Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1940 Can't be a boss without relying on the Jiang family?

The voice in the earpiece was polite.

"It's like this, miss, your elder brother, Mr. Jiang, came over."

Jiang Lai said: "He is not my brother, and he is not Mr. Jiang anymore."

"Hey, yes, that's what I said, but those of us who are employees..."

"Say it straight, don't play around with me here, I'm in a hurry."

"Hey, okay, here's the thing, Mr. Jiang, he brought a person today and arranged for him to work in the back kitchen."

"What? He put people in the back kitchen?"

"Yes, as the head chef of the back kitchen."

Jiang Lai pulled over the car, frowned and said, "Are you the restaurant manager or is he the restaurant manager? Why do you listen to him for arranging such an important matter for the chef?"

Originally, the matter of the Gray Whale Restaurant was not in her hands, and Miss Jiang was not in the mood to deal with such crap. Her world was about spending a lot of money and having fun everywhere, but since Jiang Haokun was involved, the nature was different.

"He said that if I don't follow suit, he will speak ill of me in front of the chairman's wife. What can I do? I can only compromise."

"This Jiang Haokun, when he broke off the relationship, he said it with a face of absoluteness, and then turned his head and used the name of mother to deceive and kidnap." Jiang Lai sneered again and again: "Manager Feng, you fire me immediately."

"Miss, it's not good to do this..."

"What's wrong."

"I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Just say that I asked you to do this. I'll see if he has the face to come to me."

"Miss, don't embarrass me? If I do this, if you reconcile in the future, you will definitely be put on by Mr. Jiang." Feng Yufang said: "Tomorrow, that person will come to work in the restaurant. If you I really don't want to see him, I can come over and resign him personally, so I don't have to take responsibility."


"Miss, please understand my difficulties."

"Then it's so difficult for you to be caught in the middle, why don't you tell me about it?"

"Miss, think about it, in order to hire this person, I have to fire the current head chef and pay him liquidated damages. If this matter gets to the ears of the chairman, I'm afraid... anyway, I really... oh , there are no human beings inside and out.”

Jiang Lai patted the steering wheel, looking a little helpless: "Okay, okay, don't worry about it, you can call me when that person comes tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you Miss, you are really my savior."

Jiang Lai ignored him, hung up the phone, shook his long hair over his shoulders, and drove the Ford Mustang towards the Bund.


The next morning, Gray Whale Restaurant.

The waiters were busy back and forth between the front desk and the dining hall, mopping the floor clean, and the decorative handicrafts and ornaments were also spotless.

Lu Yuan was wearing a jacket and sitting at the dining table on the balcony on the second floor, with his sunglasses on the left and a sticky note in the middle, writing with a ballpoint pen in his hand.

Feng Yufang took a closer look, hey, he can only speak like a person.

"Chef Lu, the front has been cleaned, and the back kitchen is almost busy. If there is no problem, you can come with me to meet everyone and introduce yourself. We will be colleagues in the future. We should help and take care of each other. .”

"Oh, there's no need to make an introduction." Lu Yuan replied without raising his head, until he finished writing the last name, tore off the note paper, and handed it to the restaurant manager standing opposite.

"Here's a list."

Feng Yufang took it in his hand and looked it over carefully.

Lu Yuan went on to say, "All the people on this list should be prescribed by me."


Hearing this, Feng Yufang was annoyed: "The people here are all old chefs, the backbone of the restaurant, you asked me to open them all, can I still work in this restaurant?"

He scolded Jiang Haokun in his heart, what the fuck did he stuff in, he did it on his first day as the chef, he was like a wage earner standing in front of Lu as a restaurant manager .

Also, this opening is a group of people, so you can't pay others? His new official took office here, and he said it happily. Have you thought about the restaurant?

Lu Yuan said, "Who is in charge of the back kitchen?"

Feng Yufang said, "You."

"Isn't that the end?"

"There has to be a reason, right? I can't just drive someone away."

Lu Yuan put on an attitude that I am condescending to come to you.

"First, I went to your back kitchen before. Look at those people. They all look like they have never seen the world. What I want is a chef, not an apprentice. Second, how does your second chef manage? The kitchen is in a mess, it's really not presentable. Third, I'm a new official, so I have to burn two fires, stand up, don't do this, who listens to me, what do you think, Manager Feng?"

Manager Feng's teeth itch with hatred, is this inviting a chef? This is to invite the ancestors, right?

He didn't know that this point of view coincided with Lin Yue's thoughts when he watched the film.

da da da ~

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a woman came out of the stairs, wearing a red dress with a logo, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and carrying a Chanel handbag.

"Lu Yuan? Why are you here?"

"Huh? Jiang Lai?"

Lu Yuan was stunned: "I still have to ask you, why did you come here?"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Jiang Lai still didn't understand the truth. It turned out that Feng Yufang said on the phone last night that the new chef was Lu Yuan. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he was Jiang Haokun's friend. The key was that she couldn't figure it out. Why did Jiang Haokun bring Lu Yuan to the Gray Whale restaurant?

For the sake of caution, she did not clearly state the purpose of her coming here.

"Oh, I...hehe, I'm here to wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone?"

"That's right, isn't there a beauty parlor over the road? There is a person I hate very much in it, so I just want to come over for a cup of coffee, and go there together when my friends come."


Seeing that he had no doubts, Jiang Lai breathed a sigh of relief. In order to further conceal the relationship between the western restaurant and himself, he asked, "You haven't said why you are here yet."

"Oh, I'm here to be the head chef."

"Really? I didn't expect you to be a chef. Congratulations. It seems that I will have to visit you often in the future to take care of your business."

"No problem, Manager Feng, don't give her a discount in the future, Ms. Jiang is rich." Lu Yuan looked at his watch after finishing speaking: "No, I have to go, remember to get someone to drive me."

After reminding this sentence, he picked up the sunglasses, put them on his face, and left.

Feng Yufang watched Lu Yuan leave the restaurant, walked up to Jiang Lai, pointed in the direction of the road, and said, "Miss, look, what kind of thing is this? On the first day I came to work, I asked me to turn off the old people in the back kitchen."

Jiang Lai said, "Then you should fire him."

Feng Yufang's expression changed: "Miss, that's not what we said last night, didn't you...didn't you say you were going to fire him?"

Jiang Lai said, "Can I change my mind?"


Manager Feng made her dizzy, and she didn't understand what this young lady was up to.

"Tell me what happened yesterday?" Jiang Lai was naturally very interested in Lu Yuan, and was very curious about what happened between him and Jiang Haokun, but it was not easy to ask him, because she had a very strong intuition, Lu Yuan has been avoiding himself. If she reveals her relationship with Gray Whale Restaurant, God knows if he will be shocked and resign.

"Oh, it's like this..."

From Jiang Lai's non-disclosure of the boss' identity just now to the current maintenance, as the restaurant manager, Feng Yufang can certainly see that the eldest lady has an unusual relationship with that Lu Yuan, so he didn't hide it, and informed Jiang Haokun in advance of hiring Lu Yuan The thing is said again.

No matter how much Jiang Lai thought about it, he couldn't figure it out, Jiang Haokun and Lu Yuan had such a quarrel, why did he kindly help him arrange work?

But what is certain is that there must be tricks in it.

"Remember, don't tell Lu Yuan about the relationship between this store and me, and take care of him more."

"Understood, I understand." Manager Feng nodded and bowed.


Jiang Lai did not leave, but kept waiting in the restaurant, because she was curious about what Lu Yuan wanted to do.

If all the old cooks are fired, how can we entertain guests at noon?

She waited for a long time, but before Lu Yuan came back, Jiang Haokun came.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is a restaurant, what do you think I'm here for?"

"My shop doesn't welcome you."

Lin Yue was not annoyed, and glanced at Feng Yufang who was eavesdropping on the handrail of the stairs, and sat down on the sofa next to the front desk: "Jiang Lai, are you curious why I helped Lu Yuan arrange work?"

This time Jiang Lai didn't drive him away, but asked very politely: "Why?"

Lin Yue said: "I want to know, it's easy to know, if you want to know, just wait for me honestly."

Jiang Lai's expression froze.

Over there, Feng Yufang frowned slightly, thinking that the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family were really arguing.

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