Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1993 Please call me Lin Xueshen

Tu Jun couldn't see clearly from behind, so he stepped forward and carefully looked at a piece of paper in Yang Jiao's hand that looked like a test paper but was not a test paper.

"Student Lin Yue copied all the questions from the test paper onto the draft paper, and then gave the answer."

If everyone was surprised and dumbfounded just now, then they are completely stunned now. He was able to copy the test questions onto the draft paper to answer when Tu Jun tore up the test paper. This is simply... It's too embarrassing.

Ding Rongliang let out an "ah" and almost jumped up from his seat.

Lin Yue got the first place in the exam, what does that mean? It meant that he was going to be the deputy monitor of Class 1 of the third year of senior high school. In this way, wouldn't he and Chen Yuanyuan become a golden boy and a jade girl?

He looked over anxiously, only to find that Chen Yuanyuan pursed his lips, his eyes wandered, his breathing rate accelerated slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


At this moment, Yang Jiao made another sharp turn, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Lin Yue, although you won the first place in the class, your scores are the same as Martin's, and the questions you got right and the ones you got wrong Also, please explain to me, why is this?"


The students felt like they had been on a roller coaster, and the news came too suddenly.

Ma Tian is the first - Lin Yue is tied for first - the right and wrong questions of the two people's test papers are exactly the same.

What does Yang Jiao mean? Any fool can hear it.

Said that Lin Yue was copying Martin's test paper.

Lin Yue stood up and said, "Look at what you mean, do you think Martin is helping me cheat?"

Yang Jiao didn't reply, just looked at him quietly.

This gesture speaks volumes about her attitude.

Lin Yue said: "In other words, you don't trust Wang Zhen. As the invigilator, she will let me copy Martin's test paper with confidence?"

That's what I said!

Everyone looked at Yang Jiao again, and thought it was right, Wang Zhen and Lin Yue had a bad relationship, and they didn't even care that his test paper was torn up by Tu Jun, how could they allow Lin Yue to copy in the examination room if they just sat and watched him helpless? Martin's test paper?

Yang Jiao asked: "Then how do you explain that the test papers have the same scores, and the wrong questions are also the same?"

Martin also looked at Lin Yue, he knew very well that this matter had nothing to do with him, but just like what Yang Jiao said, if it was said that Lin Yue did not copy his test paper, would anyone believe it? Not at all, because it's not logical.

At this time, Tu Jun turned his head back suddenly, looked at him and said, "Well, Martin, you actually helped Lin Yue cheat, you are really disgusting."

Martin stood up and said, "I haven't."

As he said, no one believed what he said, even Li Anran looked back at him somewhat with the meaning of "Martin, did that poor student coerce you?"

Zhu Weijiao said sarcastic words beside him: "Say Zi is a good student. He seems to be a very honest person, but he actually helps others to cheat."

Looking into the eyes of those people, Martin felt that he couldn't explain, and didn't know how to face the situation in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder.

"How does it feel to be distrusted? In this way, if you are distrusted by good friends and relatives in the future, you will have resistance and will not do stupid things."

Martin didn't know what he meant, and neither did his classmates.

Lin Yue shook his head, met Yang Jiao's surprised eyes, walked to the podium, picked up a piece of chalk from the chalk box, tapped it on the blackboard, looked at her and said, "You are an English teacher, right?"

After finishing speaking, she did not wait for Yang Jiao to answer.

The pen moved like flying, and he wrote a short sentence in English.

Born to Win Each human being is born as something new,something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life……

Throw away the chalk after writing.

"Come on, translate."

This is absurd. A student is writing questions on the blackboard to test the teacher, but standing in Yang Jiao's position, he feels an unquestionable majesty, and a poor student can write such a large paragraph of English fluently. Little surprise.

"Every human being is born a new individual who has never been there before. He is born with the ability to succeed in life. Each person sees, touches, tastes and thinks about the world in his own unique way. Each They can all rely on their own efforts to become a valuable, brainy, perceptive and creative person, that is, a successful person."

Lin Yue chuckled: "It's not bad, if the total score is 10 points, it will be 5 points."

As soon as the words came out, the students below looked at each other in blank dismay. Teacher Yang's translation didn't even pass?

Yang Jiao looked at him with dissatisfied eyes.

"In this case, let me try to translate it for you. Everyone is born new, born in the world and never seen before, everyone is born to win, thoughtful and useful for life. Everyone is unique , What you see, hear, feel, say, taste, and think are colorful. Everyone is extraordinary, knows what he can do, and observes his limitations. Everyone is important, thoughtful, insightful, rich Creativity, everyone is an outstanding genius, and everyone has the demeanor of a king."


Yang Jiao didn't know what to say. The students below might not understand. They only stayed at the level of literal translation of English, but this Lin Yue's understanding of translation has surpassed the level of high school, no, it should be said that it has surpassed the level of university, because like Literal translation of such sentences involving human relations and morality is weak, and needs to be described in more impactful and passionate words. This is why a foreign language book, when translated for different people, will have different effects reason.

If his translation is rated as ten points, her translation is indeed only worthy of five points.

Lin Yue added: "English Listening Question 9, the correct answer is C, and I chose wrong B on purpose."

Before the test papers were handed out, he actually knew which question he did wrong.

Yang Jiao didn't know how to face him at all. What was certain was that everyone had made a mistake. This guy was definitely not as simple as he used to act. So what's going on?

"Don't understand?" Lin Yue said: "It's right if you don't understand. I have been studying in Jiefangbei Middle School, from junior high school to high school, all the way, one grade higher than Chen Yuanyuan. In fact, I have paid attention to her a long time ago. , but she still focuses on her studies. Now that she is in her third year of high school, she is 18 years old and can take responsibility for her own life. As for me, I think the time is ripe, so I deliberately got a low score in the first half of the year in order to repeat the year. Come to the same class with her, so, now you understand?"

Is there such a thing?

The students couldn't accept this kind of development at all, and they all thought he was a fool who tried to translate texts. In the end, this fool fooled everyone. His English level is so high that he can teach the head teacher a lesson, and he can see the whole leopard. What is the grade of the subject.

Li Silin looked at him, then at Chen Yuanyuan, and pushed the tablemate with his small mouth open as if he was down.

Ding Rongliang has been the first person to confess to her every birthday since she was 13 years old. Compared with Lin Yue's approach, it's a fart!

The person who makes Chen Yuanyuan very embarrassed every time, compared with the Xueshen on the opposite side, is there a world of difference?

Lin Yue said again: "I said from the very beginning that I want to be the first in the class and to be the monitor, do you take it seriously? No, you all think this is a joke. I think I copied Martin from my deskmate, so I just don’t trust you, forget it, anyway, I’m here for Chen Yuanyuan, and it doesn’t make much sense whether I’m a third-year student or not.” Lin Yue walked back and put his backpack on his shoulder: “Chen Yuanyuan , I don’t want to delay your studies because of falling in love. The main reason is that Ding Rongliang is too annoying. Now everything is clear. You should study hard in the next half a year. I will come back to take the college entrance examination with you next year. As for the position of deputy monitor, I think Teacher Yang will not back down on his word."

With a chuckle, he walked outside under everyone's astonished eyes, and patted Luo Shenxi on the shoulder when he passed behind him, making the boy shiver.

"Deliberately take care of your partner's emotions, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger with a low test score, don't think that you are the only one who knows."

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