Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1906 End of Volume - Xu Zhengtai Chapter (Part 1)

Liu Yi was very anxious and wanted to push him away: "What's wrong, brother will break his leg if he arrives late."

Lin Yue ignored him, and listened for a while, his eyes looked at a Mercedes-Benz parked in the corner of the factory area, his nose fluttered slightly for a moment, his face changed slightly, he didn't bother to explain to Liu Yi, he rushed out of the bushes and headed towards the car Run to the parked position.


Accompanied by a loud shout, a few horse boys who were letting the wind out at the warehouse door spotted Lin Yue's figure, picked up the iron rod and steel pipe that had been thrown aside and ran towards him. One of them was holding something wrapped in old newspapers, which seemed to be It's a weapon like a machete.

Liu Yi couldn't figure it out, the guy held him down just now, telling him not to be impulsive, why did he suddenly get impulsive, and ran away without saying a word, should he go here, or wait and see?

He was hesitant here, while Lin Yue kicked the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz, the body shook and the lock of the trunk began to loosen.

When the kick reached the third kick, Liu Yi came to his wits, quietly climbed out of the bushes, and ran towards the warehouse along the shadow of the wall. Although I don't know what Lin Yue meant by kicking the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz, I can be sure What's more, Xu Zhengtai was in the warehouse, because Wanfeng sent a sentence "Do you dare to turn around?" It was clearly the voice of the elder brother, and now Lin Yue attracted the person who was letting the wind outside the warehouse, so he could just take advantage of it. And enter.

On the other side, five horse boys surrounded Lin Yue and the car. The tallest and strongest one raised an iron rod and swept it at his back. Who knew that Lin Yue jumped into the trunk lightly, and the iron rod hit him heavily. It hit the rear bumper with a bang, and the license plate was deformed.

Lin Yue stepped on the man's face, jumped out of the car, grabbed the iron rod and threw it down on the legs in front of him. With a scream, the man's knees gave way and he fell to his knees.

"big eyes!"

The second boy roared, pulled the newspaper wrapped around the machete, swung it up, and slashed towards Lin Yue.

He didn't cherish the iron rod in his hand, and threw it obliquely downward.

The iron rod spun around and hit the second horse boy's ankle, and with a thud, he fell to the ground, and the machete came out of his hand.

Another horse boy rushed to the side of the nicknamed Big Eye to check his companion's injuries. He was about to stand up and attack Lin Yue when he kicked him in the crotch.

The yellow-haired one of the remaining two ponies held the steel pipe for a total of three times before he gave himself enough energy to charge up holding the steel pipe.





Just when Huang Mao was about to sweep for the second time, Lin Yue suddenly kicked the rear of the car, swung his body forward, and slammed Huang Mao's face hard with his right foot.

This time there was not even a scream, and the person flew five or six meters directly, and passed out.

There was the last one in the black shirt left, who didn't dare to rush forward after three or four times, until there was a muffled groan from the warehouse, then he grabbed the iron rod in his hand and ran forward yelling .

Lin Yue stepped on the steel pipe that Huang Mao had thrown on the ground, and pointed forward in his hand.

The man in black stopped abruptly, looked at the iron rod less than a foot away from his throat, swallowed his saliva, his legs trembled, he dropped the weapon in his hand, turned around and ran away without looking back. From expressions to movements, it fully explained what it means to "only hate that parents have lost two feet".

Lin Yue withdrew his gaze, looked in the direction of the pickle warehouse and frowned. Seeing Liu Yi rushing out when he heard a muffled groan, he quickly threw away the steel pipe, picked up the machete on the ground, inserted it into the gap in the trunk and pried it up.


The trunk lid opens.

The sunset light diffused in, illuminating the little flower whose hands and feet were bound and whose mouth was gagged.

Or he said that the situation is not right, there is no such thing in the TV series.

It seems that Huang Zhiqiang's story line has changed. Could it be because of his "borrowing a car"? Huang Zhiqiang wants to use Xiaohua to threaten Xu Zhengtai to submit?

Now is not the time to think too much, he quickly untied the hemp rope that bound Xiaohua's hands and feet, took the ball of blue cloth away, carried her out of the trunk, and hugged her to pat her back after her feet landed.

Xiaohua didn't know whether she was frightened, or she finally saw someone she could rely on. Not only did she not resist, but she hugged him tightly.

Lin Yue really wanted to deepen his relationship with her for a while, but when he heard the sound of fighting from Xifeng, he patted her arm and pushed her away.

"Can I go?"

Xiaohua nodded, "Mmm".

"Xu Zhengtai and Xu Tailang were kidnapped by Huang Zhiqiang, and June 1st has also passed. I have to rescue them. You should leave here quickly and find a place where you can call the police."


"Don't worry about me, let's go."

Lin Yue pushed her and ran to the warehouse without looking back.

Xiao Hua looked at his back worriedly, knowing that now was not the time to be hypocritical, she tossed off her high heels and left the factory barefoot.


As soon as Lin Yue entered the warehouse, he heard Liu Yi swearing.

Then there was Xu Tailang's weak cry.

"June careful..."

Lin Yue identified the direction, rushed into the room with many pickle urns, and found that Xu Zhengtai was lying in the corner, and had already passed out. Xu Tailang also fell on the ground, but there was a horse boy in a black shirt under his body. A little further ahead, another horse boy crawled towards a safe area, dragging his leg that had been cut by a sword.

The most worrisome thing is Liuyi. He stood in front of Huang Zhiqiang holding a sword, motionless as if frozen in ice, because the man on the opposite side held a gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at his chest. Heart, as long as Huang Zhiqiang pulls the trigger, death awaits him.

Huang Zhiqiang didn't expect that there were people coming outside, so he subconsciously glanced at the door, and it was this brief distraction that killed him.

Lin Yue kicked half of the brick used to support the bench on the left front.

Xu Tailang watched a black shadow go away, and hit Huang Zhiqiang's leg very precisely.

I don't know if it was nervousness or a stress reaction, the gun rang out, but because of the swing of his lower body, the bullet didn't penetrate Liu Yi's heart, but passed by his shoulder.

Liu Yi was terrified, his mind went blank, he pushed forward with the hand holding the long sword, and plunged into Huang Zhiqiang's chest with a bang.

Blood leaked from the shirt, and the pistol fell to the ground with a thud. Huang Zhiqiang slowly lowered down while holding the blade of the long sword.

Liu Yi let go of his hand slowly, and after realizing that he was not injured, he looked at Huang Zhiqiang who was about to die, with a dazed expression and a bit of panic.

he killed...

He kills!

Lin Yue was naturally not intimidated by this scene, but felt... How should I put it, it was quite unexpected.

In the movie, it was Huang Zhiqiang who killed Liuyi. Here, Liu Yi killed Huang Zhiqiang. According to the plan, this should have been his job.

Cha, Cha~

Lin Yue followed the sound and found that the horse boy whose leg was cut with a sword turned around and crawled towards the door.

He ignored that person and walked over to untie the hemp rope that bound Xu Tailang's hands and feet.

It can be seen that this guy was also frightened by the scene in front of him. Even though he was free, he had no intention of getting up from the ground at all. He just looked at Liu Yi and Huang Zhiqiang who was out of breath, as if he hadn't thought of it anyway. June 1 actually killed people.

"Go and see Xu Zhengtai."

Lin Yue patted Xu Tailang's shoulder, walked to Liu Yi, took away the long sword that the silly boy was holding firmly in the other hand, and threw it aside.

"Come on, drink some water and take it easy."

He did not know where to take out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and handed it over.

Liu Yi licked his lips, the confusion in his eyes slowly disappeared, took the bottle of water, raised his head, and poured it into his mouth.

It wasn't until he drank all the water in the bottle that his complexion improved a little.

At about the same time, Xu Zhengtai was also awakened by Xu Tailang and knew what happened to him after his leg was broken.

"Liu Yi, how could you..."

"Brother, I... I'm here to save you."

"I know you are here to save me, but why did you kill someone?" Xu Zhengtai questioned.

He was very excited, and wanted to go to Liu Yi to talk, but he couldn't hold on after taking two steps, and his body leaned forward. Fortunately, Xu Tailang was by his side, and quickly supported him, so he didn't fall down.

woo la~

woo la~

woo la~

The siren was blaring outside, and there were faint sounds of tricycles and police vans.

"Liuyi, talk!"

Xu Zhengtai asked Liu Yi not knowing what to say.

"I... I... Brother... I didn't expect..."

Lin Yue couldn't stand it anymore, so he speeded up and tied the hemp rope that bound Xu Tailang just now to the hands and feet of Ma Zi, who had injured his leg. He walked in front of Xu Zhengtai with a cold face, and kicked him over.

Xu Tailang didn't expect him to do this, and watched his father fall to the ground in pain.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing!"

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