Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2023 return with full rewards

Lin Yue slapped the table and stood up: "The person who came to sell pigs."

this answer...

Director Jin was very dissatisfied.

"You know what I'm trying to say."

"Hey!" Lin Yue sighed, "If I don't help you solve the meat factory's problems, who will I sell my pigs to?"

Director Jin said: "I mean, how old are you this year, why do you know so much?"

Lin Yue said: "Because I have traveled far and wide, seen many worlds, think more than you, and have a smarter brain than you."

Director Jin was not unhappy because of his belittlement.

"what's your name?"

"Li Jinze will tell you about this." Lin Yue bent his fingers and tapped the table: "Let's issue a ticket."

Director Jin: "..."

half an hour later.

Li Jinze looked at Lin Yue who took out the money from the window, and it still feels unreal until now.

"Brother Chen..."

Lin Yue looked at the old man in his thirties and thought to himself that you really know how to get close.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, just... coming here often when I have time."

Li Jinze's behavior was looking for something to talk about. In fact, he knew exactly what he was doing, but his intuition told him that he had to do this, and he had to look for something to talk about, because this young man who could handle even the factory manager would definitely prosper in the future.

Lin Yue was amused by this sentence, come often when you are free? What are you doing here? Going to the kiln, he is indeed a butcher, and he can't talk well.

Originally, he was bored, and he went to work as a butcher, and others shunned his profession and avoided him. Under the vicious circle, his communication skills were only 30 points.

It is true that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.


With the idea of ​​not hitting the smiling man with his hand, Lin Yue waved his hand and pulled the empty cart away.


The money obtained from selling wild boars was a little more than expected, totaling 332 yuan 3 .

He went to return the flatbed first, and stuffed a change of 2 yuan and 30 cents into the crack of the door, which was regarded as the rental fee, and then set foot on the way home.

When he came to the county seat near noon, he didn't go back to Chen's house immediately, but went to Ximen Old Street.

Although it was already the autumn of 1982, there were gradually more people doing small businesses, and there was no need to worry about being caught and educated like four or five years ago, but those who dared to set up stalls were still relatively small compared to the general public. So, it seems that the owner has not yet transformed them into paving consciousness.

Most of the stalls on the street sell small commodities, such as children's clothes, shoes, socks, feather dusters for home use, bamboo sticks, brooms, dustpans, etc. These condiments are packed in bags of phosphate fertilizer, waiting for people to buy them. Of course, there are also tobacco leaves that are popular among the poor. Every time someone stops in front of the stall, the wrinkled old farmer will take two puffs of dry tobacco that can choke people. , looked up.

"Selling candied haws, candied haws... pitted, white sugar."

An old man in a blue Chinese tunic suit passed by pushing a rusty 28 bar, behind him was a straw target covered with candied haws.

The eyes of the children in front were attracted by him, and their heads moved with the bicycle.

Lin Yue stopped in front of a booth selling shoes, socks and gloves. He saw cotton socks of different colors stacked together, cheap nylon stockings tied with rubber bands, and nylon socks that were popular in recent years were spread out one by one. Shoes and gloves are easy to be taken by customers in the front. There are many types of shoes, such as old cloth shoes, rubber shoes, nurse shoes and big-toed shoes for winter. There are few types of gloves, which are white labor protection gloves commonly used for work. A glove attached to a string.

"How do you sell Jiefang shoes?"

The lady proprietress standing behind the booth hurriedly stuffed half a roasted sweet potato into her mouth, compared the two numbers with her fingers, and said vaguely: "2 yuan and 9 pairs."

"A bit cheaper."

Lin Yue picked up the green leather Jiefang shoes in front of him, looked at them carefully, and then looked at his feet.

The cloth shoes on his feet have been worn for a long time, and they are almost rotten after walking so many mountain roads last night. He doesn't want to go back to the village and have his toes seen through the holes in the toes by acquaintances.

Pull-back shoes became popular in the 1980s, but in small towns like Yiwu, people are still used to wearing old cloth shoes and Jiefang shoes, not to mention old cloth shoes, most of them are made by rural women and sold in the market. The price of Jiefang shoes is 2.89 yuan, which is affordable by ordinary people, but the price of the two brands of Huili and Feiyue is 2-3 times that of the old Jiefang shoes. Not to mention that farmers cannot afford them. People who work in state-run units have to buy a pair for a long time, and have to go to a department store to see if there is a size that suits them.

The proprietress swallowed hard the food in her mouth, maybe she choked, patted her chest, and counted with her fingers: "I'll give you 1 cent, 2 yuan and 8."

Lin Yue opened [Bargaining LV4]: "2 yuan and 5 pairs, I'll take two pairs if it's okay."

The proprietress looked hesitant, and finally gritted her teeth: "Okay."

He took the money and said, "Take a pair of size 39 and another pair of size 43."

The proprietress flipped through the cardboard box behind her, and quickly took out two pairs of shoes: "You are so lucky, the last pair of size 43 is left."

While accepting the ten yuan from him, he unzipped the satchel and took out five yuan for change.

"Wait, how much is a pair of these nylon socks?"

Lin Yue remembered that Chen Yulian took him to Hangzhou to find a husband, Lin Yutang settled them in the suburbs and came over one day to give Chen Yulian a pair of nylon socks. She was very happy and was reluctant to wear them. She would only change them when her husband came and went home to visit relatives. superior.

"2 yuan for 1 pair."

"Is it possible to get a triple pair for five dollars?"

The proprietress was a little surprised. She didn't expect him to be so willing to spend money, but she quickly realized that she put the 5 yuan back in her pocket and gave him the only three pairs of nylon socks on the booth.

Lin Yue touched the fabric of the socks and shook his head gently.

A pair of Jiefang shoes costs 2 yuan and 9 yuan, and a pair of nylon socks costs 2 yuan and 1 yuan. This shows how profitable it is to make socks. This is why TV dramas specifically describe the plot of Chen Jianghe contracting a sock factory. It was a smash hit. According to data, Chengshou can make 50 pairs of socks a day, and the profit of a pair of socks is almost 1 yuan, which can earn a month's salary of an ordinary enterprise worker in a day.

He put on the size 39 Jiefang shoes, threw the worn-out old cloth shoes into the garbage dump, walked to the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative not far away, looked around for a while, and went straight into the big alley next to him. He walked out, turned around and entered the supply and marketing cooperative, and when he came out again, he was holding a big front door in his hand.

To say that the cigarettes in the 1970s and 1980s were cheap and easy to smoke, he thought they had to be Daqianmen, not choking, not spicy, and had a faint plum flavor. Mao, belonging to Class B cigarettes, needs to be purchased with a ticket. As a 14-year-old boy, it is impossible for him to carry a cigarette ticket, so he can only go to the black market to exchange.

Of course, it is now 1982, and citizens’ private trading of tickets is no longer as strictly controlled as it was in previous years. It’s like scalping scalpers at the gate of a train station 20 or 30 years later. Larger supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores are nearby. Observe carefully, and you can always find those little experts who help the rich solve problems.

Looking at his back, the shoe seller just now spewed out all the water she drank into her mouth, and muttered in a low voice, "This kid has a lot of skills."

The middle-aged man next to him selling brooms, brooms, bamboo strips and other woven products said, "You don't look like a rich man. Where did he get so much money? Don't steal it."

It cost 10 yuan to buy shoes and socks, 38 cents for a box of Daqianmen, plus the money for cigarette tickets, this pack of cigarettes costs at least 5 yuan. In just a short while, ordinary workers have lost half a month's wages. This guy is fine. He didn't even blink his eyes. If he hadn't been slashed twice when he was buying shoes and socks, he was sure that the money must have come from bad sources.

"No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

The shoe seller gave Mr. Talkative a hard look.


That afternoon.

The road at the head of Jun'anli Village was in a mess.

At noon, the director of the county textile factory called Chen Jianghe to inform Chen Jianghe that although the county approved the textile factory to sell the cloth heads to individuals, someone offered a higher price and would take away the cloth heads today.

When Chen Jianghe heard this, he became anxious, and hurriedly took Chen Daguang, Chen Ping, Chen Hong and others to the factory to pick up the goods. Unfortunately, they went a step too late. If you stop, you can only ask someone to pull the things away.

The fat in his mouth was robbed, of course he couldn't just let it go.

In a rage, Chen Jianghe took people to grab the goods, and stopped the famous sock king in the county at the entrance of the village. The two of them took a look, um, they met.

The people in the back are scrambling for a pile of rags, while the two in front are affectionate.

This scene is ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

Later, Chen Daguang realized that something was wrong, so he quickly shouted "stop".

Chen Hong covered his face scratched by a little girl and walked over: "Brother Daguang, why don't you grab it?"


Chen Ping also pulled down the rags on his body while asking questions in a muffled voice.

Chen Daguang pouted over there: "Look at them."

Everyone took a closer look, hey, the fighting here is in full swing, almost like a war, and Luo Yuzhu and Chen Jianghe are actually chatting over there, what are they doing? The goods are still up for grabs, do you still want the cloth strips?

Just as Chen Ping was about to call Chen Jianghe and ask him what to do with the goods in the car, he suddenly saw the young man turning from the rice field, and he was shocked.

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