Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2159 Your wife and I are good friends (two in one)

"Sister-in-law, where's Gu Xin? Why didn't he come with you?"

Gu Shilian noticed that the old lady's expression was also ugly, knowing that she had also heard the rumors, she quickly changed the subject.

"Gu Xin called just now, and I have to wait for a while to arrive. There is a traffic jam on the road."

After Su Wangdi finished answering, she turned the topic back: "Shihong, let me tell you, no matter what you can't do, if she really ran away with that surnamed Shi, then how can you stand up in Wanziyuan Community in the future? Be a human, isn't it mother?"

She also asked the old lady a question, but she didn't know if it was intentional, or she was worried that the old lady would be affected by these rumors.

Gu Shihong sulked beside him.

He's not Gu Lei, so he can't do such a thing as slapping his sister-in-law. Moreover, Su Wangdi has been like this for so many years. To a certain extent, she has a certain resistance to her tone of voice.

Gao Chang couldn't see it, and wanted to help Gu Shihong retort at the boss and his wife, but Gu Shilian pulled him back, obviously not wanting her husband to talk too much.

He was a little upset, and glared at his wife. You must know that they bought the house thanks to Gu Shihong and his daughter.

But if you think about it seriously, you can somewhat understand my wife's worry.

It was my niece who invited everyone over for dinner today, and the host hasn't arrived yet, if a quarrel breaks out, wouldn't that embarrass Gu Qingyu? And this is the first time that the family sits at the same dinner table after the wedding event. It's been almost half a's not easy, so bear with it, after all, Su Wangdi has always been like this.

"Auntie, I heard that Gu Xin resigned? Not working at the district customs working committee? What? Is the job there not good?"

A figure flashed at the door, and Gu Qingyu walked into the box from the outside.

Gao Chang and Gu Shilian smiled slightly, saying that Su Wangdi's nemesis is here. In the past, when Su Wangdi spoke badly, Gu Qingyu would always fight back in a strange way.

Gu Shihai was laughing at first, but when he heard her say that, his smile froze a bit.

You must know that Gu Xin was admitted to a famous university, and after graduation, he entered the district customs working committee and became a civil servant. It can be said that this is the most proud thing for the couple. Now that Gu Xin has resigned from the district customs working committee, how can the couple brag about their son to others in the future? Is it a civil servant?

You must know that this is China, and civil servants are at the top of the professional disdain chain.

"Qing Yu."

When the atmosphere in the box was a bit awkward, a man walked in from the outside.

Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai looked up and were stunned, this person...why does he look so familiar.

After a while, the two looked at each other and remembered.

Isn't this person the master of ceremonies who officiated the wedding ceremony for Gu Xin and Ge Yue? At that time, he also said several pornographic jokes, which made the guests on stage laugh out loud.

How did he come here? Also affectionately called "Qing Yu"?

Not only Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai, but also Gu Shilian, Gao Chang, Douduo, including the old lady and Gu Shihong, also looked blank.

Gu Qingyu smiled generously, took Shi Yuan's hand with a shy face, and introduced to his family: "His name is Shi Yuan, and he is my...husband."

As soon as the word "husband" was uttered, it was as if a boulder was thrown into the calm water, and the expressions of the people in the box were different.

Gu Shihong's face was sullen and he didn't say a word.

He remembered that the day before yesterday Gu Qingyu went home to ask for a household registration book, and he said why he needed to buy insurance. He wondered why he needed a household registration book when buying insurance. Now it seems that he went to get a certificate from this man named Shi Yuan without telling him.

One must know that he also went to Gu Xin's wedding. Gu Shihai and his wife recognized Shi Yuan as the master of ceremonies at that time, so of course he could think of it.

No wonder Gu Qingyu didn't dare to say it clearly.

A daughter who is self-disciplined, beautiful, capable, and good at work. Everyone in Wanziyuan Community envies him for having a good daughter, but he ends up marrying someone who is engaged in wedding celebrations.

Gu Shilian glanced at the second brother with worry, it seemed that he was also caught off guard, the younger sister naturally knew her brother, knowing that it would be difficult for him to turn his face on the spot as a people's teacher, so she could only hold her sulking in her heart, You have to act like a calm person.

Daughter Gu Qingyu, son Gu Lei, that's really... None of them are the ones who make the elders feel at ease.

Su Wangdi was happy.

The daughter of the old family is an elite investment banker, his family's Gu Xin is a civil servant, and Gu Shilian's adopted daughter is admitted to the Vienna Conservatory of Music.

Comparing each other is a common phenomenon in families with many brothers and sisters. At their age, their lives are basically stereotyped, so what else can they compare with? The answer is simple, two words, children.

Comparing grades when studying, college after college entrance examination, job after college, spouse when you get married, and whoever has more money, who has cute and cute children.

Just now, Gu Qingyu used Gu Xin to be influenced by her prospective father-in-law, and was forced to leave her work unit to hate her, but now it's good that she found such a bad husband.

"I asked Qing Yu why he thought of treating guests to dinner in such an expensive hotel. It turned out that it was to announce the good news to us."

Gu Shihai added on the side: "My eldest niece has learned a lot from a fall."

Everyone knows what this means.

The last time when Gu Xin married Ge Yue, Gu Lei made such a fuss. This time, my sister got married and married a master of ceremonies. Those who are vain, once they get their marriage certificates, treat their family members to a good meal, announce their happiness, and introduce them, so that they will not be ashamed in public.

"We're late."

Accompanied by the little tiger's "Grandpa", Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Qianqian walked in from the outside.

"Xiaoqin is here." Gu Qingyu chuckled, and quickly gave up his seat: "Go and sit inside."

"Hey, who is this?"

Feng Xiaoqin found Shi Yuan, and he looked familiar.

"Oh, he is my husband, Shi Yuan."

Two more jaws fell to the ground, and the little tiger also stared blankly at the man with an unnatural expression.

I haven't seen her for three days, and she's actually married? This seems to be the master of ceremonies at Gu Xin's wedding, right?

"Sit down, sister."

Gu Qingyu backed down again, and Feng Xiaoqin came to his senses, sat behind Gu Shilian with a little tiger in between, and pulled Feng Qianqian to sit on the right side, leaving no space for her husband.

Su Wangdi noticed this detail and smiled.


Finally it was Gu Xin's turn to appear on the stage, and he followed Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Qianqian.

"Gu Xin, you're here, take a seat quickly."

Gu Xin walked to Su Wangdi and sat down. Although she didn't ask any questions directly, she still cast a curious look at Shi Yuan.

"Does it look familiar? It's the master of ceremonies at your wedding with Ge Yue."

Su Wangdi leaned closer to her son's face: "Oh, it's terrible now, you should call him brother-in-law."

Gu Xin was taken aback, looked at Gu Qingyu, then at his parents, and after confirming that the above words were true, he smiled awkwardly at Shi Yuan.

"Xiaoqin, where's Gu Lei? Didn't he come with you?"

The waiter came over to ask Gu Qingyu if the food was served, and she took the opportunity to ask.

The room was hot, and Feng Xiaoqin was taking off the little tiger's school uniform. He didn't lift his eyelids after hearing this sentence: "He has the car keys, how do I know where he went?"

Su Wangdi touched Gu Shihai's arm, and pouted at Feng Xiaoqin, her eyes were full of gloating.

You must know that this gathering was the result of Gu Qingyu's hard work. Of course, their attitude towards Gu Lei was also slightly relaxed.

Gu Xin and Ge Yue's wedding did not take place, and they were alienated by the people in the unit, so they had to choose to resign. This marriage is really going to end, and one can imagine what kind of burden the family will have. From this point of view Look, Gu Lei did help their family a lot.

"Hey, Qingyu, Aimeng...investment...what is it? Oh, Aimeng Securities, do you know?"

"I know, Auntie, I came from Aimeng, and I said it during dinner last year." Gu Qingyu knew that this family banquet would inevitably cause a lot of trouble, but this was a hurdle that had to be passed. She was mentally prepared for this.

Su Wangdi said triumphantly: "Gu Xin has gone to work in Aimeng now. My son, even if he doesn't become a civil servant, he won't do badly."

"Then congratulations, Auntie."

Gu Qingyu glanced at Gu Xin and knew that he was going after Sun Qi. Because of this matter, her master Cindy when she first entered the industry even asked her about Gu Xin's situation.

"Sister, you are not honest enough. If I remember correctly, Ms. Xin Di, Gu Xin's team leader, is your master. How could Sun Qi, an ordinary employee, have a say in the recruitment issue? If not If you say good things about Gu Xin in front of Cindy, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for him to join Imeng, right?"

With a teasing voice, Lin Yue walked into the box.

Gu Xin's entry into Aimeng is the result of Gu Qingyu's help in speaking?

Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai looked at each other, even their son was stunned.

"Gu Lei, this... how do you know?"

Gu Qingyu was very sure that he hadn't told him about it, so why did he know it so clearly? However, as soon as the question was finished, the expression on her face changed, not because of the topic above, but because there was a person, a woman, behind her younger brother Gu Lei.

Ge Yue!

She saw Ge Yue, and Gu Shihong, Gu Shilian, Gao Chang, Dodo and others also saw Ge Yue. The expressions on their faces were even more exaggerated than knowing that Gu Qingyu and Shi Yuan had secretly obtained a marriage certificate.

Lin Yue said: "Since sister said that the family had a meal, I thought about going along the way, so I took Ge Yue over."

Gu Xin's face was very dark, as if wrapped in a layer of dark clouds.

Gu Shihai and his wife also looked embarrassed, and they were almost ready to hang a bottle of sesame oil on their mouths.

"Gu Lei."

Gu Shilian winks frequently.

"Hey, did I do something wrong? Aren't the two of them divorced yet?"

He was right.

It is true that Gu Xin and Ge Yue did not receive the Little Green Book, but it was all because Ge Yue stalked and refused to agree to a divorce.

"Come on, sit down, and don't block the way people serve food."

Lin Yue pulled Ge Yue to sit down.

What's interesting is that he was leaning against Gu Xin, and Ge Yue was on the left, that is to say, he separated the husband and wife, and the person facing him was... Feng Xiaoqin.

Feng Xiqian was considered an outsider, looking at this and that, she always felt something was wrong.

What does brother-in-law mean?

Gu Qingyu felt that her head was getting bigger, she thought that her dear brother would be a moth, and reminded Shi Yuan to bite the bullet and finish this meal, but she never counted that he would come to this.

The waiter also noticed something was wrong. After serving the dishes, he didn't say anything auspicious, turned around and left, and at the same time closed the door of the box.

Feng Xiaoqin looked at him coldly, feeling something was wrong.

"Ge Yue, come, eat this, Dong Xingban, it's very expensive."

Lin Yue picked up a fish with chopsticks and put it on Ge Yue's plate as if no one was watching.

She glanced at him, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, somewhat embarrassed.

As he said, ugly daughters-in-law will see their parents-in-law sooner or later, so what happened today should be a reminder to everyone and get vaccinated.

She was very happy and plucked up the courage to come, but when it was time to eat, she felt very embarrassed and ashamed.

"Gu Lei! You are going too far."

Feng Xiaoqin couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped the chopsticks on the table, scaring the little tiger. A mouthful of meat got stuck in his throat, and he almost choked on himself.

She didn't think that her husband would have a relationship with Ge Yue. Gu Shihai had visited the old lady at home before and said that Ge Yue was stalking Gu Xin and not divorcing him. What does that mean? This shows that Ge Yue has not given up on Gu Xinyuan. It is ridiculous that he said downstairs in the community unit that no one wants to marry you, but I am willing to marry you, but Ge Yue didn't take it to heart at all.

Now he took advantage of Ge Yue's unwillingness to give up and took him to the family banquet organized by Gu Qingyu to disgust Su Wangdi's family.

Not only that, but she also sat between those two people, using this method to counter the hot discussion caused by her calling Shi Zhiwei for help when she was in the police station instead of asking her father-in-law and husband to lead someone.

The key is to do this in front of the children, it's too irritating.

Without even looking at her, Lin Yue took out a big red envelope from his pocket.

Everyone thought he was going to give it to Gu Qingyu, but he didn't. He handed the red envelope to Gao Chang.

"Uncle, I heard that the new house is almost furnished, and I can live in it in three to five days. It's a pity that the company wants me to go on a business trip tomorrow, and I have to stay outside for ten days and a half months. I can't come to celebrate. There are three thousand One yuan is a little sympathy from my nephew."

"How can this be done? Gu Lei, take the money back." Gu Shilian knew that her nephew had a few catties, a few taels, 3,000 yuan, and his salary was gone for more than half a month, so of course he couldn't accept it.

"Auntie, just take it."

Lin Yue winked at Gao Chang.

"Shi Lian, this is my nephew's wish, let's keep it."

He actually stretched out his hand, took the red envelope and put it in his arms.

"Gao Chang, it's not easy for you... Gu Lei to earn some money."

"It's not easy for us either."

Gao Chang said this to Gu Shihai.

The eldest couple lowered their heads and their faces were a little gloomy.

The nephew gave his aunt a new house with a gift of 3,000 yuan, so what about them who are elders? At least 5,000. If Gu Xin is single, she doesn't have to take the money with her. The key is that she hasn't received a divorce certificate. Should she give the housewarming red envelope or not?

"Gao Chang..."

Gu Shilian was a little angry.

Gao Chang glared at her, speechless at his wife's stubbornness.

Any fool can see that Gu Lei is embarrassing Gu Shihai's family. Yes, 3,000 yuan is too much for Gu Lei, but as an aunt, why can't she return the money in a roundabout way? For example, during the holidays, I gave the little tiger some more money to buy food and clothing.

As for Gu Shihai's gift money, that's fine, he must have accepted it with a smile.

"Sister, I heard everyone talking in the corridor just now, are you married?" Lin Yue targeted Gu Qingyu and Shi Yuan again.

"Ah, yes."

"Well, cut first and play later, attack suddenly."

"Not really, I invited everyone to dinner just to talk about it."

"Is that Shi Yuan?"

Lin Yue looked at the man next to Gu Qingyu. Speaking of which, except for Gu Shihong, the male characters in this play are all weird, Gu Lei is a wimp, Zhan Xiang licks the dog, Gu Xin is cold-blooded, Shi Yuan is furious, and Boss Shi is the one who cleans up. Will there be a shortage of women in Foot City? Even if it is a young woman, it should be started from the age group of 28-35 years old. TMD is so heavy that he can't forget a 38-year-old quasi-middle-aged woman.

Shi Yuan smiled restrainedly: "Yes, my name is Shi Yuan."

"This is the second time we've met, right?"


Shi Yuan's smile was a bit stiff, the first time the two met was really...unusual.

"Do you know how you feel now? A little boy who is taken care of by a rich woman."

The muscles on Shi Yuan's face twitched.

Before coming here, Gu Qingyu vaccinated him, saying that his younger brother Gu Lei would probably attack him, so he had to be patient, anyway, he had already received a marriage certificate, and the two of them are now a legal couple, as long as they stood firm, the family members would be unhappy at best For a while, let off steam, and when the anger subsides, they can only admit their heads and compromise. Even if they don't want to see each other, they will see each other less in the future. After all, it is he who lives with her, not her brother and father.

Even though he was prepared, he was still very angry.

Since getting acquainted with Gu Qingyu, what he can't accept the most is the word "eating soft food".

Lin Yue continued: "If you honestly eat soft food, have a clear understanding of yourself, and be able to bend and stretch, I quite like this kind of person, but some people say that they have strong self-esteem, but in fact they have low self-esteem. The guy at the bottom of his heart is still overwhelmed, refusing to introspect, likes to show off, and insists on going his own way. You marry her? The result is already doomed. Speaking of which, Sister married you purely to fulfill her childhood fantasy." Lin Yue suddenly said The face jokingly said: "There is a joke circulating in the Bund investment banking circle that the female executive of Murray Gail Quinn likes to put on a white shirt, black leather shoes, and myopia for her ex-boyfriend to play role-playing. Is it the same as when you were a child?"

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