Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1963 Have you ever seen your son fire his father? (Two in one)

Jiang Zhihua pointed at the door: "Get out for me."

Lin Yue just smiled at him without moving.

Jiang Zhihua said angrily: "If you don't leave, believe it or not, I will ask the security to drive you out."

The directors looked embarrassed.

The father and son had a fierce quarrel in the board of directors before, but they didn't expect to repeat the old incident today, and they got into a fight again.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiqing coughed lightly and said: "Chairman, it's unnecessary, it's really unnecessary, Haokun is also your son, my eldest nephew, even if you divorced Xu Lan, take a step back, even if you Improperly being the chairman, the Jiang Group is still the property of our Jiang family."

The above words sound like persuasion, but after careful consideration, it seems that things are not that simple.

The directors looked over with puzzled expressions.

Jiang Zhihua glared: "Third brother, what do you mean?"

"Chairman, because you can't handle the family affairs well, you have caused internal and external difficulties in the group, and I won't say anything about the sharp drop in the stock price. This is obvious to all, otherwise today's meeting would not have happened."

Good guy.

Good guy!

The directors called him a good guy in their hearts. No wonder Jiang Haokun broke into the meeting room to tell Jiang Zhihua what to do when he knew that the board meeting was held today. It turned out that Jiang Zhiqing was the backer. One-third, if you really want to form a strategic alliance with Jiang Zhiqing, accounting for more than 40% of the total shares, as long as you get one or two major shareholders, let alone remove the chairman, you can do a major reshuffle of the board of directors get.

Jiang Zhiqing opened the briefcase, took out several documents from it, threw the top two in front of Jiang Zhihua, and threw the rest to the directors on both sides of the conference table.

"Chairman, please read the above content first."

Jiang Zhihua suppressed his anger and patiently flipped through the documents at hand, his face getting more and more ugly.

Jiang Zhiqing said: "Your good daughter came to me to intercede for a hardware factory because of a gangster who was imprisoned in the United States, and asked me to open the door of convenience and sign a long-term supply agreement with the other party. , I said it was against the rules, so she ran on me with the fact that you helped me and took me into business back then, and went to my wife to make trouble, and even threatened that if I told you about this, she would jump off the roof of the group building Let the Jiang Group become the laughing stock of the people of the whole country. I was forced by her to have no choice but to choose to compromise. There is also a second document, which I learned from Feng Yufang, the manager of the Gray Whale Restaurant. Keep that Lu Yuan, in order to get revenge on Haokun, toss a good western restaurant until it is about to close down, chairman, how many bad things do you want her to do in your name? If this continues, one day the Jiang Group will destroyed in her hands."

Some directors were whispering to each other, and some directors were lost in thought while looking at the documents in their hands.

Jiang Zhiqing continued: "Chairman, although divorce is your family matter, and liking a daughter or a son is a personal preference, but things have developed to this point, and your family conflicts have brought a great negative impact on the group. Your decision-making ability is questioned. I think Hao Kun is right. With your current mental state, you are no longer suitable to lead the board of directors. Therefore, I hope you can put the interests of the group and the overall situation first. Go home and rest for a while. Take care of the things around you, and then consider work issues."

This is a tactful way to say it, but the meaning of forcing the palace... can be heard by everyone.

Directors, you look at me, I look at you, then look at the chairman's son who is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai at the end of the conference table, and finally look at Jiang Zhiqing's challenger.

Jiang Zhihua's face was almost pale, the muscles under the corners of his eyes twitched, and half of his face twitched slightly.

He never expected that Jiang Haokun would actually be in cahoots with Jiang Zhiqing and attack him on the board of directors. Every day, stock prices plummeted, people's hearts were impetuous, and the external market was filled with mistrust. Someone must be responsible for this matter.

"Chairman? How about... following the show of hands voting procedure?" Jiang Zhiqing poured oil on the fire again.

Show of hands procedure? Isn't it just to dismiss him?

Just now he persuaded him to quit because of family conflicts, and he saved a little face by saying it, and he didn't tear his face. If he really wanted to vote for it with a show of hands, then he would lose all face in the group board of directors.

He looked at the directors around the conference table, slowly let go of his clenched hands, and finally chose to compromise, because the situation is stronger than others, and his shrewdness as a businessman is still there. Jiang Zhiqing and Jiang Haokun have formed a strategic alliance. When the general meeting of shareholders is held, the board of directors will likely be reorganized. Faced with this situation, which director dares to disagree? So when he really got to the stage of a show of hands, he could only end up humiliating himself.

"you win!"

After Jiang Zhihua finished speaking with hatred, he walked outside.

None of the directors said a word, acquiescing in their hearts to the fact that Jiang Zhihua was out.

Father and son turned against each other, brother killed each other, husband and wife divorced, and now he was expelled from the board of directors. The price Jiang Zhihua paid for that precious really a bit high.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

Lin Yue shook his head and said regretfully, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance to beg me, it's your own fault for not taking it."

Well, Jiang Zhihua is suffering enough, he is still adding salt to the wound.

If it were placed in another family, everyone would definitely scold him behind his back for being unfilial, but as an executive of the Jiang Group, he has a certain understanding of the Jiang family's affairs. The contributions to the group and personal property have been paid back to the parenting grace. Now the two sides are enemies and not friends, and it is hard for others to say something about beating the dog in the water.


"I don't need to repeat the truth of success and failure."

Jiang Zhihua pouted and gritted his teeth, and left without looking back.

It was similar to the situation when Lin Yue walked in from the outside just now. The chairman left the conference room alone, and the employees in the work area were whispering. What happened in the conference room, but judging from the chairman's expression, he seemed very unhappy.

It didn't take long for this problem to be solved.

The group's administrative department issued an announcement with few words but a big deal—Chairman Jiang Zhihua resigned from the post of chairman and president due to personal problems, and the acting chairman Jiang Zhiqing took over the related affairs.


In the evening, Jiang Zhihua returned home half drunk.

He went to drink. He drank alone. He originally had a bottle of wine, but he couldn't hold it in the middle of the day. He called the driver and sent him home.

"Chairman, let me make you a pot of tea."

Seeing that his breath smelled heavily of alcohol, the nanny quickly put down what she was doing, turned around and went into the kitchen, preparing to make him a cup of honey tea to hangover.

thump thump...

With the sound of hurried footsteps, Jiang Lai came down from the second floor, smelling the smell of alcohol in the living room and frowned, but she didn't care about Jiang Zhihua's expression, because since she was a child, her father often returned home drunk However, the situation has been better in the past few years after retirement. Now that he has returned to preside over the work, it is normal to have a drink for dinner.

"I went to the Gray Whale restaurant today, and Manager Feng still said the same thing. Dad, it has been so many days, and people have long stopped paying attention to Lu Yuan's affairs. No matter what, you have to call today and ask Feng Yufang to send someone Please come back."

Jiang Zhihua said with a straight face: "You went to the Gray Whale restaurant today? Then you should have seen the current situation of the restaurant. If it weren't for your willful actions, would things have turned out like this?"

"How can you blame me? It's obvious that Jiang Haokun is playing tricks behind the scenes." Jiang Lai was very unconvinced: "Besides, it's a western restaurant. What is this little loss to the Jiang Group?"

Jiang Zhihua gasped for a moment with his mouth wide open, trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart: "Lai Lai, how old are you, can you be more mature."

Jiang Lai suddenly became very excited: "I just like Lu Yuan, what's the matter? I used to fall in love with Chen Fang, and you disagreed. In the end, Chen Fang was forced to death by Jiang Haokun. Now it's Lu Yuan, and you still disagree. When will you agree?" Can you respect my opinion?"

"Respect your ideas? Respect your wayward nonsense?"

"Since when have I been self-willed and messing around." Jiang Lai walked in front of him and said loudly: "It's you, it's you...everyone is against me, and they don't want me well."

Jiang Zhihua couldn't bear it anymore, he got up from the sofa suddenly, raised his hand and slapped him.


The sound of slaps resounded in the living room, and the nanny who was making tea in the kitchen trembled and almost dropped the water glass.

Jiang Lai was stunned by this slap. He didn't recover from it for a long time, until the car horn sounded outside, and then touched his hot face and said, "You hit me? You hit me?"

Putting aside the experience of being beaten by Jiang Haokun a few days ago, no one in the entire Jiang family had beaten her before, especially Jiang Zhihua, who had spoiled her since she was a child. Today, this old guy actually beat her for a broken restaurant?

"You actually beat me for a broken restaurant?" She looked at the flushed man opposite, with undisguised resentment in her eyes.

"In your heart, am I not even as good as a restaurant?"

Jiang Zhihua couldn't understand her thoughts, but because of what she did for Lu Yuan, he suffered a big loss on the board of directors, was kicked out by his own son and younger brother, and felt ashamed, so he couldn't open his mouth: "I... How could I... I, Jiang Zhihua, give birth to a daughter like you."

"Regret, don't you?" Jiang Lai said hysterically: "Since I regretted it, why did you stop me when I wanted to commit suicide? If I die, you can treat it as if you never had a daughter. Isn't that good? Isn't that good?" !"

She covered her face and looked ruthless, not a bit like a rich girl, not much different from a crazy woman.

"you you you……"

Jiang Zhihua was so angry that he couldn't utter a complete sentence. He couldn't figure it out. For her, the relationship between father and son was over, and the relationship between husband and wife was over. In the end, this daughter not only didn't appreciate it, but also said such disappointing words .

"Anyway, I just want Lu Yuan to go back to work. I'll go find him in person tomorrow. If you dare to stop me, I'll show you to death." Jiang Lai almost yelled this sentence, turned and left, and went upstairs. up.

Jiang Zhihua stood where he was, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and he breathed out the smell of alcohol.

The nanny stood in the kitchen for a while, and felt that Jiang Lai had gone upstairs, and the chairman's anger had also subsided, so she came out with the brewed honey tea, but the prepared words rushed to her lips and she swallowed them.

"Chairman, chairman, what's wrong with you?"

I saw Jiang Zhihua lying on the sofa, his eyes wide open, his facial expression very distorted, his hands twitching constantly, and he looked very scary.

She was so anxious that her scalp was numb, but she didn't dare to act rashly. She put the teapot on the coffee table, ran to the stairs and shouted: "Miss, miss..."

No one answered, and DJ dance music with strong rhythm came from the corner, and the sound became louder and louder.

She hesitated for a while, instead of going upstairs to call, she took out the mobile phone in her pocket and called the emergency center: "Hello, 120? I need your help..."

Twenty minutes later.

Jiang Zhihua was taken away from his home by the 120 ambulance.


The news of Jiang Zhihua's sudden illness and admission to the hospital was suppressed, but the news of Jiang's chairman's replacement spread like wildfire. Just when the public opinion began to digest this matter, the newly appointed chairman Jiang Zhiqing sent a letter to various departments A notice——Jiang Haokun will return to the Jiang Group, and re-lead the group's business activities as the president and vice chairman of the board of directors.

There was a lot of discussion within the group, because there was a gossip before that Jiang Haokun had responded to his father very stubbornly, saying that he would let the group beg him to go back. Although it is not Jiang Zhihua who begged him to go back now, the result is not much worse.

Anyway, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the son joined forces with the third uncle to defeat his father. Looking back on the past, the Jiang family's big drama was really good.

There are also many people who pay attention to the internal struggles of Jiang's group and think it is very interesting. After all, Jiang Haokun is quite legendary... This adjective may be a bit too much, but compared with most of the rich second generation who rely on their parents to do their best , He does have a lot of stories to dig out.

Just those well-known young masters on the Internet, what are the fourth young masters in the capital, the national husbands, how many of them dare to be like him, saying that they will sever ties with their father, they don’t want their savings or contacts, they just rely on the fame and fortune of a western restaurant Double income, finally won the support of his mother and uncle, and kicked out his father who had been suppressing him. This kind of plot with a strong revenge nature is more interesting than TV dramas.

Some people began to think about writing his story into a novel, thinking about packaging it, doing a good job of publicity, and adding a gimmick based on real people and real events, maybe it can be put on the big screen, Jiang Haokun would not refuse, because it would increase His popularity is also a good thing for the Jiang Group.

However, some people pointed out that this kind of thinking is too naive, and the competent department will definitely kill it at the first pass of the review, unless there is a father-son reconciliation in the end, and the whole family has a happy ending.

"Oh, I made a mistake, when Jiang Haokun was in trouble, if I had gone to his restaurant to apply for a job, tried my best to enlighten him and help him, with my beauty and wisdom, I might have taken him down and reached the pinnacle of my life. "

"Hey, wake up, this kind of good thing, no matter what, it will never be your turn."

"People are hard to break down. The reality is already very cruel. Why don't you make people dream?"

"What happened to the leftover women? Do leftover women have no human rights? Can't leftover women pursue happiness?"

"Yes, why not, I support you, you must find the sweetheart who will marry you on the colorful auspicious clouds. Let's just say my third aunt, I am 60 years old, and I have been favored by Prince Tatamu of Saudi Arabia. Yue Leng took a private plane to Dubai to get married, and the whole village was shocked, envious, it's true."

"Saudi Arabia has the surname Tatamu? You lied to me."

"Haha, the last version talked about the 80-year-old aunt, so ladies and sisters must persevere, believe in yourself, and remember a sentence, if you are in full bloom, the bees will come."

"A bunch of stinking rats, even if I'm single for the rest of my life, I won't take advantage of people like you."

"Thank you, miss, for not killing me."

"Are you interested? Just chat when you chat, and discuss when you discuss. Is it okay for others to attack you personally?"

"Hey, what do you guys think of the woman who proposed to Jiang Haokun on the rooftop of the Banyan Tree? Do you regret that you didn't agree to him?"

"Who knows, but I remember that she is quite beautiful, I heard that she is a returnee."

"No matter how good the returnees are, they are meaningless to wealthy families. Many women can't figure it out. Most high-quality men don't expect their partners to be as smart as them."


Gan Jing looked at the messages in the Weibo discussion area, and his expression was constantly changing, sometimes resolute, sometimes discouraged, sometimes dazed, and sometimes excited, looking quite funny.

The reason why she had such a reaction was mainly because she wanted Peng Jiahe to deliver the message to persuade Lu Yuan not to pester her anymore. Now is now, and the past is the past. Life is a one-way street, and it is impossible to return to the original state.

If you want to ask why Peng Jiahe was asked to speak, the main reason is that she didn't want to embarrass both parties, and as an outsider, Peng Jiahe persuaded Lu Yuan from the perspective of a bystander, so Lu Yuan would not have any resistance.

She had a good idea, but she didn't expect Peng Jiahe to be very upset, and asked her how she could treat Lu Yuan like this. He spent three years in prison for her, and he is still single now, and because he offended Jiang Haokun, he lost his job. She didn't say anything Trying to help him, but also adding insult to injury, and stepping on it at a critical moment, it's disgusting.

Gan Jing was very wronged, and it wasn't she who asked Lu Yuan to commit a crime. She was kept in the dark for seven or eight years. In order to find Lu Yuan, she traveled almost all 50 states in the United States. Who should she complain about?

Although Peng Jiahe was very angry, she finally passed her opinion to Lu Yuan, but I don't know what the little sister said, so Lu Yuan came to Shengshi Binjiang Community at night.

She didn't open the door, only said to let him go back.

Lu Yuan began to scold Jiang Haokun for being a beast, he must be playing tricks behind his back, forcing her to bow to reality, and advised her to choose no one with the surname Jiang, and finally said that as long as she nodded, he would settle the matter, Even stabbed that dog with a knife.

Just as she worried, people like Lu Yuan don't make sense. He only cares about touching himself, and doesn't consider whether you want him to do so.

Putting down the phone, she walked back and forth in the room for a while, first called Xu Li, and then dialed Jiang Haokun's phone number. After talking for a while, the two disconnected and went to take a shower and sleep.

On the other hand, Lin Yue sent Xu Lan a glass of milk before going to bed, went back to his room, poured a half glass of whiskey, added two more ice, sipped the aroma, and recalled the conversation just now.

What Gan Jing meant was that Lu Yuan's paranoia was a disease and could be cured. He wanted to bring him to Xu Li to enlighten him.


The power of the world is working again...

From this point of view, the famous scene in the TV series is about to be staged.

But he knew better that Gan Jing was playing tricks again, wanting to kill two birds with one stone, so as to avoid future troubles.

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