Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1853 Picking the whole family

What can Su Mingyu do? She didn't expect the matter to be so big. She still remembered seeing Su Daqiang outside after the trial. The fruit peel was not there, but the egg liquid was dripping all over her body. It was a pity that the coat worth several thousand yuan Close to full of stench.

"Brother, the person who threw the egg peel must have been arranged by Su Mingcheng, this unfilial son! Bastard! Scum!"

The old man complained one thing on the way to Shanghai, which almost annoyed her to death.

"Is it still useful to say this now?" Su Mingzhe spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face: "At the beginning I said don't sue, you don't listen, it's okay now, don't talk about Dad's situation is worrying, today I will go When I go to work, everyone in the unit looks at me strangely, and they probably already know that I am the boss of the Su family."

Wu Fei saw Xiao Mi fell asleep, went into the bedroom and put the child on the bed, came out and said: "Keep your voice down, now we are discussing how to deal with the aftermath, not for you to quarrel."

"What can I do? I can only agree to what Lawyer Liu said."

"I disagree."

Su Mingyu straightened up, her eyes were icy cold: "That's why we agreed, isn't that announcing that we have lost?"

"Mingyu, what else do you want?" Su Mingzhe was in a hurry: "Mingcheng has already agreed to take care of Dad, and it will be bad for everyone if the trouble continues."

"You didn't see Dad's state. Speaking of Su Mingcheng, he was more afraid than when he saw Mom's portrait."

Wu Fei said: "Mingzhe is busy with work, and it's hard for me to take care of Xiaomi alone. If you don't agree with him taking care of Dad, you can take care of it?"

Su Mingyu stopped talking, given the current situation of Zhongcheng Group, how could she have the time and energy to take care of Su Daqiang.

Su Mingzhe said: "Father is afraid that it will be normal if the lawsuit ends like this, but don't worry, it will be fine after this matter is over."

Su Mingyu pondered for a moment: "I have no money, and the most I can make up is 500,000."

The total price of a three-bedroom apartment of 130 square meters is 4 million. Su Mingzhe has prepared 800,000, and Su Mingyu has 500,000. If they add up to 1.30, they will be short of 2.7 million to buy the house in full.

Wu Fei said: "Why don't I go and talk to Dad, don't want a three-bedroom apartment, but a two-bedroom apartment, so that the pressure will be less."

"Su Mingcheng won't agree, sister-in-law, can't you see it? He wants a three-bedroom apartment because he wants one for his father, one for the nanny, and one for himself, so that he can save money on renting a house." , and the nanny took care of Dad while taking care of him."

The expression on Su Mingyu's face seemed to be saying "Su Mingcheng? I know what kind of fart he wants to fart even if he raises his ass".

"Isn't that good? He can take better care of Dad, so I'm worried about hiring a nanny..." Su Mingzhe thought for a while and said, "Feifei, if not, sell the house in America first."

"Sell the house?" Wu Fei was furious when she heard the words: "Su Mingzhe, what do you think, I don't agree!"

"Feifei, listen to me. I can't live in the house over there for the time being. It's better to sell it for emergency. I'll definitely buy you another house in three to five years at most, okay?"


Seeing the quarrel between the two, Su Mingyu said, "You guys discuss it, I'll go downstairs for a walk."

After speaking, he took his coat and left.

As soon as my sister-in-law left, Wu Fei became even more excited: "Su Mingzhe, what are you going to do? Sacrifice me and my child to fulfill your reputation as a dutiful son?"

"Mingcheng has no money, and Mingyu only has 500,000 yuan. What do you want to do? I asked the lawyer. If my father sued me instead of Mingcheng, the judge would definitely judge our family to take care of my father. If you want to tell me, it's just the two of us." In this situation, should I take care of him at home, or you will take care of him at home?"

Wu Fei was speechless. Su Mingzhe took care of Su Daqiang. With her salary, she couldn't support these people. If she took care of Su Daqiang, it would be a disaster.

"Feifei, you can regard buying a house for dad as an investment. Suzhou's economy is so good, and the house price will rise in the future. As long as we make an agreement with Mingcheng and Mingyu before buying the house, won't the money still belong to us after a hundred years from dad? My current salary can be earned in three to five years, and Mingyu’s salary is even higher, I think it’s only a year, and she can definitely return half of the house payment to us.”

That's the reason, but selling your own house to buy a house for Su Daqiang, as a daughter-in-law, it's really sad psychologically.

Wu Fei walked back and forth in the living room for a while: "We are holding green cards. It is inconvenient not to have our own house, and Xiaomi will go to school there in two years. Let's do this, don't sell the house in the United States, the difference is 2.7 million I'm going to find my parents."

"Feifei, is this... okay?"

"You just have to give it back to them as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I will work hard."

Wu Fei is a caring person, why did she become more generous this time.

Because she could see that whoever Su Daqiang followed was unlucky. Said that this time the father and son confronted Bo Gongtang, Su Daqiang, Su Mingcheng, Su Mingyu, and Zhao Zheng were all caught in the vortex of public opinion. Why did Su Mingzhe have no problem with her? It's very simple, the two of them didn't move forward, so the most sensible choice is not to touch the hot potato of providing for Su Daqiang's pension.

Also, what Su Mingzhe said just now is very reasonable. The house is there, and Su Daqiang will still return it to them when he dies. With Suzhou's development situation, even if it does not appreciate in value in the next few years, it will not fall in price. In other words, it is to live for Su Daqiang for a few years in exchange for family happiness. No matter how you look at it, it is a sure-fire deal.

At the same time, Su Mingyu went to Suguo Supermarket to buy some imported fruit, and was going to give it to Su Daqiang. However, as soon as he came out of the supermarket, Meng Zhiyuan called and told her to go back to Suzhou immediately and tell her something important.

Master's tone was a little harsh and eager. Su Mingyu didn't dare to neglect, took the fruit back upstairs, and hurried back to Suzhou before Su Daqiang woke up.


At the same time, Fenghuang Town, Zhangjiagang City welcomed three uninvited guests.

Zhao Zheng was leading the way with an army green canvas bag head, and Shi Honghua followed behind with a suitcase. At this time, the pulley was bumped by a small stone on the side of the road and fell to one side. Zhao Zhongbang walked forward while playing with his mobile phone, without paying attention. At his feet, he tripped and fell to the ground with a pop, and the phone fell to the ground and the screen shattered.

" phone."

He was about to cry, sitting on the suitcase with his mobile phone that had lost the screen, howling loudly, causing passers-by to look sideways.

Zhao Zheng suddenly became angry, walked over and raised his hand to give him a slap.


A loud slap.

Zhao Zhongbang was stunned by his beating, and after a while he kicked his legs and shouted, "Why did you hit me?"

"Why did you hit you? You still have the face to ask me why I hit you? How did I give birth to such a son as you?"

Zhao Zheng didn't know whether to use anger or disappointment to describe his current mood. He went to court three days ago and originally hoped to give false testimony to please Su Daqiang, Su Mingzhe, and Su Mingyu. After he was successful, he helped Zhongbang find a good school, but he didn't get any benefits. Instead, he was fined 30,000 yuan by the court for perjury in a civil case. Now it's good, and the money he planned to find a school for his son was also included. That's Liu The result of the lawyer finding someone to accommodate.

Su Mingyu was fined even more, 50,000 yuan, but her monthly salary is high, so it doesn't hurt, what about the Zhao family? Thirty thousand yuan can be used for more than half a year, and affected by the incident, many reporters and tourists flocked to Tongdli. He and Shi Honghua couldn't stay any longer, so he could only pack his bags and flee to his hometown for refuge, planning to wait until the limelight passed before going back. .

All of this is because of the scam in front of him, because of that broken game.

"It's a good fall, and if it breaks, I'll see how you play games."

"Zongbang's father, what are you talking about?" Shi Honghua pushed him, and hurried over to pull his son up.

"Mom, you fix my phone."

"Okay, okay, fix your phone, mom will fix it for you."

Zhao Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to repair his cell phone? You pay for him yourself, don't worry about me."

Shi Honghua said: "You won't give it, will you? I'll ask Su Mingyu for it."

Zhao Zheng laughed angrily at her: "Just that woman Su Mingyu, can you ask for money?"

"Oh, I'm not afraid that she won't give it. Without her, would our family be in this situation? Now that so many reporters want to interview us, if she dares not compensate us for the loss, I will contact the reporter and send her Back then when he ran away from home, he fought against his own mother everywhere, and all the things that were deliberately angry with adults were revealed."

"Hey, daughter-in-law, you're still smart, why didn't I think of that." Zhao Zheng turned grief into joy, wishing he could hug Shi Honghua's face and kiss her.

"It's called loss outside the dike and compensation inside the dike. Isn't she rich?"

"She has no money. Didn't you hear what Su Mingcheng said? All her property is donated to charity."

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, she can get it from the company."

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