The phrase "slow down" shocked everyone and pushed the already depressing atmosphere to another level.

Chen Jinshui turned around: "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, I am calling you."

"Lin Yue, why are you talking to your uncle?"

For some reason, Chen Yulian had a very bad premonition.

"I think he likes the mayor better than uncle, right? Mayor Chen..."

The title of the mayor is so long that everyone can hear the yin and yang in it.

Everyone looked at him, and there was only one feeling in their hearts, what is this guy going to do!

"Three days ago, I remember you said during the meal that if there is someone in Chenjia Village who can invent a mop, you can pass on the position of mayor to him. Now that you have seen it, he is your adopted son Chen." Jiang He, as the mayor of the town, you must keep your word, otherwise you will be a villain who backtracks on what you say."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally turn your attention to Chen Jinshui.

The old guy... really said such a thing?

Chen Jinshui did say it, but it was a joke after drinking, Qiaogu remembered it very clearly.

But the crux of the problem is how Lin Yue knew about the jokes at the wine table.


On the day Chen Jinshui came back, he was watching cartoons in the yard with a group of children.

"..." Chen Jinshui remained silent, but looked at Lin Yue with gloomy, powerful, and fierce eyes.

It is possible for a child to be intimidated by such a look, but he...

"Uncle, you were also drinking at the mayor's house that day. That's what he said at the time. Am I right? I still remember that you drank Yanghe Daqu, fried a plate of peanuts, a plate of scrambled eggs with fungus, and a plate of scrambled eggs with fungus. A plate of fried bacon with lettuce, a plate of white-cut mutton, the mutton is so delicious, it makes me drool in the yard."


Chen Jinzhu glanced around, and finally looked at Chen Jinshui. Seemingly forced and helpless, he nodded reluctantly.

"By the way, Qiao Gu and Grandma were there when he said this."

Everyone went to see Qiaogu again, she wanted to smile politely but couldn't, and she couldn't deny the matter so far, so she looked very embarrassed.

Chen Jianghe was also very embarrassed, he didn't expect that this little cousin of Liufu would make his uncle (adoptive father) unable to step down.

Chen Jinshui's aura was completely shattered, and he couldn't hold back his face.

"I said this, but whoever wants to be the mayor can be the mayor? That is subject to the approval of the county."

Lin Yue said: "That's easy to handle. Brother Ji Mao will make every decision in the future. You just need to make sure that it is implemented in place."

Chen Jinshui was very angry, staring at him intently, his sunken cheeks made the whole face look sinister: "What are you going to do? You are so young, rebel!"

"That's right, I just want to rebel." Lin Yue said: "It's not like you didn't experience it back then. Is there a problem with me doing this? The fields are all contracted to each household, and the small vendors doing business in Ximen Old Street line up for two miles. It's been so long, I heard that the new Director Qiu even wrote the deeds of Brother Ji Mao and handed them over to the county, and he will be officially commended in a short time. Make money, what qualifications do you have to be our mayor?"

Everyone was dissatisfied with Chen Jinshui and afraid of him. No one thought that the first person who rebelled against Chen Jinshui was a child.

Some people applaud silently, but they don't have the guts to ask them to stand up and express their support.

Chen Yulian hurried over, separated Lin Yue and Chen Jinshui, and reprimanded: "Is this something you should take care of? Have you finished your homework? Come, come home with me."

Lin Yue shook off her hand and said stubbornly like a child: "He is the mayor, so he should lead by example and keep his word, otherwise why should everyone listen to him?"

Chen Jinshui wished he could tear his mouth apart, and just a few words before and after made him lose face and lose all prestige.

But what can he do? As the mayor of the town, he couldn't be as knowledgeable as a child.

As expected of Lin Yutang's son, he is really a broom star!

"Uncle, uncle, don't be angry." Chen Jianghe saw that he would not be able to resolve the conflict if he did not come forward, and stood up and said, "Don't say I am not qualified, I am not worthy, I just want to help everyone make some money. As hard as it used to be."

Lin Yue asked another question: "Brother Ji Mao, you want to lead everyone to make money, but the mayor won't let you. Is it up to you or him? Listen to him, you can't lead everyone to live a good life, everyone is not convinced He, then he is not qualified to be the mayor, is he?"

Good guy, this kid's question can be tricky.

Chen Yulian raised her hand to make a gesture, "Stop talking!"

"Why don't you let me talk? Is what I said unreasonable?" Lin Yue lowered his head and raised it again, his eyes were red, and the teardrops came as soon as he said it, turning and turning in his eyes, and said with a sob: "Dad ...Dad doesn't want us anymore. When we got home, my aunt bullied us every day. Last time you asked the mayor to find me, order not to delay the county's study class, he didn't care about things, kicked the ball, and asked you to call the police at the police station. Now... ...Now Brother Chicken Feather is leading us to make some money, and he...he wants to get in the way again, and if I...tell the truth, you will beat me, think about it better...why is it so difficult."

When he said this, Chen Yulian couldn't hold back, she raised her hand and dropped it, hugging him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind, mother and son hugged each other and cried: "Mom won't beat you, it's because Mom is not good, It's all mother's fault, and mother can't bear it..."

This scene made everyone's noses sour and their moods uncomfortable, and their anger towards Hu Li and Chen Jinshui also increased.

Not long after Hu Li and her mother-in-law broke up, the carpenter's daughter-in-law told someone about her experience of delivering meatloaf, saying that Hu Li's chicken died, and it was clearly killed by a weasel, but the crime was forced to death. Lin Yue took this as an opportunity to separate from her mother-in-law. I don't know what they talked about. Anyway, Hu Li's family of four took all the land of seven people, and Chen Yulian took care of her parents instead.

This orphan and widow, not to mention being bullied at home, did not expect that Chen Jinshui, as the mayor, would not pity them. Human lives are at stake here, and he still has the mind to go to the county to attend a study class? Now I want to prevent everyone from doing small business, and cut off the source of income that orphans and widows have finally obtained. Is this something human can do? Blame Lin Yue for publicly accusing him of being unqualified to be mayor?

Several people looked at Chen Jinshui with hatred on their faces. What happened to the mayor? Can the mayor bully people like this?

Chen Jinhuo, Chen Jintu and the others looked at Hu Li with contempt. She had bullied her sister-in-law so badly. Just now, the chicken feather gave Chen Yulian a few cents more, and she was still yelling unhappily.

"Hey, everyone, listen to me, listen to me." Chen Jinping raised his hands and pressed them down: "Actually, everyone misunderstood. As for me, I went to the county to study this time to understand the reform. The spirit of openness is gone. Now the policy is good. In the past two years, we have implemented the household contract system, and the villagers have food to eat. Now the county magistrate Xie strongly supports us to do business and make money. Seeing that there is no Huqingmen, the county I am planning to build a small commodity market, and learning from Hanzheng Street in Wuhan will also give us Yiwu people a place to set up stalls and do business with peace of mind, so you see, I didn’t say that everyone is not allowed to make money.”

The mayor has given up!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although he played the banner of the county magistrate and revealed the discussion content of the study class, everyone knew that Chen Jinshui did it as a last resort. Otherwise, why did he cry when he entered the door just now, and now Lin Yue generalized him , Seeing that he was about to cause public outrage, he just changed his tune and supported everyone to make money.

"Okay, you guys continue to send money."

Chen Jinshui walked away with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

But as soon as he went out, his face pulled down.

Indeed, this time I went to the county to study, the research direction is how to change thinking, so that everyone can do business and make money freely. But before he controlled everyone too strictly. Two days ago, he told the villagers not to learn from Fotang Town and Xitan Village. The people from Liuqing ran to the county to set up a stall and arrested the sock king Luo Yuzhu. Typical, within a week, he changed his mind? Also too out of position.

Calculating carefully, there are three losses today.

One, it shows that he is not as far-sighted as Chen Jianghe, and he belongs to the conservative faction with hindsight. He no longer represents the advanced, and runs counter to the ideas of the villagers and the county leaders.

Second, being publicly exposed by a child will greatly affect his prestige. Even a child dares to accuse him of his behavior. Will other villagers listen to his words in the future?

Three, he backtracked, and what he said didn't count. How many people would believe what he promised in the future? Not only did my credit plummet, but I also slapped myself in the face, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

So today I encountered a major setback, which is also a life crisis.

No, this place has to be found, otherwise where will he put his face as the mayor?

Chen Jinshui thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea. Didn't that kid think that if he didn't let everyone do business, Chen Yulian would have no chance to make money? Then he will give Ji Mao three chapters, and he will not be allowed to take Chen Yulian to play in the future. On the one hand, his adoptive father, on the other hand, the cousin who has no blood relationship, who to listen to, who to whom, is this a difficult multiple-choice question?

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