Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2027 Set rules for this family

at dusk.

The smell of meat permeated the entire small courtyard, and those returning home from work in the fields all passed the front of Chen's house with their noses twitching and their eyes sideways.

It's the taste of stewed chicken.

Someone joked that Hu Li was finally willing to make a meal for her mother-in-law, it was not easy.

They made a mistake. First of all, the chickens in the pot were not raised by Hu Li, nor were Chen Jinzhu and Hu Li, but Chen Yulian and her son.

"Tell me honestly, where do these prey come from?"

"Where did it come from? It was a fight."

"Who hit it?"


"If you lie again, believe it or not, I'll spank your ass with a feather duster."


When I was three years old, I yelled when I was disobedient, when I was five or six years old, I got slapped on the face, and when I was eleven or twelve years old, the weapon was upgraded to a feather duster. If I went to the river or stole vegetables privately, the owner came to the house, and the result was aimed at the buttocks. Cracking and pumping, so sour...

"Well, to be honest, a hunter from Dongyang County took me to the mountains. He knew the situation of our family, so he gave me all the things he picked in the past few days."

"Give it all to you?"

Chen Yulian still didn't believe it. Although she believed that there were still many good people in the world, what happened to her son was too exaggerated.

"It's not all given to me, he even killed a wild boar."

He touched his bosom and took out a stack of big unions: "This is the money I got after the wild boar was sold."

She was already shocked when she saw the pheasants and foxes on the pole, and now her son took out a stack of big unions, which was more than a dozen sheets thick. The scene in front of her was like a dream.

Chen Yulian took them mechanically and counted them, there were twelve in total, 120 in total.

She went to the traditional Chinese medicine shop in the next village to grind medicinal materials for others, and she couldn't earn so much in a year, even if she had to work every day!

With the money in her hand and the chicken stewing in the pot, her worries were not less, but more.

"Tell me clearly, why is that man treating you so well?"

She doesn't read much, but she also understands the truth that being courteous is either rape or stealing.

Lin Yue hesitated for a while, then sighed and said, "Well, let me be honest, people have their eyes on you."

"Fancy? I'm..."

"How else can they treat me so well? They took me hunting again, and when they found out that grandma's leg was broken, she gave me all the pheasants."

Chen Yulian felt dizzy and didn't know what to do for a moment, so Lin Yue's ears were cleared.

He lifted the lid of the pot, took out half of the pheasant that had been stewed for a long time, put it in an aluminum basin, and poured some soup on it.




"The chicken is ready to be stewed, bring it to grandma."

"oh oh……"

Only then did Chen Yulian recover a bit of energy, and she didn't dare to ask any more questions. She went into the east room with an aluminum basin and sent the chicken to the old lady.

Lin Yue knew that this test had been passed, and Chen Yulian would not bother herself again when she had not thought about how to face that non-existent Orion.


A plate of pickled cucumbers, a plate of chili sauce, a plate of homemade tofu, a plate of vinegared lotus root slices, and several bowls of white rice.

Chen Hong and Chen Ping sat on the ponytail, seemingly holding bowls, but neither their eyes nor their minds were in sight of the simple vegetarian meal.

It wasn't until Lin Yue put a pot of fragrant pheasant on the table that the eyes of both of them turned green, and they wished to put the whole chicken into their own bowls with a chopstick. Chen Jinzhu gave them a hard look, and the two of them restrained themselves , tore off a piece of chicken that was not too big or too small, put it in a bowl and gnawed it, and muttered while eating: "Well, it's delicious, it's delicious. The pheasant in this mountain is better than the chicken raised at home. It's very fragrant."

Under the slightly yellowed chicken skin is a white and tender piece of meat, a little force will separate the flesh and bones, smelling the fragrance that filled the whole room, Chen Jinzhu moved his index finger and stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up. The idea of ​​eating is to use your hands to take the chicken legs that are close to you.

At this moment, only two pops were heard.

Chen Ping and Chen Hong raised their heads and saw a chopstick blocking Dad's chopsticks and Mom's hand.

Hu Li retracted her hand, with a pain in her brow.

Chen Jinzhu glared: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? It's not for you." Lin Yue sat down opposite him, took a piece of meat and put it in his own bowl, and tore off a chicken leg and put it in Chen Yulian's bowl——she was serving the old lady in the back room, It has become a habit to eat at the dinner table at one o'clock. The result is that there is only a little vegetable soup left on the plate every time I eat, and there are pickles that no one wants to eat, which can kill people.

"Why?" Seeing his parents being humiliated, Chen Ping immediately put the bowl on the table and pushed Lin Yue with his hands.

Without saying a word, he kicked the person over.

"If it weren't for you and Chen Hong helping to pluck hair and wash it, do you think you have a share? From now on, the family rules will be that whoever does the work will have food, and whoever is lazy will drink the northwest wind."

The family wants him, a fourteen-year-old kid, to set the rules?

Chen Jinzhu and Hu Li couldn't believe that he could say such a thing, but Chen Hong, the eldest brother, saw that his younger brother was being bullied, so he went over and slapped Lin Yue in the face.

One was 20 years old, the other was 14 years old, one was strong and the other was thin. The difference in height between the two was more than half a head. Lin Yue would definitely suffer from this slap. Seeing this scene, the window became anxious, put down the spoon in his hand and walked out.

At this time, Lin Yue suddenly held Chen Hong's five fingers and twisted them backwards. He lifted his feet and pushed his forehead forward. He only heard a scream of "ah", and the eldest cousin stepped back a few times. Stepping forward, his right hand shook into a sieve, and nosebleeds trickled down his face, tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick.

After reacting, Chen Ping wanted to avenge his brother. Lin Yue kicked on the mat and hit Chen Ping's calf with a slap. His face was distorted in pain, and he squatted on the ground and kept rubbing the injured area with his hands.


Another sound.

It was Lin Yue who hit Chen Jinzhu's wrist with his chopsticks.

"The younger generation shouldn't mix with the elders when they fight. If you don't want the villagers to spread gossip about you being injured by your nephew, just sit down."

In the TV series, Chen Jianghe set up the rule for Chen Jinzhu not to work and not to get paid. He advanced the time by one year and told this cheap uncle with practical actions that if he wanted his nephew to be filial, he had to act like an elder.

Chen Yulian opened the door and was stunned by the scene before her.

Chen Ping was seventeen years old, and Chen Hong was twenty years old, both older than Lin Yue. She came out because she was worried about her son's loss, but the result before her left her speechless.

"Spread gossip, gossip, if you dare to hit your elders, you and your mother will be ashamed!"

Hu Li felt sorry for her two sons, she looked crazy, swept the plates and bowls all over the floor, and even turned the table over: "I will let you eat chicken, I will let you eat chicken!"

Not giving up until now, he raised his hand and scratched Lin Yue's face.

After all, Chen Jinzhu was an uncle, although he was also angry and distressed, but for the sake of his brother and sister's long-term relationship, he hugged his wife's waist from behind: "He is still young, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"Let go, let go, Chen Jinzhu, if you don't let go, I'll never end with you."

Today she was so angry by her nephew, and her son suffered a great loss. With her character, if she didn't beat that kid up, how could she express her anger? You must know that she is the youngest of the four siblings in her natal family It's not an exaggeration to say that she was pampered and grew up. After coming to the Chen family, her life has been normal, but she has never been wronged. I never thought that Lin Yutang's son would dare to bully her now.

Lin Yue said: "Sure enough, she is an unreasonable village woman. Don't your two sons make a lot of money right away? If you want to eat chicken, ask them to buy it for you. For the past two months, my mother has been eating vegetable soup every now and then. You can't even eat, and you still have the face to get chicken legs? Bah! What the hell!"

"She asked for that, she deserves it!" Hu Li went to break Chen Jinzhu's hand, and scratched with her nails if she couldn't break it off, leaving several bloodstains in a blink of an eye.

Regarding the matter of not leaving food for Chen Yulian, Chen Jinzhu once mentioned it, but she didn't take it seriously, because from her standpoint, it was Chen Yulian's responsibility for the old lady to break her leg, and Chen Yulian should take care of the old lady. Leftovers are exactly what they deserve.

"My mother deserves it? Well, even if she deserves it." Lin Yue said coldly: "Hu Li, then you overturned the table and ruined my chicken, how should this be settled?"

He still has to count the chicken?

Slapped my cousin, scolded my aunt, and still have the face to settle a chicken account?

Hu Li and Chen Jinzhu completely collapsed for him.

"You enter the house, enter the house!"

Chen Yulian pushed Lin Yue to the east room. She didn't know what happened just now, but there was a family of four on the opposite side. She only had a mother and a son. She really tore her face and started to fight. The unlucky one was probably her own. The only way at this time was to Rely on the identity of the old lady to calm the situation.

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