempt in the corner of her mouth was so strong that it couldn't be resolved, and she was invincible: "As you expected?"

Lin Yue said: "Su Daqiang, you are a slut, trash, a worthless piece of shit who doesn't dare to say anything even if his wife cuckolds you."

Su Mingzhe stepped forward, grabbed his collar and shouted loudly: "Mingcheng, why are you talking to Dad?"

Over there, Julie was frightened and stupid. What she said...was too serious. After all, she was her own father.


Su Daqiang pointed at him, his eyes widened, his throat twitched, but he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"Get out of the way." Lin Yue shook off Su Mingzhe's hand, took out a contract from a black plastic bag and threw it on the coffee table.

"In the afternoon, I went to the Lianjia store to list the house. The agent said that the house could sell for at least 1.6 million. Including the Wrangler JEEP, if I go to sell it, it should be 200,000+, 1.8 million. The money will be sold within a month. In your account, compared with the 600,000 you have spent over the years, regardless of the devaluation of the renminbi, what should be returned to you is only a lot more.”

Su Mingzhe, who was filled with righteous indignation over there, shrank suddenly. He didn't expect Su Mingcheng to go to such a point, and actually sold his house and car to pay off his debts. It seems that he was not talking about severing his father-son relationship with Su Daqiang.

Zhu Li was even more stunned, she didn't expect Su Mingcheng to sell the house online without telling her, just about to say something, Lin Yue waved his hand: "Let's talk about our business later, I'll finish the Su family's business first. "

"Oh, that's fine, Su Mingcheng, it's quite courageous to be quiet."

Su Mingyu's words are quite positive, but the tone, anyone can hear the contempt and gloating in it. In his opinion, people like Su Mingcheng, without a house and a car, will only fall to the bottom and become a Lutheran. Luther.

Su Daqiang moved forward, looked at the sales contract on the coffee table, slowly raised his head, and said word by word: "Really? You don't regret it?"

Lin Yue said, "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?"

Su Daqiang is happy, 1.8 million, he has never seen so much money in more than 60 years of life.

"I have paid off the money debt, and it's time to calculate the time and energy debt." Lin Yue looked at Su Mingzhe and Su Mingyu: "Father's Day, Mother's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Hungry Ghost Festival , Labor Day, National Day, weekends... For more than ten years, Lili and I have gone home to spend with our parents during the holidays. When they are sick, they take them to the hospital to see a doctor. They are very happy, so that you can devote all your energy to your career and your own family. If you calculate the time, you should be able to accompany them every four days on average. I don’t care how you arrange your time. I have to stay with Su Daqiang for one day in four days, and I can't hire a nanny. I want to make him happy. If I can't make him happy, then I will make an account for you and give it to your children in the future. How about it? "

Su Mingzhe: "..."

Su Mingyu: "..."

"It turns out that your family accounts only count money and not family companionship?" Lin Yue said with contempt: "Zhao Meilan is dead, asking you to only please Su Daqiang is already very cheap for you."

"That's good, that's good, I think he's right."

Su Daqiang is definitely willing to, taking the 1.8 million from the second child, he can also make the boss and the third child change their ways to please him, the children will fight, and the father will benefit.

Su Mingyu looked at the clothes on the sofa, and felt that it would be easy to settle the old man with money: "Is it four days for one day? No problem."

Su Mingzhe is unwilling to accept the result of his family's rebellion, but what can he do if things have come to this point? He could only be forced to nod, thinking that it was easy to do, after all he was going to take Su Daqiang to the United States.

"I'll keep an eye on you."

Lin Yue smiled: "Now that the accounts between parents and children are settled, let's settle ours."

Su Mingyu mocked: "Su Mingcheng, with your current appearance, do you still have money to pay?"

"I have no money, and I don't plan to pay you anything." Lin Yue said: "Do you know why there are more twins, one extroverted and the other introverted? There is a saying that there is competition even in the mother's womb, and the active one is crowded out and not active. The living space of the mother is a normal phenomenon, this kind of innate confrontation has created a tone of strong and weak, and some twins, because of this kind of resource competition in the mother's womb, slowly become only one fetal heart."

Su Mingyu interrupted him: "What exactly do you want to express?"

"It's very simple." Lin Yue said: "Our relationship has long been on fire. I have never thought of resolving the hatred between you and me, and I will not accept anyone's mediation. From now on, how do you take revenge on me? I won’t say anything, no matter how I retaliate against you, I hope you don’t complain.”

"Hehe." Su Mingyu laughed back angrily: "Su Mingcheng, a trash like you has the face to say such things?"

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of person who only talked about his position and didn't make sense, so he waved to the door: "Before the house was sold, I was still the owner of this house, please, Mr. Ming."

In fact, why is it not the case for many audiences, who only substitute the protagonist, and when the protagonist's interests are damaged, they jump higher than anyone else, scold mothers emotionally, and make sense? nonexistent.

Su Mingcheng's bullying of his sister when he was a child was criticized as the biggest stain, but no one ever considered the influence of the growing environment.

The elder brother should protect the younger sister, and the older brother should be courteous to the younger brother. Blood is thicker than water. Brothers and sisters break bones and connect tendons. This is actually a kind of instilling values. , From the change of Xuanwu Gate to the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and then to the Nine Sons Seizing the Inheritance, similar things happened frequently, and they kept going back and forth.

From earnest admonitions to precepts and deeds, including treating children with a bowl of water, these are all the efforts of parents to maintain family harmony and harmonious relationship between brothers and sisters.

People who have accepted this kind of values, how can they agree with Su Mingcheng's approach, they will definitely say that this is a scumbag.

However, in the Su family, Zhao Meilan was strong, and Su Daqiang was a wimp. The mother never regarded her daughter as the Su family, and only wanted to raise her to 18 years old, fulfill her legal responsibilities, and find her a stable job. , Watching her get married, she also had a worry, and warned the three brothers and sisters to live in harmony? Pass on the values ​​that a family should love each other? nonexistent.

There is a strange phenomenon in most families, that is, the first child is honest and honest, the second child knows how to read words and demeanor, and pleases parents, the mother treats Su Mingyu as an outsider, and the most naughty Su Mingcheng treats Su Mingyu as a family member? joke!

You want to say that the boss, who studies at home every day, will not know that his parents decided to sell his sister's house so that he can go to the United States to study? Did he say anything? Did he stop it? No, I just felt sorry for giving Su Mingyu a few books, so treating her as an outsider was the main theme of the entire Su family.

Not to mention children, some people who have finished college have unsound views. Do you expect Su Mingcheng, who grew up in this environment, to be good to his sister? The value passed on to him by his mother is that you, an outsider, can compete for the resources of our Su family? As for Su Mingyu, she is also a ruthless master. When she is bullied, she will always find ways to get revenge. After more than ten years, the grievances have deepened, and her parents have not taken any action to resolve the conflict between siblings. It is obvious that she has become an enemy.

From Zhao Meilan's point of view, because she is pregnant, she can't divorce Su Daqiang, can't go far away with the person she loves, and can't be promoted. She just hates Su Mingyu and treats Su Mingyu as an outsider. She doesn't owe her daughter, and she doesn't even ask her daughter to help her retire. Can outsiders say she is wrong? Outsiders can only say that she shouldn't do this, because she didn't cruelly kill the child and elope with others, but continued to make do with Su Daqiang with her remaining rationality, restraining her anger and raising her daughter.

The person who forced her to say she was wrong became the kind of person Mr. Guo said to persuade you to be magnanimous in everything. Stay away from him, otherwise you will be troubled when you are struck by lightning.

I haven't seen each other for ten years, and it's the first time I met after my mother's death. How did Su Mingcheng and his wife behave? Well, even if you were upset in your heart, it didn't show on the surface, right? It shows that compared with ten years ago, there has been a big change. How did Su Mingyu do it? Putting on a stinky face in someone else's house, domineering like a master, do you still think that others don't want to see her?

Zhao Meilan did not owe her anything. Su Mingcheng was her enemy. If you want to go to the funeral of a kind mother and a filial son, then do it in a proper manner. Otherwise, don't go and run to someone else's house. You are still so high-profile, isn't this intentional to intensify conflicts and disgust people on purpose? They said they were going to a funeral, but all they did was revenge.

Of course, Su Mingyu was rich and powerful when he saw the person he was afraid of died, so he was qualified to go back to take revenge, but since it was revenge, he showed the viciousness of the original book, and in the end, he set up a memorial archway as a bastard, and achieved the goal of revenge As a result, while portraying himself as a white lotus, he also defrauded a lot of people's sympathy. When it comes to this, the screenwriter is also very good.

Ethical dramas are like this, the mother-in-law is right, and the public is right, so some viewers put the values ​​passed on by their parents in a normal family to the brothers and sisters of the Su family, standing in Su Mingyu's position, and substituting her interests. Talking with eloquence made Su Mingcheng heinous and heinous. This kind of black and white thinking, this kind of thing that defines parents' property and love as children from the beginning, and if they must be divided equally, they will hate. The idea of ​​parents' free domination, which is not something that belongs to parents, seems quite hooligan to Lin Yue. I would like to ask the sons and daughters who have the above-mentioned thoughts, how smart are they compared to Su Mingcheng, a notorious gnawing old man?

Heh~ The giant baby in life is not hopeless, but the giant baby who blindly follows the trend is ridiculously young.

When your parents give you money to go to high school and college, it is neither duty nor morality, but love. Dislike patriarchal or patriarchal? Get what you want with your own ability, and turn against each other if your parents don't give it to you? This kind of thing that doesn't recognize the relatives is not as good as the old people.

But yes, most of the viewers of this show are children, and no one wants to be the one who suffers. They all want to be treated equally, so the truth is not important, the position is the key, the ass determines the head, long live understanding?

Su Mingyu pursed her lips and muttered, "A dog that bites doesn't show its teeth, but a dog that barks fiercely is cowardly." He picked up the new clothes on the table and walked away.

"Mingyu, Mingyu, I heard that there is a kind of executive suite in that kind of big hotel? Dad hasn't lived in it for so many years." Su Daqiang followed up.

As for Su Mingzhe, look at this, look at that.

"Su Mingcheng, what you did today, if our mother is alive..."

"Do you know what kind of food Mom likes to eat recently? What kind of mahjong does she like to play? How lucky is she? Do you like green clothes or red clothes? You don't know any of these. A person who has been to the United States for several years to pursue a career, you What is better than Su Mingyu is to send a little money home every year, and make a phone call to say hello on New Years and holidays, so as to say how is Mom alive?"

"Su Mingcheng, let me down so much."

After Su Mingzhe said this, he took the woolen overcoat, pulled the suitcase and left angrily.

In the past, Zhu Li must have chased after her to explain, saying don’t worry about it, big brother, Mingcheng is angry with Mingyu, don’t take it to heart, I will definitely talk about him later, but not today, because Su Mingcheng did it Something that challenged her bottom line.

As soon as Su Daqiang and others left, she stopped suppressing her emotions and said angrily: "Su Mingcheng! Who gave you the courage to put the house on the Internet for sale without my permission?"

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