Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2114 You are more pitiful than a green hat (two in one)

The moonlight is like water, embracing the earth, the night breeze lingers in front of the willows and behind the pine trees with a hint of coolness, occasionally there are a few stray dogs barking on the corner of the street, and I don’t know whose children are scared to cry.

Chen Tingting lowered her head and muttered to herself: "I should have thought of it long ago, I should have thought of it long ago..."

Although she felt very sad, she was still very worried about Qiu Yan: "Why is she so stupid?"

After a while, she raised her head again, looking at her sweetheart with a little worry, a little eagerness, and a little timidity: "You tell me these... are you... are you..."

She was afraid of knowing the answer to this question, but she also knew that this was an unavoidable reality. Lin Yue once said that this year would give her a clear answer.

marry her.

Or don't marry.

"After this incident, I understood a truth. Life and death are unpredictable, and people should cherish their blessings." He took his hand out of his pocket and stretched it out in front of Chen Tingting. A red jewelry box with Cartier's LOG was lying quietly in his palm.

Chen Tingting was stunned. She was already suppressing the emotions that were about to collapse, and tried not to let herself cry out. She didn't expect that she would experience a change from hell to heaven in the next second. What Lin Yue gave her was not rejection, but waiting for ten years. A few years old ring.

"What are you doing in a daze, you haven't opened it to see if it's the style you like."

With excitement, she stretched out her trembling hands, choked with sobs and said, "As long as it is given to me by you, I will like anything", while Lin Yue opened the jewelry box, took out the ring and put it on until On her left ring finger.

Today, when she looks at the diamond ring in her hand, she really wants to raise her head, look towards the sky, and shout towards the city, "I've finally waited for it. From today on, this man is mine."

"Does it look good?"

"I do, I do."

Well, this girl, her excited ears are hard to use.

Twenty minutes later, the two of them arrived at the entrance of Chenjia Village on the 11th road. She was still grinning and laughing non-stop, like a second idiot, making Lin Yue feel like she was the one who proposed, and she was the one being proposed. a feeling of.

Chen Tingting pulled his arm towards her alley.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you... come with me to see my parents? Their hair is all gray looking forward to this day."

"Let's see what time it is now. It's late at night, you can't sleep because of excitement, and you want them to stay with you all night?"

Only then did she wake up, look at the sky, and then at the dial.

"Then wait until tomorrow, tomorrow you will come to my house, and Aunt Yulian..."

"Do I have to invite a matchmaker to come to the door together?" Lin Yue joked.

"That's not necessary, your mother and my parents are so familiar."

"Knowing that you are familiar with so many things?" Lin Yue glared: "Hurry up, push your bicycle home."

"Hey, hey..." She took the handle of the car and said in an uncertain tone: "Then I will see Aunt Yulian tomorrow, should I call... should I call... oops..."

This guy is in his thirties. Compared with the gluttonous ghost before, he hasn't improved at all.

Lin Yue shook his head, said "You can call him whatever you like", turned around, and walked towards his own alley.

" about Qiu Yan?"

Seeing his leaving back, Chen Tingting hesitated for a while, and asked this question that sounded stupid from the standpoint of a fiancee.

Lin Yue didn't look back, and Night Breeze sent him whispers.

"I told Qiu Yan that in life, everything except life and death are trivial matters."


After all, Lin Yue was a celebrity in Yiwu. Soon, news of his engagement to Chen Tingting spread throughout the city's streets and alleys.

Chen Yulian was very happy, she had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Chen Tingting's parents were very happy. In their eyes, Lin Yue was an out-and-out Chenglong... a slow son-in-law, anyway, Chenglong's son-in-law must be.

The people in Chenjia Village... at least most of them are happy, because this is a model of childhood sweethearts achieving true results.

There is another person who is very happy, and that is Wang Xu. It's not that he has a good relationship with Lin Yue or Chen Tingting. He is sincerely happy for them to be married, but because he has completely ruined the possibility of Lin Yue and Qiu Yan. They are all married, and there is 100% hopeless there.

Isn't there a rumor in the market that Lin Yue is waiting for Qiu Yan if he hasn't married for so many years? The so-called rumours, now that he can't get Qiu Yan, neither can Lin Yue.

"Wang Xu, Wang Xu, what are you looking at?"

Chen Daguang's words brought back Wang Xu's gaze, he stopped thinking about things that had nothing to do with today's negotiation, stirred the coffee in his hand, picked it up and took a sip: "What did you just say?"

"Overseas warehouses, overseas warehouses! Fernand will die soon. As long as the relationship with Leon is established, the European market can still be tried. But if you want to open overseas warehouses, buying land and building warehouses will take up huge funds. , I heard that the labor over there is not cheap. The salary of the staff and the maintenance in the later stage are all a lot of investment. Also, Europe is the territory of foreigners with white skin and blue eyes. There are many things that cannot be seen risk."

"You know this, and my mother and I know it too. We persuaded, but Dad didn't listen. He insisted that the many difficulties we encountered these days were due to the fact that we had no foundation in Europe and relied on local sales channels. There’s a feeling of being tied up.”

A few days ago, Chen Jianghe took out a map and said that he wanted to build an overseas warehouse to change the current passive situation. Both he and Luo Yuzhu clearly opposed it because the cost was too high. For the current Yuzhu Group, it can be said to be a desperate move .

Leon made everyone unhappy because of his private price reduction. The establishment of an overseas warehouse is tantamount to making troubles under Leon’s nose. Those European traders who lost their profits held grudges.

However, Chen Jianghe refused to listen to the advice and insisted on going his own way. In the past two days, he had already started to think about a joint venture factory with German technology, and wanted to sell it in exchange for funds to build overseas warehouses.

That's why he and Luo Yuzhu didn't like Chen Daguang, but they still had to meet and communicate in the coffee shop. After all, Chen Daguang held the shares of Chen Dong and Chen Qian on behalf of him, and was the largest shareholder of Yuzhu Group besides Chen Jianghe.

They were also forced to have no choice.

Chen Daguang said: "I know what you and your mother are thinking, you want me to make it difficult for me to pick hair on the board of directors, right?"

Wang Xu smiled and said: "Uncle Daguang is smart, my mother is right, she can see through it."

"It's fine, but I have one condition."

"What conditions, you say."

"It's very simple, ask your mother to give me the position of general manager."


"What? Difficulty?"

"Uncle Daguang, you are also opposed to my dad's establishment of overseas warehouses. This kind of cooperation is beneficial to both parties. Isn't it too much for you to make such a request?"

"Is it too much? I don't think it's too much. Your parents' husband-and-wife store has been open for so long, shouldn't it be time to give others a chance? Besides, I'm not an outsider, don't you think so? Think about it, even if it's a bad move, In the end, your family will suffer the biggest loss, what am I, Chen Daguang, afraid of, I don’t live in a villa and drive a luxury car, do I?”

"This... I have to go back and discuss it with my mother."

Chen Daguang smacked his mouth, put the spoon into a small plate, pulled the skirt of his suit, put the newly bought LV clutch bag under his armpit, and left.

"You settle the bill."

"I tie, I tie."

Wang Xu readily agreed, but he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but it was not because Chen Daguang asked Luo Yuzhu for the position of general manager. Long before coming here, the mother and daughter were ready for Chen Daguang to speak loudly. , What makes him feel uncomfortable is that Chen Daguang, an elder, has to pay for a cup of coffee, which is disgusting.

Sitting on the sofa for a while, suppressing the anger in his heart, he picked up the cup and drank the coffee in it, got up and went to the bar to pay the bill, and before leaving, he asked for two coupons for emergencies.

After coming out of the coffee shop, he did not take the escalator downstairs, but chose the slower escalator, because he saw a promotional advertisement of a Nike counter a few days ago, and was going to go there to consult, but just as he was about to take another escalator When the escalator went to the second floor, three people walked out from the left front corner.

Two women and a man.

Chen Tingting?

When his gaze passed over Chen Tingting, who was taking water out of her bag, and landed on the woman holding a tissue and wiping the sweat of the man who wore a pair of sunglasses in winter and carried seven or eight gift bags in her hand, his mind was in a state of confusion. With a buzz, the anger surging in his chest ignited his whole body.

Although the man was wearing sunglasses, he still recognized his identity at a glance.

Lin Yue!

That's right, it's Lin Yue!

Didn't Qiu Yingjie say that Qiu Yan has returned to the United States? Why are you still with him, and it seems to be more intimate than before.

With her back to the escalator, without seeing Wang Xu, Chen Tingting took out mineral water from her bag, unscrewed the lid and handed it to Lin Yue: "Seeing that you sweat so much, I'm not happy to help you get two."

"You guys are shopping around so vigorously, what a hindrance you are holding things in your hands, last time you were let go because you were going to meet the upright Mr. Xie, this time you can't take your credit for the crime, show yourself well?"

"Okay, okay, don't act pitiful, we don't blame you, hurry up, drink the water."

Under her urging, Lin Yue took the mineral water bottle and gulped two sips of water. Qiu Yan didn't speak. After gently wiping off his sweat, he folded the paper towels. When he found that there was no trash can around, he put them in his pocket first.

"Qiu Yan!"

A blunt shout came from behind Chen Tingting. She turned her head to see Wang Xu walking over angrily, and she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you go back to the United States? Where's your dad? Why are you still with him? Do you know that he and Chen Tingting are engaged? Everyone in Chenjia Village knows about it. No, everyone in Yiwu knew."

"So?" Qiu Yan calmly said, "Wang Xu, I don't want to see you, so let's go."

"Qiu Yan, do you understand what I'm talking about? He, Lin Yue, is already engaged to Chen Tingting."

"It's not that I didn't understand, it's that you didn't understand. I said I don't want to get entangled with you, please don't disturb us."

Just like what Lin Yue said, last time we agreed to go shopping with them, but because we had an important cooperation to discuss, we finally let them go. Today, I finally found some free time to go shopping with them. When I was happy, Wang Xu, who hates this The guy from here is here. If he was disappointed in the past, then at this moment, the emotion in his heart is disgust.

"Qiu Yan?"

Of course Wang Xu understood what the above sentence meant, but he couldn't accept it, thinking that he had heard it wrong. How could a girl like Qiu Yan say such a thing? She knew that Chen Tingting was Lin Yue's fiancée and still remained indifferent?

"I know that you are different from those gold diggers. What's so good about him that you are so devoted to him?"

Qiu Yan shook his head: "You don't understand, for the sake of those memories in the past, you go, don't spoil the last bit of goodwill I have for you."

It's really stupid to ask this kind of question. After breaking up with the woman, you have to ask the man who said "have you loved me?"

Lin Yue really felt that Luo Yuzhu should enroll Wang Xu in a psychology class. What gave him the illusion that people of the same age should associate with people of the same age? Which young girl doesn't have a dream of being an uncle—it must be the kind of uncle who has social status, is rich, mature, gentle, talented, and good-looking. Brother, what reason does she have to not like herself, but to like a stingy, naive, jealous son of an upstart?

"I don't understand? I don't understand?" Wang Xu was very dissatisfied with this answer, because he thought it was unacceptable from his standpoint. A young and beautiful girl fell in love with someone ten years older than her. Uncle's man, and this man is engaged to another woman, how do you say that? It can only be described by the word "wonderful".

His distorted expression, excited heart, fiery face, and hysterical shouts attracted many people. Lin Yue wore sunglasses, and people who were not familiar with him could not recognize him for a while, but the heir of Yuzhu Group, Chen Jianghe He is an old acquaintance of the citizens of Yiwu. After all, he apologized on the TV station last year for beating a reporter. Luo Yuzhu also lost the title of Yiwu's Top Ten Outstanding Women because of this son of a bitch.

"What's going on? What happened to Young Master Wang? Who is that girl?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Look at his excited face, I thought he was cuckolded?"

"Well, about the same, or... more outrageous?"

"What's the meaning?"

"The girls that Young Master Wang likes are fresh and refreshing. The one with short hair would rather be a puppet than his girlfriend. You say it's irritating or not."

"The rich second generation sometimes gets their sweetheart robbed."

"Then why don't you look at who's on the other side?"

"you know?"

"Of course, I came early. Young Master Wang just called the woman in front of me, Chen Tingting. Which Chen Tingting do you think it is?"

"Which Chen Tingting?"

"Which other Chen Tingting, isn't the hottest Chen Tingting right now, the Chen Tingting who is going to marry Lin Yue, the invisible richest man in Yiwu, the general manager of Shuangwu Group?"

"It's him?!"

The eyes of the few people whispering behind Lin Yue changed.

"No wonder the face looks so familiar. It turns out it's him, so there's no problem."

"Young Master Wang didn't deserve to lose."

"I'm not wronged. I remember hearing someone say that Young Master Wang has a childhood sweetheart, what's her name... I only know her surname is Qiu, and it's said to be the daughter of the director of the Reform Office ten years ago. Oh, yes, Yiwu It can become a distribution center for small commodities, thanks to that person.”

"Qiu Yingjie?"

"That's right, that's him."

"How did I hear that Lin Yue is his little brother?"

"Ah? Brother and eldest brother's daughter? This... this..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can only say that rich people really know how to play."

"poor guy."


People talked a lot, and the more they surrounded, the more they surrounded.

Of course Wang Xu could hear what they were talking about. He thought that these people would accuse Lin Yue of being shameless and stepping on two boats, but why did these people gloat and laugh at him as a rich second generation for kicking the iron plate? .

How did he know that he and Lin Yue had already left the category of the working class, and there were all kinds of conflicts between the two sides. Ordinary people would only move a little horse to watch a show, make a few sour jokes, and complain for the weak? Condemn the strong side for bullying? It doesn't exist, not to mention what he and Luo Yuzhu have done recently can be said to have ruined the popularity of passers-by.

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