Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1851 No father and son in court (two in one)

Kang Xin left, like a driven snake, lost her mind, staggered away.

The security guard was very conscientious, took her out of the community, sent her to a taxi, and then returned to the guard room to call back.

The security guards in high-end communities are never as bullish as in civilian communities, not only because of the high wages, but also because they know that they can't afford to mess with every family living here.

Julie was very depressed at first, but after an hour or two she also thought about it, what can she do now? Of course, remarriage is the most important thing. She doesn't want her child to be born without a father, and she is afraid that Su Mingcheng will argue with Amy, so where will she find happiness for the rest of her life?

In the previous two times, she chose her parents, and her life was a mess. This time, she must not follow Kangxin. As for the relationship between parents-in-law and son-in-law, life is still very long. Opportunity to moderate contradictions.

So no matter from the rational level or the emotional level, she has every reason to make this choice.

"This house... is really yours?"

"Not legally, but practically."

Julie confused him: "What do you mean?"

Lin Yue said, "Hold on behalf of you."

"Supporter?" Zhu Li thought about it and understood. In the case of the Su family, if Su Daqiang knew that Su Mingcheng was so rich, would the eldest and third child be able to live in HOLD? It must be a bunch of shit, it's better to be the poor boy in the eyes of those people, and less trouble for yourself and less trouble.

"Then where did you get so much money to buy a luxury car?"

Lin Yue said: "Do you know what the high point of Bitcoin was before? 20,000 US dollars, do you know what the low point is after the next year? More than 6,000. Taking advantage of the launch of Bitcoin futures, I asked someone to make an order ten times Leveraged empty orders."

"Short Bitcoin?" Zhu Li is an auditor after all, and she has some financial knowledge.

"Do you think I went to America a few years ago just to send the old man to the boss?"


Zhu Li looked at that face carefully, and it was obvious that he was Su Mingcheng, the man who had been married to her for seven or eight years, but ever since Zhao Meilan died, she had a very strange feeling——Su Mingcheng was no longer the same Su Mingcheng as before. , It seems to have changed a person.

Could it be that... Zhao Meilan's death stimulated him too much?

At this moment, only the sound of footsteps outside, the nanny who went out to buy fish opened the door and walked in. She was holding a black plastic bag in her hand, which looked quite heavy. It must have been the carp that Su Mingcheng asked her to buy inside.

"This was given to me by the guard when I came back."

Sister Wei handed Lin Yue an EMS file bag.


When his eyes touched the sender's column, a sneer appeared on his face.

Sister Wei glanced at Zhu Li and pointed to the kitchen: "Then I'll cook."


Lin Yue waved his hand and threw the file bag on the table.


Julie was very curious. She took it in her hand and looked it up a few times. She tore off the sticker and took out the contents. She was stunned.

"Your father... sued you?"

The content of the subpoena shows that Su Daqiang filed a lawsuit in the Wuzhong District People's Court, demanding that Su Mingcheng fulfill his obligation to support the elderly in accordance with the law.

As for the court date, two weeks later, that is, March 19.

Su Mingcheng did not fulfill the obligation of support?

He sold his house and car and pooled 1.8 million for Su Daqiang.

" can he be"

Julie wanted to say that the old guy was shameless.

Lin Yue said: "With Su Mingyu behind the scenes, everything is possible."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil."

Zhu Li confirmed the look in his eyes: "Do you not accept mediation?"

"Why accept mediation?" Lin Yue said, "He likes to be a monster, so I will accompany him to the end."

Yes, Su Mingyu instigated this matter, but without Su Daqiang's approval, would the indictment be handed over?

In fact, he even figured out the bottom line of those people, that is, Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu paid for the house, and he was responsible for all affairs other than money, for example, if Su Daqiang was sick, he took him to see a doctor, for example, if the water pipe burst at home and the air conditioner was broken, He got someone to fix it.

Looking at his face, Julie felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Su Daqiang kept messing with his children, and Kang Xin was similar. No matter how she explained it, Su Mingcheng was a useless baby boy in her eyes.


As she sighed, she placed a hand on her belly.

"Is there a big reaction?"

She was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses, and shook her head: "Just recently... I feel a little sour."


Half a month passed quickly.

The time came for the court day.

Today was Monday, and Su Mingzhe didn't show up. The excuse was that he was busy with work, but both Wu Fei and Su Mingyu knew that he couldn't face Su Mingcheng... No, he should have said that he couldn't let go of the hurdle in his heart.

First, the brother and sister turned against each other at the mother's funeral, and then the father issued a statement in the Gusu Evening News to sever the relationship between father and son, and now he is suing the second son who has severed the relationship between father and son to court, demanding to fulfill the obligation to support the elderly. It's just shameless.

Su Mingzhe, as a Ph.D. studying in the United States, is also the boss of the family. It's strange that he can hang his face, so he didn't come at all. Wu Fei appeared in court on his behalf, which not only avoided the embarrassment of seeing the second child, but also left room for him to tell others He disagreed, it was Su Daqiang and the third child who insisted on suing the second child, regardless of whether they were deceiving themselves or not, anyway, it would make them feel more comfortable doing so.

Wu Fei didn't go into the court, but kept waiting at the door. Although it was beginning of spring, the weather in March was still a little bit cold. Her face was a little red, and her brows were slightly frowned.

"Sister-in-law, where's Xiaomi?"

The Mercedes-Benz drove into the compound, and Su Mingyu saw her standing at the door, so she parked nearby and lowered the window to ask questions.

Wu Fei said, "Her grandma is watching."

"Oh." Su Mingyu turned to look at the co-pilot: "Dad, you can just get off here, I'll stop."

The co-pilot's door opened, and Su Daqiang stepped out of the car. Today's court session, he even put on the coat that Su Mingyu bought for him to go to the United States for retirement.

After a while, Su Mingyu found an empty space and parked the car, took Su Daqiang to identify the direction, and walked to the second civil court.

"Where's Mingcheng? I haven't seen anyone else."

Su Daqiang looked left and right, but found no sign of his second son, nor was the Chevrolet Cruze he often drove.

Su Mingyu snorted coldly: "Does he have the face to come?"

"Then if he doesn't come, what about the lawsuit?"

Su Daqiang said that he was worried that Su Mingcheng would not come, but the flesh on his face was very honest, he seemed to relax a lot, and his steps were brisk.

Su Mingyu said: "It doesn't matter whether he comes or not, it doesn't affect the judge's decision."


Su Daqiang agreed and stopped talking.

The reason why he risked his old face and sued Su Mingcheng in the court was because as long as he did so, Su Mingyu would agree to pay part of the money to buy him a house, and promised that the three bedrooms and one living room would not shrink. Of course, the care work after buying the house must be let Su Mingcheng carried it down.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take Dad to the back, you go to the second civil court to wait first."


Just like that, the two sides said goodbye. Wu Fei searched along the corridor and found the second civil trial court in the innermost part. When she submitted her ID card and passed the inspection, she opened the door and walked into the hall. After seeing the people sitting in the auditorium, she called. I was taken aback.

Many people, dozens of seats are basically full.

You must know that this is a civil lawsuit, not a far-reaching criminal case, so why are there so many people here? Still mostly old people.

She looked at those people, and those people were looking at her.

In order not to receive too much attention, she quickly found an empty seat and sat down.

At this time, there was a whisper in the front.

"The one who just arrived is Su Daqiang's daughter-in-law, right?"

"should be."

"What about the old man? She has the face to come?"

"Heh, since the death of Zhao Meilan in this old Su family, it's been a big news every few days. Now whose family's children and old people gather together, if they don't talk about the Su family's affairs, they are not from Tongderry."

"In the past, everyone envied their family. The eldest was a good student, promising, and went to Stanford. The third is independent and strong. He is an executive in a large company. The second son is always by his side, can coax others, and is filial. Now, I still envy Lao Su. Home? You said why did we have such a weird family in Derry."


All these people who came to listen were neighbors from Tongderry?

Who notified them? Su Mingcheng?

Wu Fei also saw a few people holding small notebooks in the first row, look at the clothes... Are they reporters?

She was about to call Su Mingyu to tell Su Mingyu about the situation in the auditorium when the side door of the trial court opened, and Su Daqiang came out accompanied by his daughter. When he saw the people sitting in the auditorium, his facial expression was wonderful.

Director Gao.

Lao Yuan.

old song.

Old Zhao.

The swallow of the lottery shop.

Nie Laijin.

And the neighbors in Tongderry.


Whether they are colleagues in the unit, or friends and neighbors from the village, nine out of ten people sitting in the auditorium are his acquaintances.

Isn't it a civil case? Why is there such a commotion?

Su Daqiang couldn't figure it out, and felt even more uneasy, because when his relatives and friends saw him pointing out, some had calm expressions, some looked contemptuous, and some were smiling, but it wasn't the smile that asked "Have you eaten" after meeting him? It was a mocking laugh.

There are quite a few people living in Tongderry, but there is no family like the Su family, which reported in the newspaper to sever the relationship between father and son, and went to court to demand maintenance. Previously, Su Daqiang thought that he would not live in the old house anyway, and it would be difficult to meet these people in the future, so he can say whatever he likes, as long as I live comfortably.

However, he never expected that at this critical moment, acquaintances would come to watch his jokes together.

As for why these people appeared here, Su Mingyu had an answer, because her nominal second brother Su Mingcheng walked out of the door on the other side, and politely nodded and smiled at the uncles and aunts in the auditorium.

There is no doubt that these people were found by him.

There are also those who wear suits and glasses, hold a small notebook and a pen in their hands, and seem to be taking minutes of meetings. Nine out of ten are some media reporters. Audio and video recordings are not allowed in court, but writing materials is always okay.

These guys who rely on other people's scandals to make a fuss are dirty!

As the old saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized, but what did Su Mingcheng do? Scum!

There is another thing that surprised Su Mingyu, that is, Su Mingcheng did not hire a lawyer, and came alone. Thinking about it, how could a poor man with no extraordinary talent afford a lawyer.

After the plaintiff and the defendant entered the court, the adjudicator came next, just a female judge and a clerk. After all, it was a civil dispute, and it was not a big case.

However, it was obvious that the female judge did not expect so many people to come to the auditorium, so she froze for a moment before saying let's start, and then the clerk announced the court discipline.

Next, lawyer Liu, who is familiar with Su Mingyu, will provide evidence to the court.

The female judge looked at the materials in her hand and frowned slightly. She was very upset with the children of the Su family. This Su Daqiang has a monthly pension of more than 5,000, and the reimbursement rate of medical insurance is also very high. Putting it in an ordinary family, basically You don't need to worry about your children. Now that the trouble has come to the court, you can imagine how unpopular the second son Su Mingcheng is with his father. The key is that this kid refused to mediate before the trial. The guy who makes a fuss.

"Defendant, do you have supplementary evidence to the contrary for the plaintiff's request for you to fulfill the maintenance obligation?"


Lin Yueming knew that severing the father-son relationship would not be recognized by the law, so he still passed a copy of the Gusu Evening News: "Su Daqiang already severed the father-son relationship with me years ago."

Lawyer Liu immediately retorted: "I think the evidence submitted by Mr. Su has no legal significance. Only Article 1111 of the Civil Code stipulates that the power and obligation relationship between adopted children and their biological parents and other close relatives is terminated due to the establishment of the adoption relationship." , Su Mingcheng is now an adult, and his father-son relationship with Mr. Su Daqiang will be terminated unless one party dies, which is not legally recognized, let alone terminated by a statement."

The female judge nodded and looked at Lin Yue again: "Does the defendant have anything else to say?"

"I want to call witnesses."


As soon as the female judge finished speaking, the side door of the courtroom opened, and a middle-aged man came out.

Su Daqiang took a closer look, his face changed slightly.

"Old He, what's wrong with him?"

The witness was none other than his colleague Lao He, who "led the show" when he went to Su Mingyu's house for dinner.

Su Mingyu waved his hand to signal him to be quiet.

Lao He went to the witness stand and sat down.

Lin Yue said, "Uncle He, did I hand over a bank card with 1.8 million yuan to Su Daqiang last winter?"

Lao He nodded.

"There is 1.8 million I collected from selling houses and cars. I took pictures of the card number. Later, you used it to invest in trusts and got scammed. Su Daqiang, isn't that right?" Lin Yue turned to ask Su Daqiang.

"No... that's right."

Nie Laijin was right below, and there were bank transfer records, police records and so on, so of course it couldn't be denied.

"Then let me ask you again, do you have a ledger to record the money invested in your children over the years? The money is used to repay the debts recorded in the ledger, right?"

Su Daqiang: "..."

"Yes or no."

"Yes Yes……"

He nodded and admitted that there was an uproar in the auditorium. Everyone only knew that Su Mingcheng sold the house and car and collected 1.8 million to return it to Su Daqiang, but they didn't know that Su Daqiang had an account book, which was specially used to settle accounts with his children.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, keep your children accountable and settle it later."

"This is to guard against children since childhood. Anyway, I can't do this."

"No wonder father and son turned against each other. I can't accept this matter."

"Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li's divorce has something to do with it?"

"No mistake."

"So, Su Daqiang ruined the second son's family single-handedly. If Zhao Meilan knew about it, she might be angry."


Wu Fei frowned frequently watching from the side, this group of people must have watched the excitement of the Su family come...

da da da ~

da da da ~

The judge sitting in the trial seat picked up the gavel and tapped: "Silence."

Everyone in the audience shut their mouths and stopped discussing.

At this time, Lawyer Liu said: "Judge, what Su Mingcheng repaid was the debt on the ledger, and the two parties did not make an additional agreement on Su Daqiang's support, so I think Su Mingcheng still needs to jointly bear the responsibility of supporting the elderly with Su Mingzhe and Su Mingyu." Responsibility."


Lao Song couldn't help cursing, causing his son to go bankrupt and the husband and wife to divorce and face to have to pay child support. He really didn't expect Su Daqiang to do such a thing.

A lawyer must have a thick skin, and pretend he didn’t hear what he heard; Su Mingyu had the mentality of having nothing to do with him; Su Daqiang’s cheeks trembled, and he couldn’t pretend nothing happened, because Lao Song was his colleague.

"Silence! Silence!"

The judge glared at the auditorium. In order not to be kicked out, Lao Song and several neighbors could only keep their mouths shut.

Lawyer Liu said again: "Judge, considering Mr. Su Mingcheng's financial situation, my clients Mr. Su Mingzhe and Ms. Su Mingyu believe that if he can take care of the elderly's daily affairs, the maintenance fee can be reduced or exempted as appropriate."

Lin Yue sneered and said: "Your client, Mr. Su Mingzhe, went to the United States for more than ten years, and only came back three times until his mother passed away. Your other client, Ms. Su Mingyu, severed ties with her parents for ten years. Accompany them with their ex-wife Zhu Li for the holidays, see a doctor for them, and visit them often at home. According to you, they don’t want to take care of Su Daqiang’s life, they just want to take money to get rid of their responsibilities.”

Lawyer Liu said: "Mr. Su, as far as I know, what you said is not true." After speaking, he said to the female judge: "Judger, I apply for a witness to appear in court."

The judge nodded.

Soon, the plaintiff's witness came out through the side door.

Someone in the auditorium frowned, because it was none other than Zhao Meilan's younger brother, Zhao Zheng, the uncle of Su Mingyu, Su Mingzhe, and Su Mingcheng.

Zhao Zheng walked to the witness stand, read the oath, nodded and bowed to the female judge, with a flattering expression on his face.

As for the people sitting in the auditorium, although there were many acquaintances present, he didn't care at all.

Lawyer Liu asked: "Mr. Zhao, what is your relationship with Su Daqiang?"

Zhao Zheng said: "He is my brother-in-law."

Lawyer Liu asked again: "The defendant, Mr. Su Mingcheng, said that he and his ex-wife took care of their parents for more than ten years. Is this true?"

"It's not true." Zhao Zheng looked at Lin Yue with a smile: "My nephew always waits for the Three Treasures Palace every time he goes home. , My elder sister often complained in front of my wife and me, saying that the second son borrowed money as soon as he came home, and borrowed money as soon as he got home, which made her and her brother-in-law's life difficult and difficult."

Lin Yue couldn't help but laugh. This Zhao Zheng was bullied by him at the funeral and ran away with his wife in despair. Now that he found a chance to take revenge on him, he didn't try his best. Look at the testimony of this witness... Ninety-nine percent of it is true Someone wrote it for him to memorize, otherwise, how could a person with elementary school education use words such as "stretched" and "difficult to survive".

He looked at Su Mingyu again, the woman was staring at him coldly, there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her mouth, and there was a bit of complacency in her eyes, as if she was saying, "You didn't expect that, did you?"

Thank you for the 2,000 starting coins rewarded by passers-by who were lost in the dream, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the dream of traveling the world with a sword, time and space gold, and the 200 starting coins rewarded by Wuwu is not a crime, society you brother Z, the field of divine carvings , drawer two-color ball, devil little tiger, silent emperor, 100 starting coins as a reward from a book friend with the end number 1990.

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