Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1907: End of Volume - Xu Zhengtai (Part 2)

"It's none of your business."

Lin Yue pushed Xu Tailang aside and kicked Xu Zhengtai hard.

"I told you to let go, did you listen? Now you still have the face to blame Liu Yi for killing Huang Zhiqiang?"

Lin Yue picked him up and pushed him down: "Knowing that the opponent has a gun, he still acts as if he is not afraid of anything, and it develops into a life-and-death fight. Someone is afraid after death? What! You don't know yet, do you? Huang Zhiqiang not only tied you and Xu Tailang, but also tied Xiaohua here."

"Xiao Hua? Where is Xiao Hua?"

Xu Zhengtai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and looked at him excitedly.

"Do you expect her to wait for your rescue? The day lily is cold." Lin Yue was very unhappy with his expression, and kicked him three or four times in a row.

Although comedy can be illogical, it can be full of bugs, and it can even be nonsensical and spoof, but a guy like Xu Zhengtai who doesn’t have a B number in his heart just likes others to engage in can create a gang and come up with a comic ending. , but at the end of this movie, comedy is not comedy, and drama is not drama. In short, it is awkward no matter how you look at it.

"Now that Liu Yi killed someone, at least he will have to spend a few years in prison. His father is only this son. How will he live in the future? Have you thought about Liu Yi's parents? I will let you play the underworld and learn from the young and confused. young."

"Stop beating." Xu Tailang pushed him again, this time Lin Yue didn't hold back his hand, and kicked him, bringing both father and son to the ground.

"And you, you fucking don't learn well every day, just fooling around with Xu Zhengtai."

Others travel to the past to change their regrets and make things develop for the better. Only Xu Tailang, knowing that his father will go to jail in the future, not only does not lead the naive Xu Zhengtai to the right path, but also acts as a follower, sitting and watching the tragedy happen.

Just so as not to change history?

What a comedy, comedy, comedy!

Lin Yue quite understood the complaints of the lucky audience. The screenwriter and director... couldn't let go, and wanted to be hilarious.

It's still Luo Li's words, if you want to make money, you want to build a memorial archway.

"Don't hit him." Xu Zhengtai kicked him with his intact leg.

Lin Yue said: "But that's fine too, if you play yourself like a cripple, I don't think you have the guts to marry Xiao Hua."

This is the real heart-breaking language.

Xu Zhengtai retracted his raised foot, looked at Liuyi who was staring at Huang Zhiqiang's body without saying a word, and looked at Xu Tailang who was panting, the psychological defense line was collapsing bit by bit.

Before, the bullying said that the soldiers would come to cover up the water and the soil.

What is the result of the soldiers coming to block the water and cover it with soil?

The house was burned, he became a lame man, Liuyi killed Huang Zhiqiang, Xiao Hua was also involved, and Xiao Ma, if Lin Yue hadn't rescued him in time, he might have been torn apart by Luo Li's younger brother.

"Lin Yue, Ah Zheng..."

At this moment, Xiao Hua's shout broke the atmosphere in the warehouse, followed by policemen rushing in with guns, and then Director Jin, whose hat was a little crooked.

Xiaohua broke free from the guard of a policeman, rushed to Lin Yue, asked several times if you were all right, and then went to check Xu Zhengtai's injuries after getting an affirmative answer.

"The Gold Institute, it's Huang Zhiqiang, dead."

Hearing what the policeman said, Director Jin took off his hat and scratched his scalp, walked to Huang Zhiqiang's body and looked at it, then looked at Liu Yi and asked, "Did you kill him?"

After a while, Liu Yi nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's me."

Director Jin sighed, and said to the policeman standing next to him, "Take him out first, the people from the Municipal Bureau should be here too."

When the police heard that, they went over, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Liuyi's hands, and led him out of the warehouse.

At this time, another policeman also woke up the unconscious Ma Zai, handcuffed him and took him away.

"Gold Institute, then they..."

"Call an ambulance and take him to the hospital."


Two police officers took out Ma Zai who was bound hand and foot by Lin Yue, and then Xu Zhengtai.


More than half a month later.

The temperature in late autumn is getting lower and lower. Even the young people who are anti-freezing have put on sweaters and long coats. There are no children playing in the water by the river. Only some small swallows migrating south occasionally fall down. The shoals rehydrate.

People come and go on the main street of Tinglin Town. The Fujianese who sells trousers keeps calling customers into the store to see his new clothes. The owner of the noodle shop sits at the door washing dishes. The cloth of the bowl was a bit dirty, which looked unappetizing, but it was afternoon and it was not time for dinner, so few people cared about him. And Mr. Chen was talking to a middle-aged woman with a handbag, laughing from time to time, causing pedestrians to look sideways.

This street is still busy, everyone is doing what they should do, and nothing has changed because of Huang Zhiqiang's death, Liu Yi's imprisonment, and Xu Zhengtai's becoming crippled. If there is any change, it is the video hall closed.

It's not really closed, there are people living there, but it's closed.

"Ah Zheng, Ah Zheng...I saw Director Jin today."

Before reaching the door, Xu Tailang kept calling his father's nickname.

He went to the police station to find director Jin just now. The purpose was very simple. He wanted to know about the June 1st situation.

In Director Jin's words, it's good to be on June 1st, but this case is difficult to handle, at least four or five years in prison. After all, this kid cut someone's leg with a sword and killed Huang Zhiqiang. .

If you think about it carefully, this is quite normal. Twenty years later, if you don’t call the police for help when you encounter a kidnapping situation, you choose to fight back violently and cause death. It's 1998, and there's nothing wrong with doubling the sentence.

"Ah Zheng..."

He pushed the door and it opened without much effort.

The door was unlocked.

But the room is quiet, the only moving thing is the dust floating and sinking in the sunlight.

The notepad recording the collection of protection fees was placed on the table, and next to it was a videotape that someone else had rented out, a piece of Stephen Chow's "The Gambler", a piece of "Six Fingers" co-starred by Brigitte Lin and Yuen Biao, and to the right was a silver tape. The chain should be the one around Xu Zhengtai's neck, I heard it was given by Xiao Hua.

Xu Tailang pushed open the door leading to the warehouse, and found that there was no one inside, then walked to the window of the China Unicom projection hall to look around, but found nothing there either.

Did you go to the old house to get something? Or go find Xiao Hua?

He shook his head, walked to the front of the shelf and sat down, tapped the notepad twice, suddenly found a piece of letterhead between the notepad and the desktop, took it out and unfolded it in front of his eyes.

"Ah Lang, I'm leaving, don't look for me, maybe three months, maybe half a year will come back, a lot of things have happened during this time, I want to find a place where no one knows me and think about it, Zhengtai help Should it go on or not? What should I do if a situation like Liuyi happens again? Actually, I went to see my uncle yesterday, who is Liuyi’s father. His mother slapped me twice and called me a bum Why don't you die? I don't think she's wrong. I'm just a bum, and I can't be a person like Du Yuesheng. And Xiao Hua... I broke her heart and let her down. Even if I don't want to admit it, I In the eyes of others, he is also a cripple, so the one surnamed Lin won, but I want to ask you to do me a favor, that is, take good care of Xiao Hua, if that guy dares to bully her, he must make sure he can't eat and walk around. Oh, By the way, now you are the boss of Zhengtai Gang."

Ah Zheng is gone?

Have you left Tinglin Town?

Xu Tailang read it again, and found that it was right, that's what it meant.

This letter is written... a bit incoherently, the meaning is expressed clearly and clearly, but not clearly, because the content is scattered.

As soon as Xu Zhengtai left, he was the only one left in the Zhengtai Gang, and he was still the boss? Is it impossible to play a house like this?

There is also the matter of entrusting him to take care of Xiaohua, how will he take care of it? In what capacity to take care of? Xiaohua really wants to be with Lin Yue, she can't even call out "Sister-in-law", let alone the excuse that she can't bear to walk around, he is going to feed Lin Yue with his life?

But this is also good, go out to relax, maybe you can get to know Zhang Suzhen.

boom boom boom~

Just when he was distracted, there was a knock on the door. He was about to say that it is closed today, please go back. When he looked up, it was actually Lin Yue.

This is really, say Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

"How did you come?"

"Why can't I come?" Lin Yue walked over, sat down on the edge of the table, fiddled with the video tape on the table and said, "Is Xu Zhengtai gone?"

Xu Tailang frowned, didn't deny it, but didn't admit it either.

Lin Yue said: "I know that you cooperated with me to break up Xu Zhengtai and Xiao Hua in order to fulfill your mother Zhang Suzhen. You have been asking about her all this time, but to no avail."

"My surname is Lin, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that I know where Zhang Suzhen is."

Xu Tailang stood up: "Where is it?"

Lin Yue said, "Just promise me one condition, and I'll tell you where she is."

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