Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2033 My idea is worth a thousand dollars

Hu Li walked leisurely on the way home.

She, Chen Ping, Chen Hong, and Chen Jinzhu, all the money they earned from mopping mops was in her pocket, and the feeling of touching the banknotes was not to mention how comfortable it was.

She knew that Orion had given Chen Yulian 120 yuan, and she also knew that the 20 yuan in her pocket was nothing, but Orion didn't know how long it would take to save up for the 120 yuan meeting gift, what about her? In less than 10 days, 20 yuan came into the account.

As long as Chen Jianghe makes persistent efforts and continues to lead the whole village to do business, he will be able to outshine that wealthy hunter in two or three months, not to mention that they still plant the farmland of 7 people, and the harvest is not a small income.

"From now on, in front of outsiders, can you stop haggling with Yulian?"

Seeing walking into the big alley, Chen Jinzhu said something that had been brewing in his heart for a long time.

Hu Li knew what she meant, and felt that she was embarrassing Chen Yulian in public—this kind of behavior could be regarded as making public disgrace, and Chen Jinzhu was an old man after all, so of course he couldn't save face.

"I don't care about her? Does your nephew make such a fuss, who else doesn't know that our family bullies them? Tell your nephew first!"

"Don't embarrass Yulian, why would he say those things in front of the villagers?"

Hu Li stopped and said angrily, "Chen Jinzhu, whose side are you on?"

Chen Jinzhu turned into a wilting cucumber, afraid to speak.

"In the future, I won't make it difficult for me not to ask questions about their mother and child. We have to see if they can pass the mayor's test." When Hu Li said this, her expression was very flirtatious, her eyes sparkling, and the corners of her mouth With a smile, his eyebrows raised to the sky, and he looked younger by several years.

Chen Jinzhu said, "What do you mean?"

"Who is Chicken Feather? Chicken Feather is the adopted son of the mayor. If Lin Yue dismantled Chen Jinshui in front of so many people, will he let it go?"

"This... no way, how could Brother Jinshui be serious with a child."

"Will we see?"

Hu Li gave him a gouged look, thinking that the man was so stupid that he didn't even understand the simplest principle of killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Does it have anything to do with age? No! It has something to do with behavior and has something to do with nature.

"I don't think Ji Mao will listen to Brother Jinshui on this matter. Ji Mao is not that kind of person."

"He will listen."


"Because he is Brother Jinshui's adopted son." Hu Li left this sentence and walked into the courtyard.


At the same time, Luo Yuzhu was also talking to Chen Jianghe about Chen Yulian's mother and child.

"Don't give your Aunt Yulian more money in front of the villagers."


Chen Jianghe couldn't figure it out, didn't he just give Chen Yulian 10 cents more? Mother, logically speaking, she should pity them.

He still remembered what Luo Yuzhu told him when he was fleeing for his life before, that her father was a gambling bastard who used to care about the life and death of the mother and daughter, and later sold her to traffickers, thanks to her cleverness, plus Indomitable perseverance can survive to this day.

Luo Yuzhu said: "What I mean is that when doing business, you should settle accounts clearly with your brothers, and you can't leave it to others. If someone says that my family is also poor, you can give me a few cents more. What do you do? One Add money to each of them? Also, if you are so generous, people may suspect that you ate a lot of money in the middle."

Chen Jianghe said: " think too much."

"Why do I think so much? This is a very practical question." Luo Yuzhu said, "And didn't you see? Today your uncle's face is dark."

"My uncle still hates you, why don't I have dinner with you here?"

"That's different."

"Why is it different? That's the way things are, uncle can't be unreasonable, right? You see, there is some truth to what the child said."

"Chen Jianghe, I'm helping you analyze the stakes."

"But I don't think I did anything wrong."

boom boom boom~

At this moment, there was a dull knock on the door outside.

Luo Yuzhu went to unlock the door, looked outside, and found that it was Chen Daguang, who brought bad news that Chen Jinshui had fallen ill.

Chen Jianghe had no choice but to bid farewell to Luo Yuzhu with reluctance, and rushed back to Chenjia Village, where he saw Chen Jinshui lying on the bed with a wet towel on his head.

In the words of the old man, Chen Yulian and Lin Yue made him angry. He was the mayor of the town no matter what.

Chen Jianghe quickly comforted the old man and let him relax. As his adopted son, how could he seek the position of adoptive father, and he was really not the material to be an official, so he was too worried about this matter.

Chen Jinshui took a step back and said that it would be good to recommend him to take over as the mayor. Anyway, sooner or later we will be a family, but the current situation is still a little unclear, and there may be repeated situations one day, so I will continue to do it by myself. The mayor, if something happened, he could blame him. Then the topic changed, and the root cause of the disease was brought up. He said that when he set fire to it and ran away, the county came to arrest him. What should we do? Let's come forward, this disease was acquired in the study class, that's why we are familiar with such things as standing up to thunder.

When Chen Jianghe learned of this situation, he was deeply shocked. Chen Jinshui took the opportunity to ask him not to associate with Chen Yulian's mother and son in the future. Put yourself in the army, if you can survive this time, you won't know next time. Second, although Chen Yulian is his cousin, her family situation is no different from that of a thirty-four or fifteen-year-old widow. If she gets too close and too courteous, others will gossip.

Chen Jianghe didn't like to hear these words, but what if he didn't like to hear them? Chen Jinshui did this in order to take the blame for him, so he could only admit it while pinching his nose, and promised not to bring Chen Yulian to do business in the future, but if she came by herself...

Chen Jinshui said that there is no need to worry about this. Chen Yulian grew up watching her, and she knows her temper very well. If something like that happens, as long as he doesn't invite her, she will be ashamed to come and ask for work.

Then the adoptive father and son discussed his marriage with Qiaogu, which made Chen Jianghe very frustrated and disgusted, but he couldn't help it, just like Qiu Yingjie said in the TV series, if Chen Jinshui was his real father , this matter is easy to handle, the point is not, in the early 1960s, there was a lack of food and clothing, Chen Jinshui picked him up from the wild and brought him up, and because of helping him to take the blame, he got the root of the disease, how can he repay such kindness? Even if he and Qiao Gu are unwilling, so what? He can't do ungrateful things.

After the conversation, Chen Jianghe began to distance himself from Luo Yuzhu, and he stopped calling Chen Yulian to help when he found a job to earn money.

Of course Lin Yue knew what Chen Jinshui said to Chen Jianghe. He was quite surprised. He felt that the old man had a lot of heart. In TV dramas, he pretended to be sick to force Chen Jianghe to marry Qiaogu and alienate Luo Yuzhu. Here, pretending to be sick once can kill three with one stone. bird.

First, test Chen Jianghe's obedience and affection for his adoptive father to determine whether Chen Jianghe really has the idea of ​​replacing him.

Second, everyone knew that Chen Jinshui was mad at him. Afterwards, Chen Jianghe alienated Chen Yulian, and he would be considered as a filial adopted son. He didn't want a similar situation to happen again. He did it as a last resort and had nothing to do with Chen Jinshui.

Third, break up Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu, and the excellent adopted son will become a door-to-door son-in-law, and they will get closer. In this way, all the problems between father and son will be solved easily.


The twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Southern boy.

The village already has a New Year's weather. Children in winter clothes held incense sticks, lit the fuses of the firecrackers, covered their ears and moved aside until they heard a "bang". Several people cheered as if they had won a battle, and their faces were frozen. Little red girls would let out long screams and tell boys who tried to scare them with firecrackers to stay away from them or tell their parents.

"Pingping, come, try on the new clothes Mom bought for you."

As soon as Hu Li entered the yard, she yelled towards the back room.

Chen Yulian, who was scooping water out of the urn, raised her head and saw Hu Li pushing the bicycle that she had brought from her mother's house. The black leather bag on the left side of the handlebar was bulging. I don't know what it contained. There is a heavy bacon, and the shelves behind are tied with iron rods of yams, a net bag of shiitake mushrooms, and half a bag of flour.

She knew that Hu Li was calling out to her on purpose.

Although the profit of the second batch of mops and the third batch of mops is not as high as that of the first batch of mops, and the cloth heads of the county textile factory have become a hot commodity, and the price is getting higher and higher, but Hu Li's family of four still follow Chen Jianghe. I made a lot of money. Two days ago, I heard that the couple was settling accounts in the back room. From October to February, they saved more than 100 yuan in four months.

"Hey, Mom." An angry reply came from the main room, and Chen Ping ran out to meet him and help unload the New Year's goods from the bicycle.

"Pingping, let me tell you, this new year's goods, the later you buy, the more expensive they are. After the new year, you will be 18 years old, and you will be able to get married and have a wife in your old age. You must learn to be careful and budget in this life."

I also said this to Chen Yulian, because she has not prepared any special purchases for the New Year. As for the reason, it is very simple, one word, poor!

Ever since Lin Yue had a fight with Chen Jinshui, Chen Jianghe stopped taking her to play. Without the income of making mops, Chen Yulian could only go back to the traditional Chinese medicine shop in the next village to continue doing odd jobs, and made many pairs of cloth shoes in her spare time. , ready to sell at the market to earn some money for the New Year.

Nine out of ten families have this thing, so it's no wonder that it sells well, so in Hu Li's view, Chen Yulian will definitely not have a good year.


A call came from the door, and Hu Li and Chen Ping turned their heads to look, only to see Lin Yue walking in from the outside carrying a pole.

Surprisingly, what hangs on both ends of the pole is not cloth shoes and tiger shoes for sale, but a big pig's head, three carps, two ducks, and New Year's goods such as peanuts, melon seeds, and red shrimp crisps.

And he didn't come back alone, followed by a middle-aged man in a woolen coat, holding two bottles of Shuanggou Daqu in his left hand, and a cardboard box in his right hand. Judging from the pattern of the outer packaging, it contained hairtail.

This person is... that Orion from Dongyang County? This mysterious man finally appeared?

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