Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2026 Then sever the relationship

Chen Yulian knew what Hu Li was thinking. She and Lin Yue lived and boarded at her mother's house, and now the busy farming was delayed. The mother and son were poor and had little income, and they might have to divide the old man's house. Facing such a situation There are not many people who can give them a good face.

Just like when she went to beg Chen Jinshui just now, wasn't the other party unwilling to delay going to the county to study because of her matter? So without a man and a boy, life in the country will be very difficult.

"Sister-in-law, no."

Hu Li said: "No? Will he listen if you say no?"

Chen Yulian pushed Lin Yue's back: "Tell my aunt quickly, I will be obedient in the future, be a good boy, and never run around."

In front of the old lady and Chen Yulian, Lin Yue can naturally suppress his emotions, because he knows that no matter how angry they are, they love their children in essence. Hu Li is different. Although she is his aunt, the two of them There is no blood relationship, on the contrary there is a conflict of interest. If it wasn't for Chen Jinzhu in the middle, with Hu Li's personality, she would have exploded long ago.

"Why should I promise her to be a good boy?"

This question stunned a few people.

"You child, how do you talk to your aunt?"

"I don't remember that she ever loved me. On the contrary, I got a lot of eyes from her. It's just because she is my uncle's daughter-in-law, so she is called aunt. When we meet each other, I call her aunt, and occasionally help her with some housework. I basically respect the elders." I did the etiquette, promised her to be a good child or something, she is not qualified."

Lin Yue thought he was very reasonable and spoke fairly and justly, but Hu Li didn't think so, pointing to his nose and said, "Chen Yulian, this is the good son you taught me? Such an uneducated son is indeed Lin Yutang's son. "

"Lin Yue, you..."

Lin Yue interrupted Chen Yulian: "Mom, there's no need to be as knowledgeable as this kind of village woman. Whether I'm educated or not is not something she can define."

Hu Li was furious. This kid seemed to be speaking calmly, but it sounded very harsh: "Chen Jinzhu, look at your nephew, do you still look like a junior?"

"It's terrible to be uneducated. Respect and stupid loyalty are two different things. If my uncle helps us, I will naturally repay him. On the day when he is 100 years old, I will send him off in sackcloth and filial piety. In the face of you, you must not fight back when you hit me, and it doesn't mean that you can manipulate my life at will."

Chen Jinzhu really wanted to speak for his wife, but after much deliberation, he couldn't find any reason to refute his nephew, and these words... could a 14-year-old child say?

"You..." Hu Li has always been strong in the Chen family, not only because of Chen Jinzhu's cowardice, but also because her natal family is in the next village and richer than the Chen family, with more brothers and helpers. Now this family has the lowest status, Even Lin Yue, who bears the identity of the son of a heart-broken man, dares to speak to her with such an attitude, how can he swallow this tone!

She said like a shrew: "Old Chen's family doesn't have a nephew like you."

"It doesn't count if you say it, but..." Lin Yue looked at Chen Jinzhu and then at Hu Li: "If it's just the four of you who sever ties with me, I have no objection. I don't want to be the director of the Poverty Alleviation Office."

A few people don't know what the director of the Poverty Alleviation Office is, but even a fool can tell that this is not a good word.

"Lin Yue, stop talking!" Chen Yulian dragged him back, regretting asking him to come out to apologize to Hu Li. She really didn't expect that her son, who was so bored to worry her two days ago, would even come to the Chen family today. Even the most powerful woman dared to confront her head-on.

"Brother, sister-in-law, don't take it to heart. I will teach him well when I get home."

She had a quarrel with Chen Jinzhu the day before yesterday, but it was because Chen Jinzhu asked Lin Yue to learn to do business with Chen Jianghe, and she did not agree to do so. Things are different today. From her point of view, she thinks that her mother and son are indeed the trouble for them, and it is normal to speak limply.

"Mom? Dad?"

At this moment, two shouts came from the front.

It was the two brothers Chen Hong and Chen Ping who came back.

The nature of the cloth head dispute can be said to be that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. When Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu met, there was no need to fight any more. Damn.

"Chen Ping, Chen Hong, you two came just in time."

When Hu Li saw the arrival of her two sons, she immediately gained a lot of confidence. This is the case in rural areas. Why do some families continue to have children after giving birth to one daughter after another? Why do they insist on holding a boy? The concept of passing on the family line, and because you have no sons, other people will bully you. If there are many brothers, sisters and nephews, then there are many people and powerful people, and you can speak hard.

"Remember, don't learn this worthless thing in the future. If you don't learn well at a young age, you will go hunting in the mountains and make your family run wild."

She is an elder, so of course she is ashamed to be as knowledgeable as a 14-year-old child. When Chen Yulian was subdued, she made a big noise. If it spread, she would be poked at the spine and scolded harshly, but let her just let it go and swallow Not letting go of the bad breath, thinking about it, he could only say such a sentence in a strange way.

"Hunting is worthless? Your son is promising? May I ask what your two sons are doing today?" Lin Yue's temper could not give in when others were angry with him.

"Tell him, what did you do with Chicken Feather?"

In Hu Li's view, a 14-year-old boy went hunting in the mountains and was not eaten by wild animals or fell off the cliff to his death. He was already very lucky. Can he catch the prey? How can it be! And their son followed Chen Jianghe to earn money. He came back this time wearing pull-back shoes and a Shanghai watch, and brought back a TV set for Chen Jinshui. All these add up to a thousand dollars less. Think about how rich Chen Jianghe is, is his son no better than him?

Chen Jinzhu's family is different from others, the situation is reversed, the second son is honest, the eldest son is more thoughtful.

"We... Brother Ji Mao took us to grab the cloth head." It was the second son who spoke.

"What? Grab some cloth?" Not only did Hu Li have an embarrassed expression, but Chen Jinzhu's expression was also grim. It's a tractor and the hope of the whole village... You have to grab some cloth.

Lin Yue said: "If it weren't for that sock king Luo Yuzhu and Chen Jianghe were old acquaintances, let alone the cloth head, maybe they would all have to go to the police station to squat."

Chen Ping nodded subconsciously, because this is not alarmist talk, they did have a fight, and the scratches on Chen Hong's face are still there.

Hu Li became angry from embarrassment: "That's better than you."

Just as Chen Ping was about to tell her what he saw when he was fighting for the cloth head, Chen Hong pulled him back to tell him not to talk too much.

Without knowing why, he did.

Chen Yulian saw that the situation was getting more and more tense, and hurriedly dragged her son into the yard: "You child, can't you say a few words less?"

Chen Jinzhu glanced back at the entrance of the alley, and found several women looking in this direction, worried about being gossiped, they stretched out their hands to pull Hu Li.

"Don't touch me, I'll go."

Seeing this posture, she also hated Chen Jinzhu.

Now Chen Ping knew why Chen Hong didn't let him tell what happened to Lin Yue. He shot the bird in the head. Lao Tzu was trained like a dog, let alone them.

"Go, hurry into the house."

Chen Jinzhu took another look at the entrance of the alley, and urged his two sons to leave quickly, so as not to attract more gossips.

However, when he walked into the yard and took a closer look, he found that Hu Li hadn't returned to her room, but was staring blankly at the things under the eaves.

A pole, next to five pheasants, two foxes.

This is...the prey that Lin Yue brought back?

He looked at his sister and found that she also looked lost, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock.

A 14-year-old boy went for a walk in the mountains and brought back five pheasants and two foxes. No one would believe this story.

Not to mention the value of the five pheasants, if the two foxes were skinned, with the price of fur soaring this year, at least seventeen or eight yuan would be worth half a month's wages for Chen Jinshui.

Lin Yue ignored those people, pulled the zipper of the bag, took out three pairs of nylon socks and stuffed them into Chen Yulian's arms.

"Mom, these are the socks I bought at Ximen Old Street, try them on and see if they fit?"

After speaking, he took out a large front door from inside and threw the bag at Chen Jinzhu's feet.

"Uncle, there are mountain products I picked in the mountains. You can sort them into categories, dry them in the sun, wash them, and deal with them as soon as possible."

After saying this, he took the big front door and entered the east room.

"Grandma, I'll bring you back a pack of cigarettes. The one with the Daqian address is better than the one you roll with shredded tobacco..."

Listening to the conversation coming from the room, several people had different expressions.

Hu Li felt humiliated, and yelled at Chen Jinzhu, who put his hand into the bag: "He asked you to classify and you sorted? You are cheap? You are his uncle. If you dare to move, don't come into my room tonight. "

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