Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1944 Jiang Haokun really has superpowers!

Lin Yue was amused by his reaction: "Don't be nervous, I just want to talk to you."

"Talk? Talk about what?"

Cai Mingjun was very alert, or for some reason, he was a little afraid of the man in front of him.

"Did you go to follow Lu Yuan just now?"

"how do you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, I was rejected, right?"

Cai Mingjun nodded, the vigilance on his face was relieved a lot, but a touch of frustration was added.

Lin Yue said, "Maybe I can help you with this matter."

"You? Aren't you dead against him?"

Yesterday, Mr. Jiang made a bold statement, saying that he would crush the Gray Whale restaurant.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, did not answer the question, pointed to the front and said, "There is a coffee shop not far away, let's talk there."

Cai Mingjun thought for a while and nodded in response.

ten minutes later.

The waiter put two cups of Americano coffee in front of the two, said "take it slowly", and went down.

Cai Mingjun held the coffee cup in his hands, looking quite nervous.

This little fresh meat is completely reckless for a woman like Peng Jiahe. It should be given to those forty or fifty-year-old aunts, and he will definitely be spoiled to death.

Oh, yes, there are also gay guys from GAY bars and rich people with broken sleeves. How nice it would be to find a financial backer, earn 10 to 20 million in ten years, and live freely in a small town.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, and you don't have to be in awe of Lu Yuan. As for me, I won't take the initiative to attack those harmless targets. As for Lu Yuan, he is a star chef who is worthy."


Cai Mingjun was stunned by his words. The cook the day before yesterday had personally witnessed how Lu Yuan used Steak Wellington, the most culinary dish in Western cuisine, to pick Steven off. Now he said that Lu Yuan had Moisture, this is... simply sensational.

"That's right, there is moisture." Lin Yue repeated the above words: "The steak Wellington is about the control of the heat. In other words, it tests the chef's experience. Lu Yuan, he has experience. But he has no taste."

"What? No taste?"

If it was stunned just now, it is horrified now.

Cai Mingjun opened his eyes wide and looked at him without blinking.

Chef Lu has no sense of taste?

Can you believe that you have no sense of taste and are hired as the head chef at the Gray Whale Restaurant?

"According to you, he...he lied to us?"

"That's right, he's a liar, a chef with no sense of taste, he can't do his job well, but it's still okay to take care of apprentices..."

Cai Mingjun only listened to the first half of the sentence, and the second half of the sentence almost went into his left ear and out of his right ear, muttering to himself: "This is too irresponsible."

Lin Yue wanted to be responsible? He is not Lu Yuan who is responsible.

What this kind of person wants is to impress himself, as for what others think, it's none of his business. For example, Lu Yuan would rather smuggle his passport than sell his house to pay off his debts; he would go to prison alone without telling Gan Jing; Facts; and forcing the old shoemaker to make shoes for him in a very rascal way...

"In short, he won't stay in Gray Whale Restaurant for long, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless he finds someone to be his tongue."

On this matter, Cai Mingjun's mind flashed.

"You mean... let me be his tongue?"

"That's right."

"But...but you know what happened today."

Lin Yue took out a photo from his pocket and put it on the table, pushed it in front of him, pointed to the person on it and said, "Get her done, and you will get what you want."

"who is she?"

Lin Yue made Peng Jiahe an internet hacker, and she has been hiding at home for the past few days, so the scene of Cai Mingjun meeting Peng Jiahe in the TV series did not happen.

"Who is she? That's a good question. But before I help you out, I think it's necessary for us to discuss the conditions."

"What conditions?"

"After it's done, you have to do one thing for me."

"What's up?"

"When the time is right, it will tell you, you just need to answer 'yes' or 'no'."

Cai Mingjun: "..."

"Don't worry, you will definitely not be asked to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as murder and arson."

As soon as he heard that he would not be asked to do anything against the law, Cai Mingjun lost his worries, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Lin Yue didn't talk nonsense, and gave him instructions on how to approach Peng Jiahe, asked the waiter to check out, got up and left.

Cai Mingjun sat for a while, until he finished the coffee in the cup, and then went out with his things.


that night.

The stars are low and the moon is like water.

Most of the shops on the street were closed, only the convenience store on the corner and a beverage store were still lit. Occasionally, customers came out with things and plunged into the alley leading to the residential area.

The wind blew Dang Qian's loose hair and gently patted her professional attire. She glanced at the back kitchen where the light was faintly shining behind her, and got into her boyfriend's car.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go home."

The boyfriend didn't ask any more questions, and drove her forward.

The light in the dining room was because someone hadn't left.

"How? Are you still used to it?"

Lin Yue pulled a chair and sat down.

Steven tore off a piece of kitchen paper to wipe his hands, handed over the freshly brewed coffee, and joked: "Boss, in our country, forcing employees to work overtime will be fined."

Lin Yue said, "It's not you who work overtime, but me."

Steven looked astonished, and couldn't understand why he said that. He was the boss, and he was an employee. Everyone else in the back kitchen had left, and he was the only one left behind. What is it if it's not overtime?

"check it out."

Lin Yue took out a notebook from behind and pushed it in front of him.

Steven picked up the notebook and flipped through it, his face slowly changed from curious to dignified.

Steak Wellington.

Rabbit shoulder with broad beans.

Scallop Sturgeon Roe Sandwich.

Waterfall Cheese Mashed Potatoes.


White lover.

Each page of the notebook records the recipe for a dish.

A glimpse of the panorama, as a Michelin-starred chef, he knows the value of these recipes.

"Boss, are these all dishes developed by you?"

Since the last time he finished stewed lobster with morels and asparagus, the boss was able to tell the recipe and production steps of this dish after a few bites, and he was convinced, and the recipe in the notebook in front of him is superb. Cooking is done by a chef, and he takes it for granted that it is the work of the boss.

"No." Lin Yue said, "This is Lu Yuan's recipe."

Lu Yuan?

Steven was taken aback: "How come Lu Yuan's recipe is here with you."

"For various reasons, his recipes have been kept in the hands of his ex-girlfriend, and his ex-girlfriend is also my ex-girlfriend."

For this answer, Steven couldn't react for a while, and always felt that their relationship was very chaotic.

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry about how it came about, you just need to understand the contents inside and give Lu Yuan a 'surprise' for me, is there any difficulty?"

Steven shook his head.

The operation mode of the back kitchen of the western restaurant itself is that the chef provides the recipes, and other people work together to provide the diners with the meals on the recipes, so as long as they have this in hand, Lu Yuan can do it, so can he.

Of course, it is difficult to compare with Lu Yuan in terms of proficiency and understanding of dishes, but there is no problem in entertaining diners.

Lu Yuan's horse.

Engage in Lu Yuan's knife.

He stole Lu Yuan's recipe again.

What kind of hatred does this boss have with that Lu Yuan?

Steven felt sorry for Lu Yuan for a second...

It was only for a second, because he suddenly remembered the fact that Lu Yuan had robbed him of his job.

But, Sai Weng...why is it not Fu?

He couldn't remember that word, but he remembered that the teacher once told a short story in the language class, which meant that a person's horse was lost, and then the horse came back by itself, bringing a group of enemy horses with it.

At this moment, Lin Yue asked a question, interrupting his wild thoughts.

"Steven, do you know why Lu Yuan once appeared in a gourmet magazine and was talked about by diners? Do you know where his creative inspiration comes from?"


"Because he is good at combining the advantages of Chinese food and Western food, trying to integrate different styles of taste elements into dishes, which gave those food critics a very novel experience and finally succeeded."

Steven said: "I know this. Chinese cuisine is divided into many cuisines, with different flavors, and some are more complicated to prepare than Western food."

"So, as a star chef, if you want to continue to improve your Western food attainments, you will get twice the result with half the effort if you continue to use the original way of thinking. Now that you are working in China, you should spare time to learn Chinese cooking skills, learn from each other, and master the skills to achieve' 1+1 is greater than the effect of 2'."

Steven doesn't understand what it means to "learn from each other's strengths and make up for our weaknesses, and make a mastery of each other", but he understands what the boss means.

"Boss, I have thought about it, but I am very busy with work, and my Chinese level is also very average. It is very difficult to learn. In the end, I just gave up after learning about it."

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Want to make it fast? I can teach you."

ps: Well, I was wrong. To be honest, it was because I drank too much at the class reunion last night. Posted at 7:30.

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