Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2095 I Come To See My Son And Daughter (Two In One)

When Qiu Yan returned upstairs, he found that Chen Tingting was not there, and Yang Xue had also left.

"How about them?"

Lin Yue said, "Let's go."

"Leaving? Then..."

Yesterday, when Chen Tingting went to the chamber of commerce, she had an attitude of inquiring about her crimes. She was summoned here by Wang Xu today. She was already mentally prepared to deal with the shock wave. She sent Wang Xu away as soon as possible. When she went back upstairs to have a look, nothing happened. ?

While she was relieved, she was also curious, what happened just now? Why did those two people leave without saying a word?

Lin Yue deliberately didn't talk to her, and walked towards the kitchen with the noodles that were already lumpy, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that this bowl of noodles is gone."


Qiu Yan was very sad. After a good meal and a good time together, she was disturbed by Wang Xu. After all, she didn't handle the relationship with Luo Yuzhu's mother and son well, which ruined Lin Yue's happiness.

"It's okay, someday you want to eat, I'll make it for you."


She nodded and agreed crisply, but there was still a trace of sadness in her eyes, because he was very busy, why did he turn off his phone before frying the sauce? Because I answered four or five phone calls in the past half an hour, with this posture, there is no time to cook for others.

Jingle Bell……

Just when she was debating whether to pursue Chen Tingting's affairs, a familiar cell phone rang in her coat pocket.

She took it out and looked at it, and was stunned.

"It's grandma."

Lin Yue said, "Didn't you tell her not to go back for lunch?"

"Maybe I'm worried..."

As she spoke, she pressed the connect button.



"Yes, here."


"alright, I got it."



Soon, she hung up the phone, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Grandma called me to turn off her mobile phone, and she called me. She said that the factory manager Chang came to see her and knew you were back. She said she missed you. I want to meet you and talk for a while."

"Factory manager? Since he handed over the factory to his's been almost a year since he took care of it." He said as he went to get his coat: "Let's go home."

Hearing the word "go home", Qiu Yan's heart warmed.

In the past, Qiu Yingjie was busy with work and couldn't take care of her most of the time. As a little girl, she had a lot of things to do, and she would often get angry over some trivial matters. The classmates would also laugh at her as a child without a mother, especially during the time when the city cracked down on fakes. , she was often bullied by the children of those merchants, so she took her anger out on Qiu Yingjie, thinking that it was not because her father was meddlesome, how could she be wronged by these things, and in order to get angry with him, she deliberately did not go home after school. , Lin Yue found her every time, coaxed her and took her home.

After ten years, hearing this sentence again, apart from a long-lost feeling, there is also a bit of...unexplainable joy.


at dusk.

Lin Yue parked the car in front of a shop selling plumbing fittings on Jiangnan Road, and glanced outside.

"Why did it stop?"

Qiu Yan didn't know why he stopped here. He planned to go to Fotang Town to visit the Shuangwu Meat Factory, but the car stopped before half of the distance.

When she followed his gaze and saw the elementary school students swarming out from the front, and the seven words "Yiwu Experimental Primary School" at the school gate, a wave of nostalgia flooded her heart.

Before going abroad, she studied in this elementary school. It has been ten years, and many things have changed. The surrounding buildings, the appearance of pedestrians, the green trees on the roadside, and the elementary school have completely changed compared with her impression.

At this moment, Lin Yue said, "It's just right."

Qiu Yan showed a puzzled face: "Just right? What's just right."

He leaned towards the opposite side and nuzzled his mouth: "Does the person over there look familiar?"

Qiu Yan's eyes turned slightly, and he saw a woman who was a little over forty years old holding the hands of a little boy and a little girl walking over, smiling and asking this and looking at that.

"She is...Auntie Qiao?"

"That's right, it's Qiao Gu."

As Lin Yue said, he got out of the car, went to the back of the car and opened the trunk: "Chang Xiyun went to Hangzhou a few days ago to visit a former worker. I gave some to my mother, as for my mother, remembering that Qiaogu likes this, she gave me a portion for her."

Qiu Yan remembered that when she went to Chen Yulian's place before, she often saw Qiaogu bring white rice porridge for breakfast, and this was the side dish, and she would not get tired of eating it every day for thirty days a month.

"Grandma is really careful."

"I'm usually not at home. During the holidays, Qiaogu will go to buy some things, and occasionally help wash and wash when she is free. These are good. My mother sees them in her eyes and remembers them in her heart. As for Chen Daguang, I don't want to see them. This Going to her house soon may bump into..."

"So you just drove here and waited?"

"When you were young, you walked to school by yourself, and you went home after school by yourself. Today's children are different, and gold is precious."

Qiu Yanxin thought that he couldn't do it if he didn't want to. Qiu Yingjie was so busy with work, how could he have time to pick him up and drop him off after school like other parents' parents did.

Seeing Lin Yue walking over with a transparent jar with a capacity of two or three liters, she also pushed open the co-pilot's door, smiling, and followed him towards Chen Qiaogu and the two cute children.

"Dongdong, I heard from the teacher that today you were secretly talking to Liu Zihang in Chinese class, and you even pulled Han Meimei's braid. You are already in the third grade, and you should be sensible. You can't do this in the future."

"Mom, mom, I know. It was Han Meimei who first reported to the teacher, saying that he helped Liu Zihang with her homework, and it was the younger brother who pulled her pigtails." It was the little girl who explained to the little boy.

Qiaogu said: "Qiqian, why don't you stop me when you see it, no matter what kind of conflicts there are between classmates, it's wrong to fight."


She didn't wait for Chen Qian's answer. What came into her ear was a voice so familiar that it made half of her body go limp. She raised her head and saw that it was indeed the man she loved and hated at the same time.

"You... you're back?"

"Well, I came back yesterday." Lin Yue agreed, and looked back at Qiu Yan: "Look who she is, do you still recognize her?"

"She..." Qiaogu carefully looked at the smiling girl next to her. The confusion on her face lasted for about ten seconds, and she suddenly remembered something that Chen Jianghe accidentally said: "Are you Qiu Yan?"

"That's right, it's me, Auntie Qiao, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm fine."

"This is your child, it's so old."

Before Qiu Yan went abroad, Qiao Gu was pregnant. Her impression of Chen Dong and Chen Qian was still the slightly protruding belly. At that time, she heard that there was a little brother or sister living in it. A pair of twins, she had touched them ten years ago.

At this moment, Lin Yue clapped the transparent plastic jar in his hand, and interjected, "My mother knows you like potherb mustard, so let me bring you some."

The two children looked at him with puzzled eyes.

It's not that they don't know him, the main reason is that Chen Daguang and Chen Qiaogu's descriptions of this person are completely opposite. One says he is a big villain, and the other says he is a good person. When my mother was in the most difficult time, he helped her many times.

Chen Daguang said he was bad, Chen Qiaogu said he was good, who should they believe?

"I didn't expect Aunt Yulian to remember that I love this." Qiaogu pulled her son and daughter forward, "Chen Dong, Chen Qian, why don't you call me uncle."

Chen Qian blinked and said hello uncle.

Chen Dong also called softly, and then looked up at his mother, as if he was still troubled.

It's a pity that his mother couldn't answer this question, she didn't even notice the child's expression, he looked like an ugly daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law for the first time.

Only Qiao Gu knows why. For ten years, Lin Yue and the two of them had to "see each other" every time he went home. Sometimes it was in the car, sometimes in the apartment next to Guomao Avenue, and sometimes it was in a high-end hotel in Jinhua. , He always used an orderly tone, and he didn't care whether Chen Daguang was by her side. What's more, he would force her to answer Chen Daguang's call at that time.

This is too much, really too much, every time she makes up her mind and says no, but every time she dresses up and goes to see him, even if it takes an hour or two to meet him in Jinhua.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, which was why she couldn't calm down every time she received his call and heard his voice.

"Hey, you're so good." Lin Yue agreed, took out the wallet from his pocket, and gave the two children five hundred yuan each: "Uncle came back in a hurry and didn't prepare a gift, so go buy your favorite toy, okay? "

The two cubs didn't dare to pick it up, and looked up at their mother.

When Lin Yue looked over with a bit of persecution, Qiao Gu quickly said, "Uncle Lin gave it to you, just keep it."

"Thank you uncle." Chen Dong took the 500 yuan boldly.

In 2004, even though Yiwu had a good economy, 500 yuan was not a small amount for a child.

When Chen Qian saw her younger brother holding the money in her hand, and she was about to do the same, there was a loud shout from behind: "Dongdong, give it back to him, don't touch his stinky money!"

This howling startled the children and parents walking around, and they all looked at the source of the sound, wondering who was so unqualified to yell on the road.

Qiao Gu looked back, her expression changed.

I saw Chen Daguang walking with a straight face, and behind him was Chen Jinshui, who was holding a cane. From his expression, it seemed that he was also dissatisfied with her accepting Lin Yue's favor.

"Dongdong! Didn't you hear what I said?"

Chen Daguang walked over and took the money from Chen Dong and threw it on the ground.

Chen Qian was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand and took two steps back.

"Is the family short of your food or your clothes, and ask for his money? How did I tell you before?"

Chen Dong was very wronged and looked at his mother.

She obviously asked him to take the money.

Qiaogu noticed that many people were watching. Among them were the parents of two children's classmates, Teacher Zheng, who taught mathematics, also noticed the situation here, and some people pointed and mocked them. I don't know if they recognized Chen Daguang. As the former richest man in Chenjia Village, he laughed at him for organizing an embarrassing wedding, and was imprisoned a few days later, leaving a "good story" about father and son sharing weal and woe, or noticed other ridiculous things.

She is a person who doesn't like to show off. If it wasn't because of Chen Daguang's insistence, she would not have agreed to make up the wedding. As a result, the scandal of the old mayor's family in Chenjia Village spread all over the city, and now she sees the parents of the children's classmates next to her. Whispering softly, a question mark will be drawn in the bottom of my heart, wondering if the other party recognizes her.

"Daguang, I asked Dongdong to take it. Do we have anything to say when we go back? In front of so many students' parents and's not good." After she finished speaking, she glanced at Chen for help. Jin Shui took a look.

"You also know it's not good? Why did I tell you at home that you should not associate with Chen Yulian's mother and son? You ignored it." Chen Daguang said this sentence as if venting, and saw the baby in Qiaogu's arms. The plastic jar and the potherb mustard in it, I immediately understood, walked over and snatched it out.

"Daguang, Daguang, what are you doing?"

"Give it to me, give it to me."

Chen Daguang shoved Qiaogu, snatched the plastic jar from her arms, lifted it high and threw it on the ground.

Crack, the lid shattered, and the potherb mustard spilled all over the floor.

"I'll let you eat!" After speaking, he looked at Lin Yue again: "Who cares about your things, go back and tell Chen Yulian, don't give them away in the future."

The onlookers were in an uproar, they didn't expect him to do such a thing.

Those who understand the conflict between the two families shook their heads and sighed frequently. Ever since that anticlimactic wedding, the two parties had a grudge against each other. Chen Jintu framed Chen Yulian for selling fakes, and Lin Yue sent the old guy to prison to help their father and son reunite. Chen Qiaogu had a good relationship with Chen Yulian. When the old lady was there, In the name of looking at the old lady, they ran to Chen Yulian's place twice a day. Later, the old lady disappeared, and Chen Jintu and his son were released after serving their sentences, so they went less often. However, they would still buy some supplements during the holidays and sneak around. Chen Jinshui and Lin Yue's Liang Zi is not shallow, one can imagine how uncomfortable it is for her to be caught in the middle.

Seeing that Chen Daguang almost pushed his mother down, and that Chen Dong, as a boy, could still hold his emotions, Chen Qian was timid and cried out loud.

Lin Yue's gaze became colder and colder, he broke away from Qiu Yan's hand holding his sleeve, looked at Chen Jinshui and said, "Is it right? Pretend you didn't see it?"

After saying that, he kicked Chen Daguang's chest.

thump thump...

This guy took several steps back, covering the place where he got hit with a painful face, feeling like his ribs were about to be kicked off.

"Don't you agree? Come and beat me. What kind of man is bullying women and children?"

Lin Yue curled his lips: "At this time, I thought that I had been in prison? I was afraid of going in again, and was severely punished? Why didn't you accept my kindness? When you were in prison, if I didn't help you find someone, Chen Dong and Chen Qian can enter the experimental primary school?"

Back then, it was not an easy task to change from agricultural hukou to non-agricultural hukou, and the children in Chenjia Village were not eligible to attend experimental primary school.

Chen Daguang looked at Qiaogu and shouted: "Didn't you say that Chen Jianghe helped the child go to school?"


Qiaogu faltered and hesitated.

It was indeed Chen Jianghe who was looking for the relationship back then. However, when the school leaders heard that Chen Jintu and his son had all entered, the original promise turned into further research. Looking for Chen Yulian, as long as Lin Yue is willing to come forward, not to mention the principal of the experimental primary school, the head of the Education Bureau will have to give some face, so she can only go to that person for help.

Da da da……

Chen Jinshui walked over with a cane.

"Qiaogu, Qiaogu, why didn't you tell me when your child encountered difficulties in going to school? Even if Dad showed his old face, he had to take care of the children's schooling for you. Go and beg oh!"

He used to be the mayor of the town, and he thought that he had a few acquaintances in the city, and if he had connections with Toto, it wouldn't be impossible.


Qiaogu thought that Chen Jinshui would speak for her, but she was also dissatisfied with her and begged Lin Yue.

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