Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2138 I like to drive a new car (two in one)

Gu Shihong recalled what his daughter called him yesterday to remind him thousands of times. She said that she agreed to lend money to her younger brother. The first reason was that Gu Lei had spoken, so she, as an older sister, must help, and secondly, it was In order for Feng Xiaoqin to keep his own place in the future, stop throwing face at his father-in-law and grandma because of the down payment, and get divorced. In the end, the little tiger has indeed grown up, and having a room of his own is good for the child's growth.

But when she woke up after sleeping, she felt that she was thinking too simply, because apart from the down payment of 1 million, there was still a loan of 1.5 million, corresponding to a monthly payment of 7000+, what would Gu Lei and his wife use to pay it back? After buying a house, you have to decorate it, buy furniture and appliances, pay deed taxes and so on. These are all big things. Can they afford it with their financial resources?

What if they can't afford the money? Don't buy a house? Impossible?

I borrowed a million from my sister, and it's always bad to ask for a second time. After all, she went around Feng Xiaoqin that night and said that she also wanted to buy a house, which was the mansion of Century Zun Mansion. Wan will borrow money from colleagues.

After borrowing the richest person, you have to borrow from the second richest person around you. Who is that person? Gu Shihong!

As a middle school teacher with an intermediate professional title, based on the salary level in Shanghai, the annual income before retirement is at least more than 200,000 yuan. Even after retirement, the monthly pension of 6,000 to 7,000 yuan can be guaranteed. The money is taken from here, maybe the monthly payment will have to be subsidized by the old man every month, because he is his son after all, and he can't just watch Gu Lei fail to pay the monthly payment and the house is taken away by the court auction it.

Gu Qingyu told him that from a psychological point of view, even if the person who lent you money has not yet repaid it, the success rate of borrowing money is much higher than that of someone who has never opened his mouth. If you open it, Feng Xiaoqin will borrow it endlessly---the kind that he never thought about repaying, so he must be tense, and he must not make such an opening.


Seeing that Gu Shihong didn't speak, Feng Xiaoqin didn't feel embarrassed, so she pulled the sofa closer: "Dad, I know you must have prepared a pension fund, and this money will be left to Gu Lei in the future, right? , I just thought, can I pay it out in advance, it’s considered an emergency, don’t you think so? Oh, don’t worry, when you get old, if you can’t move anymore, just lie on the bed, I promise you, I’ll take care of you You are absolutely unambiguous."

She looked at the old man expectantly.

The old man's eyeballs moved left and right, and his breathing was a little short. If you borrow it, you can't explain it to your daughter. If you don't borrow it, you can't wipe your face off.

There is only one word to describe the feeling of a people's teacher, an out-and-out cultural person, facing a shameless rural woman, and that is embarrassment.

Lin Yue was enjoying himself on the balcony. When his upper lip touched his lower lip, I assure you that when you get old and cannot move in bed, I will serve you absolutely unambiguously, tsk tsk, this is a bad check , There is a way better than those private business owners fooling college students who have just graduated.

If you believe someone like her, then you are an out-and-out fool.

Isn't there a performance in TV dramas? When he didn’t get the money, he said in front of the little tiger that his father was worthless and useless, and he picked on the husband in front of the old man and Gu Qingyu. After he got the money, he signed the house sale contract, and he also didn’t like it in front of his aunts, aunts and other relatives. Give my husband face.

Gu Lei also complained about this to Gu Qingyu, who replied, "Who told you to marry such a powerful wife."

A person who doesn't know how to be grateful when he borrows money, even because his sister-in-law persuaded his younger brother to move out, he has to pay more attention to find out how much money the family has, and must have his name in the house book, not just Feng Xiaoqin One person hurried back to his hometown in a hurry. Is what Gu Qingyu said wrong? Feng Danian's name is his younger brother, but he is actually his son. If the house and deposits are not clear, and there will be more people in the future to compete with the little tiger for the family property, then what is the contribution of the Gu family? Do you do charity?

Eavesdropping on other people's conversations, thinking that others were guarding her, and going back to her hometown in a fit of anger ended up killing Gu Lei. Not to mention that she had an illegitimate child in her hometown, she couldn't be honest in her marriage, and she had the face to suspect that others treated her as an outsider? A person like this counts on her guarantee? Oh, what a big joke.

Take dealing with the salesperson in the sales office as an example. When you haven’t paid the money, you will serve tea and pour water with care, and say good things one after another. Became a grandson.

Feng Xiaoqin had worked in insurance sales before.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Feng Xiaoqin, you're so shameless that you're even thinking about dad's pension money."

"Gu Lei, tell me again." Feng Xiaoqin glared at him, it's fine if he's not around to help and ask for money, but he dares to make sarcastic remarks, he's going to die!

"I said you are shameless. For such a big matter as buying a house, the Gu family has already paid out one million. Do you want to discuss it with the family and give us some? Oh, no, it's a loan. We It will be paid back, it will be paid back.”

"My parents have no money."

"But they have a house. I don't think it's better than this. Let them sell their house and raise a little more money. Let's bite the bullet and buy a three-bedroom house. After the decoration is completed, we can take them over and let them enjoy Enjoy the blessing, how about it?" Lin Yue said very seriously.

If you want to ask him what he thinks, it's very simple. Waiting for Feng Xiaoqin to take her parents over and make their family neat and tidy is in line with his style.

"Gu Lei, you are too much, how can my family's conditions compare with this one?"

"Why not? Don't they leave their house to you in the future? I remember that you called your family before and said that the old house in the suburbs of the county was demolished. The yard is more than 200 square meters? According to the housing price level in your place , at least it can be sold for 7.8 million. It just so happens that the house here is upgraded. The two-bedroom apartment of 2.5 million becomes a three-bedroom apartment in the early 3 million. A loan of 200,000 yuan, 360 installments, and a monthly repayment of just over 5,000 yuan, which can be covered by my salary, how great it is.”

"No, the house at home is reserved for the New Year."

"That is to say, you don't have any share of the inheritance. My dad gave the money for the house here, and you promised to take care of him. Over there, your parents left all the property to Da Nian. When they get old, Da Nian will take care of them, right? "

Feng Xiaoqin never expected that he would wait for her here.

That's right, Gu Lei will have a reason not to let her take the family in in the future, but why is she buying a house outside? Isn't it just to bring his parents to Shanghai to enjoy the blessings, and let the eldest son have a foothold? If you say no, then help raise money.


Gu Shihong breathed a sigh of relief, and he relaxed. Normally, when Feng Xiaoqin made excessive demands, Gu Lei would sit on the side, not daring to say a word. Today was a good day, and Feng Xiaoqin's way was blocked by a few words.

Feng Xiaoqin said: "Honoring parents is a matter of course, how can it be tied to money?"

Lin Yue asked back: "Then you tell me that you must buy a house. If Dad and sister don't even help with this, you can take me back to your hometown in Anhui. From then on, you will return to your hometown in Anhui, and you will never see each other again." ?”


Feng Xiaoqin grimaced and stared, wishing he could be killed, seeing the old man being cornered by her, and then nodding in agreement with a shiver, didn't he deliberately sabotage the scene when he made such a fuss here?

Gu Shihong looked unhappy, what does the daughter-in-law mean by saying this? He and his deceased wife raised their son so much for the Feng family?


Early the next morning.

Lin Yue was awakened from sleep by the little tiger: "What's wrong?"

"Dad, Mom is gone, look at this."

The chubby little hand handed a note in front of him.

"My friend asked me to go to Nanjing for a few days, and you will take care of the little tiger during this time."

Heh, in the TV series, Feng Xiaoqin didn't get any money from Gu Qingyu, so she lived in a fellow countryman's house in a fit of anger, and used this method to force Gu's family to submit. The runaway trick.

Do you really think the Gu family can't do without her?

"Go, dad will take you to school today."

Lin Yue got off the bed, put on his clothes first, handed the schoolbag to the little tiger, told him to check whether he had brought homework and whether the stationery was complete, and went to the living room to pour out the antihypertensive medicine and hypoglycemic medicine that the old lady would take in the morning. Come out, put it next to the water glass, then go to the balcony to take off the clothes that Gu Shihong is going to wear today and hang them on the hanger, then knock on the door of the old man's room, and tell him to send the little tiger to school by himself, and he doesn't need to make breakfast, he will pack two copies Fried dough sticks with soy milk and steamed buns home.

In the TV series, in order to show Feng Xiaoqin's ability, it is natural to slander Gu Lei desperately, even sending the child to school can break his thumb, as if the Gu family can't take care of themselves without her.

The old lady can't remember how much medicine she took, so she just called the community doctor and asked if it would be all right?

I can't find where the clothes are. It's because Feng Xiaoqin usually packs them up, so I can't remember if I wash the clothes by myself in the future? In old age, washing clothes had to be carried to the small river at the entrance of the village, and wrung out to dry after washing. What about now? Learn more about washing and drying machines.

For cooking, order takeaway if you are lazy, or cook yourself if you are not lazy. After Gu Shihong retires, he still wants to carry forward his style and become the director of the property committee. Would this kind of nosy person be a lazy person? The four of us eat, and we go downstairs to buy some ready-made ones for breakfast. Two, just make something casually, come back for dinner, have an afternoon to prepare, is it difficult to fry four dishes?

Yes, cleaning is a time-consuming and labor-intensive job, but except for those with a cleanliness, is it necessary for ordinary families to clean up every day? As long as you learn how to use garbage bags correctly, the house is not a place where people come and go like hotels and restaurants, and cleaning once a week is completely fine.

Do you really think that other people's families can't survive without her?

In this society, there are often stories of old men having accidents and having no income, and their families being ruined. It is really rare that old women give up their picks and quit housework and go back to their mother's family to be angry and make their husband's family unable to live.

The so-called relationship between supply and demand determines the value of services and commodities. The salary of a nanny in Shanghai is considered high at 6,000 to 7,000 a month, and a part of it is cut off for those who live in the house, because it saves the cost of renting a house, and the rent in big cities is very expensive. . As for those with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, they either have a high degree of education, or have special skills, or they are technical talents like Yuesao, what does Feng Xiaoqin have? So the value of her serving the family every day is equivalent to a monthly salary of 5,000, without considering her service attitude. As for sleeping with a man... For a 38-year-old woman, 200 once is considered expensive by others.

Therefore, in order to give middle-aged women a sense of refreshment that the family can't play without us, the TV series doesn't even talk about logic.


When Lin Yue took the little tiger to eat noodles with toppings at the breakfast shop downstairs, Feng Xiaoqin was accompanying He Xiaomei to buy vegetables at the vegetable market.

"I said you did the right thing, that's what you should do, treat them severely, otherwise this family will really treat you as a nanny, and the nanny still has a salary. The sum of these years is enough to pay the down payment of the house, I Let me tell you, the Gu family can leave anyone, but they can't leave you, you don't care about anything, it's up to them to do."

"Sister He, I know you are thinking of me, but I am still worried." She took the plastic bag containing bananas and oranges to the waiter to weigh: "I am worried about the little tiger, just his father, what are you doing?" It's all unreliable, you said that if I leave, what if the child fails in homework?"

He Xiaomei saw that the cabbage in the box was good, walked over and broke off the yellowed leaves outside, and said, "The child has fallen behind in homework, are you anxious? The Gu family is more anxious than you. Don't forget, the little tiger Their family's species."

This has reached Feng Xiaoqin's heart, but He Xiaomei doesn't know that she still has a son in her hometown, Feng Danian and Xiaohu. If you compare the two, Feng Danian is the Feng family, and Xiaohu... That is definitely the seed of the Gu family. .

"Hey, don't break it like this, how can we sell our vegetables if you break it like this?" The waiter finished weighing, pasted the receipt on the plastic bag containing the fruit, and turned his face to see He Xiaomei breaking the cabbage. Hurry up and stop it.

"Your cabbage is withered on the outside and has insect eyes. How can I eat it if I don't break it off?"

"You like to eat cabbage, there are baby vegetables in bags over there."

"What's wrong with me buying this?"

He Xiaomei is not stupid, baby vegetables are so expensive, Chinese cabbage is cheap.

"If you want to eat this, you don't need to break the gang." The waiter was very speechless. Selling Chinese cabbage is like this. There are always some unqualified people breaking the gang, which makes them often scolded by the manager.

"It's not your family's business, it's so wide."

He Xiaomei gave the waiter a white look, and then broke off a piece of the cabbage, then put the cabbage into the shopping cart, ignoring the other party's angry expression, and pushed the cart forward as if nothing happened: "Let me tell you, the Gu family is just looking at you." I love my children so much, that's why they are unscrupulous. If you go all out and don't care about anything, then they should be afraid. If you want to buy a house, you have to be hard-hearted and hold on. Believe me, they must be the ones who give in in the end .”

Feng Xiaoqin thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.


The next evening.

Convenience bee.

Feng Qianqian and her colleagues finished handing over the work, opened the store door and walked out.

She looked up at the sky and sighed heavily. She had been preparing for a job for a week, but someone called and told her that it was not suitable, and her colleagues told her in a joking tone that such a company is not bad, and there are many employers. , Your resume is like nothing when you submit it. If it is good, you will look at it twice. If it is not good, it will be dumped in batches. If you ask why, it is not for recruiting people, but for self-advertising.

What can Feng Xixi say? It can only be said that big cities have many opportunities and many pitfalls.

After walking about a hundred meters in the direction of the subway station, she suddenly came to her senses. Feng Xiaoqin hadn't come home yet, so she asked her to eat hot pot at Liangliang Hot Pot Restaurant on Linyi Road.

It is not easy to take the subway to Linyi Road, it is faster to take the bus.

But just as she was about to cross the road and wait for the bus at the opposite bus stop, a brand new BMW X1 braked in front of her.

Because it is a new car, it has not yet been listed, and only a paper temporary license plate is pasted on the rear window.

Feng Xixi was taken aback, and just about to say a few ugly words to vent her emotions, the window of the BMW X1 co-pilot fell down.


Feng Qianqian looked down and couldn't help but froze. The person sitting in the main driver...

She rubbed her eyes, then looked at the BMW logo on the front of the car to make sure she was not mistaken.

How could her brother-in-law know how to drive? And it's a BMW.

"Brother-in-law? Why are you here?"

Lin Yue said: "Oh, I'm going home after talking with my sister. I passed by here and saw you coming out of it. Look at your unhappy face, work is not going well?"

Just as Feng Qianqian was about to answer, she suddenly realized that her own affairs were not the focus, but the car was.

"Brother-in-law, why do you know how to drive? And this a BMW? Where did it come from?"

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