Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1852 Large Rollover Scene (Two in One)


There was another discussion in the audience.

"is that so?"

"Is this called gnawing on the old?"

"Why do I have the impression that the couple carry a lot of things every time they go home?"


The neighbors all knew that Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li went to Tongderry every three days, but it was hard for outsiders to know how the family got along. Since Zhao Zheng said that the second and second couple went there for their parents' money, they should be right, right?

But those people who often play mahjong with Zhao Meilan don't think so, because when she mentioned her second son before she was alive, she always praised her sweet-talking and considerate. That way, she was dissatisfied, even if she wanted to save face and not want to expose her family scandal, she shouldn't take the initiative to praise the second child in front of her poker friends.

It wasn't until the judge raised the gavel again that the voice became quieter.

And Lin Yue also spoke: "Zhao Zheng, do you know the price of perjury?"

"Perjury? What perjury? I'm telling the truth." Zhao Zheng said firmly.

Lin Yue turned his head and said, "Judge, I would like to invite another witness to confront the court."

The judge looked around, nodded and said, "Yes."

Not long after the words were finished, the side door opened, and a little fat man who looked a bit naive came out.

Zhao Zheng took a closer look, his face was puzzled, because it was none other than his son Zhao Zhongbang.

"Zongbang? did you come up?"

Zhongbang scratched his head and said with a smile: "Dad, my cousin asked me to testify."

"Testimony? What testimony do you testify?"

Lin Yue interrupted the conversation between the two: "Zongbang, tell the judge, what did your cousin go to your house to tell your parents three days ago?"

"Oh." Zhong Bang said in a low voice: "My cousin said that as long as my parents say in court that my second cousin is not filial and always asks my parents for money, I won't have to pay back the money my aunt lent to my parents."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Zheng was dumbfounded.

TMD was betrayed by his son.

A group of people in the gallery were whispering there.

Cheating, really cheating, the cheating incident that happened in front of you.

Of course, more people care about the truth.

According to what Zhongbang said, it was his cousin... that is, Su Mingyu went to Zhao Zheng's house, and used the bait of not allowing the couple to pay back the money, and lured Zhao Zheng to appear in court to give false testimony. The neighbors present had attended Zhao Meilan's funeral, and knew this brother very well It took a lot of money from my sister's house.


"Zhao Zheng, are you wondering why he is willing to testify in court?"

Lin Yue's words attracted everyone's attention.

"It's very simple, I promise him all the heroes and skins of League of Legends, including the charging elements of future updates."

Those who heard it were speechless.

It's really pitiful to have a game fan's son on the booth.

Cheating money is cheating!

"I'll beat you to death, you unfilial son." Zhao Zheng was furious, and raised his hand as a gesture to hit him.

"Silence! Silence!"

da da da ~

The judge kept hitting the gavel, and the judicial police stepped forward and separated Zhao Zheng and his son.

Lin Yue looked at Su Mingyu, whose expression changed drastically, and said, "Judger, I had a physical confrontation with Su Mingyu, and was later taken away by the police from the Huxi Police Station and detained. Love, I could have counter-sued her for framing and sent her to jail, but considering the relationship between my brother and sister, I finally softened my heart and gave her a chance to save money and avoid disaster. Remove her from court and pursue her violations."

The judge nodded after saying a few words to the clerk.

"The attorney for the plaintiff, Su Mingyu, is requested to leave the court immediately."

"The judge...this is just his one-sided statement."

Su Mingyu still wanted to argue, but the judge interrupted her by tapping the gavel: "We will investigate whether the witness has committed perjury. Please cooperate now."

A bailiff came up and half-hurried her away from the courtroom.

Su Daqiang sat on the plaintiff's seat, his big eyes moved with Su Mingyu's back, as if he didn't know how to face the situation in front of him.

Over there, Zhao Zheng and his son were also taken down by the judicial police.

The auditorium was more lively than before.

Everyone thought it was no wonder that Su Daqiang reported in the newspaper last winter to sever the relationship between father and son, and today he sued his own son in court.

People outside of Tongdeli naturally don’t care about the statement in the Gusu Evening News. They just think that Su Daqiang is quite weird. People in Tongdeli must discuss it. Later, everyone knows the truth——Su Daqiang was cheated of 1.8 million In order to move from the old house to the big house, he became a pauper and took refuge in the rich little daughter. The price he paid was that he did not recognize the second son.

This year, the youngest daughter had a conflict with the second son. The former did not hesitate to give false testimony and wanted to send the second son to jail, but it backfired. Instead, he was deprived of a large amount of money. Now that the youngest daughter has no money, is he thinking of the second son again?

This kind of person is worthy of being a father?

Why doesn't he die!

A middle-aged woman in the auditorium took out a piece of banana peel from nowhere and threw it at Su Daqiang.

Not to mention, maybe he didn't practice less in normal times, and he threw it extremely accurately, and it directly stuck to Su Daqiang's face, hitting the old thing with a bang, and scratched his face with his hands.

At this time, another middle-aged woman stood up, but what she threw was an egg, but it was too accurate. It hit the table and exploded. The egg white and yolk splashed all over Su Daqiang and Lawyer Liu, causing Lawyer Liu to bow his head in fright. Hiding under the table, Su Daqiang shook his hands and leaned back, even the judges on the rostrum shivered.

Someone below booed: "It's good to lose!"

"It deserves it!"

"What the hell, smash this shameless old thing to death."

"Su Daqiang, are you worthy of your wife?"


At this time, Lin Yue suddenly rushed out of the defendant's seat, stood in front of the auditorium and waved his hands.

"Everyone calm down, don't be impulsive, I actually understand him quite well. Many neighbors know that my mother is very strong, but there is one thing you must not know. Before Su Mingyu was born, the relationship between parents had broken down. Then my mother met a Excellent doctor. That’s right, she cheated. She was going to divorce Su Daqiang and I with my eldest brother, but suddenly found out that she was pregnant. That’s right, it was Su Mingyu. Due to various reasons, the child cannot be aborted , so I had no choice but to put out my pursuit of love and give birth to the child. Because of this incident, although my mother could not say that she was abusive to Su Mingyu, she did not treat her as well as my eldest brother and me. As a result, my daughter turned against her and severed relations for ten years He didn’t go to the house. Su Daqiang was cuckolded but didn’t dare to say anything. He has been suppressed for almost 30 years. This year, my mother left and no one can restrain him. How can he vent his anger? As a mother, I am the most Beloved child, it must be tossed about. As for Su Mingyu, who my mother dislikes the most, he must protect him no matter for the sake of money or to satisfy the desire for revenge. So the Su family made a fuss At this stage today, it is his responsibility, as well as my mother's responsibility, I hope everyone can look at this matter rationally, scold it as it is, hate it as it hates, but don't disturb the order of the court, please consciously safeguard the dignity of the law."

What he said sounded like he was trying to excuse Su Daqiang, but it inadvertently deepened everyone's negative opinion of him.

Useless, humiliating!

Cuckold man, shame on you!

Capricious, villain!

To pour out the resentment towards Zhao Meilan to her son, vicious!

Everyone looked at Su Daqiang with disdain, and wondered what the hell this was. Su Mingcheng would be unlucky for eight lifetimes when he met such an old man.


Another person threw the egg over, turned his head and left after spitting out a mouthful of phlegm, as if looking at Su Daqiang more was an insult to his personality.

Director Gao and the others watched and shook their heads. This time they understood why Su Daqiang seemed to have a grudge against Su Mingcheng, and watched his son sell houses and cars and his wife divorced with 1.8 million yuan.

Why is he so selfish? It turned out that the hatred for Zhao Meilan was passed on to his son.

Nie Laijin sighed heavily, put his hat on his head, turned and left with his hands behind his back.

Wu Fei didn't move, she stared blankly at Su Mingcheng, who was weak and pitiful in the eyes of the neighbors.

This guy doesn't want to win the lawsuit. He has only one purpose of appearing in court alone, and that is to make things big and make Su Daqiang and Su Mingyu ugly in front of all his relatives and friends. This man... is too ruthless, ruthless to others, and to himself It's also ruthless, because anyone who has a sense of belonging to the family will not expose the family scandal in front of outsiders.

People in the auditorium left the venue one after another. Seeing that the situation was almost out of control, the judge could only announce an adjournment for another day.

Su Daqiang left under the protection of the judicial police. Seeing that the angry crowd had almost dispersed, Lawyer Liu crawled out from under the table in the plaintiff's seat.

As a lawyer, it is necessary to have a thick skin, because many times you can sell your soul for money, but on the surface, you must maintain a doglike appearance, a neat suit, a clean white shirt, and a sharp-edged 28-point hair. Glossy leather shoes... This pair of dresses that can show confidence and professionalism, if it is ruined by egg liquid, once you meet acquaintances, it will be a lot of fun.

"Lawyer Liu, please go slowly. I have a few words I want you to pass on to Su Mingyu and Su Mingzhe."

Just as he was crawling towards the door, he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him, so he turned his head to look.

There was a crisp click.

It was the sound of a mobile phone shutter.

Su Mingcheng took a picture of him crawling out from under the table.

"Delete, delete the photo."

Lawyer Liu quickly got up from the ground, stretched the collar of his suit, wiped the egg liquid from his hair with his hands, and said calmly.

Lin Yue said: "Not only will I not delete it, but I will also stir up this photo. What can you do to me?"

"I... I'll sue you."

"Sue me? No problem, I will apologize to you if you sue me."

One sentence made Lawyer Liu lose his temper.

Yes, Su Mingcheng wants to make a fuss about the photos just now. As a victim, he should sue, and he is sure to win. But what about after? As long as Su Mingcheng didn't make a profit because of it, at most he would apologize in a bland manner, and it would be over after a few thousand dollars.

The key is that the social status of the two people is different. Su Mingcheng is a small citizen who has been detained. How many people care? How many people care? He is different. He is also a prominent figure in the Suzhou lawyer industry. Once such a distressed picture is exposed, he will definitely not be able to hold his face.

"Being a bitch wants to set up an archway again, so it's yours... oh no, personally." Lin Yue pointedly said: "If I knew in advance that Auntie Shang had put a few eggs in her handbag, I should have told her not to put all the eggs in her handbag." If you throw it to Su Daqiang, you will divide it into two, but don’t get me wrong, it’s not because you helped Su Daqiang sue me, it’s because of my ex-wife.”

His ex-wife?

Not to mention his ex-wife, it was Su Mingcheng. It was the first time for them to meet each other.

Lawyer Liu scratched his head and couldn't figure out what kind of quarrel he had with Su Mingcheng's ex-wife.

"Come back to business." Lin Yue said: "Go back and tell Su Mingzhe and Su Mingyu that I can take care of the old man, but the premise is that they will pay for all expenses, and the full payment is required to buy a three-bedroom apartment, because if it is a mortgage, God knows whether the boss and the third child will pay for it in the future. When encountering a financial crisis, Wu Fei threatens Su Mingzhe with a divorce and forces the children to share equally, so who should I cry to? I have no money, and I don't want to continue to pay for Su Daqiang's support."

Lawyer Liu pondered: "This..."

"There is no discussion, they either agree or refuse, and then we continue the lawsuit."

Lin Yue dropped these words and turned to leave.

Lawyer Liu had a bitter look on his face. Although he was a lawyer, he could be regarded as a friend based on his friendship with Su Mingyu for so many years. He knew very well that even if Su Daqiang won the case, he would lose it.

This Su Mingcheng...hidden needles in the cotton, is more insidious than anyone he has ever seen.


The next day, the news about the support lawsuit of the old Su’s family in Tongdeli was spread in Jiangsu and even the entire Internet. It appeared on major news apps and short video websites in a way that was almost slaughtered, and even overwhelmed the enthusiasm of some national events.

If you want to ask why, it is very simple. It is a hot issue that is very close to public life. You can avoid having children, but you cannot escape from supporting and filial parents.

The current social news, things are not big, no one cares, the process is not weird enough, no one cares, the parties are not weird enough, no one cares.

The matter of the Su family is not fatal, it is not a big deal, but the process is very bizarre, green hat, strong woman, Voldemort, mother and daughter sever ties, father and son sever ties, father and son confront Bo in court, perjury, throwing egg peels in court, these are all Factors that can stir the nerves of the audience, and a father who keeps accounts for his children and ruins his son's family, isn't it weird? Isn't it weird that a sinister girl who cut off ties with her mother and became a rich man did everything possible to avenge her second brother?

So many elements that are enough to provoke the audience's nerves are superimposed together, and there is an invisible hand behind to fuel the flames, so the news still hasn't exploded?

Suzhou wonderful father and son.

Suzhou father and son confronted Bo in court.

These two keywords suddenly occupied the hot search list of Weibo and Baidu. Those who have brothers and sisters in the middle and the old do not talk about this matter when they meet, that is, they don’t care about hot spots, Ignorance, lack of empathy...

"If I met this kind of father, I would have been hiding as far away as possible."

"This Second Su is also a softie. It is precisely because he keeps satisfying the unreasonable demands of the bastard daddy that the other party makes an inch of it and cooperates with the boss and the third child to bully him."

"It's his mother who hurts him, okay? Now that his mother is dead, the father comes to settle accounts with him. He has to pay half of the money, let me put it on me, and pay 1.8 million? At most 900,000, and I will pay the remaining 900,000." Take it and burn it, and never give it to such an old thing."

"Isn't the youngest of the Su family very rich?"

"I heard that the second child was going to be sent to jail for perjury, but it turned out that she was supposed to be sentenced, but the second child forced her to donate all her family property to charity."

"It's very gratifying, it's really gratifying, using the money of the wicked to do good things, to be honest, I'm a fan of him."

"What do you know? I heard that the third child of the Su family is an executive of a quasi-listed group. Tens of millions are nothing. Once the group is listed, the stocks in her hand are sold, and the money will be made back in minutes. Otherwise, why do you think she would rather go bankrupt? And don't go to jail."

"What group, use this kind of person?"

"The general manager of Zhongcheng Group Jiangnan Sales Company, his name is Su Mingyu, I remember a hacker broke the news on Twitter last night."

"A salesman? No wonder he's so insidious."

"Isn't the tragedy of the Su family the fault of the dead mother's derailment?"

"Didn't it mean that she was going to leave the house with her two children at that time? A woman can do this. The key is that the old thing wants to take revenge on his wife, and the daughter wants to take revenge on his mother. That woman's most beloved second son."

"This shit is too bullying."

"Sold the house and sold the car to pay off the debt, and the family is gone, silly and filial piety!"

"It depends on what the judge decides."

"I see, maybe it will be another Nan*grandma case."

"This judge is also unlucky. If he meets such a weird family, if he really wants to give a judgment against the public opinion, his future will be ruined."

“[Yali Shanda] [Yali Shanda] [Yali Shanda] [dog] [dog] [dog]”

"It should be that lawyer who is unlucky. You all have seen a photo posted on the Internet yesterday. Why does the appearance of him crawling out from under the table remind me of the classic scene in "Journey to the West". Hurry up and invite Buddha, then The movements and eyes are really similar."

"Unlucky? You deserve it, okay? If it's true that uncle's perjury is true, do you think he doesn't know anything about it?"

"Liu Sushan, that should be his name. I heard that he is a gold medal lawyer of Zhengxin Law Firm. He has been providing legal support services for Jiangnan Company."

"Speaking of uncle, if I want to have such a son, I will definitely strangle him to death when I go back."

"The stupid son of the landlord's family, hahaha."

"The second child is too miserable. My father, third sister, uncle, and the whole family catch him as a bully, so the eldest is better off."

"What's so good? It stands to reason that the boss should take him to the United States to support him. The couple of the Su family love him no less than the second child. What happened? How rich is it?"


There are more and more posts on Weibo, and the building is getting higher and higher.

In Suzhou, the news of severing the father-son relationship in the newspaper did not arouse too many waves, but the Su family's father and son's incident of Bo Gongtang immediately ignited public enthusiasm. "Social Fax" ... has concerned reports.

Reporters from NetEase, Tencent News, Toutiao, and Phoenix Satellite TV also entered Suzhou successively to find the parties involved for follow-up interviews.

Jiangxi Satellite TV's "Gold Medal Mediation", Shanghai New Entertainment's "New and Old Mother", Beijing Satellite TV's "The Third Mediation Room"... These emotional mediation programs either call or visit in order to persuade the Su family to participate in the TV station. The program even promised a certain appearance fee, as if it regarded Su Daqiang as a star, no, to be precise, he was an Internet celebrity, and the degree of weirdness was comparable to that of Sister Feng and Sister Furong.

And Tongderry is very lively, especially the Su family's old house, where several groups of tourists and reporters come a day.

The neighbors nearby were very happy, because the reporter came to the house as a guest, and if they wanted to tell the story of Zhao Meilan and Su Daqiang, they couldn’t come to the door empty-handed, at least they had to carry a few catties of fruit, milk, rice noodles, etc. It's nice to get rewards in kind, even money.

All this is thanks to Su Mingcheng, without him, how could everyone have a chance to take advantage of it. No matter how profound Su Ming's philosophical knowledge is, has he done anything for the neighbors? No matter how high the position of Su Mingyu is, has he given the neighbors a chance to make money? So these two...hehe.


five days later.


Su Mingzhe stood on the balcony of the living room without saying a word.

Wu Fei hugged Xiao Mi, who kept dozing off, and patted the child's back from time to time, frowning deeply.


The master bedroom door opens.


The master bedroom door closes.

Su Mingyu walked out of the room, went straight to the sofa in the living room and sat down, poured herself a glass of water, and drank it all up.

Seeing her coming out, Su Mingzhe hurried to the side and sat down.

"How is Dad?"

"Fell asleep."

Su Mingzhe heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it. According to Su Mingyu, the old man hadn't had a good night's sleep since he left the court. These two days, he didn't go outside the gate of Suzhou, and he didn't even dare to touch his mobile phone. Then, he would wake up soon, yelling that Zhao Meilan had come to seek revenge on him.

There was no other way, Su Mingyu had no choice but to bring him to Shanghai and give him to take care of him.

"Mingyu, tell me, what can we do now?"

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