Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1991 Initiate the teacher to fight hard

"Strict... Serious warning, if my old man finds out, it will be... uncomfortable."

Tu Jun's answer was stuttering, which was hard to convince.

Zhu Weijiao clasped her arms together: "I don't believe it."

"You don't believe it's true."

Tu Jun stepped aside, dragged his school uniform and ran towards the stairs. Below the stairs was the small noodle shop opened by Zhu Weijiao's parents. It was evening, and there were many people sitting on the dining table. The boy from the barber shop next to him was squatting between the door frame and arguing with his girlfriend with his mobile phone. For a while, "You know a hammer", and for a while, "Hamapi knows how to slap", and diagonally opposite The uncle at the fruit stand kept driving away annoying flies with a cattail fan.

As he approached the house, he slowed down instead, as if he didn't dare to face the butcher.

Yes, being severely warned by the school is an important reason, but the reason why he is in a trance is more of fear.

He didn't dare to tell Zhu Weijiao and the others what happened in the morning, mainly because he was afraid that they would be worried.

Lin Yue burned his flowered shirt. Judging from the results, he was on the right side, and Pan Xiao also revealed that he was biased towards him, or in other words... there was some personal grievance in dealing with Lin Yue's issue.

Because he made two mistakes in one morning, Pan Xiao directly gave Lin Yue a major punishment, and he was just a small warning. As a result, the boy refused to accept it, and directly avoided the office phone to call 110 to call the police, wanting to sue him He blocked the way and robbed Lin Yue in the school, and the director of the second grade went to rob him. He also punched Lin Yue and kicked him several times, and he lay on the ground directly.

In that guy's words, he has to remember a major demerit anyway, so it's better to simply drop out of school, but before that, he must make a big fuss, and it's best to make it known to the whole district, let everyone know that Jiefangbei High School How do teachers deal with students who have the courage to resist bad students and extort money.

Pan Xiao was dumbfounded for a moment.

The new official did this kind of thing on the first day of taking office. If he really wants to call in the police from the police station, not to mention how the incident of blocking the way and extorting money will be characterized. The operation of being expelled from school for a brave man can make the principal spit on the parents. Drowning, even if it was wrong for Lin Yue to burn his clothes, he was forced into a hurry, which was justifiable, and it was very satisfying to do so.

In short, Pan Xiao was terrified, he was frightened and stupid——if he was really caught by the police and brought into the police station, the butcher would definitely not let him off easily afterwards.

The final result was that the school did not pursue Lin Yue's beating of the teacher. Lin Yue called the police to withdraw the case. People are seriously warned.

Lin Yue disrupted the swearing-in meeting and received a warning. Now he burned his classmates' clothes and the punishment was upgraded to a serious warning. As for him, one step is in place, and it is a serious warning. From this point of view, he is at a disadvantage, but it is better than having the police intervene. That's why he became obedient after returning to the classroom, lying on the table Slept all day.

"Big mouth, Mimi, do you believe Brother Gou's nonsense?"

Zhu Weijiao looked at Tu Jun's slumped head, feeling very unreal. The old dog in her memory had never been like this before.

The two men looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Brother Gou seems to be a different person today. What happened to him in the director's office?"


When the group of four from Daxing Village returned home, Lin Yue was walking through the corridor of a tube building.


He took out his key and opened a door at the end of the corridor, entering the living room.

It is said that the living room only has a small part, just a coffee table, a sofa, and two benches. Of course, the TV and TV cabinet are indispensable. If you look at it from a distance, it will hurt your eyes if you look at it for a long time. up.

The reason why the room is small is that a room is separated from the sunny part, so the layout of one bedroom and one living room creates the feeling of two bedrooms and one living room.

"Ma'am, I'm back."

He threw the school uniform on the sofa and called out to the inner room.

Following the sound of rustling footsteps, the door opened, and a woman in her forties came out.

Or Lin Yue's definition of himself and Tu Jun is related, because the woman in front of him is Zhang Shuying who is going to marry the butcher in the TV series.

The identity set for him by the system is that his parents are working out of town, and he is studying in high school with his mother's sister, Zhang Shuying, in Chongqing. After all, it is a provincial capital, and the teachers are much better than those in small cities.

In short, if the butcher here is not dead, and he is married to Zhang Shuying again, then his relationship with Tu Jun is that he is not related by blood.

"You're back? Ma'am, I'm going to cook for you now."

After saying this, she noticed the difference in his face.

"Where are your glasses?"

Lin Yue looked at her and said, "It accidentally broke."

"Then why didn't you match?"

"Not worthy."

"Not worthy, can you read the words on the blackboard clearly?"

"I can see clearly."

"How can it be."

Lin Yue pointed to the newspaper posted on the wall of her room and said: "Main title, Knowing People's Feelings, Melting People's Hearts, Helping People's Wealth, Subtitle, Documentary of Ideological and Political Work in the Zhumadian Area of ​​Henan Province."

Zhang Shuying walked over to take a look, and found that there was no difference in a word.

The words on the newspaper can be read clearly even in the dim light in the room, so in the classroom, there must be no problem in reading the words on the blackboard.


"That's why I take eye exercises seriously."

She was deeply suspicious of such a statement, but she couldn't explain what happened just now, so she could only shake her head and prepare to go to the kitchen to cook.

"Wait, this..."

Lin Yue took out the 500 yuan Pan Xiao compensated him from his pocket and handed it over.

"Where did it come from?"

"I picked it up on the way to school."

Zhang Shuying looked suspicious: "I picked it up?"

Lin Yue said, "Isn't it picked up, could it be stolen?"

Of course she wouldn't believe that her nephew would steal money. Although Lin Yue's grades were mediocre, his quality was still very reassuring: "Where did you pick it up? You should wait for the owner. 500 yuan is not a small amount."

Of course, Lin Yue knew that 500 was not a small amount. In this day and age, the monthly living expenses of college students from ordinary families were only around 500.

"Wait, I will come back when no one claims it after dark."

Zhang Shuying said again: "Since you picked it up, you can put the flowers yourself."

Lin Yue shook his head and refused: "I am a student, what can I spend money on, ma'am, you can take it, use it to supplement the family, it can be regarded as being used on me."

Zhang Shuying thought about it, it was such a reason, and given him so much money all at once, she was afraid that he would go to the Internet cafe to play games and learn bad things, so she didn't continue to decline, put the money in her pocket, and went to cook for him.

Lin Yue didn't go to help, but walked into his room, turned on the desk lamp and pretended to read a book.

Zhang Shuying was married, but due to physical reasons, she has never had a child of her own. Her husband took her to many hospitals, but unfortunately she was not cured. In the end, the two divorced because of this matter, and Zhang Shuying lived alone all the time. It is also the reason why the butcher in the TV series feels that as long as Tu Jun agrees and Zhang Shuying is willing, the two people's affairs can be accomplished.

"Lin Yue, it's time to eat."

Half an hour later, when the food was ready, he put down the book and went outside to have a look.

"Braised pork?"

"Yes, your uncle Tu sent you 5 catties of pork this afternoon."

"It's the Tu family by the river."


Lin Yue nodded, without saying anything, picked up his chopsticks and sat down to eat.

Teach Tu Jungui Teach Tu Jun a lesson, butcher, he still needs to be rescued.


The next morning, Director Pan went to each class of the third grade and conveyed the decision of the school leaders, that is, Jiefangbei Middle School decided to participate in the marathon competition held in the city next year, because daily training would delay learning, so Please sign up voluntarily.

"Anyone to sign up?"

Director Pan glanced at the whole class: "No? Then..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yue suddenly raised his hand: "Me."

Director Pan sighed, now he has a headache when he sees that face.

But having said that, you can't go back on your word.

"Well, classmate Lin Yue... is very suitable."


There was a burst of laughter from below, because the "very suitable" here refers to Lin Yue's poor grades. If he runs a marathon, there is basically no consequence of delaying the course. There are even more points.

As for the fact that he boasted that he was going to take the first place in the class in Haikou yesterday, no one took it seriously. Even Chen Yuanyuan, another person involved, was quite nervous yesterday, and felt that he was making too much of a fuss , with Lin Yue's level, how could she be the first in the class? In comparison, she would rather believe that the sun will rise from the west.

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