Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2139 Rolling home in despair (two in one)

Lin Yue patted the steering wheel: "Is learning to drive more difficult than learning to cook?"

Yes, as long as you learn how to drive, you can get a book in less than a month. How long does it take to learn to cook? At least it will take more than half a year, but this is not considered sword skills, spoon skills, etc., it is just a superficial skill of painting gourds and scoops. He can learn cooking so quickly. Isn't it easy to get a driver's license?

"Heh, heh." Feng Qianqian laughed dryly: "It's not difficult."

Lin Yue turned to the side and pushed open the co-pilot's door: "Get in the car."

Normally, she wanted to go home. Of course it was better to take the car than to squeeze the subway, but she didn't go home today, and she agreed to go to Linyi Road for dinner to eat hot pot.

"Brother-in-law, I... I won't go home today, I have an appointment."

"Boy friend?"

"No, colleague."


"It's still early anyway, where are you going? I'll see you off."

Feng Qianqian hesitated, and chose to sit in the car.

Feng Xiaoqin told her family that she went to Nanjing for a trip, and it was not good for the Gu family to know that she was still in Shanghai, but this problem is not difficult to solve, just get off at a place near Linyi Road. When it comes to choosing to get in a car, one is because I want to ride in a BMW luxury car, and the other is because I want to know where the new car came from.

"There's mineral water in the cup holder, take it yourself if you're thirsty." Lin Yue helped her fasten her seat belt, reminded her casually, and turned to drive on the road.

Feng Qianqian looked at his hands turning the steering wheel, then looked at the interior of the car, and touched the leather of the center console.

"Brother-in-law, where did this car come from?"

Lin Yue looked ahead and said casually, "I bought it."


"Yes, sister, didn't you lend us one million? Yesterday I saw on the Internet that this car was being promoted. The price of the naked car was more than 200,000. I thought the price was quite right, so I went to the 4S store to pick up one today. "

The speaker is relaxed, but the hearer is surprised.

Feng Xiqian opened her small mouth and looked at him in astonishment.

"Isn't the one million that Sister borrowed from you used to buy a house? What about you? How did you buy it for a car?"

Lin Yue said: "At a critical moment, sister Ni went to Nanjing for a trip. I said before that I asked your sister to persuade her parents-in-law to sell the house in the suburbs of her hometown and raise some money to buy a three-bedroom apartment here. I just brought them here to live. , This idea is not bad, your sister not only refused to agree, but also left the little tiger to my dad and me to take care of him without saying a word. It's also convenient, I might as well buy a car first, and the house... I'll talk about it later."

Feng Qianqian was stunned by his words, she never thought that this guy would use the money from the house to buy a car.

Daredevil, really daredevil.

Feng Xiaoqin had only been away from home for a day before he started to commit suicide.

"Brother-in-law, you...why didn't you discuss with my sister and buy a car without authorization?"

"What are you discussing? Why didn't she discuss it with me when she went to Nanjing for a trip without saying a word?"


Feng Xiqian was speechless. If you want to say why Feng Xiaoqin did this, the reason is very simple. It was to make a surprise attack on the Gu family. In the end, it didn't succeed. The next day, I spent more than 200,000 yuan to go to 4S to pick up a BMW.

"Even if you have to buy a car, can't you buy a second-hand car first? You can drive such a good car as soon as you come up."

"I like to drive a new car. It is fresh, obedient, comfortable and has fewer problems."


"By the way, you haven't said where you are going yet."

"Oh, just put me down in Linyi Park."


Lin Yue stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

Feng Qianqian looked at the backing traffic and had a lot of thoughts in her mind.


Twenty minutes later, the BMW stopped at the gate of Linyi Park.

Lin Yue waved to her and told her not to go home too late. The old lady was a light sleeper and was afraid of noise, so she drove away.

According to the location Feng Xiaoqin sent her, Feng Qianqian walked for nearly ten minutes to the Liangliang Hot Pot Restaurant. As soon as she entered, she saw Sister He praising Feng Xiaoqin for a good job.

"Don't worry, stretch them for another two days, and go back when the Gu family is in a mess and your husband, father-in-law, and aunt call you one by one." She said while putting meat on Feng Xiaoqin's plate: "Eat more Order some meat to look radiant outside these few days, and they won't dare to bully you like this in the future."

"Sissy, here..."

Just as Feng Xiaoqin was about to answer, she looked up and saw her sister standing at the door, and quickly raised her hand as a signal, beckoning her to come and sit down.

"Oh, Sissy is here."

He Xiaomei pulled a chair for her very enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Miss He."

It was not the first time for Feng Qianqian to meet He Xiaomei. When she first came to Shanghai, Feng Xiaoqin was accompanying Little Tiger to a cram school, and it was He Xiaomei who picked her up at the station.

"Look at your face, are you tired from work? Come on, eat some meat first to fill yourself up."

He Xiaomei and Feng Xiaoqin have known each other for almost ten years. They ran insurance together at the beginning. Later, Feng Xiaoqin married Gu Lei. He Xiaomei was not so lucky. She went back to her hometown and found a man, but she left after two years. No, I came to Shanghai alone to work, worked as a nanny, worked in a textile factory, and now works as a housekeeper, and my income is just so-so.


Feng Xixi smiled politely, lowered her head and put a piece of meat into her mouth. Walking here from Linyi Park, she was indeed a little hungry.

"Sissy, what's the status of the Gu family?"

Feng Xiaoqin didn't even give her sister time to eat two bites of meat, she was anxious to know how the Gu family was in chaos after she left.

Feng Xixi swallowed the meat in her mouth, put down her chopsticks again, showing hesitation.

Feng Xiaoqin urged: "Are you talking?"

"Sister, brother-in-law...he bought a car."

"What? Buy a car? What kind of car?"

Feng Xiaoqin looked bewildered. In her impression, Gu Lei had nothing to do with cars. What kind of car could a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan buy? Battery car or old scooter? People at this level should catch the bus or the subway.

Feng Xiqian said in a relatively weak tone: "Baby...BMW."

"What BMW?" Feng Xiaoqin still didn't respond.

He Xiaomei's protruding mouth trembled twice, and said in a hoarse voice: "That BMW from Mercedes-Benz?"

Feng Xixi nodded.

Feng Xiaoqin suddenly realized that the reason why she didn't react just now was not that she didn't know what the word "BMW" meant. She would rather sit in a BMW car and cry than sit on a bicycle and laugh. She had heard about it.

The main reason is that Gu Lei's level is not worthy of a BMW. This is not only reflected in the fact that he can't afford a BMW with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, but also because he can't drive at all, but now...

"Your brother-in-law buys a BMW? Can he drive? Where did you get the money to buy a BMW?"

Feng Xixi said: "He was the one who drove me here. As for the money to buy the BMW car...he said that he took out the full payment of more than 200,000 from the 1 million my sister lent him."

Feng Xiaoqin stood up suddenly: "That's the money used to buy a house, how dare he use the money in it to buy a car?"

The reason why Feng Qianqian looked embarrassed just now was because she was afraid that her sister would get angry, but this matter is too big, so it is impossible not to talk about it.

"He said it was the money my sister lent him. How he wants to spend it is his own business. You don't discuss it with your family. If you decide to travel to Nanjing and buy a car on your own, he can also not discuss it with you. Look at it yourself. Let’s do it. He also said that he was forced to do nothing, the little tiger stayed in bed every day, and was often late for school, and the situation got worse after you left. Now that the family bought a car, the car will not be late for pick-up and drop-off.”

Hey...he's pretty good at making excuses.

He Xiaomei lost the complacency she had when she helped out just now, and Feng Xiaoqin was even more confused. She never thought that her desire to make the Gu family mess up would result in such a result. The one million yuan that was used to buy a house suddenly disappeared. More than ten thousand, a quarter.

She doesn't know if the Gu family is in chaos or not, anyway, her heart is in chaos.

"No, I have to go back."

She got up and went out, He Xiaomei quickly pulled her back.

"What do you say when you go back now? Little Tiger's grandfather called just now and said he was in Nanjing, and he arrived in Shanghai in less than an hour?"

Feng Xiaoqin thought that this was indeed the case, but she was extremely anxious.

Feng Xiqian was not in the mood to eat hot pot anymore, she looked at her sister and said, "Sister, what did he tell you that night?"

Regarding the above question, she heard a general idea on the way here, but she is still at a loss.

Feng Xiaoqin only said to go out for a few days to treat Gu's family, but did not tell her younger sister Gu Lei that she wanted to upgrade the house type and ask her to persuade her parents to sell the house. The matter of Qian Wuguo was told from beginning to end.

The two understood after listening.

They thought that Feng Xiaoqin ran away from home because Gu Shihong didn't help raise money, but they didn't expect that it would also involve Gu Lei's proposal to ask Feng's family to contribute part of it.

Feng Xiqian remained silent after hearing this.

He Xiaomei thought for a while and said, "Is the house in your hometown really worth so much money?"

Feng Xiaoqin said: "It's about the same. The demolition of my hometown is one flat and one flat. Last year, someone paid 800,000 yuan, but my parents didn't sell it. They said that if they sold it, they would have no place to live."

He Xiaomei moved closer to her: "If I were you, I would promise him."


Feng Xiaoqin didn't understand. Her idea was to ask the Gu family to pay the money. She worked as a free nanny for eight years and gave birth to a son for the Gu family. Isn't it worth a house? In her opinion, it is certainly worth it, even a house of more than 2 million yuan is not enough to compensate her for so many years.

"Think about it, he said it all. After the house in my hometown is sold, you will be asked to bring your parents here. There are five people in your family. When the time comes, you will share a room with him, and Da Nian and Little Tiger will share a room. Your Parents share a room, you can live in the house in Wanziyuan Community, you can live in it for Sissy, she leaves early and returns late, and doesn’t have much interaction with the Gu family, after the old lady and the old man of the Gu family die, you can move back with him, then Wouldn’t the newly bought three-bedroom and one-living room belong to your family? Not only will you settle down in Shanghai, but the living conditions will not be too good.”

Feng Xiaoqin's eyes lit up when he said this.

"That's right, Sister He, you have a good brain."

He Xiaomei is very proud: "You promise him first, how to negotiate with your parents, whether it can be achieved is a later matter, otherwise it will be like today, buying a car is not bad, in case you don't watch him one day and get cheated If you go to gamble or something, the million will be lost in minutes."

Feng Xixi also said at the same time: "Yes, sister, I think what sister He said is very reasonable, you should stabilize him first, and then work on the parents' side, whether it will work or not is another matter. Otherwise, I am afraid of the work on the parents' side. If it works out, the one million here is also lost by my brother-in-law, when the time comes to borrow money to buy a house, will Gu Qingyu lend it to you?"

Feng Xiaoqin nodded repeatedly.

"But... just go back like this, how ugly is it?"

Feng Xiqian said: "Buying a car is such a big deal for the family, you heard me say, isn't it normal to rush home to ask for an explanation?"

This...running away from home full of resentment, waiting to see Gu's family in a mess, watching Gu Shihong's jokes, but when Gu Lei bought a car, he couldn't hold back here, and it was embarrassing to say that he was anticlimactic, but what could he do? , Keeping the money to buy a house is always more important than face.


Feng Xiaoqin returned to the Wanziyuan Community with her suitcase the next day. Of course, she was well-known as a teacher. After all, Gu Lei bought a BMW without consulting her. No small matter.

She even made a fuss in front of Gu Shihong, but Lin Yue also had something to say. The little tiger used to be late, but now that she has left, the child is even more difficult to manage. In order to reduce the lateness rate, it is very important to buy a car. It was necessary, so it was her who stimulated him to buy a car.

This one, there are two.

No, they are going to buy a house outside. The distance between a bowl of soup is at least two stops, and they will be out of breath if they walk. Go back to Wanziyuan to take care of dad and grandma? You see, isn't the convenience of buying a car reflected? This has a very good effect on improving the quality of life, and this is the money that my sister lent him. Of course, he can arrange it however he wants.

Feng Xiaoqin was left speechless by him, Gu Lei's salary was stuck in her hands, and before the salary was paid, she always took out one or two hundred to give him pocket money, this time the one million that Gu Qingyu called was placed in his other On the card, in my impression, Gu Lei does not smoke or drink, and the most extravagant consumption is watching movies. This kind of consumption habit has become a mindset for eight years. More than one hundred thousand.

She was very regretful and very angry, but what was the use? The car has already been bought, and I can't return it. What I can do now is to borrow this matter to ask for a bank card to release the money. I didn't expect this to be blocked. Gu Lei refused to give it, and said that if she retaliated against him for buying the car, she would turn around and buy it. What about a diamond ring, a pearl necklace, and an Omega watch? With a car, everyone benefits, and luxury jewelry can only be worn by herself.

Feng Xiaoqin was almost pissed off by him, and in the end the two took a step back and handed over the bank cards to Gu Shihong for safekeeping, and they would use them after they signed the house purchase agreement.

Of course, in exchange, she would persuade her parents to sell the house to raise money to build a three-bedroom apartment.

Gu Shihong has nothing to say about this, honoring his parents, such a big stick hits his head, as a teacher of the people, can he object? Not happy and not able.


a month later.

The weather is getting colder, and it's time for the bi-weekly family dinner—it is said that the mother is at home, the old lady lives in Wanziyuan, and the eldest son and the younger daughter naturally have to visit regularly.

Gu Shihong is the second son of the old lady. His wife has passed away. There are two children, Gu Qingyu and Gu Lei, who are twins. There is only a few minutes difference between them, but they belong to two days. This is why Feng Xiaoqin scolded Gu Qingyu for sucking Gu Lei's luck. reason for leaving.

Gu Shihong has an elder brother named Gu Shihai, and Gu Shihai's wife is Su Wangdi, who is from the Northeast, and they have a son named Gu Xin, who is now working in the district customs working committee.

Gu Shihong also has a younger sister named Gu Shilian. Gu Shilian is barren, and later adopted a daughter with her husband Gao Chang who is six years younger than her. They named them Duo Duo. She just graduated from high school this year and was admitted to the Vienna Conservatory of Music.

So on this day, the eleven members of the Gu family, plus one Feng Qianqian, were all present.

In the kitchen, Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Xiqian glanced at the Gu family in the living room, especially Lin Yue, who was listening to Duoduo's music knowledge, while choosing dishes.

"Ask everything, do you understand? I don't know how much I have."

"That's right." Feng Xiqian pouted and said, "Isn't he a great cook? Now that they're all over for dinner, he just let us go and let us work here."

The more Feng Xiaoqin thought about it, the more wronged she became, and the more unwilling she became, she threw the chosen dish into the basin: "I'll tell him to go."

She turned around and came to the living room. She was about to ask Lin Yue why she didn't help in the kitchen, and she also picked up the elder sister who had been fiddling with the potted flowers on the balcony when she came back. Unexpectedly, before she opened her mouth, the eldest aunt Su Wangdi spoke.

"Gu Lei, I heard that you bought a car. It's still a BMW. How much do you think your salary is? How dare you have the idea of ​​buying a car? This brand costs a thousand dollars for maintenance, right? Fees, parking fees, insurance fees, taxes, if there is another bump, there will be more places to spend money. Let me tell you, with your own conditions, buying a car is a waste, it is better to rush Catch the bus and squeeze the subway.”

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