Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2042 Do you think you are the only one who will steal the house?

Li Jinze held a cigarette in his left hand and a skinning knife in his right. Without even looking at the dead pig in front of him, he used his experience to cut the pigskin and pork from the middle.

one knife.

two knives.

Three swords.

Four knives.

Every time he swung, the dead pig on the shelf shook.

Occasionally, he squinted his eyes and took a few puffs, letting the ash fall on the bloody ground.

"Li Jinze, the factory director is looking for you."

When people outside said that the factory manager was looking for him, Li Jinze hurriedly threw the unfinished cigarettes into the trash can, and kept waving his gloved hands, trying to dispel the smell of smoke in the room.

Smoking is not allowed in the slaughtering workshop. If the leader catches him, he will lose his salary for three days.

"Li Jinze, what are you doing? The factory manager is looking for you."

"Hey, hey, here we come."

Li Jinze put the bloody skinning knife on the chopping board, took off his gloves and ran outside.

"You just wore this in the past?"

After being reminded by the old uncle, he realized that the leather apron was not untied, so he quickly took it off and handed it over: "What does the factory manager want from me?"

"How did I know that, anyway, I sent someone to deliver a letter and asked you to go to the office."

It can't be... the factory manager found out about him secretly smoking in the slaughterhouse, right?

Li Jinze looked at the rookies who sat around the stone table and played poker with a gloomy expression. He guessed in his heart who was playing dirty with him, and actually made a small report behind his back.

"What are you doing in a daze, go quickly." The old uncle reminded again.

Only then did he come to his senses, put on the cloth shoes newly made by his wife, and ran towards the yard where the factory director's office was located.

"The factory director, the factory director..."

Maybe it was because of something he did wrong. Unlike when he came to see the factory director before, he deliberately lowered his voice, knocked on the door again, and only after he said "Come in" did he walk into the factory director's office cautiously.

The furnishing in the room was still the same, but there was only one person sitting on the sofa used for reception.

"Chen Jianghe!"

Li Jinze's eyes lit up, knowing that the factory manager didn't call him to ask for a crime, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Yue waved at him.

Just as Li Jinze was about to go over and sit down, Director Jin's nose twitched, and he said with a sullen face, "Li Jinze, are you smoking in the slaughterhouse again?"

"No, no, I smoked it in the yard."

Of course, this matter cannot be admitted, even if it is killed.

"For Chen Jianghe's sake, I won't argue with you today, if I find out next time, let's see how I deal with you."

Factory Manager Jin gave him a hard look, then turned to look at Lin Yue, and immediately changed into a flattering expression, which made Li Jinze at a loss for what to do.

"Li Jinze is here, can you explain why you are here now?"

Can Director Jin be polite? Regardless of his young age, this Chen Jianghe has a smarter brain than most people. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the God of Wealth in the meat factory. The meat factory can do better and better. In less than a year, the brand of Shuangwu has become more and more popular in several nearby counties, and the supply of products is in short supply. Especially during holidays, the trucks that come to pull goods can be queued from the warehouse to the yard. Outside.

It was him again, who came to sell wild boars a few days ago, and gave him a second suggestion, that is to go to the county magistrate to cry poorly, apply for a loan to expand the production line, and say that only by making a scale, can he occupy more shares in the terminal market and upstream material market , in order to more effectively reduce costs, enhance competitiveness, and eventually squeeze out the meat factory in the city.

According to what he said, the matter was completed, and the bank agreed to grant them a low-interest loan of more than 100,000 yuan under the instructions of the county magistrate Xie.

Lin Yue said: "Didn't you say that the supply of live pigs is tight, because of historical problems, the state-owned farms in the county should give priority to supplying the city's meat factory?"

"That's right, or do you want me to take advantage of the situation and use this situation to go to the county magistrate to cry poorly?"

Factory Manager Jin didn't know what the boy's purpose was for bringing up the old story. He asked for help on this issue before, but he didn't solve it properly.

Lin Yue said: "Today I am here to help you solve this problem."

"What?" Factory Manager Jin couldn't understand.

"If you solved this problem last time, how can you have a good excuse to apply for a loan?"

This guy……

TNND actually plotted against Magistrate Xie.

What a chicken thief!

Factory Manager Jin said: "If Magistrate Xie finds out, he will be unhappy."

"No, because the difficulty of the state-owned farm is behind, and your help to solve the problem is also behind. Even if the magistrate Xie sees through the tricks inside, there is no reason to get angry with you." Lin Yue patted the armrest of the sofa lightly: " What's more, County Magistrate Xie is not the kind of person with a small belly. The smarter you are, the more confident he will be in granting you a loan and supporting the development of the meat factory. Business is based on credit, but honesty is not the same as honesty. I don't need to say much about it. Explain."

Director Jin nodded, deeply convinced.

"You said that the state-run farms have difficulties? What difficulties?"

"According to the information I have, the number of live pigs in the state-run farms this year is more than last year, but the feed is seriously insufficient, which leads to slow growth in live pig weight, and the number of pigs that have reached the slaughter standard has decreased compared with the same period last year, and the quotations from feed suppliers in other provinces have increased. High, and after removing the freight, loss and labor costs, this business is not worthwhile. If we can help the state-owned farms solve the problem of feed, the number of live pigs that meet the slaughter standard will increase, and you think they will give priority to supplying the extra part who?"

Factory Manager Jin patted his thigh and understood.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

Lin Yue looked at Li Jinze, then at Director Jin, and said something in a leisurely manner.


Early the next morning.

Carrying a black canvas bag, Li Jinze walked into the train station following the flow of people entering the station.

He glanced left and right, with "freshness" written all over his face.

As a slaughter worker, the farthest place I have been to in the past 30 years is the county seat. It is not the first time I have seen a train, but it is the first time I have taken it.

"Hey, hey..."

He stopped by a stall selling tea eggs and zongzi, looked at the banners hanging under the container with the advertisements of "Consignment sales of Shuangwu brand ham" and "Jinhua ham is the best in the world, Shuangwu ham is the best in Jinhua" and giggled.

Wearing a white apron and a white hood, the proprietress gave him a hard look: "Buy it or not? If you don't buy it, don't stop me from doing business."

Li Jinze moved aside and continued to look at the banner and giggle.

As an employee of Shuangwu Meat Products Factory in Fotang Town, he is sincerely happy for his workplace.


The proprietress gave him a gouged look, covered the steaming zongzi with the quilt used to keep warm, and glanced at the west, wondering how long it would take for the next train to arrive.


At this time, someone patted Li Jinze on the shoulder.

When he looked back, it was Lin Yue who had arrived.

"What did you see? Laughing like this."

Li Jinze pointed to the banner under the container.

Lin Yue immediately understood that 30 years later, wineries such as Yanghe, Gujing Gong, and Luzhou Laojiao put their advertisements on the big screens in the waiting room of the station, and on the signboards of small shops in counties, cities, and even villages and towns. But today, in 1983, CCTV advertisements were not popular yet. Old-fashioned hats like Li Jinze would of course be excited when they saw advertisements promoting their own factory products.

"Come on, let me introduce you, He Lai... Wuyou."

It was only then that Li Jinze realized that there was a person standing behind him, leaning on a cane in his hand. How should I put it, the facial features were not necessarily the same.

"His name is Li Jinze, my... a friend."

He Lizi nodded to Li Jinze.

Li Jinze somewhat dislikes the lame, worry-free? As far as this health condition is concerned, it doesn't look like a worry-free appearance.

"Have you had breakfast?" Lin Yue asked again.

"have eaten."

"Okay, let's get in the car."

The train bound for the provincial capital has already started to load people, and the conductor stood at the door to maintain order, constantly shouting "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, watch your step."

Considering that it was inconvenient for him to have legs and feet, Li Jinze wanted to help him, but he pushed him away.

"I can walk without your help."

Hey, he's kinda crazy.

Li Jinze was speechless.

Lin Yue ignored the two people behind him, got on the train, found his seat and sat down.

The current train is still the kind of green leather car that runs very slowly. Many people are crowded in one compartment. Tickets have become a rarity. No seat is the norm. Sometimes when you sit on your butt, you may hear a sound Shouting --- "You stepped on my hand", looking down, you will find that someone regards the space under the triple seat as a hard sleeper.

He Lizi was overwhelmed by the people in the aisle, Li Jinze finally escorted him to Lin Yue and sat down next to Lin Yue, panting, "Why are they all standing?"

"If you don't get a ticket, you have to book a few days in advance." As a reward for opening the way for himself, He Lizi answered his question very kindly.

"Oh." Li Jinze looked at the passengers in the aisle who stood there for a long time, with numbness and exhaustion on their faces. He was very glad that he took the train with Lin Yue, otherwise his first train journey would have to be stand at the destination.

"By the way, Chen Jianghe, you haven't said why you took me to Hangzhou."

The corner of He Zizi's mouth twitched when he heard the name. He didn't know why Lin Yue concealed his name, but what is certain is that there must be a reason for doing so.

Lin Yue withdrew his gaze from the window, and looked at Li Jinze calmly.

"Go to the bottom of the pot."

Bottom cramps?

Whose cramps?

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