Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1905 End of Volume - Six Part One (Part 2)


Lin Yue's performance was very cold.

The thin man continued: "Huang Zhiqiang even said that he would break one of Xu Zhengtai's legs for interest."

"So, he also set the Xu house on fire?"

Lin Yue's question was not answered, because Liu Yi grabbed the thin man by the collar: "Where did Huang Zhiqiang tie my elder brother?"

The thin man struggled hard, but to no avail, Liu Yi held on tight.

"No... I don't know, they drove away."

Lin Yue walked over, broke Liu Yi's hand, and said with a smile: "It's good to break one leg, so that he can't compete with me for flirts." After that, he hooked the thin man's shoulders and walked towards the alley.

Of course, Liu Yi would not let him go like this, so he rushed to catch up and stopped the two of them.

"You have to help me find Huang Zhiqiang."

Lin Yue sneered, "Why?"

"Then I don't care, anyway, you have to help me find Huang Zhiqiang."

"Liu Yi, are you out of your mind? He and I are enemies, not friends. Need help? Go to the police station."

"No, my elder brother said that there are rules in the Tao, so you can't call the police."

There is another reason Liu Yi did not mention, that is, let alone entering the police station, his legs would tremble when he walked from the gate of the police station.

"Then there's nothing I can do to help."

Lin Yue shrugged and continued to walk forward.

Liu Yi looked at his back, his expression changed many times, and finally he gritted his teeth and stopped him again.

"As long as you help me rescue my eldest brother, I will quit Zhengtai Gang."

He himself was dissatisfied with Xu Zhengtai's appointment of Xu Tailang as his successor, and he was a little disheartened. Now that Huang Zhiqiang had kidnapped him, he even said that he wanted Xu Zhengtai's leg. Of course he would save him, but Stupid brain does not mean lack of common sense, not to mention that he can't find Huang Zhiqiang's lair, even if he can find it, he can't beat Huang Zhiqiang's horse boy alone, and he knows Lin Yue's skill, so it's no problem to fight three or five by himself , and his mind is brighter than him. At the moment when Xu Zhengtai and Xu Tailang were arrested, who else could he turn to besides the boss' rival in love?

Lin Yue said, "That's what you said."

Liu Yi said, "I said it."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

"That's all right, you come with me." Lin Yue patted the thin man on the shoulder and told him to go back first, then he took Liu Yi out of the alley and walked towards the east of the town.

"Isn't that man Luo Li's subordinate? Why are you messing with you now?" Liu Yi asked looking at the thin man's back.

Lin Yue said: "Luo Li has a wife named Song Zi. After he was imprisoned in the police station, Huang Zhiqiang took his wife. I told him about it..."

After thinking about it for a while, I thought I understood.

"You mean that Luo Li wants to take revenge on Huang Zhiqiang?"

"You are really smart."

There is no doubt that this is an irony, but Liu Yi was completely unaware of this. He found that Lin Yue led him to Xu Zhengtai's house by turning left and right.

The fire has been extinguished, and the yard is full of water stains left by the water gun extinguishing the fire. Some furniture and daily necessities have been moved out of the room and thrown all over the yard. There is even a pungent smell in the air. nausea.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Liu Yi couldn't figure it out: "You are stupid, didn't you listen to the thin man, the eldest brother and Ah Lang were kidnapped by Huang Zhiqiang."

"Shut up!"

Lin Yue glared at him fiercely, walked to the door of the side room on the east side and kicked him.

With a bang, the door opened.

Liu Yi saw him go in, and followed him into the side room.

The side room was some distance away from the main room, so it was not affected by the flames, and the things stored in the room were intact.

Lin Yue walked to the bamboo bed piled with rags and clothes and several boxes of beer, pulled out a suitcase from the ground and opened it, and what Liu Yi saw were two long swords with sharp edges.

"Hey, big brother's sword."

Liu Yi was puzzled: "How did you know that brother hid the sword here?"

"Is it important?" Lin Yue walked outside with two swords in hand, facing west and whistling.


Not long after, a touch of golden color broke into the field of vision.


Liu Yi watched as Lin Yue brought the hilt of his sword close to the golden retriever's nose, said "Go find Xu Zhengtai", and followed Mu Mu's buttocks to leave the courtyard.

Liu Yi thought that there would inevitably be a fierce battle later, Huang Zhiqiang probably had a gun in his hand, so he picked up two long swords and threw them behind his back, and quickly walked a few steps to catch up with the man and dog in front.


Can't see anything.

I only know that someone is talking outside, but I can't hear the content at all.

Xu Tailang shook his head, trying to remove the sack covering his face, but it was all in vain.

Panting for a while, he recalled what happened before.

Last night, Lin Yue told him that Luo Li's subordinates had brought news that Huang Zhiqiang was going to attack Xu Zhengtai, and that he would burn the whole house along with him.

Logically speaking, he should have told Xu Zhengtai the news, but Lin Yue disagreed with him. Instead, he asked him to pay close attention to the situation of Xu's house, and to rescue people when he found a fire. As for the things in the house, let him it burns.

Because this will deepen the differences between Xu Zhengtai and Xiaohua, and then break up, which is in their interest.

He was hesitant at first, but as Lin Yue said, if he didn't tell him about this, Xu Zhengtai would be burned to death by Huang Zhiqiang nine out of ten, so Xiao Hua didn't have to worry about it. As for why she told him about it, The main reason is that I have moved my heart of compassion, fighting for women to fight for women. It is still impossible to do things like refusing to save Xu Zhengtai. As a rival in love, it is very rare to be able to save Xu Zhengtai's life. , send the Buddha to the West"?

After hearing these words, he compromised, and followed the plan to wait for the fire to burn before entering the house to save people, and then spoke according to the script, persuading Xu Zhengtai to give up fighting against Huang Zhiqiang, which can be regarded as automatically admitting defeat and withdrawing from the gamble for Xiaohua.

The thing in his pocket is a tape recorder, which is used to record the conversation between the two, in case Xu Zhengtai regrets it later.

After that, he handed the tape recorder to Lin Yue on the pretext of going to buy cigarettes, but when he was walking back, he suddenly thought of a problem. Since Xu Zhengtai did not give up fighting against Huang Zhiqiang, in other words, Xu Zhengtai did not take the initiative to admit defeat , Why did Lin Yue take the tape?

Until he learned from Xu Zhengtai that Liu Yi was going home, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he figured out why Lin Yue wanted to leave the tape after listening to the recording. Most likely, he wanted to use this to instigate Liu Yi.

As for those who take the Zhengtai gang seriously, Xu Zhengtai said first, June 1st is second, not to mention that these two people are not normal, if you look at this matter from the standpoint of June 1st, you follow Xu Zhengtai has been married for several years, but the boss handed over the succession to a younger brother whom he has known for less than two months. Can you feel better? of course not!

Just when he was lamenting that Lin Yue was full of bad water, Huang Zhiqiang's people gave him and Xu Zhengtai a sap, stuffed them into the car and took them out of Tinglin Town, to this place that smelled like pickles.

"Alang, Alang."

Then someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ah Zheng? Ah Zheng, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just have a sack on my face and I can't see anything, what about you?"

"I'm fine, Ah Zheng, do you know where this is? It smells a bit like pickles."

"I remember there was a soy sauce factory north of the town."

When the two were guessing where they were, there was a sound of opening the door ahead, and several people walked in from the outside.

"Take off their hoods."

The voice fell.

Someone came up behind the two of them and took off the sack covering their heads and faces.

Xu Zhengtai was stung by the light leaking in from the window, quickly tilted his head, squinted his eyes to avoid it, and felt better after a few breaths, then raised his head and carefully looked at the person whose back was facing them.

"Huang Zhiqiang?"

The person with his back to him took a puff of cigarette: "You know a lot?"

Xu Zhengtai said: "How many people in Tinglin Town don't know that you covet the land of your beloved song and dance hall?"

"So I'm so famous."

"Did you burn my house?"

"That's right, you sent Luo Li to the detention center. Because of that gun, I paid a lot of money to settle this matter. Burning your house is not too much, is it?"

Xu Tailang said: "Since you have already burned the house down, why did you tie us here?"

Huang Zhiqiang spat the cigarette butt in his mouth to the ground: "I'm doing business in Hong Kong, and I know that the real estate market will dominate in the future. The most important thing in the real estate market is LOCATION, and the dance hall you manage is LOCATION. In fact, I don't care about that Luo Li. Very satisfied, how about it, as long as you work for me, and the house is developed, I will give you and your brother two houses."

"Are you kidding, want to buy us?" Xu Zhengtai scoffed at this: "Who do you think we are? Where is our dignity?"


When Huang Zhiqiang was negotiating with Xu and his son, Lin Yue took Liu Yi to the outside of the soy sauce factory. This guy found a few people standing at the door of the warehouse. The clothes looked not very good, so he rubbed his fists. Ready to rush out.

Who knew that Lin Yue grabbed him by the back collar and pushed him to the ground.

"Things are not right."

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