Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2022 Bring down the state-owned factory

The door was ajar, and a middle-aged man in his early fifties, with graying temples and sharp eyes, was sitting at the desk, writing quickly on letterhead paper with a pen in his hand, and didn't notice anyone approaching him at all. office.

da da da ~

Li Jinze knocked on the glass window of the wooden door.

The person behind the desk looked up and saw him coming, with a cold expression on his face.

"Li Jinze, didn't I tell you that you can't pay in advance, and it's not like you don't know the situation in the factory."

"Director, I'm not here to pay you. Someone is looking for you. He said he can solve our factory's current problems."

The factory manager was taken aback, put down his pen, looked at Li Jinze and said, "Can it solve our factory's problems? Where is the person?"

Lin Yue walked into the office from the outside and glanced at the room furnishings.

In the 1980s, the factory manager’s office was not so simple as it was simple. There were only two desks, four chairs, a washbasin stand and towels in the corner, and the soap in the soap box was so thin that it was as thin as lightning. The north-facing windows did not have matching curtains, so for the sake of wind protection and heat preservation, old newspapers were simply pasted inside.

Li Jinze wanted to introduce them: "Director Jin, this is..."

"Nonsense!" Before he could finish speaking, Factory Manager Jin interrupted him. Can a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child solve the problem of the meat factory? Is Li Jinze fooling him for an idiot?

"I'm busy, what should I do?"

Li Jinze was about to persuade Director Jin to take it easy and listen to the boy carefully, not wanting Lin Yue to wave his hand at him, push him out, and close the door again.

"Whose child are you?"

Seeing that Lin Yue would not leave, Director Jin admired his courage. You must know that there is no boy his age in the town who is not afraid of himself.

"That question doesn't help our conversation."

Lin Yue didn't see anything, pulled the chair next to the desk, and sat down face to face with Director Jin: "I heard from Li Jinze that the meat factory in the city doesn't let you use the name Jinhua Ham, so the meat factory is in trouble. Business crisis right?"


Factory Manager Jin was taken aback by his attitude, and also wanted to know his opinion on this matter.

Lin Yue said: "Is the Jinhua ham produced by your factory better than the Jinhua ham produced by the state-owned factory?"

Speaking of product quality, Director Jin is very confident: "Of course, the Jinhua ham produced by our factory is made of selected two-headed black hind legs, combined with traditional craftsmanship and the strictness of masters with decades of production experience. Check, whether it is in terms of taste, taste or appearance, it is better than the shoddy products of the state-owned factories. Jinhua ham is made for them, which has blinded the reputation of the ancestors."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the droplets sprayed onto the desk, which somewhat affected his dignity as the factory director.

But it can also be seen from this how confident he is in the quality of his own products.

Thirty years later, in most people's minds, the national prefix and the products produced by central enterprises are synonymous with quality, just like the oil products of Sinopec and PetroChina are much better than those of small gas stations, and the deposits of the five major banks of industry, commerce, agriculture, construction and diplomatic relations are more guaranteed. Generally, the physical products of state-owned enterprises and central enterprises are better than similar products of private enterprises, but in the 1980s, imagine that a group of workers who eat big pots can create products with good quality and meet the increasing public demand? What do these people think? Good or bad is the same money. In department stores, I supply the goods. You ordinary people don’t have the right to choose. As for whether it’s delicious or not? That doesn't matter, as long as it can feed you, it's all from the era of suffering from cold and starvation, so you can be content and thank you.

Just like the fate of the sock factory in the TV series "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky", if Chen Jianghe hadn't contracted it out, the business would have died long ago. Well, the sock factory and the meat joint factory are not in the same category. What about the Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory on the verge of bankruptcy in "Human World", it is very close.

So the director of Jin said that the Jinhua ham produced by the Fotang Meat Factory was better than the Jinhua ham produced by the state-owned meat joint factory in the city, and he agreed.

"He won't let you use the Jinhua ham brand, so you just need to."


Factory Manager Jin thought he had some good idea, but he didn't expect it to be such a bad idea, so he slapped the table and stood up, pointing to the door and saying, "Get out, you get out, I'm so mad!"

What is the most famous specialty in Jinhua? Isn't it just Jinhua ham? Without the signboard of Jinhua ham, sales will definitely collapse.

Lin Yue was not angry either, he chuckled at him, took the letterhead on the table, glanced at the three words "Submission" in the header, turned it to the back, and wrote a line with a pen.

Factory Manager Jin was taken aback by this action, and it took him a while to react. Just as he was about to explode, he had already finished writing and handed him the letterhead.

"What's this?"


"Advertisement... words?"

Factory Manager Jin squinted his eyes and read silently.

Jinhua ham is the best in the world, and Yiwu ham is the best in Jinhua?

Lin Yue said: "Go and print some stickers that can stick to ham, and stick them on your products."

"Is this... okay?"

"Why not? You don't sell Jinhua ham, you sell Yiwu ham. Anyone who can score 60 in the elementary school Chinese test knows that the Jinhua ham here is Jinhua ham, not the Jinhua ham produced by the state-owned meat factory."

"Isn't this just playing with words?"

"They can use power to suppress you, but can't you mess around?"

Factory Manager Jin was silent for a while, then pointed to the small two-headed black pattern on the advertisement and said, "What about this one?"



"Believe me, within a year or two at most, the country will open up trademark registration. As long as you rush to register the Jinhua Ham trademark in front of those old-minded leaders of the state-run meat factory, then you can use the rules to punish them, or put them Squeeze and swallow..."

Factory Manager Jin is not an ignorant person, he knows what trademarks mean to products, but he never thought that the meat processing factory in Fotang Town could use such things as trademarks, let alone imagined that a township enterprise could use the market The state-run meat factory in Li was annexed.

This boy... what the hell?

Lin Yue knew what he was thinking. He could only say that the times limited people's thinking. Any kind of marketing methods in the 1980s could be regarded as "advanced" as an adjective.

Factory Manager Jin's excitement calmed down a little, and he touched the letterhead and said: "But the ham produced by our factory is only sold in nearby counties and towns. It is a bit too much to say that Jinhua is the first."

Well, this Lao Jin is still an honest person.

"As the saying goes, Wang Po sells melons and boasts about herself. The ancients knew the truth. Do you still need me to explain it to you?" Lin Yue caught a glimpse of a newspaper on the desk. On the third page, there was an article about Feige bicycles. Then he took it over and pointed to the words on it: "Is the Feige brand bicycle good?"

Director Jin nodded.

"Then have you ever ridden?"

He shook his head again.

"You haven't ridden it before, how do you know it's good?" Lin Yue was not surprised by Mr. Jin's answer. In the 1980s, the three major bicycle brands were Phoenix, Flying Pigeon, and Forever. Among them, Phoenix and Eternal were all Shanghai brands. Flying Pigeon It is from Tianjin, and Yiwu is located in the south of the Yangtze River, so Phoenix and Yongjiu are common, and the market share of Feige is very small.

Director Jin: "..."

"Are you right from the newspaper? The newspaper said it was of good quality, so you say it is of good quality. People who are not as knowledgeable as you, what would they think when they saw the advertisement just now?"

"But newspapers have authority."

"The newspaper also said that the yield per mu is 10,000 jin. Let me see if you can produce 10,000 jin per mu."

Factory Manager Jin was choked to death, with a look of embarrassment on his face, he groaned for a long time before saying: "Then what should the people in the state-run meat joint factory refuse to accept and seek trouble for?"

"If you don't accept it, you can do it with them." Lin Yue said: "You are so confident in the ham produced by yourself, are you afraid of comparing the quality with the ham of the state-run meat factory? And don't you think that they really want to do it again and again? San’s trouble with you, doesn’t it just mean that your existence threatens their status?”

Hearing what he said, Director Jin felt like an outsider, and the young man sitting opposite was the director of the meat processing factory.

"If I were you, with advertising words and trademark awareness, and a lofty goal of annexing the state-owned meat factory, the next step is how to advertise, so that more people know that Yiwu ham is the best in Jinhua Ham. This is called the product has not been moved, publicity first, only let everyone know your product, will give you the opportunity to prove yourself with quality."

"We are a small factory..."

"If you don't have money, do you? Who says you can't advertise if you don't have money? It doesn't cost much to make a shelf for the stalls selling sesame seed cakes, melon seeds, cotton candy and local products at the train station. Print the advertising words of Yiwu ham on the On it, people who get on and off the bus every day can see them. It won’t be long before the news that Yiwu produces the best ham in Jinhua will spread across the country. Looking at the situation, meat tickets and cloth tickets should be withdrawn from the market soon. Butcher shops are bound to bloom everywhere. If you spend a little more effort to sign a supply agreement with them and give them a signboard or something, as for how to write and draw on it, as long as it is not too much and will not affect the business of the store, I think they will not I will mind if you use the space to promote it, after all, this is a win-win business."

Factory Manager Jin was dumbfounded. Can a teenager think of these words? Compared with his head, wouldn't he live like a dog all his life?

"You... who the hell are you?"

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