Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1962 Lu Yuan, You Look Like a Dog (Two in One)

Lin Yue didn't say much, he shook off her hand and continued walking, but when his hand was on the doorknob, Gan Jing hugged his waist from behind.

"Change it, please, change it."

"No change."

Lin Yue's attitude was very firm: "You know, what I want is your attitude towards Lu Yuan, and it's not the kind of ambiguous statement that tells you to seal off all your escape routes. If you can't do it , I will not consider getting back together with you."

"You're embarrassing me."

"That's right, I'm embarrassing you. If I don't embarrass you at this time, it's tantamount to embarrassing myself. Things in the world are like this. If you want to get it, you must first learn to give."


A minute later, Gan Jing compromised: "Okay, I promise you."

She lowered her head, pursed her lips, her shoulders sank, and her hands dropped, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Lin Yue smiled coldly, it was no surprise that she had such a choice. In the TV series, Jiang Lai had a scene at the party where Jiang Haokun took her to meet his parents, and the next day she hurriedly asked Jiang Haokun if he would still marry her, like The engagement ceremony later, and even the small resistance and confrontation between Jiang Haokun and Jiang Haokun at the wedding ceremony were nothing more than her making use of the topic to test Jiang Haokun's attitude towards her and establish her post-marriage status. PUAs are gone.

To give the simplest example, at the engagement ceremony, Jiang Haokun said that her dress was inappropriate, similar to that of the waiter. Hit the waiter, and laughed at her as a green tea whore, then what did Jiang Haokun do? Knocking down the family brothers to the ground with one punch, and expressing his attitude towards his fiancée in front of everyone, Gan Jing was happy now, or his wish came true.

What corresponds to this plot? It was an engagement gift from Lu Yuan --- a washboard. What is the significance of giving this gift? Anyone with a brain can understand what kind of family status it symbolizes.

Gan Jing's approach and the hint of the gift from Lu Yuan, combining these two things, it is not difficult to draw a very frightening conclusion.

This woman wants to marry into a wealthy family, wants to dominate her and Jiang Haokun's family, and wants to show to outsiders that she is not a strong woman, let alone agreeing to Jiang Haokun's marriage proposal just for the Jiang family's money. Pursue your own setting.

Jiang Haokun in the TV series is a licking dog. No matter how Gan Jing PUAs him, he is reluctant to let her suffer. Here, it is replaced by him, breaking up when he says to break up, withdrawing when he says to withdraw, and using the rhyme of Mr. Wang, let her go through a lot. Back to the process of going from the bottom of the valley to the peak, and then from the peak to the cliff, and now the news is circulating on the Internet that Xu Lan is in a divorce lawsuit with Jiang Zhihua. Once the property division between the two parties is completed, who will inherit Xu Lan's share in the end? The answer is obvious.

There are only so many wealthy families, which belong to the scarce resources among the scarce resources, and coupled with the crisis given by his best friend Xu Li, can Gan Jing desperately seize the last chance?

So for a woman like Gan Jing, if you are the man she loves with all her heart, she will live a very happy life, but if her attitude towards you is not pure liking, she can plot men to death, and even foolishly Help her with money and effort.

But it's a pity that he is not Jiang Haokun. In terms of playing with emotions, he can make Gan Jing call him the patriarch.



The phone connects.

"Lu Yuan."

"Gan Jing, why are you still up so late?"

"Oh, I'm about to go to bed, and I suddenly remembered about Jiahe, how is it, is she in a better mood recently?"

"What can she do? She can eat, drink, and sleep, and calls every day to buy snacks and clothes."

"The matter about Xiao Cai..."

"Don't mention that little bastard who eats inside and outside, I will beat you once we see you."


"Gan Jing, what's wrong with your voice? It sounds hoarse."

"Oh, it may be that the temperature has dropped recently, and I accidentally caught a cold, and my throat feels a little uncomfortable."

"Is it serious? Do you want me to deliver medicine to you?"

"Ah...cough cough...don't, I don't need it, I'm fine."

"Are you all right?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Then wait until tomorrow, I'll go see you tomorrow."

"Seriously, Lu Yuan, have you decided what to do next? Gray Whale Restaurant...really...really not going?"

"If you don't go, can a living person be suffocated to death by urine? You can't cook, just find another job."

" you want me to help you?"

"No need, don't worry, I can find it."

"Can you... um... don't be so stubborn? Do you think this is very manly?"

"Gan Jing, don't worry, I have not starved myself to death in the United States over the years, nor will I in China."

"Hmph... where's Jiahe? Where's the old lady? Have you ever thought...thought about them?"

"Peng Jiahe will be 18 in less than two months, and the old lady also has a pension, so you really don't have to worry about that."

"Lu Yuan..."

"Gan Jing, it's getting late, you should go to bed."

"I... um... okay."


The phone hangs up.

Gan Jing looked back at him and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

Lin Yue said, "It's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"You asked knowingly."

"Hao Kun, what you too much."

"After all the phone calls, I said this again, hehe..."



next morning.

Sunlight fell on the double bed in the bedroom through the screen window, illuminating the watch on the bedside table and a few packs of cigarettes left.

Gan Jing rested his head on Lin Yue's arm, not sleeping peacefully, and occasionally frowned slightly, not sure if he was a little tired from sleeping or dreamed of something bad.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

"Gan Jing, Gan Jing..."

A man's door was faintly heard from outside, Gan Jing turned over and sat up.

She blinked her sleepy eyes twice, her face turned pale, because she could tell that the person knocking on the door was Lu Yuan.

When I called last night, I said that he would not let him come to see her, but in the end there was a surprise attack early in the morning.

Of course, this is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem is that Jiang Haokun is lying on her bed. If Lu Yuan finds out...

In fact, as long as Jiang Haokun reunites with her, it is right to say goodbye to Lu Yuan, but the phone call last night was a bad idea, okay?

She glanced at the man beside her, and found that he was not awake yet and was soundly asleep.

boom boom boom~

There was another knock on the door, and then Lu Yuan said, "Gan Jing, are you there?"

Afraid of waking Jiang Haokun up, she hurriedly got up from the bed, gathered her nightgown around her body, braced herself to go to the living room, opened the door a gap, and looked at the little eyes outside.

"Gan Jing, I bought medicine and made a bowl of ginger tea. Drink it while it's hot. It's good for your cold."

Lu Yuan lifted the thermos in his hand.

"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to come here?" Gan Jing's speech was a little slow, and his voice was a little weak, not to mention, he really looked like he had a cold.

"How can I do that? You still have a cold and don't forget to worry about my work. I don't care about you. Who cares about you?"

Lu Yuan pushed the door open with his hand, wanting to enter the living room.

How dare Gan Jing let him in, if Jiang Haokun was woken up by the sound of the two talking, with that guy's temper, he would definitely not let go of a good opportunity to slap Lu Yuan in the face, then the fun would be great.

"Give me something."

She reached out and took the thermos and the medicine in the plastic bag: "I'll go to sleep and sweat after I drink it, you can go back."

"I have to watch you drink it, otherwise I will be perfunctory. Your least favorite food is ginger. I remember this incident clearly."

"I said I can drink it, and I will drink it."

Gan Jing was a little anxious, coughed twice, and said out of breath: "Lu Yuan, can you let me sleep peacefully and soundly?"

"Okay then." Lu Yuan pointed to the thermos: "Drink it while it's hot, it won't work when it's cold, and there's also cold medicine, three times a day, two tablets at a time, drink more boiled water, remember..."


Before he finished speaking, Gan Jing closed the door.

The latter words were choked back, Lu Yuan scratched his head, a little dazed, wondering what happened to her today.

The fat woman who happened to be at the opposite door took a Shar Pei out for a walk, and pointed to the open elevator door: "Can you get in? If not, I'll go down by myself."

"Come in, come in."

Lu Yuan walked in and smiled at the Shar Pei.

The Shar-Pei smiled at him too.

The atmosphere in the elevator was, well, quite harmonious.

On the other side, Gan Jing leaned against the door to pant for a while, to clear up his mood, put the cold medicine and thermos bottle sent by Lu Yuan on the dining table, walked over and opened the door of the master bedroom, and a group of people approached him. An unhappy face.

Jiang Haokun woke up! Then what happened to Lu Yuan just now...

Gan Jing wasn't sure if he heard the conversation between himself and Lu Yuan, and said with a sense of luck: "Are you awake? I'm going to make breakfast. What do you want? Sandwiches or noodles?"

She didn't want to make breakfast, she wanted to put away the thermos and cold medicine. She was too flustered just now and didn't do things carefully enough. Now think about it, what if Jiang Haokun didn't know that Lu Yuan had been here, and saw the thermos and cold medicine after going out , then don't just wear clothes?

"The person who talked to you just now was Lu Yuan."

Lin Yue threw off the blanket and got down from the bed. While putting on his clothes, he said, "Gan Jing, how do you let me trust that you will break up with him?"

Gan Jing knew what he meant by saying this.

Up to now, she is still scruples about her personality, and she doesn't want to become a bitch who is broken up and ridiculed with Lu Yuan and who sacrifices her body.

One side is Lu Yuan's impression of her, and the other side is her ex-boyfriend who begged to get back together. If she didn't make a choice, it proves that her heart is not sincere.

"Hao Kun, don't worry, I will tell him, I will definitely tell him clearly, can you give me some time?"

He smiled noncommittally, put on his coat and pushed her away, and walked outside.

"Hao Kun, don't do this."

She ran up to hold him: "I... I was wrong, can I tell him now? Yes, call now. "

Lin Yue looked at the little woman in front of him, his expression was a bit dazed, he had switched treatment with Lu Yuan in the TV series, in the TV series Gan Jing could sit in the car and wait for Lu Yuan at the intersection for several hours, and even lied to Jiang Haokun that he had fallen asleep, to be honest , quite cheap.

Sure enough, in a relationship, whoever exposes his needs loses.

Scumbags are the most scolded by women, but scumbags are also the most memorable to women.

He glanced at the thermos and cold medicine on the dining table: "I'll give you a week to think of a way to make him give up on you."


He opened the door and went out.

Gan Jing breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head, pulled his face, dragged his aching legs to the sofa and sat down.

Jiang Haokun gave her a week to make Lu Yuan give up.

This matter looks simple, but she is actually quite embarrassed. During this period of time, she has hinted more than once that it will be difficult for Lu Yuan and the two to go back to the past, but does he take it seriously?


Combined with what he once said, she will see Jiang Haokun's scum nature, no matter what, she will not sit back and watch her jump into the fire pit, simply make a phone call and say a few unfeeling words, it will never solve the problem, because Lu Yuan is The kind of person that I will insist on treating you my way, no matter what you think.

What should I do?

She was struggling with how to get rid of Lu Yuan, and Lin Yue was thinking about how to get rid of her. There are so many women in the world who racked their brains and resorted to all kinds of green tea tricks to marry into a wealthy family, how many of them succeeded in the end? That idiot Jiang Haokun in the TV series made her succeed, why not replace him here.

Hehe, it's a bitch, God doesn't accept it, he accepts it!


three days later.

Reef Restaurant Manager's Office.

Lin Yue asked, "What is this?"

Dang Qian replied, "Resume."

"I know this is a resume, you can decide on the recruitment, show me what to do?"

"Mr. Jiang, don't you think this person looks familiar?"

Lin Yue looked at the name, then at the photo, and was taken aback: "Wang Gang? Isn't this the chef of the Gray Whale Restaurant?"

"That's right, it's him." Dang Qian sat on the single sofa next to him: "As far as I know, the situation in the Gray Whale restaurant is quite bad recently. Not only the salaries of the back kitchen staff have dropped a lot, Several waiters were also laid off, Manager Feng was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and wanted to hire the chef to restore his reputation, but Jiang Lai insisted on waiting for Lu Yuan to come back."

Lin Yue said, "You know the situation of the Gray Whale Restaurant very well."

These days, he focused all his energy on the divorce case between Xu Lan and Jiang Zhihua, and he didn't pay much attention to the matter at the Gray Whale restaurant. Of course, Dang Qian didn't know the inside story.

After saying this, he looked at his watch, stood up and said, "I still have something to do, let's go."

"Mr. Jiang, then this resume..."

"You can stay if you feel good."

"But... what if this Wang Gang is an undercover agent sent by Gray Whale Restaurant?"


Lin Yue felt a little funny, Dang Qian saw that he had bribed Cai Mingjun to work as an undercover agent next to Lu Yuan, so she felt that Feng Yufang would follow suit and send Wang Gang to the Reef Restaurant as an undercover agent: "Don't worry, it won't happen. "

"Boss Jiang, are you so sure?"

"That's right." Lin Yue blinked at her: "If I say that Manager Feng is mine, would you believe me?"

"How can it be!"

Dang Qian's face changed, thinking that Jiang Haokun was joking, Feng Yufang had done so many tricks to compete with the Reef Restaurant, now he said Feng Yufang was his? As long as people with normal brain circuits, the first reaction is definitely not to believe.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Without explaining in detail, Lin Yue pushed open the door and walked out of the manager's room.

Dang Qian looked at Wang Gang's chubby face on the resume, and couldn't figure out what was going on anyway. How could someone she had been competing with for a long time suddenly become an ally? Which song did Mr. Jiang sing?


"Jiang Haokun, it's Jiang Haokun, why is he here?"

"Hasn't he already resigned?"

"Yeah, who knows why?"

"Is it possible..."

"You know? Come on, don't be a fool."

"Do you really think that the chairman and his wife's divorce is groundless? It's not 80% but 70% true. I heard that the chairman's wife loves her son very much. Then why do you think he came to the company this time?"

"When you said that, I remembered. According to the usual practice, today is the day of the board meeting."

"You guys, chattering endlessly, forgot Vice President Liu's instructions, don't listen to the wind and rain, take rumors as the truth, work, and work with peace of mind."


Lin Yue walked in the long corridor leading to the conference room. In the work area separated by transparent glass, people's heads were shaking. The employees talked about his arrival, and confirmed it with the rumors of the past few days. Some people had a premonition that the Jiang Group was afraid. Something big is going to happen.

There was no knock on the door, but with a click, the door of the meeting room was pushed open by Lin Yue.

The directors sitting on the left and right of the circular conference table turned their heads and looked at the open door.

Jiang Haokun?

Why is he here?

Why didn't you inform everyone that he would participate in this board meeting?

The directors looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand why Young Master Jiang made such a surprise attack on everyone.

Jiang Zhihua's face was gloomy, and he asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Anyone could tell that his tone was not kind. The two directors who had worked with him for more than ten years couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing. It was very regrettable that the father and son had caused such trouble, but to a certain extent, Jiang Zhihua's attitude could also be understood. , because the chairman has been a vigorous and uncompromising person since he was young. When Jiang Haokun was the president of the group, he could be said to be obedient to the old man, but for some reason, after the rejection of the marriage proposal on the rooftop of Banyan Tree, it was like a different person. In the same way, he confronted the old man head-on several times, and even sent his own sister to the detention center. As the chairman of the Jiang Group, it's no wonder that Jiang Zhihua could bear this tone.

Lin Yue didn't show any respect for him. He casually pulled a chair in the corner and sat at the end of the conference table facing Jiang Zhihua: "What am I here for? That's a good question."

He pretended to be harmless to humans and animals: "Come and dismiss you, the chairman of the Jiang Group."

As soon as the words fell, not only Jiang Zhihua was stunned, but also the directors on both sides were stunned.

The agenda of today's board of directors is obviously to announce the annual financial report in advance, in order to lift up the company's stock price, which is constantly falling, and stabilize the basic market, so as not to cause a major negative impact on the company's business activities. As for Jiang Haokun, it's fine to come here uninvited , and even pointed the finger at Jiang Zhihua, wanting to remove him from the post of chairman, this is simply... isn't this nonsense?

Jiang Zhihua was furious, and stood up with both hands on the conference table: "Remove me from the position of chairman? In your capacity, the only possibility is to hold a general meeting of shareholders and initiate a motion to remove the chairman."

This is correct. Even if Jiang Zhihua and Xu Lan have divorced, the latter has obtained more than 26% of the group shares, or even more. After all, Jiang Zhihua has transferred property, and the court will take care of it appropriately. The proxy of the shareholder can only exercise the rights of the shareholders and cannot interfere with the affairs of the board of directors.

"To call for a general meeting of shareholders? That's too slow." Lin Yue looked at the directors on the left, then at the directors on the right, and returned to Jiang Zhihua with a smile: "I don't want to wait so long, so you have to give it to me today." I'm going down."

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