Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1942 Mr. Jiang is the brightest

idea? What idea?

Lu Yuan didn't know what he was trying to do.

"Hold on."

He motioned for a few people to wait, pushed open the front door and walked out. He returned to the hall in less than half a minute, carrying a dark leather bag in his hand.


The zipper runs from left to right and the bag opens.

Lin Yue reached in and took out a rolled up leather case.

When he saw it for the first time, Lu Yuan's face changed suddenly. As he expected, Jiang Haokun's good idea was a bad idea for him.


Lin Yue undid the buckle and flicked it against the direction the leather case was rolled up.

The leather case was spread out on the table, revealing a very fine set of knives.

Steven's eyes were staring straight. After all, he is also a Michelin-starred chef, and he still has the eyesight to recognize the guy who is eating.

"Okay, nice knife, how come you have Bob Kemal's knife?"

Lin Yue said: "Great wine for friends, and swords for knights. This set of knives is yours now."

Steven froze for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"I said, this set of knives is yours."

Hearing the discussion of Pang Xu, Liu Hong and others, Steven realized that this set of knives would cost at least 20,000 US dollars. How much is the salary of a chef in a foreign western restaurant? Take FINE DINING level restaurants as an example. If you are not a partner, the monthly salary is only about 100,000 US dollars a year. When you come to China, the salary will be reduced. Let’s count 80,000, which is converted into RMB 40,000 a month. No, now the new boss is worth three or four months' salary as soon as he makes a move.

He rummaged through his mind, and suddenly remembered a word taught to him by a man from the Northeast.

"Bright! Really bright!"

The French speak Northeast dialect, which tastes quite sour.

Jiang Lai found that Lu Yuan's face was as dark as poison. She didn't know the origin of this set of knives, so she couldn't understand why he did this. Could it be that the restaurant gave him less salary? But according to Manager Feng, it has already exceeded the standard. Steven's salary is only 40,000 RMB. What about Lu Yuan? 65,000, an increase of more than 50% in one breath.

"Oh, let me tell you another good news. This set of knives was used by him before. It's very precious. I got it from his ex-girlfriend."

Lin Yue pointed to Lu Yuan and explained.

Now Jiang Lai knew why Lu Yuan had a black face.

Steven was very excited and gave him a hug directly: "Thank you BOSS, I like it very much."

Can he not like it?

Yesterday, Lu Yuan gave him a slap in the face, which made him lose face in front of customers and kitchen staff, and felt that he was insulted. Now the new boss gave him the knives that Chef Lu's ex-girlfriend treasured. Yes, my whole body is as comfortable as if I found a little girl to pinch my feet after taking a sauna.

"As long as you follow me and work hard, within three months, you will be able to trample him under your feet."

Jiang Lai couldn't help cursing: "Jiang Haokun, you are such a despicable villain."

Lin Yue sneered coldly: "I can give my things to whomever I want. Is that a despicable person? Are you an idiot?"

Jiang Lai wanted to retort, but there was no chance, Lin Yue said "go", and left with the chef group who had just poached from the back kitchen.

"Lu Yuan, don't be sad, isn't it just a set of knives? I'll find someone to make a better one for you."

Facing Lu Yuan, her posture was very low.

"Do you have anything else to do? It's okay, I'm going to start working, and the back kitchen has a lot of things to do."

Because of Gan Jing, Lu Yuan didn't want to get too close to Jiang Lai, let alone accepting knives. Also, the set of knives in Steven’s hand must be retrieved somehow. He regards it as a symbol of his relationship with Gan Jing. He didn't care about stepping on his feet or anything, just Steven and those crooked melons? Even if he lost his sense of taste, he would still be able to wipe out all the dregs of them.

"Hey, you..."

Jiang Lai pressed his cold butt with a hot face, feeling very blocked, turned his face and saw Feng Yufang pursed his lips and smiled, he yelled angrily, "What are you laughing at?", stomped his feet, and left with his handbag.


The restaurant manager muttered something in a low voice, and then took his anger out on his employees.

"Work, all go to work."

The front office attendants rushed away.


Lin Yue walked on the sidewalk with a group of people wearing chef uniforms. Passers-by looked sideways, wondering what combination they were in. Two girls on shared bicycles stopped to discuss in a low voice. Steven's face is very distinctive... Only tourists who come to Shanghai from other places will pay attention to these blue-eyed and white-skinned foreigners. The locals have long been familiar with it. Their impression of white people is better. The's hard to say.

There is a small red brick building with a sense of age less than 50 meters away from Gray Whale Restaurant. The decoration workers are pasting the English name of Reef Restaurant on the plaque at the door. Through a row of floor-to-ceiling windows extending forward, you can see to the furnishings inside.

A dining table covered with white cloth, with goblets and rolled tablecloths on it, and stylish upholstered armchairs next to it, looks like a luxury restaurant feel.

Xiao Cai blinked her curious eyes, looked at this, looked at that, the whole person was timid and cautious.

Lin Yue led them into the front hall, and the tall female manager Dang Qian hurriedly came up with the purchase order.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the purchase order. The items you ordered have been put into the cold storage. The seafood supplier just called and they agreed to give us another 6% of the standard wholesale price. If you think it's okay, In the afternoon they will send someone over to sign the agreement."

She looked at the boss in a strange way. Steven, Liu Hong and the others didn't know why. The nearby waiter who counted the tableware and made records knew it very well, because Dang Qian told them that this supplier was a subsidiary of Shanghai Fisheries Group. , the restaurant she managed before had cooperated with this supplier, but the supply price was much higher than that given to the reef restaurant.

Don't underestimate the 6%, it can save a lot of money in a month.

This is only the wholesale price of seafood. Western restaurants have the most demand for all kinds of steaks, and the price is also pushed to the limit. If you don’t work in the restaurant, you must think that the supplier of the reef restaurant is very low. , 90% of the time they will be shoddy, but the reality is that the steak supplier of the reef restaurant is the well-known MAYURA in Australia. Unless they want to smash their own signs, they will never do so.

There are also red wine, coffee, vegetables, and even table knives, forks, and tablecloths... From ingredients to tableware, the prices given by suppliers are lower than those supplied to other restaurants. Also, she went to report the work progress last night, Mr. Tong, who took over the renovation project of the restaurant, came, and she clearly heard the other party tell Jiang Haokun that the renovation payment is not in a hurry. When the restaurant is on the right track and the money is rich, it will not be too late to settle the renovation fee.

Can you trust such a considerate contractor? But all this is really in front of us.

How did the boss do it?

This question has troubled her for a long time, but it has not been answered until today.

In fact, the back kitchen supplies are in place earlier than the dining table and chairs in the front hall. She has asked if she should post a job advertisement. Let's look for it in China, but she doesn't need to worry about how the boss answered.

Okay, she doesn't worry about it, but it's about to open, and I haven't seen a chef. It's a lie to say that it's not urgent. I thought I would mention the matter of finding a chef today, but I didn't expect the boss to tell a friend Sending out invitations and bringing back a whole kitchen staff with a crutch.

It's so awesome!

"I have to go out in the afternoon, you tell them to come over at 4:30."

Lin Yue's words interrupted her wild thoughts.

"Okay." Dang Qian nodded.

"By the way, since everyone is here, let's introduce ourselves and get acquainted with each other, so that we can take care of us in future work." Lin Yue looked at Steven, then at Dang Qian: "Who will come first? "

"Let me go first." Dang Qian generously stretched out her right hand and said in fluent English: "My name is Dang Qian. I used to work in Flau French Restaurant and Mercato, and now I am the manager of Reef Restaurant. Let’s all live in harmony and make progress together.”

Steven squeezed part of her finger and said, "Miss Dang, you can speak Chinese, I can understand it, oh, by the way, I'm Steven, from France."

Dang Qian was very happy: "That's really great, Mr. Steven."

After the head chef and the manager introduced themselves, the second chef, Touzhen and others came next. When it was finally the turn of the second chef assistant Xiao Cai, he rubbed his hands and took a step forward: "My name is..."

"Wait." Lin Yue interrupted his self-introduction: "You can go."

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