Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1802 Are you eligible to attend a funeral? (two in one)

Julie was furious, with serious consequences.

"Su Mingcheng, where do we live after you sold the house? You will go to the store to terminate the house sale contract for me tomorrow morning."

She put up with buying steamed buns and ironed woolen coats at noon, but she didn't expect this bastard to make a king fried for her at night, and quietly sold the house.

According to the previous script, when she got angry, Su Mingcheng would immediately say nice things to coax his wife, but today he didn't. The man was still sitting on the sofa smoking, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su Mingcheng didn't smoke before, why today?

Zhu Li looked at Zhao Meilan's portrait, and then at the house sales contract on the table, wondering if he smoked because of these two things? It seems that he is also very difficult.


Looking at his smoking posture, how does he look like he just learned it?

Zhu Li rushed over angrily, grabbed the cigarette in his hand and threw it on the ground: "Su Mingcheng, what's going on with you today?"

Lin Yue was speechless, there were always some women who influenced him to draw his sword... no, they prevented him from smoking comfortably.

"What's going on?"


Zhu Li picked up the house sale contract and threw it in front of him: "Hurry up and notify the agent to take down the house."

"Impossible." Lin Yue replied firmly.

"What did you say?" She thought she had heard wrong.

"I said it was impossible."

"Su Mingcheng! You sold the house, where do we live?"

"Can't I live in a rented house? I have already chosen a house, and I can change my mood by moving there for a while."

"Rent a house? You let me rent a house?" Zhu Li was so shocked by this idea that her jaw almost dropped: "Su Mingcheng, I didn't marry you to suffer hardships with you, not to mention that I have to repay the house loan, don't you ask for it? I sold the house for my opinion, do you still have face?"

"Over the years, more than 70% of the money I got from my mother has been used to buy you bags and clothes. Now that Su Mingyu comes back to take revenge and doesn't sell the house, tell me how to repay the debt and settle with the Su family?"

"Anyway, I don't care, I just can't rent a house."

"What's wrong with renting a house? Should you be discriminated against if you live in a rented house?" Lin Yue said with a playful smile: "Julie, did you marry me? Or this house?"


Zhu Li really wants to say that I am marrying you, but she has no confidence in Su Mingcheng. In her opinion, Su Mingcheng is a little man who sweet-talks Zhao Meilan in Su's house and her in his own house, and earns a lot of money. It is impossible to think about it in this life. If you really want to sell the house and rent a house, you will never even think about turning over in that life.

"Hesitating?" Lin Yue didn't give her more room to think: "Hesitating means you regret it."

He got up and walked to the door, and threw Julie's bag into her arms: "Go back to your parents' house and reflect on it. If you still can't accept renting a house, I will pay off the part of the mortgage you paid within a month." , and then go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a divorce."

"Su Mingcheng, are you going to divorce me?" Zhu Li was stunned, she didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Lin Yue didn't say much, walked over and pushed the door open, as if asking her to leave.

"Su Mingcheng!"

Julie was furious, looked at him angrily, turned and left with her handbag.

"Just go, don't regret it."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door behind her closed with a bang.

"Su! Ming! Success!"

She was so angry that her eyes were wide open, and she wanted to leave as soon as she wanted, and she walked into the elevator angrily, and a fair-looking middle school student shrank into a corner, looking at her warily.

Lin Yue could hear the shouts outside the door, but he didn't take it to heart at all. Su Mingcheng would coax his wife in a different way, even kneeling down. How could it be possible with him? Can he share joys and sorrows, would he be rare for this kind of woman?

What happened to renting a house? As a quasi-big boss, it's normal to rent a villa.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Yue was soundly asleep when he was awakened by the buzzing of his mobile phone. When he picked it up, it was Su Mingzhe calling to remind him to bring Zhu Li to the funeral parlor.

The voice of Su Mingyu disliking Su Mingzhe for calling him was faintly heard from the receiver.

Lin Yue agreed casually, hung up the phone and got up from the bed, brushed his teeth first, then took a shower, then shaved his beard, and went to the breakfast shop downstairs to buy a pancake roll fried dough sticks before getting into the JEEP Wrangler, drive to the funeral home.

When he arrived, many people were present, including Zhao Meilan's younger brother Zhao Zheng, his wife Shi Honghua and their son Zhao Zhongbang, as well as Zhao Meilan's colleagues in the hospital, neighbors in the old house, and poker friends who played cards together.

Su Mingyu accompanied Su Daqiang, perhaps because he got his wish and lived in the executive suite. The old man had tried his best to pretend to be sad, but if he observed carefully, he could still discern the anger flying from the corner of his eyes.

"Why did you come? Where's Julie?"

When Su Mingzhe saw Lin Yue arriving, he rushed to meet him, with an undisguised accusation in his tone.

The memorial service is almost over, and the next step is to take the body to be cremated. The second child only arrived at this time, which should not be, and Zhu Li did not come, nor did Zhu's father and mother. Let outsiders see it, maybe behind the scenes How do you talk about their family?

"I went back to my mother's house in a fit of anger last night, so I don't have to wait for her."

Lin Yue didn't need to make a phone call to know what kind of scene was going to be played in Zhu's house last night. The couple spoiled Zhu Li since they were young, and rented a house? It's definitely not okay to wrong her daughter so much, let's get a divorce... It's not too late, but they won't come to Zhao Meilan's funeral today, and the right is to show him off.

"Go home in a fit of anger?"

Su Mingzhe was stunned for a moment before he realized it. He knew that it was probably about the house.

"You... you... Mingcheng, what are you doing these two days?"

Lin Yue said: "If you regret that I ruined the relationship between husband and wife because I paid back the debts to my parents, my answer is that I am an adult and I do things properly. You can rest assured and don't blame yourself. If you dislike Julie She and her parents don't attend the funeral to embarrass the old Su family..."

He gave Su Mingzhe a middle finger.

The boss was exposed by him, and he was a little bit embarrassed.

"Brother, the staff asked you to choose the urn."

Su Mingyu's words helped Su Mingzhe out of the siege, and walked away with a look of anxiety.

Lin Yue walked into the funeral home and looked at the portrait of his deceased mother surrounded by flowers.


It's quite pleasant. In the detention center, a "daughter" who cut off ties with her parents because she didn't get what she wanted asked a son who had the best relationship with his parents to confess in public, saying that he shouldn't be an old man. If Zhao Meilan knows , Will you be so angry that you die again?

And cemeteries.

If she is a filial and sensible daughter, why don't she lower her posture when she is around and say "Mom, I was too naive at the time, what's the point of buying a cemetery after someone dies?"

It means Zhao Meilan, you sold my room, but I ignored the past and bought you a room on the ground floor?

Does this count as filial piety? Or flog the corpse?

The mother and daughter turned against each other because of the sale of the room, and they also met because of the purchase of the cemetery. If Zhao Meilan knew, would it be comfortable to live in it? The screenwriter designed this's terrifying to think about it carefully.

"I heard no, the youngest daughter of the old Su family bought her mother a 400,000 luxurious cemetery in the celebrity cemetery."

"Really? Mingyu is so rich? The price is 400,000 yuan. The neighbors say that her mother treats her badly. If her mother treats her badly, she will spend so much money to buy her mother's cemetery?"

"You don't know yet, Mingyu is the general manager of a big company. I checked the car she drives online, and it's seven to eight hundred thousand." Lin Yue didn't need to look back to hear who said this. —— Zhao Meilan's younger brother and also his uncle, Zhao Zheng who has taken advantage of the Su family for thirty years.

"In our Tongdli, the old Su's family is still beautiful. The eldest son graduated from Tsinghua University and went to Stanford, a prestigious American university, for his master's and doctoral studies. Now he has settled down in Los Angeles and lives in a large villa with a garden of several hundred square meters. Confident, the boss of a big company, looking at his bearing, his savings must be in the eight figures, but the second child, Su Mingcheng, is really doing well."

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I still can't remember. Where's the second wife? Why didn't the second wife come?"

"Is it Zhu Li? The mother-in-law is gone, so the woman's parents should come alone? Have you seen it?"


"I didn't see it."

"It's too disrespectful to the Su family."

"Maybe it's a temporary delay at home?"

"What's more important than this? The daughter-in-law won't come, and the parents-in-law won't come, tsk tsk..."

The people behind had already kept their voices as low as possible, but with Lin Yue's physical fitness, these words naturally fell into their ears word for word.

"Stop talking, look quickly, the boss of the Su family came out holding the ashes."

Lin Yue thought of a tradition in his hometown... It can't be called a tradition, it should be a customary rule. After the old man is gone, children should pay a share of the coffin and cemetery to buy things, so that they can have a good reputation. , If someone's conditions are not good, you can give a part of it less, and the rich brothers and sisters can also take it all, but you have to seek the opinions of your relatives in advance, don't be blamed for this matter, and do bad things with good intentions.

Has Su Mingyu discussed with Su Mingcheng and Su Mingzhe?

No, when Su Mingzhe got off the plane, she said that the cemetery had been bought.

Rich, self-willed, generous.

However, when it comes to matters related to the overall face of the Su family, you, a young daughter, act arbitrarily, and the evil result is that outsiders praise her for being filial and sensible, and the two elder brothers are stingy.

If you don't show filial piety in the places where outsiders can't see, such as daily companionship and caring, weddings and funerals are big things that attract outsiders' attention. Who will you show them to?

Funerals are as big a deal as they have money. If children are filial, they will live in a small grid after death, and they will rest in peace.

Some people can sweep the tomb by themselves, several times a year, and some people sit in front of the ancestor's tomb with their legs crossed, looking at the piles of paper money burned by younger employees. Which one is filial piety? Which is the noodle? Those in the grave know that better than anyone.

From Su Mingcheng's point of view, complain a few words, isn't it right to say that she is rich and shows off?

No matter how eccentric Zhao Meilan is, she raised her for 18 years and found a normal university for her. She wanted to train her to be a teacher and have a stable life in the future. However, her ambition was to go to Tsinghua University and study abroad like her elder brother. Severing the relationship between mother and daughter, and not entering the house for more than ten years, is it wrong to call her a white-eyed wolf?

You don't think of Su Mingcheng as your brother, you don't think of Zhu Li as your sister-in-law, you boss her around in other people's houses, and you say she's rich, bullshit, isn't it?

In Lin Yue's view, Su Mingyu's character design is a drama version of the female-frequent cool article that the screenwriter desperately caters to some women on Dou X and Wei X who think their families are patriarchal and unwilling to reconcile, which is very catering to the current generation The minds of the group of people who are used to asking their parents for anything, it’s not enough to damage their own interests, it’s not enough to treat their brothers and sisters unfairly, a grateful heart? You let me be wronged, why should I be grateful? Either way, it's all other people's fault.

"Su Mingcheng!"

The shout from behind woke him up, and when he looked back, it was Su Mingzhe who came out holding the urn.

The urn was wrapped in red cloth, and beside it were staff members holding umbrellas, wearing black suits, black trousers, white shirts and black ties, looking solemn and solemn.

Lin Yue knew what Su Mingzhe meant, picked up the portrait of his deceased mother in the flowers, hugged it in his arms, and walked towards the hearse over there.

Zhao Zheng, Shi Honghua and others stopped talking about the fact that Zhu Li and her parents were not here, and followed him with a heavy heart—whether it was genuine or fake, the etiquette was in place.

Su Mingyu walked behind Su Mingzhe with Su Daqiang.

Just when the staff was calling for other family members to get on the bus first, Su Mingyu's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Lao Meng's call, she let go of Su Daqiang and ran to the side to answer the phone.

She kept saying there that other family members had gotten into the car, and everyone could only wait for her helplessly.

The plot in the TV series is that Su Mingcheng became popular all of a sudden, saying that she interfered and refused to come if she didn't want to. No one asked her to participate.

Is there something wrong? Going home to attend the funeral of her parents and not asking for leave for such a big event, causing a car full of people to sit and wait for her, Lao Meng asked her what she was doing, and she still concealed the truth, weddings and funerals, it is life in any country in the world Big event, work important or funeral important? Is this attitude okay? What's more, in some places, the time of burial is particular, and it is unlucky to miss it.

He looked at the hearse behind him, suddenly smiled playfully, and walked over like what Su Mingcheng did in the TV series.

As a time traveler, how can he be worthy of his identity if he doesn't do anything, not to mention that the main line of the mission is "nothing is good".

"Hang up the phone, Su Mingyu, if you don't want to come, you don't have to. Don't make trouble here."

Su Mingyu glanced at the people in the car: "I messed up? Su Mingcheng, do you have a reason for coming so late?"

"I have a reason for coming so late."

"Then I have a reason to call."

"Your reason is to keep your position and continue to make money, isn't it?"

Su Mingyu put on a characteristic contemptuous expression: "Su Mingcheng, you also have the face to talk about money. I bought the cemetery and paid for the funeral. If I don't earn money, it's hard for Mom to be buried in peace."

Lin Yue said: "Did I ask you to pay this money? Su Daqiang asked you, whoever begged you, who do you ask for this uncle's score."

"Since this is the case, do you mean to ask me to ask Dad to drive you away in front of everyone?"

She can be said to be confident now. She paid for the funeral and the cemetery. She thinks she is more qualified than anyone else to participate. Su Mingcheng just put the house on the Internet yesterday, and it is impossible to sell it so quickly, let alone last night He scolded Su Daqiang as a bitch, trash, and useless, and kicked his father and brother out of the house to stay in a hotel. Now that the two had conflicts, and they came to Su Daqiang, who would the old man talk to? The answer is obvious.

Lin Yue chuckled: "Please."

"You're just asking for it." Su Mingyu tossed off his coat, and walked towards the hearse with an air of self-confessed strongman.

"Mingyu, don't be impulsive." Su Mingzhe didn't know what the two of them said, but judging from Su Mingyu's posture, it was very clear that troubles would happen in all likelihood, so naturally he would persuade and stop if he could. .

Su Mingyu pushed him aside, looked at the hearse door and called, "Dad, Dad..."

"What's wrong, Mingyu?"

Su Daqiang leaned on the window and looked out.

"Dad, come down here."

Seeing her serious face, the old man thought something happened, got off the hearse, Zhao Zheng, Shi Honghua and others also walked to the front.

"Mingyu, what can't be said after Mom's funeral is over."

Su Mingyu didn't buy into Su Mingzhe's account, pointing to Lin Yue who was walking behind, he said, "Dad, let me ask you, who pays for the funeral and the cemetery?"

There is nothing to hide about this, Su Daqiang said: "You."

Su Mingyu asked again: "Then me or him, who is less qualified to attend the funeral?"

She didn't care whether Zhao Zheng and Shi Honghua were amazed or stunned. In her mind, it was the Su family who was sorry for her. Dare to say, now that Zhao Meilan is dead, he must be forced to stiffen his back, not to mention he is the one who begs her to come forward to hold a decent funeral, and wants to proudly look up in front of the neighbors.


Su Mingzhe shook his head at Su Daqiang.

However, Su Daqiang did not remain silent. Under the pressure of Su Mingyu's gaze, he slowly raised his hand and pointed at Lin Yue.

The people behind whispered and said everything, even the staff of the funeral home looked energetic, it is rare to see a moth at a funeral.

Lin Yue pointed to Zhao Meilan's portrait and said, "Su Daqiang, you have to think clearly before speaking."

Su Daqiang was dazzled by something. Su Daqiang felt that the woman in the portrait seemed to come alive. He quickly withdrew his outstretched hand, shrunk his neck and dared not speak. He knew better than anyone else that Zhao Meilan loved the second son and Zhu Li the most. Thinking that the eldest daughter-in-law is not easy to get along with, she made excuses not to serve the confinement child, but the second son went there every three days to help with cleaning, washing, cooking, etc., saying that the second child is not qualified to attend the funeral, if Zhao Meilan He is still alive, maybe he will make him kneel down and admit his mistake again.

"I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes. I don't agree with burying my mother in the cemetery bought by Su Mingyu. As for the reason, please comment. Eight or nine years ago, Su Mingyu was a sophomore and hadn't come home for a whole year. At that time, I was engaged to Zhu Li, and the money was not enough for the down payment, so my mother imitated the method of supporting my elder brother to study in the United States, and sold a house to help me make up the house payment. Su Daqiang told Su Mingyu about it, then You all know her relationship with me, so I won’t go into details. Anyway, she was just angry. She ran to the house and asked her mother why she sold the house. My mother said that it is very stressful for a boy to marry a wife, and it is difficult for his parents not to help him. It’s not that difficult for a girl, and besides, she’s still young. She doesn’t understand, so she makes trouble. Anyway, after talking about it, Su Daqiang was scolded at the end, saying that he is a wimp, weak-boned, and has no responsibility as the head of the family. Without a wife, my mother was very angry and wanted to beat her. She felt that she was too big and her wings were stiff. In a rage, she told her to cut off the mother-daughter relationship from now on. My mother agreed and told her not to return to this house forever. I would like to ask everyone, since the relationship between mother and daughter has been severed, what qualifications does she have to attend the funeral before she is forgiven?"

These words not only stunned the relatives behind, Su Daqiang and Su Mingyu were also dumbfounded.

As a family scandal, the husband and wife kept their mouths shut, not even the boss, so how did he know about it.

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