Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1941 Thank you for helping me open a shop

"You... what are you doing in a daze? You have already taken all the money, why don't you leave?"

Feng Yufang glared fiercely at the old man in the back kitchen who had just been dismissed, but he was standing at the door leading to the front hall from the back kitchen, not daring to take a step beyond the threshold, so the lecture just now had a vicious taste.

Pang Xu's mother has chronic kidney disease, and she has to be hospitalized for a few days every once in a while. The money for dialysis alone is not a small expense.

Liu Hong has a son who is studying abroad. Originally, the couple had saved enough money to study abroad. How did they know that a car accident befell his wife? Because of a craniotomy, he stayed in the hospital for many days and spent a lot of time. A lot of money, but the other party's car only has compulsory traffic insurance, and he is still a professional gambler with a lot of debts. He can't afford to pay compensation at all. His son can't study abroad and leave half of it, and he can't get money here. It is said that Now after the restaurant is closed, they will go to the intersection of remote industrial areas to sell Malatang, and life is very difficult.

And Tang Xiangyang, seeing the gratifying rise in stocks years ago, learned how to borrow money to speculate in stocks. As a result, the stock price plummeted in May and June, and he lost everything. Woolen cloth.


To be honest, he was very scared, afraid that someone inside would not think about it, so he picked up a table knife and wiped his neck with it.

"Steven, you are French, can you be a gentleman?"

Steven said in his broken Chinese: "Manager Feng, don't get me wrong, we just want to see how the newly hired Chef Lu serves you when the guests come later. In your Chinese culture... oh yes, three heads and six arms?"

Feng Yufang understood when he heard this.

These people are not convinced.

The new Chef Lu does have two talents, which can be seen from his cooking of Wellington steak yesterday, but no matter how high your level is, no matter how good your cooking skills are, you can't cook every dish yourself, can you? There are Western restaurants of a certain scale, and the kitchen equipment must at least have a head chef, a second chef, a cutting board, a pastry chef, a cold dish chef, and three or five handymen. Chef Lu really has three heads and six arms, but he can't fill in the blanks of these people.

"You guys... are this interesting? Chef Lu made a suggestion, and the boss agreed, and I'm the little manager who will carry out the order. I know you're wronged, but I can't help it, and I'm helpless."

"Manager, manager..." At this moment, the front office foreman patted Feng Yufang's shoulder from behind: "Chef Lu is back, and he brought several people with him."

When Steven and others heard this, they walked towards the front hall. They wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Yuan's gourd.


Jacket on the upper body, red pants on the lower body, and a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose. This is Lu Yuan.

There are three people behind him, one is about 1.8 meters tall, as strong as a bull, staring at each other and almost catching up with the copper bell. One was short and round, with the face of a doormat. The thin one at the end is as thin as a bamboo pole, with a mean face, and there is a high probability that he is not an easy person to get along with.

The key is that these three guys are all wearing chef uniforms, making Steven and others stare. I didn't expect Lu Yuan to go out for a trip and really get a team back.

Jiang Lai was very happy, thinking that he had a plan, and Feng Yufang also thought that he had made the right bet.

Lin Yue was quite speechless when he watched this episode in the TV series. Under real conditions, he went to dig chefs in other people’s restaurants without saying hello in advance. If the high salary is given another week, it will be a high incense if there are results.

Even a systematic person like him couldn't bear to see this hanging up, he just rubbed the audience's IQ to the ground.

Bring the old lady into the back kitchen and let Peng Jiahe run around at will. After knowing that the Gray Whale restaurant is owned by the Jiang family, he patted his ass and left without saying anything. After Peng Hai's death, Lu Yuan has grown up and become more stable. Compared with the previous behaviors of stealing, fighting, and playing tricks in the back kitchen of American restaurants, how much progress has he made?

Of course, for TV dramas, the director is the biggest, and he is useless to complain.

"Don't talk about it, with this good looks, there is indeed a team image."

What he said makes people wonder whether he is complimenting or sarcastic?

Jiang Lai glared: "If you want to care, Lu Yuan has found a good job, how about you? Jiang Haokun, I don't know how long you can spend the money you took away from home?"

"Jiang Haokun?"

As soon as Lu Yuan entered the door, he heard the quarrel between the two brothers and sisters. He wondered what day it was, why they all came, and Steven and his group looked at him with angry faces.

These people...couldn't be looking for him to settle accounts, right?

"Manager Feng, didn't I tell you...then what?"

He winked fiercely at Feng Yufang, and stood at the door, not daring to act rashly. On the one hand, he was afraid that the popularity of the back kitchen who had been smashed by him would not be enough, so he chopped him up with a knife; If his proposal is rejected, what about the fat, skinny and big stupid ones? Where to put his face.

Feng Yufang spread his hands together: "If they don't leave, they insist on seeing your ability. What can I do?"

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as these people are not planning to kill him with a knife, it will be fine.

Lin Yue didn't say much, and took out an invitation from his arms and threw it on the dining table in front of Lu Yuan: "Anyway, I'm an old friend, and I always feel that I can't justify this matter without notifying you. Three days later, I welcome you."

Frowning, Lu Yuan picked up the invitation card, opened the cover, and his eyes were narrowed.

Jiang Lai was impatient, asked him what he had written and didn't respond, so he simply took it away and read it for himself.

"No. 181 Huojutai Road? Reef Restaurant?"

181 Torch Terrace Road? Meaning it's on the same street as Gray Whale Restaurant? Straight line distance up to 100 meters.

"Jiang Haokun, you really took a lot of money from your family, and you said that you would return all the money you earned with the help of Jiang's group to your parents. It's really funny."

Lin Yue said: "Jiang Lai, why do you think I just stayed in the detention center for a week for smashing more than 200,000 yuan? Didn't Jiang Zhihua tell you that he paid me more than 2 million yuan? I beg my forgiveness." The price is naturally not counted as the profit gained through the Jiang Group."

Jiang Lai opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

"So, I still want to thank you for your kindness?"

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk to this crazy woman, turned to look at the aggrieved Steven and the others and said, "As much salary as the Gray Whale Restaurant pays you, the Reef Restaurant will pay you as much salary, and I promise to make you angry , how? Come with me."

Steven, Liu Hong, Pang Xu, Tang Xiangyang, Feng Yufang, Lu Yuan, Jiang Lai and others were all stunned.

go with him?

Is this going to pack up the backbone of the original back kitchen of Gray Whale Restaurant?

There really is him! It's too late.

Lin Yue stretched out two fingers to Jiang Lai: "This is the second purpose of my coming here."

He said to Lu Yuan again: "Thank you."

Is this a thank you? Of course not, this is insulting.

The surprise on Jiang Lai's face faded slowly, now she understood why Jiang Haokun had lured Lu Yuan into the Gray Whale restaurant, it meant that he wanted to compete in Lu Yuan's field of expertise.

Lin Yue answered her question head-on: "Lu Yuan, haven't you been very unconvinced all this time, thinking that I was just lucky and got a good pregnancy? Now let's take a look at the Gray Whale restaurant led by you and Feng Yufang and my restaurant. Reef restaurant, who is better."

Lu Yuan thought he heard it wrong: "You? Want to open a restaurant? Are you sure?"

Jiang Lai smiled: "Jiang Haokun, are you kidding me? You want to compare Lu Yuan to your restaurant by digging a group of mediocre people who were eliminated by the Gray Whale Restaurant?"

Just now, Feng Yufang told her what happened yesterday. Just looking at the steak Wellington dish, Lu Yuan will dump Steven Bajie, unless Jiang Haokun can find a more famous chef than Lu Yuan, and wants to use a restaurant that is only open Is it possible to defeat the well-known old western restaurants in the circle?

Lin Yue smiled without saying a word, looked at Steven and the others and said, "How is it? Have you considered it?"

Perhaps stimulated by Jiang Lai's mocking words, he was dissatisfied, and the boss Jiang promised them the same salary. Steven took off the other small plates on the chef's uniform and said in French-style Chinese: "Okay, I'll go with you."

The other people saw that the chef agreed, so why are they still putting on airs? Hurry up.

A group of people cheered and stood behind Lin Yue, looking at Lu Yuan and his buddies with hostility.

The big man, the fat man and the thin man are speechless. I didn't expect to face such a situation when I just switched jobs. It's so fucking exciting!

Lu Yuan said: "Jiang Haokun, do you want to use this to prove to Gan Jing that you are better than me? Let me tell you, you are doomed."

Lin Yue said: "I forgot if you didn't tell me, thank you for letting me think of a good idea."

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