Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2112 The end of the brother is the son-in-law (two in one)

Qiu Yan put down the pen and raised it several times.

When a white pigeon fluttered away from the window, she closed her eyes to settle her emotions, and let go of the hand holding the pen.

"So be it."

Qiu Yan pressed the edge of the table to prop up his body, walked to the front of the opaque window and pulled it, swish, the shutter opened, and a beam of light came in, hurting his eyes.

It took a long time for her to regain her spirits and pick up the balls of paper thrown on the ground.








Only then did she realize that she had written several letters unknowingly, with so many things she wanted to say, so many feelings that could not be described in words, and so much reluctance for him... What finally fell on the paper was There was only one question that looked easy.

She took another look at the room full of longings, silently picked up her bag, and walked towards the door.

This is Lin Yue's residence in Yiwu. Once we had dinner together, she pretended to be relaxed and said that he always ran outside, and when he came back, he would make delicious food for himself. In return, he asked her to help wash and rinse. Let's clean the room, Lin Yue gave her a key to the apartment without saying a word.

When she came here for the first time, she happily rolled around on the sofa, smiling until her face froze.

But now... how happy she was at the beginning, how sad she is now.


Putting the room key and car key on the shoe cabinet, before closing the door, she waved her hand and said goodbye, and then entered the elevator without looking back.

When she came downstairs, she took another look at the Volkswagen Golf with the license plate ending in 667, and walked out on foot. When she saw the trash can by the roadside, she was about to throw the collected waste manuscripts into it, but she didn't know what it was. Crying for too long, the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, or being too emotional and consuming too much mental energy, before reaching the trash can, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Two women who had just come down from the unit witnessed this scene, and hurried forward with worried faces.

"Girl, girl, how are you doing?"

The older woman straightened her up, shook her body, pinched her twice and found no response at all.

"Quick, call an ambulance."

The young woman next to her, who didn't know if it was her sister or a friend, took out her mobile phone and dialed 120.

Three hours later.

Yiwu People's Hospital.

Qiu Yan sat on the chair in front of the desk. He was awake, but his face was still a little pale. If he looked carefully, he could see the traces of crying not long ago.

While flipping through the report in his hand, the doctor asked without raising his head, "How long has this been going on?"

"It's been a few months."

"Have you ever been too excited before?"

Qiu Yan nodded.

The doctor looked up at her, pondered for a moment and said, "Is it your family members who sent you to the hospital?"

"No, they are kind-hearted people passing by." Qiu Yan tentatively asked, "Doctor, am I hypoglycemic?"

She always thought that her dizzy head was due to low blood sugar, and she carried the white rabbit toffee from Chen Tingting in her pocket every day.

Speaking of which, there is a little story here. Back then, one of Chen Tingting's favorite things to do was to pester Lin Yue to play with her, but he behaved very negatively. When he got annoyed, he threw two pieces of white rabbit milk candy to her, and took the opportunity to pull his legs Fuck off, almost twenty years have passed since then, Chen Tingting still loves to stuff a few pieces of candy in her bag for emergencies, because even if she doesn’t do heavy work, in order to keep her figure and not be hated by Lin Yue, she eats three meals a day at most. After two meals, I still dare not eat more. Every time I feel hungry, I rely on this to continue my life.

The doctor sorted out the report, put both hands on it, and said solemnly: "You should call your family members."

However, there is only one explanation for such rhetoric, that is, the condition is more serious, and it is definitely not a small case such as hypoglycemia.

"Doctor, I don't have any family members in the country. Tell me, I can handle it." Qiu Yan showed a trademark smile on his face.

She lied about this matter, Qiu Yingjie was in Yiwu, but she didn't want him to know about it, because she was afraid that he would be worried, and because of falling in love with Lin Yue, the relationship between father and daughter was tense.

The doctor patted the report: "Based on the current information, you should have a tumor here."

After speaking, he pointed to his head.

"Brain tumor?" Qiu Yan's face changed, but he didn't collapse, and he could still maintain his composure: "Doctor, how long can I live?"

"'s hard to say, it depends on how fast the disease progresses." The doctor took a pen and tapped on the desk: "Is there a genetic history in the family?"

"My dad suffered from stomach cancer and went to the United States for treatment ten years ago. He is fine now."

"At present, the level of domestic medical treatment is limited. If you have the conditions, I suggest you go abroad for treatment. If you don't have the conditions... go to Shanghai and try it. There are always more opportunities in big cities than in small places like ours."

Saying that was tactfully telling her that the brain tumor was malignant.

Qiu Yan thought of her father. If it wasn't for Lin Yue, he might have died of illness at work.

"I will consider your suggestion, thank you doctor."

She smiled, got up and left with her bag.

"Remember not to be too angry, sad or anything..."

The doctor's kind reminder came from behind.

Qiu Yan didn't take the elevator. He turned left and entered the corridor. After walking down half a floor, he couldn't hold on any longer. He leaned his back against the wall and slowly squatted down, covering his face.

Just now Qiu Yingjie found out about her relationship with Lin Yue, forcing her to give up this relationship she shouldn't have, and followed him back to the United States, and now she is found to be terminally ill. .

Fate treats her...why is it so cruel?

A cleaning aunt walked by and saw her squatting in the corridor, worried about something, went to pat her on the shoulder: "Girl, are you okay?"

Qiu Yan didn't look up.

"Thanks, I want to be by myself for a while."

"Girl, compared with life and death, there is no barrier in this world that you can't get past. Take everything with a grain of salt."

Auntie Cleaning said a word of persuasion, shook her head and left.

How did she know that what troubled this little girl was the problem of life and death.

Qiu Yan buried her head between her knees and shrunk her body in the shadow of the corridor. After about an hour, the phone rang. She took it out and looked, her eyes were red.

The call was from Lin Yue, but she didn't answer it. She pressed the mute button and put it back in her bag.

It's actually pretty good.

Well, that's fine too...

In this way, her unreasonable thoughts will be eliminated, so that she can leave quietly without dragging her big brother Lin, so that she doesn't have to live under the curse of her father like Yang Xue.

Thinking about the happiness of the past few months, it can be regarded as the last time of life, let's live happily.

She wiped away her tears, stood up, and walked downstairs with her bag.




Her footsteps echoed in the corridor, getting farther and farther away, getting smaller and smaller.


Qiu Yingjie returned to the United States, because he didn't know how to face Lin Yue, told his little brother that he was here to pick up his daughter, lest she say that she likes you and embarrass everyone? Even Chen Jianghe only notified him before boarding the plane. After all, Qiu Yan beat Wang Xu, and when he talked about the mother and son, he also looked disdainful. The in-laws probably couldn't do it, and meeting each other was useless. increase troubles.

So he came quietly and left quietly, completely without the impassionedness that he threatened to kiss the land after returning home at the beginning, and he looked like a soldier who had lost a battle and had no face to face the elders in his hometown.

Qiu Yan also left with her father. As for the brain cancer, she didn't tell anyone, and she didn't plan to treat it, because even if it was cured, what's the point of not being by his side.

Wang Xu is very happy, because in this matter, he pursues a life creed that he can't get, and no one else can get it. So what if Lin Yue sits on the throne of the general manager of Shuangwu Group? Take your daughter away? What's more, this father is still a good friend called brother and brother.

Lin Yue made him run in front of the media cameras to apologize to the public, and Luo Yuzhu also lost the title of Yiwu's Top Ten Outstanding Women. Isn't it rumored that Mr. Lin didn't get married for so many years because he was waiting for Qiu Yan? Then let him taste the pain of losing a loved one.

Chen Jianghe was not surprised or angry at Qiu Yingjie's estrangement, because until now, the most uncomfortable person caught in the middle is Qiu Yingjie, whether it is good to bring her daughter back to the United States, stay away from the people she shouldn't love, and stay away from Yiwu. Right and wrong, as for the future, let time arrange it.

Of course, he didn't have the heart to entertain Qiu Yingjie. As he expected, Leon's price cuts stimulated Fernand. Faced with the departure of his partners and the intensifying debt crisis, Fernand poured out all his anger. It fell on the Yuzhu brand, because according to normal logic, he, Chen Jianghe, and Leon were partners. If he didn't nod, how dare Leon lower the price unilaterally.

Although this is the truth, it is useless to explain it. So Fernand went to the TV station to expose the harsh production environment of Yuzhu Group's factories and the excessive harmful substances in raw materials.

Chen Jianghe took someone to explain that the samples produced by Fernand were not produced by Yuzhu Group, but a small unqualified factory that used the brand of "Wangzhu" to touch porcelain "Yuzhu", which is actually not half the same as Yuzhu Group. money relationship.

Even if there is no problem with the products of Yuzhu Group, the hardware jewelry flowing into the European market from Yiwu is of various types and brands, and the competent department cannot distinguish each case. In the end, the market management department formulated new standards, requiring Imported hardware jewelry must use new materials that meet this standard.

Originally, Yuzhu Group raised the quality standard of the goods sold to Europe, and the factories below complained a lot. Once this incident happened, everything was useless without new materials.

Chen Daguang was just waiting for this day, and made a public attack on the board of directors, demanding that Chen Jianghe be responsible for the decision-making mistakes. In his words, this is called discussing the matter as it stands, and it does not involve or affect the brotherhood of the two people.

It was Chen Jianghe who made the decision to enter the European market, and Luo Yuzhu who made the decision to cooperate with Leon. Things have developed to this point, the group has lost a lot, and because Leon insisted on going his own way, Shreve and Ruan Wenxiong felt that they were being played. , The plan of the three parties to form an alliance to share the market also fell through. If you admit your mistake, you have to pay for the loss and give up some power. At least he and Luo Yuzhu can't open a husband and wife shop.

Chen Jianghe wanted to let Luo Yuzhu step down as the general manager to ease the conflict with Lin Yue, but he was afraid that Luo Yuzhu would make trouble with him, and he didn't approve of Chen Daguang's ability, so he really gave up the position of general manager to the latter, Yuzhu Groups are even more dangerous.

Just when Chen Jianghe was undecided, Luo Yuzhu said that he could handle new materials. Now that the Fernand family is over, as long as they overcome the last hurdle, the European market will open to Yuzhu Group, and the previous losses will soon be wiped out. Make it up.

The so-called open bow has no turning back arrow, ten miles and now seven miles, giving up means giving up all previous efforts. When Chen Daguang saw that other people were moved by Luo Yuzhu's decisive words, he stopped insisting and sat back resentfully. He just said give it a try, meaning If things can't be handled well, then you, Mr. Luo, will have no face to hang on to the position of general manager and not leave.

In the matter of finding new materials, Luo Yuzhu really has a clue, because a professor at Wang Xu School is doing this, but what is disturbing is that the professor most despises the businessman who smells like copper, and Luo Yuzhu found Two or three times, they ended up hitting a wall. Even if they went to the professor's hometown to catch pheasants and stew them for him to eat, the other party didn't let go until Mr. Luo brought out the principle of serving the country, the people and the economy, which made the professor speechless. In the end, a compromise was chosen.

The two parties signed a cooperation agreement, but at the time of declaring the patent, something happened. The professor's assistant secretly sold the formula to Ruan Wenxiong of the Ruan Group, and half of the hard work to get the new material was wasted. After all, the Ruan Group is an enterprise in Southeast Asia. Not to mention the patent application process, even after the patent application is successful, it is not easy to sue the Ruan Group for infringement. In order to catch the leaker, Luo Dali's heart The disease broke out, and he was sent to the hospital for treatment to no avail, and died.

This is very passive, there is a lot of discussion in the company, and Chen Daguang is also working hard behind him, making fun of Luo Yuzhu's operation, not only getting twice the result with half the effort, but also getting his own father into it.

Of course, although the cost is high, the difficulty of new materials has been overcome, and Chen Daguang can only continue to endure.

Later, Chen Jianghe found Ruan Wenxiong and negotiated with Ruan Group on the theft of the formula. Ruan Wenxiong said that you, Chen Jianghe, paralyzed Shreve and I with your left hand. If you want to engage in market sharing, your right hand will let Leon cut prices across the board and pay fees. Fernand's last blow to seize the European market, you have turned your back on your promise here, why don't we not tire of cheating?

In short, the result of this negotiation was fruitless.


The time came five months after Qiu Yan left.

Houston, Texas, USA.

After sending Qiu Hao to school, Qiu Yingjie drove home and went to the study to look through the books on the bookshelf. He found that he was a little irritable today and couldn't read the books, so he went to the yard to water the sunflowers in the garden.

The summer in Texas is relatively hot, and the rainfall this year is particularly low. The state legislator is conducting household surveys on the water problem again. Yesterday Zhang Xue had a fight with those guys who interrupted her to finish her manuscript.

They moved from California to Texas four months ago. The most important reason was that the SYSCO company where Zhang Xue worked transferred her to work at the headquarters. The second reason was that after Qiu Hao broke the head of a black child, he learned Their grades fell sharply. Even though there are many Chinese in California, they would inevitably be excluded in school if something like that happened, so they simply moved to Houston with their family.

After watering the sunflowers, Qiu Yingjie was about to return to the house when a Chevrolet SUV stopped less than 5 meters away from his courtyard, and as the door opened, a person came out from inside.

"Who are you……"

Seeing the man walking towards him, Qiu Yingjie looked carefully and found that his face was somewhat familiar, until the man took off his sunglasses and checked his facial features, his expression changed, and the water pipe in his hand fell to the ground.

"Lin Yue? You... why are you here?"

Lin Yue didn't greet him politely, and he didn't have the friendliness on his face, so he said blankly, "Where's Qiu Yan?"


"I ask you, where is Qiu Yan?"

Qiu Yingjie frowned, and was very upset by his attitude. I haven't seen him for so many years. At least call Qiu Big Brother, at least give me a smile. When I came up, I asked where Qiu Yan was, and the tone was still questioning. It was too much.

Moreover, Lin Yue's performance also answered one of his questions - that is, does his little brother know about Qiu Yan's thoughts? If you know, what is your attitude? Looking at it now, this attitude... definitely has the idea of ​​an old cow eating young grass.

If you want to eat tender grass from other people's house, it's fine, but to eat tender grass from elder brother's house is really shameless and shameless.

"Why are you looking for Qiu Yan? Qiu Yan doesn't want to see you."

"Then let her tell me."

"Lin Yue, don't go too far. I think you should know that Qiu Yan left Yiwu and returned to the United States to hide from you."

When the father and daughter left Yiwu, Qiu Yingjie asked Qiu Yan, she said that the matter had been settled, and she promised him that she would not see Lin Yue again in the future, and that she would focus all her energy on her studies and forget Thoughts that shouldn't be there.

Qiu Yingjie was very relieved, feeling that his daughter was still very obedient and sensible.

Now that Lin Yue has found someone important in Houston, of course he can't push his daughter into the pit of fire.

"I only recently realized her intentions."

"Since you know her mind, you should know that it is wrong to do so. If I were you, I would definitely stay away."

Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice: "So, you picked her up from Yiwu?"

Qiu Yingjie said, "That's right, I picked her up."

"Wang Xu told you? Or Luo Yuzhu?"

"Does that make sense for you to ask?"

"It's really in line with the shameless personality of the mother and son to engage in such a dirty trick if you can't love it."

"Lin Yue!" Qiu Yingjie saw that he had no intention of repenting at all, and even blamed Wang Xu for telling him the truth, and finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and broke out without regard for brotherhood: "The one who has no shame should be you! "

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