Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2113 Tender grass is a dish, the old cow's favorite (two in one)

Qiu Yingjie stepped out and stepped on the water pipe used to water the sunflowers, but he didn't seem to notice, pointing at Lin Yue's face and scolding: "She is your niece, you are her uncle, she shouldn't treat you Tempted, this point is indeed her fault in the first place, it’s okay if you don’t know, but now you know and come to her and disturb her life, then you are a bastard. I don’t care about you, Chen Tingting, and Yang Shi How complicated is the relationship with Yang Xue in the group, if you dare to think about my daughter, let me tell you, there is no way!"

Lin Yue couldn't bear it anymore, and punched Qiu Yingjie fiercely in the face, knocking him back a few steps.


Qiu Yingjie wiped the corner of his mouth, and found that the back of his hand was stained with blood, and the back molars were loose, which showed how heavy Lin Yue's punch was.

"I really regret recognizing a brother like you."

"I also regret that I saved your life, so I should have just watched you die." Lin Yue took out a piece of paper from his pocket and slapped it on his chest: "Look at what this is."

Qiu Yingjie turned the piece of paper over with a little puzzlement, and took a look in front of him.

medical records?

What surprised him even more was that the word "Qiu Yan" was filled in the name column on the upper left corner, and there was a laboratory test form below. If shot.

Suspected tumor?

of the brain?

"This...Qiu Yan didn't tell me? It's not true, you are lying to me."

That's what he said, but judging from his expression, any fool would know that it was just bluntness, or self-deception, because the news came too suddenly and too horrifying.

Lin Yue said: "Do you know how I knew she was sick? Before you left Yiwu, she left me a letter saying that she would go to Stanford Business School for further study. Fortunately, after she finished her master's degree, I also managed the Yuzhu Group. However, in the following days, I couldn't make calls, and the messages from MSN were like nothing, and her blog stopped updating. I went to New York on a business trip a few days ago. I just walked around to see what happened to her, and ended up going to California. I found the school and asked her. Her tutor told me that Qiu Yan went through the suspension procedures within two months after entering the school. The reason was not given, but according to What he said, Qiu Yan's physical condition is worrying. This reminds me of what my neighbors told me a few months ago when I asked for credit. They said that Qiu Yan's hypoglycemia was very severe. They fainted downstairs before. When I sent her to the hospital, I found an acquaintance in the hospital and pulled out her medical records, here, it's what you have in your hand."

"Qiu Yan...she...what's wrong with her? Why didn't she tell us when she was sick?"

Qiu Yan not only did not tell him about the illness with Zhang Xue, but also concealed the situation of the suspension of school.

Lin Yue said: "How long has she not contacted you?"

"Half a month, half a month ago, she sent us an email, saying that she was fine, and that her tutor and classmates took good care of her." Qiu Yingjie concealed a little bit, because after discovering her daughter's thoughts and ordering her to stay away from Lin Yue, The relationship between Qiu Yan and his family became awkward... You can also say that he became nervous, and he didn't usually call home, but when he called her, he either replied a text message saying that he was in class, or sent a photo to Zhang Xue to briefly introduce his current situation. , Even the obligatory questions about my brother's studies are omitted.

Lin Yue took out his mobile phone, dialed a number and handed it over: "Don't believe me? This is her tutor's phone number. Ask yourself."

Qiu Yingjie took it and put it to his ear, and said a few words in English to the man opposite him. When he hung up the phone, his face was so heavy that he could squeeze out water.

He took out his mobile phone again and dialed Qiu Yan's phone number. A few seconds later, a pleasant ringtone rang.

Just as she was looking for the source of the sound, Lin Yue took out a blue Motorola cell phone from his pocket, which was the source of the ringtone.

Qiu Yingjie said, "Why is Qiu Yan's cell phone in your hand?"

"You are wrong. This is not Qiu Yan's cell phone. She has turned on call forwarding. This is her college classmate's cell phone, so you should know why she doesn't answer every call."

"What on earth is she doing this for?"

"For what? You should have thought of the answer to this question, but you just don't want to admit it."

Yes, Qiu Yingjie thought of it.

Qiu Yan did this to prevent her family from finding her.

In other words, she has been disappointed with her family and has nothing to love.

"You let him stay away from me, well, she did it, and she did it very thoroughly, staying quietly in a place she likes, waiting for the end to come, neither me nor you, who drove her here One step?" Lin Yue grabbed Qiu Yingjie by the collar and glared at the man who had justly accused Chen Jianghe of selling fakes: "Why did you and Zhang Xue divorce? One wanted to study abroad, the other for work. Regardless of the family, as a father and mother, have you considered her feelings? Now that she likes someone she shouldn't like, you feel that it is unacceptable, and you feel that you can't hold your face anymore, and you use the authority of your elders to order her to give up. She takes care of your thoughts, Qiu Yingjie, you are really a selfish person, if I knew you would become like this ten years later, I should have let you fend for yourself, so that in the future Qiu Yan likes me, there will be no With so many obstacles, she doesn't have to be world-weary anymore."

After speaking, he pushed hard, knocking the dull-looking Qiu Yingjie to the ground.

Lin Yue continued: "Before Yang Tianci died, Yang Xue asked Yang Xue to swear not to marry me in this life. What did you say? You said he was harming his daughter. I didn't expect you to live like another girl ten years later." Yang Tianci, Qiu Yingjie, I am so disappointed in you."

"I...I..." Qiu Yingjie was rendered speechless by what he said, and it took him a while to find a reason to excuse himself.

"We only hope that she will marry a man who loves her. In Zhang Xue's words, you are excellent, so outstanding that you are dazzling, but because of this, you are surrounded by many equally excellent women. I heard that Zhang Tingting has been waiting for you for ten years." For several years, I also heard that Yang Xue has never been married... We did this for her own good."

"You are doing it for her good. What is the final result? Is she well?"


Qiu Yingjie was questioned again.

Lin Yue sneered and said: "So this kind of behavior that stands on one's own standpoint, especially without similar experience, is the most annoying behavior for others based on subjective ideas. Qiu Yan's life is decided by herself. She is a living and thinking person. Man is not a doll that you can dress up."

Seeing Qiu Yingjie's frustrated face, lying on the ground as if all his strength had been taken away, Lin Yue curled his lips and turned to leave.

" wait..."

Lin Yue paused for a moment, but quickly moved on again.

"Qiu Yan, what about Qiu Yan?"

From concealing her illness to setting up call forwarding on her mobile phone, Qiu Yingjie knew that she was determined not to come back, relying only on herself and Zhang Xue, it was impossible to find her daughter who had traveled around since college. As the general manager of Shuangwu Group, Lin Yue wanted money, power, and contacts. If he wanted to find Qiu Yan as soon as possible, he had to rely on him.

"If I find her, I'll let you know."

After saying this, he opened the car door and got in. The Chevrolet SUV turned a corner on the ground and drove east.

Qiu Yingjie sat on the ground for a while before digesting the information, picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Xue's number.

"Hey, Zhang Xue, something happened to Qiu Yan..."



The sky in Dublin is foggy, as if covered with a thin layer of veil. When the clouds in the west are lit by the sunset, the wind carries the fragrance of clover, passing through the streets and alleys, sending a signal of autumn to the city.

In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome, just look at people’s attire, and you can also feel the coolness of autumn.

The temperature difference between morning and evening and noon forces people to wear unlined clothes at noon, and put on fleece coats in the evening, and some people wear scarves around their necks. Of course, in this country, its function is not only to keep out the cold, but also to convey beauty.

In the Temple Bar area, if you can ignore the noisy human voices and the bells that ring from time to time, then the sound of the flowing water of the Liffey River will bring a little inspiration to the tourists in this Irish-style neighborhood.

At the entrance of the alley between two clothing stores, a man wearing a black coat, jeans, and a curly palm-colored beard hangs a broken guitar that looks old on his shoulder, playing and singing The song I wrote came from the west, and the light that was blown by the wind shone on his side face, adding some evening sadness to the rough appearance. Some people call it the British style.

Are you really here.

or am I dreaming.

I can't tell dreams from truth.

For it's been so long.

since I have seen you.

I can hardly remember your face anymore.

When I get really lonely.

and the distance causes only silence.

I think of you smiling.


There are some people around, most of them are tourists from other places. People who come home from get off work will walk while watching, with a little smile on their faces.

This is Dublin's liveliest neighbourhood, with museums, galleries and theaters big and small, it's a natural favorite for art lovers.

Qiu Yan stepped forward on the cobblestones, quietly listening to the slightly hoarse voice of the singer.

Revisiting the old place and feeling the humanistic atmosphere of the city again, she found that the idea of ​​coming to settle here in the future was stronger.


She also understands that for her, this is just a wish that seems within reach but is actually out of reach.

When you know I really try.

To be a better one.

to satisfy you.

for you're everything to me.


The singing was accompanied by the melody, and as she tasted the lyrics, she couldn't help but think of the past and that person.

I don't know if he's doing well or not.

I don't know if he is married to Chen Tingting.

I don't know what he was thinking when he saw the note he left, angry? disappointment? sad? Still don't care?

I don't know if he will think of me during his spare time at work, be distracted because of me, be in a trance because of me...

A delicately dressed little girl in a yellow princess dress with soft skin took the £5 from her mother, walked up to the singer, and put it in her guitar bag.

The singer nodded at her.

The little girl smiled knowingly.

Very loving scene.

Are you really here.

or am I dreaming.

I can't tell dreams from truth.

For it's been so long.

since I have seen you.

When the singer repeated the verse part again, Qiu Yan took a breath of warm air into the palm of her hand, feeling a little cold, and just after she took her hand away, within two blinks of an eye, there was an extra person in front of the model in the window of the clothing store on the left.

Someone who makes her feel like she's dreaming, like the lyrics of the song say.

Are you really here.

or am I dreaming.

How could he be here, impossible, impossible.

Qiu Yan rubbed his eyes, then looked over there.

He was still there, his mouth was smiling, his eyebrows were smiling, his whole body was illuminated, filled with warm colors.

"Does it snow in Dublin in winter?"

When these words drifted through the melody, Qiu Yan's body shook.

When she wrote Dublin travel notes on her blog before, Lin Yue left such a paragraph in the comment area.

She didn't know whether it would snow in Dublin in winter, so she thought that she wanted to spend the last winter of her life here, and answered this question with her own experience.

He pulled his hand out of his pocket and made a gesture expecting a hug.

Qiu Yan's eyes turned red, he rushed out recklessly, and threw himself into the embrace that he had been thinking about for a long time.

so warm.

Warmer than the midday sun in Dublin.

She seemed to melt into the evening.

If you want me.

satisfy me.

If you want me.

satisfy me.

The singer turned his body, looked at the two people hugging and smiled slightly, and the guitar melody changed suddenly.

I don't know you.

But I want you.

All the more for that.

Words fall through me.

And always fool me.


half an hour later.

"Do you know who was the first to spread the gossip that I was waiting for you for not getting married for so many years?"

"who is it?"

"it's me."


"In this world, apart from life and death, everything is trivial."


a month later.

The autumn light is cold, the Wujiang River is cold, the evening wind leaves the sunset, the long pavilion and the melancholy sleep.

On the road leading from Commodity City to Chenjia Village, Chen Tingting walked slowly in a cashmere coat, and a milky white Chanel handbag swayed gently beside her calves. The person is Mr. Lin who pushes the bicycle.

He rarely walks with her, let alone picks her up.

"Haven't you got your driver's license yet? Has it been half a year?"

"I... I don't dare to drive. What if I bump into someone? Let's ride a bicycle. I'm used to it and it's safe.”

"There will be more and more vehicles on the road in the future, so I don't worry about you."

"Are you worried about me?"

Chen Tingting stopped in her tracks, her eyes flashed with relief and surprise.

Lin Yue said: "Since you were young, you have been bullied and got into trouble. When did I not wipe your ass? I have been worried about you for so many years, so there is no fuss."

Chen Tingting smiled when she remembered her childhood, touched the pocket of her coat, and took out a piece of white rabbit toffee.


Lin Yue laughed dumbfounded, and shook his head: "Don't eat."

She didn't listen, let alone cared, she took off the outer sugar wrapper and the inner glutinous rice paper, and brought them to his mouth.

"Eat, eat."

Lin Yue had no choice but to open his mouth and eat the candy she gave.

"Qiu Yan's habit of pretending to be candy, did he learn it from you?"

"Yes, she always suffers from hypoglycemia, so I advised her to carry some of this in her pocket. I remember she asked me why I didn't pack chocolate, saying it was more nutritious than toffee, and I said it was all your habit. When I was young, I When I was bullied and cried, you thought I was too annoying to listen to, and when you asked me to help lie to Aunt Yulian, you would use this to block my mouth. Hey, yes, I remember Qiu Yan said that American universities are 12 Winter vacation at the beginning of the month, will she come back by then?"

Chen Tingting didn't know about Qiu Yan yet, and thought she was studying at Stanford Business School.

Lin Yue shook his head: "She is hospitalized."

"Hospitalized?" Chen Tingting was taken aback, grabbed his arm, and said worriedly: "What disease, is it serious?"

"Brain cancer."

"Brain cancer? How is it possible!"

She was confused by the bad news.

"You said she often dizzy because of this." Lin Yue sighed: "I came to pick you up today just to tell you about this. She went to Stanford Business School to avoid my excuses."

"Hiding you? If you're sick, go and treat it. Why do you hide from you? What is this little girl thinking? See if I turn"

She wanted to scold Qiu Yan to death, but when the word "death" came to her lips, she swallowed it back.

Qiu Yan knew her very well when they were young, and they got along very well after returning to Yiwu last year. Although they were almost ten years apart, they were good sisters to anyone. Now that something like this happened to her, wouldn't she be uncomfortable? Well.

"Which hospital is she in? Can you take me to see her?"

"The doctor said that her condition is fairly stable. Staying in the hospital all the time will affect her mood, and it will not be beautiful. She will come back in a week or two."

Hearing such words, Chen Tingting breathed a sigh of relief, nodded her head and said, "That's good."

"Actually... there is one more thing, which is about me and Qiu Yan. I think... it is necessary to tell you."

"You and Qiu Yan? What's the matter?"

Lin Yue stopped in his tracks, looked her in the eyes and said something.

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