Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2094 Do you know what dog licking is (two in one)

This means that Lin Yue escaped a catastrophe yesterday, but he can't escape today.

Wang Xu regained his energy, held his head high, and said confidently: "That's right, I called her, shouldn't it? Who in Chenjia Village doesn't know that you have been dragging her and refusing to marry her? If you count it in college, it’s fourteen or five years. How many fifteen years are women’s youth? Qiu Yan, do you still know her mother? Chen Tingting is the sister Tingting that you talked about when you were young. Now you know me Why do you say he is a liar, this kind of person It's better to stay away from him. "

At yesterday's chamber of commerce meeting, Chen Tingting left before arriving at Luo Yuzhu, so the mother and son didn't know that Qiu Yan finally left with Chen Tingting, thinking that this was her first meeting after going to the United States.

Went to Chenjia Village in the morning, and found out that Qiu Yan followed Lin Yue. When he came here, he saw Lin Yue's car parked downstairs, so he immediately called Chen Tingting and asked her if she knew Lin Yue was back. Then he told her the address of Qiu Yingjie's house.

It wasn't that Qiu Yan would have an emotional entanglement with Lin Yue. After all, they were twelve or thirteen years apart, almost a generation away. He simply hated Qiu Yan's contact with his enemies, and he called Chen Tingting over to let Qiu Yan know about Lin Yue. How did he treat this woman who loved him wholeheartedly?

Qiu Yan had a headache, Wang Xu didn't care about it himself, and even recruited this woman who was like a bomb to Lin Yue, why was it so difficult for her to stay quietly with him for a while?

"Ting... Sister Tingting."

From a rational point of view, she should persuade Lin Yue to marry Chen Tingting, but from a personal point of view, thinking of their marriage scene, she felt uncomfortable, as if she was being robbed of something important in her life—especially after a long time. Ten years later, I ate this bowl of fried noodles again, with the same taste and the same people.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. What she promised to Chen Yulian when she chatted with Chen Yulian last night, she found it difficult to do when she woke up, so facing Chen Tingting, she felt guilty in her heart.

"Qiu Yan, come here, come here."

Wang Xu tried his best to wink at her, wanting her to come to him and not get involved in the crap about two women and one man opposite.

On the current occasion, in this atmosphere, it's okay if he doesn't talk, but the more he talks, the more irritable Qiu Yan becomes. Yesterday, Luo Yuzhu forced her to stand in line and betray Chen Yulian. Today, Wang Xu forcibly intervened in her time with Lin Yue, and even called Chen Tingting over. It made several people have no way out... She really regretted that she agreed to Luo Yuzhu to live in their house.

"Qiu Yan..."

"Wang Xu, stop talking!"

Qiu Yan walked over, grabbed his sleeve and pulled him out: "Come with me."

Although she felt that something was wrong with her emotions, it was naturally a wish for her to stay away from Lin Yue.

When they left, Chen Tingting walked into the room, closed the door, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Is it because of her?"

The "she" here naturally does not refer to Qiu Yan. Like Wang Xu, she does not think about the relationship between Lin Yue and Qiu Yan at all. The "she" here refers to Yang Xue, the woman who looks at her with a smile .

At the beginning, Lin Yue had promised to marry Yang Xue, but now he is not married, and "she" is not married either. They appeared together at the chamber of commerce yesterday, and today at Qiu Yingjie's house. How could people not think too much about it.


Lin Yue didn't know how to tell her. When she was blocked before, she could use the excuse that she was busy with work to meet a client, catch a meeting, catch a plane, etc., and even comforted Chen Tingting, saying that after Jinli retired, he would be able to Think about your own life.

Chen Tingting stopped him at the venue yesterday. She wanted to drag him to meet his parents and repeat to his elders what Jinli said about lifelong affairs after retirement. Firstly, to reassure them; The relevant person waits for an explanation.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Yang Xue felt even more amused.

It seems that Chen Tingting regards her as a rival in love. Although she is indeed, this matter may be more complicated...

"You are Yang Xue, right?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, Chen Tingting pulled a chair and sat opposite her: "What do you really want? When you promised your father not to marry him, then you should let it go decisively. You are the chairman of the Yang Group, with education and knowledge. , I am not as good as you in this respect, but he has been flying around outside for so many years, and I am at home with his mother and take care of him."

What she said is correct, otherwise, why would Chen Yulian pull a strong man to persuade her son when she sees people? Over the years, she has regarded Chen Tingting as her daughter-in-law, and now all she needs is a drink and a certificate. Of course, if It would be perfect to have another grandson or granddaughter.

Yang Xue took a sip of the bowl of noodle soup that Qiu Yan didn't have time to drink, and said kindly: "It's still hot, do you want some for you?"

"I don't drink." Chen Tingting said, "I just want to know what you think."

Yang Xue glanced at Lin Yue's side face and said, "What do you think? You have been waiting for him for more than ten years, so am I? You think you are old, what about me? I am older than him. All these years, You can still see him during the holidays, eating and drinking together, the old lady is also your solid backing, what about me? Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, I always spend it alone, and the employees in the company privately He will say that I am angry with my father, since he won't let me marry the person I love, then I will marry myself to the company, so compare with me, do you still feel depressed?"

Chen Tingting opened her mouth, she had nothing to say. As a woman, she could tell that Yang Xue was telling the truth and not lying.

After thinking for a long time, she burst out: "Who told you to promise your father."

"It seems that you also know that it is his last wish. If we switch identities, will you agree or not?"

Chen Tingting was silent.

Facing the father who is about to pass away on the hospital bed, as long as they are filial children, few of them can harden their hearts and refuse.

"That's why many people only see me as the chairman of the Yang Group, and see the glamorous side, but who can understand my suffering and pressure?"

"Then you... your father just didn't let you marry him, and didn't say he wouldn't let you marry someone else."

"Then you can skip waiting for him and find someone who treats you better."


Chen Tingting found that she couldn't talk about her at all, or if it was more painful than anyone else, Yang Xue's life was far better than her own.

"You should say something."

She looked at Lin Yue again.

Yang Xue said: "If I were you, I would definitely not continue to force him. Doing so will only make him irritable and disgusted. If you think he is worth waiting for, then wait at ease. If you think he is not worth it, then wait for him." Choosing to let go, in the final analysis, this is more of our own problem, don't put all the responsibility on the other party, love is such a thing, no one owes anyone, only willing or unwilling."

ding ding ding dong~

At this time, Chen Tingting's cell phone rang. She opened the cover and put it to her ear. It was called by her cousin Xiaoya, who said that someone from the tax bureau had gone. Today, a spot check was carried out at her shop, and she was asked to go back and deal with the matter immediately.

After hanging up the phone, she hesitated for a moment, picked up her bag and left without saying anything.

In a certain sense, Xiaoya relieved her siege, because she found that what Yang Xue said was very reasonable, and Yang Xue was indeed more pitiful than her. A word from her father ruined her daughter's life.

The door closed softly.

A gust of wind rushed in, blowing the ceramic wind chimes that Lin Yue brought back to Qiu Yan when he went on a business trip to Jingdezhen ten years ago, and the tinkling was very pleasant.

Yang Xue turned her back to him.

After a long silence, she turned around.

"Those words were said to help you pass the test. You can't... Seriously, right? Who am I? I'm the chairman of the Yang Group. How could I be so hypocritical? Kindness doesn't control soldiers and righteousness doesn't control wealth. You told me."

Lin Yue smiled at her.

The above sentence... is a lie, not to mention that he is a time-traveling habitual offender, a professional Neptune, even if he has only had one or two romances, he can have a general understanding of her character after watching the TV series.

Yang Xue said: "Then should you thank me?"

Lin Yue said, "Okay, thank you."

"No sincerity."

"Then what does it mean to be sincere?"

Just as she was frowning and thinking about what to order, Lin Yue suddenly leaned over and kissed her on the right cheek.

This action startled her, and she panicked all of a sudden, almost falling off the chair.

Lin Yue said: "No way, the chairman of the Yang Group doesn't even have this concentration?"


"Look at your blushing."

She subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch her face, and sure enough, she felt a burning sensation in her ears, but she quickly adjusted her state, coughed lightly and said, "Are you still in the mood to make fun of me? Chen Tingting... What on earth are you planning to marry? Or not to marry?"

Lin Yue thought for a while: "Wait and see."

This matter is quite tricky. When Chen Jianghe and Luo Yuzhu came back to open a shop, because Chen Tingting pierced her and Feng Yan's double reeds under his guidance, she held a grudge and privately spread the matter about him and Yang Xue. He also said that Yang Tianci didn't like him.

In order to stop the mouths of the villagers in Chenjia Village, Chen Yulian hit it off with Chen Tingting's mother, expressing the attitude that Chen Tingting's daughter-in-law was officially appointed a few years ago, otherwise she would not have sent the girl to the Commodity City to help her.

Chen Yulian is willing, Chen Tingting herself is willing, and Chen Tingting's parents are also willing. Xiao Dongfeng and his wife, Chen Jinrui, Chen Jinzhu, including the old lady, are happy to see what happens. After all, Chen Tingting has been his follower since childhood. It is not an exaggeration to describe.

Regardless of Yang Xue, what would Qiu Yan do if he married Chen Tingting? You must know that in "Children of the Qiao Family", he had a good impression of Chang Xinyu, but...he was his cousin at that time. If she doesn't marry Chen Tingting and rejects her cruelly, she turns around and finds a man to marry casually, will she be happy?

How can a man who has seen roses fall in love with weeds? Similarly, how can a woman who has loved eagles fall in love with crows? Although this is a bit self-righteous, Mary Sue belongs to Mary Sue, but the truth is not bad.

Yang Xue shook her head, not knowing what to say to his answer.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

"Li Ming?"

She glanced at Lin Yue, pressed the connect button and put it to her ear, and hung up the phone after saying a few words, with a look of dumbfounding on her face.

"Chen Tingting's booth was randomly inspected by the tax. He arranged for someone to do it. This kid is afraid that I will harm you, so he has been guarding downstairs. He said that when Wang Xu came, he wanted to notify you, but it's a pity that your mobile phone has been turned off. Your assistant, Really clever."

Lin Yue said: "If I'm not clever, can I keep him by my side for so many years?"


On the other side, Qiu Yan dragged Wang Xu downstairs, almost letting go of his hand with a "swing".

"Why didn't you call me in advance?"

Wang Xu said, "If I called you in advance, would you still let me come?"

If she called in advance, of course she would not agree to him coming to the old house.

Qiu Yan said: "Wang Xu, do you know? You are disrespecting me by doing this."

"I didn't mean to disrespect you, I was worried about you."

"Worried about me? What are you worried about me? Wang Xu, can you be more mature?"

"I'm very mature!" Wang Xu emphasized: "It's because of my maturity that I know you shouldn't have contact with him."

"I repeat, who I come into contact with is my business. I am an adult and can take responsibility for my own decisions, and who is he? When he took care of me, you were still in elementary school. Everyone could harm me. Only He alone can't."

"Qiu Yan, you were deceived by him. If he is a good person, how could he have been fooling around for so many years and never married Chen Tingting?" Wang Xu pointed to the Qiu's house upstairs and said, "I heard from my parents last night. , it was he who ordered Yang Xue to attack the Yuzhu Group, and the person surnamed Lin is a hypocrite."

"Wang Xu, when he gets married is his freedom. How can this kind of thing be forced. There is also the conflict between the Yuzhu Group and the Yang Group, and things in the market. As long as there is fair competition, isn't that normal? And I I don't think that if the godmother had the chance to do this, she would give Brother Lin a break."

"Qiu Yan, why don't you understand? My mother is your godmother and my father is your godfather. Can we still harm you?"

"Wang Xu, why don't you understand? You and your godmother are forcing me, you are putting pressure on me, you know?"

"What's so good about him? He was able to take care of you before, but what about in the future? In the future... you're not going to marry yet. "

"Wang Xu! You should focus on studying now, constantly improve your vision and pattern, and turn yourself into a man who can take charge of his own affairs, and can share some pressure for godfather and godmother, instead of slandering him behind his back like a resentful woman. someone better than you."

This sentence stung him all of a sudden.

They are about the same age, junior high school, high school, university...the school schedule is similar, and Qiu Yan not only did not fall behind because of the language barrier from domestic schools to foreign schools, but also completed four years of courses in three years of university , and he is still a student of a famous university, which is not a star and a half better than his three schools.

In this situation, Qiu Yan compared him with Lin Yue, and said that the other party was better than him.

He seemed to go back to the past again, and was knocked to the ground by that person's slap.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. The humiliation, unwillingness, anger in his heart... all kinds of negative emotions flowed upstream.

Qiu Yan and Wang Xu didn't notice the Audi car parked at the corner ahead. Li Ming sat in it and witnessed the whole scene, feeling super interesting. Yesterday, the mother's petty tricks were self-defeating. The general manager of Tangtang Yuzhu Group, one of the top ten outstanding women in Yiwu, became the laughing stock of merchants in the small commodity city. The next day, the son was slapped severely by his beloved girl , Qiu Yan almost pointed at his nose and satirized him as a useless piece of trash. Judging from the experience alone, these two people... really deserve to be a mother and son.

PS: Happy New Year!

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