Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2160 Brother-in-law loves you (two in one)

Now even the old lady couldn't hold it anymore.

"Gu Lei, can't you just say a few words?"

Yes, everyone is very upset that Gu Qingyu is marrying Shi Yuan, but things are already like this, there is no need to say such harsh words just to break up the two of them.

"Gu Lei, have something to say at home." Gu Shihong almost told him to save face for his sister.

"Sister, am I wrong?" Lin Yue looked at Gu Qingyu, who was suppressing his anger, and Shi Yuan, who looked shocked, and said, "This is something that everyone in the Bund investment banking circle knows. Jacky Liu from Aimeng is afraid that others will not know about it." As for the matter, basically anyone who knows both of you at the same time has been kindly reminded by him, so do you think you can keep this secret? It’s better to let him know earlier than later.”

He made sense again.

He is always right!

Feng Xiqian stared at him without blinking, and for some reason, she felt admiration for his outspokenness.

Gu Qingyu said: "Gu Lei, I know that you don't agree with me being with him, but you should figure it out, since I called grandma, dad, uncle, aunt, aunt, uncle, Dodo, and you and Xiaoqin together Saying this matter shows my attitude towards him, whether you agree or disagree, it will not change my idea of ​​living with him."

"Eat, today's family banquet, you just have to eat and drink well." Lin Yue put another yellowish hairy crab on Ge Yue's plate, then wiped his hands calmly, and turned his head to look at it. Shi Yuan, with a livid face, asked a very crucial question.

"Sister introduced you to us, did you take her to meet your parents?"

Shi Yuan: "..."

Gu Qingyu looked at Gu Shihong with a nervous expression: "Oh, their family is renovating the house, his parents... don't they seem to value your daughter?"

Obviously, this is for the old man to hear, because Shi Yuan has not taken her to see her in-laws to explain.

"Still lying, you ask him, does his mother always want to introduce him to sister Huang's daughter?"

Shi Yuan has always kept his wife's advice in mind, to be a smiling dumb, but now the dumb can still maintain, the smile is long gone.

Gu Qingyu looked back and found that he did not deny it, nor did he intend to explain it. From this point of view, the above words are most likely groundless.

"Gu Lei, how did you know about this?"

"Is it important how I know?" Lin Yue jokingly said, "An old woman who lives in an old alley in the YP district, struggles with rats and cockroaches every day, and worries about whether it will leak in rainy days looks down on the executives of the investment bank. Can he be happy?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Shi Yuan finally couldn't help it, his face was very ugly, and his expression was a little distorted.

Lin Yue curled his lips, disapproving. He has always admired self-improvement and self-discipline male characters, but Shi Yuan is an exception. After he married Gu Qingyu in the TV series, I have always clearly divided your property and my property. The meaning of a family A man who doesn't even understand is really weird enough. Isn't the so-called husband and wife to support each other? Today, Gu Qingyu earns several million a year. If we turn the time back 50 years, I am afraid that he will be sent to prison. History progresses in reincarnation. There is no eternal prosperity, nor eternal strength, and Shi Yuan has no husband and wife at all. The idea of ​​one body, all his actions are to prove to the outside world that he is not a soft food, as if his marriage partner is not Gu Qingyu, but the opinion of people around him, and his poor self-esteem, oh no, it should be said that he is inferior.

"I have always regarded myself as a run-down nobleman. If you ask me, the reformation was not thorough in those years when I went to the mountains and the countryside. For an old man like this, dying early is the greatest reward for the talents around him."

"Shut up, shut up!"

Shi Yuan was annoyed, how could he accept others to slander his mother, even if what his cheap brother-in-law said was true.

"Shi Yuan."

Gu Qingyu gave him a hand, but didn't hold back.

Shi Yuan rushed to Lin Yue's side, intending to grab the collar, but without further ado, Lin Yue punched him in the middle of the chin, then grabbed it with his backhand, and tripped him with his foot while walking forward. He was 1.8 meters faster The man was pushed to the ground at once.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

The fists hit his body like raindrops, causing him to keep parrying in pain, desperately trying to get up from the ground.

Everyone stood up, Gu Shihai looked dumbfounded, and Su Wangdi's heart skipped a beat because she recalled the scene where Gu Lei slapped her with a bow left and right.

On the day my sister announced her marriage, my brother-in-law beat her brother-in-law.

This is also...too violent.

Feng Xixi grabbed the little tiger's hand, not sure if she was afraid that her nephew would be affected, or if she could find a sense of security by doing so.

"Gu Lei, Gu Lei."

One of Gu Qingyu and Ge Yue pushed forward, and the other pulled Lin Yue back, which separated the two people who were constantly fighting.

Shi Yuan finally got up from the ground, but his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his clothes were messed up, and he no longer looked like a handsome boy.

"Gu Lei! You're going too far!"

This time, the person who said he was too much was replaced by Gu Qingyu. She had a cold face, frowned, and looked angry.

"In the past, when Feng Xiaoqin and I had troubles, you analyzed and analyzed for me, and you often blamed me for not listening to you. What's your attitude now?"

Gu Qingyu was taken aback by what he said.

Lin Yue looked at Shi Yuan with a "mourned" face: "Aren't you convinced? If you don't agree, ask him, what did I say wrong?"


"Shi Yuan, let's go."

Gu Qingyu was so angry that he couldn't listen to what he said, and he didn't eat. He glanced at Gu Shihong and the old lady, and dragged her new husband away.

A family dinner that was supposed to be festive broke up unhappy.


ten minutes later.

On the way home, Gao Chang said while driving: "Your eldest nephew is really a wonderful person."

Gu Shilian glared at him: "Stop making sarcastic remarks."

"Why am I making sarcastic remarks? To get married, you still have to pay attention to a well-matched family. If you ask an investment bank executive to marry a tour guide and emcee, if what Gu Lei said about Shi Yuan's family is true, then the eldest niece is married. I'm afraid life will not be easy."

Gu Shilian didn't answer, and turned to look at Duo Duo who was playing with her mobile phone in the back seat: "Duo Duo, in the past, my mother always taught you to learn from your sister, but only this kind of thing, you can't learn from your sister in the future."


On the other side, Gu Shihai and his father walked in front, and Su Wangdi walked behind. With a bloated figure and small windy steps, the rate of turning heads was high.

"Hey, let me tell you, today's show was really good. You said Gu Er Er offended his sister, will you force him to pay back the money? The BMW was bought with Qing Yu's money. "

Gu Shihai and Gu Xin didn't speak, the former was worried about money, and Gu Shilian would move to a new house in a few days, the gift money would be at least 5000 yuan. And the latter was angry with Ge Yue, he didn't want Sun Qi to know that the two hadn't divorced yet, what if they misunderstood?

"It's the same for Qing Yu. After finding such a man, tsk tsk tsk, let's see how she will stick out her chest and point fingers at others in the future."

"Why don't you two talk?"

"Did you hear what I said?"


Gu Shihai and his son ignored her, but the people waiting outside the subway station gave this middle-aged woman with a bad mouth a lot of attention.


"Sister, will Gu Qingyu ask her brother-in-law for money because of this?" Feng Xiqian was very worried. You must know that Gu Qingyu is the richest man in the Gu family. This time, Gu Lei didn't save her any face. What's up.

Feng Xiaoqin thought she was afraid that Gu Qingyu would take back the 800,000 in Gu Shihong's hands, and the plan to buy a house would be ruined: "Probably not, if Gu Qingyu does this, the old man will be furious."

Feng Xiqian looked at Old Man Gu who had been holding his face and not saying a word since leaving the hotel, and thought that he was an active volcano now. The daughter lived up to expectations and married a tour guide, the son insisted on going his own way and beat up his brother-in-law, and there was also an uneasy daughter-in-law. This old man was actually quite difficult.

"Sister, do you think brother-in-law will be with Ge Yue...Look at the meal today, the two of them..."

"No, my uncle complained to the old lady a few days ago, saying that Ge Yue just didn't agree to the divorce. This Ge family used to be a powerful family in the district, and now they don't want to lose face. Today Gu Lei invited her I came here just to disgust Gu Shihai's family, and to piss me off on purpose."

When Feng Xiqian heard that, she felt relaxed all over.

Feng Xiaoqin continued to choose dishes, and asked casually, "Are you concerned about your brother-in-law recently?"

"Heh, ah, he has changed so much from before that he can't care about it."

"By the way, how is your work recently?"

"It's... not bad."

In this matter, Feng Xiqian concealed the truth. Her work was not good, because a few days ago, she managed to get a big order, but it somehow became her master's performance. Her ranking on the assessment sheet is still The bottom one, if you can't make the next step before the end of the month, you may lose your job.

"I should really thank Zhan Xiang for this matter. On weekends, I will buy a stewed chicken and send it to him." Feng Xiaoqin thought that Zhan Xiang helped her younger sister find the job in the bank: "There are not many job opportunities like this. You have to take good care of it."

"Understood, sister." Feng Xixi wiped off the water droplets on the plate, hesitated again and again, but chose to say what she thought: "Sister, is the matter between you and Boss Shi true?"

"Boss Shi?"

"Everyone in the neighborhood is spreading the word."

"How is it possible." Feng Xiaoqin said, "I'm talking to him... Boss Shi is a savage, he just uses me to disgust the Gu family."

Feng Xiqian was still somewhat skeptical, because she really couldn't figure out what else Feng Xiaoqin could do to her brother-in-law besides having an affair with Shi Zhiwei.

"However, today's incident reminded me." Feng Xiaoqin put the selected leeks into the plastic basin of the sink, looked at the sky outside the window and whispered: "The matter of buying a house cannot be delayed."

Feng Xixi knew what she was afraid of. Her brother-in-law was no different than before. He bought a BMW today, smashed a Rolls-Royce tomorrow, and even dared to fight with the new husband of the rich man of the Gu family the day after tomorrow. Is there anything he couldn't do? I have to buy the house as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.


"Don't drive forward."

Ge Yue called Parker.

Lin Yue knew that she was afraid that Deng Fang and Ge Rushan would see it.

As I said in the underground garage last time, when Ge Yue came home from get off work, Deng Fang had a showdown with her, disapproving of her dating a man with a wife and children.

Ge Yue argued hard, saying that he would divorce Feng Xiaoqin, but Deng Fang naturally didn't believe it, and threatened that if the two met again, she would be restrained. As for work, she could go to her uncle's real estate company if she really wanted to.

She was forced to have no choice but to tell him not to drive her to and from get off work in the future.

"Is that why you look down on Shi Yuan so much? Just because he is not as good as your sister?"

Ge Yue didn't get out of the car immediately, and chatted with him about the banquet.

"Of course not." Lin Yue said: "If he can eat soft food with peace of mind, how can I object to their marriage? This person has serious problems in his outlook on marriage and life, and that crazy old man Mom, it’s okay to marry a young girl from the market, but to marry a sister... the final result will definitely be divorce."

Ge Yue said: "Oh, things have turned out like this, you brothers and sisters, after meeting..."

She shook her head with a bitter look on her face.

"Actually, I knew this would happen a long time ago, so don't worry about me."

"Knowing this, you still fought with Shi Yuan at the banquet?"

"I'm the kind of person who only wants to understand everything. Since I can't understand it, why should I pretend to be a snake?"

Lin Yuexin said that your mother definitely didn't tell you about being slapped by me in the underground parking lot that day. I dared to slap my future mother-in-law. What's the fuss about beating a brother-in-law who is destined to be pornographic.

Ge Yue had nothing to do with him, shook his head and said, "You are really capricious."

"My elder sister is no worse than me. Both her father and younger brother objected to her marrying Shi Yuan. Didn't she also secretly obtain a marriage certificate? But that's fine. She had several boyfriends before, and they all dressed up as Shi Yuan." Now that she has found the right master and lived together for a while, when her childhood fantasies are shattered, she will naturally be freed from this love spell, otherwise, she will never forget this man for the rest of her life. would like to see."

"Aren't you worried that she will be fooled?"

"Disadvantage? Are you referring to the damage caused by the divorce? From what I know about Shi Yuan, this man, in order to impress himself, made a notarization of real estate with sister before marriage, and a statement stating that his income will be owned by himself after marriage, so Even if you get divorced, sister won't lose any property. Besides the issue of children, sister is so busy with work, and having a baby means a loss in her career. She will treat it very cautiously. Shi Yuan, his mother has With uremia, he needs a kidney transplant, and he has a foreign debt of one million yuan, and he can’t afford a job as a tour guide. In his state, it is impossible to have a child in a short time.”

"Ah? It's so difficult for his family to be so clearly separated from sister? Are they... still husband and wife?"

"So this man has a big problem with his views on marriage, and it's the kind that can't be changed. It's exactly the same as his crazy mother. I don't have the time or the intention to reform this kind of people. I just let them go. When my elder sister played a bad face again, anyway, even if she is married twice, there is someone who doesn't care and is willing to tolerate her and love her."

"You mean... Zhanxiang?"

She had heard Gu Xin mention it before, saying that this famous rent collector in Shanghai had been chasing Gu Qingyu for ten years.

"Yes, that's him. Although he looks average, he's a nice person."

"It turns out that you have already planned everything."

Everyone thought he was reckless, a lawless guy. Now it seems that behind all the recklessness, there is a delicate thought.

"Where is it?"

This is of course modest, but there is one thing he didn't tell Ge Yue, that is, apart from the above considerations, he had to find some fun for himself and complete the main task by the way. On the other hand, he has to change his normal routine and get involved in his sister's life more.

"I'm leaving."

Ge Yue unbuckled his seat belt and prepared to get out of the car.

Lin Yue took her hand and pointed to the right cheek: "Kiss me before leaving."

"Really annoying."

She said so, but still kissed him like a dragonfly, got out of the car with her bag, and walked towards the gate of the community happily.

Lin Yue looked at her back and smiled slightly, and was about to drive away and return to the Wanziyuan community when someone grabbed the co-pilot's door and pulled it out.

The door opens.

A person got into the cab and sat down to the co-pilot.

Lin Yue was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, because the uninvited guest who broke into his car was none other than Ge Yue's father.

It's very interesting that the cheap mother-in-law is blocked by the cheap mother-in-law.

Lin Yue let go of the foot brake, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and put it in his mouth, then took out another and handed it over.

Ge Rushan waved his hand, signaling that he would not smoke.

He was not hypocritical, he took the lighter and lit it for himself, took a sip and said, "It's quite hot outside, haven't you been waiting for a long time?"

Ge Rushan said: "Not long, just over an hour."

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