Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2161 Sister-in-law wants to be in charge (two in one)

"Oh, it's okay."


Let a person in his 50s bask in the sun for more than an hour, and he actually said it was okay?

You must know that the current Ge Rushan is not the Ge Rushan of the past. There is no special car to shelter from the wind and rain, and you have to squeeze the subway and catch the bus like ordinary citizens.

"Where did you take Yueyue?"

Lin Yue rolled down the car window and reached out to light the cigarette ash: "I went to see her husband."

"Her husband?"

Ge Rushan was stunned for a moment before he realized that Ge Yue had not legally divorced Gu Xin.

This is also what he and Deng Fang didn't understand. It stands to reason that if the daughter gets married with this guy, she should divorce Gu Xin quickly. Why did Ge Yue refuse to agree to the divorce when the other party approached him several times? Woolen cloth?

The two of them went to see Gu Xin again today, what happened?

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yue looked at the middle-aged man selling candied haws who was being chased by the urban management over the windshield, and said calmly: "Gu Xin can start messing around and give up and cheat Ge Yue's feelings, but she can't return it. With color, to retaliate?"


Ge Rushan didn't understand at first, but after about half a minute, he understood.

"You... you guys..."

He pointed to Lin Yue and said, "Aren't you Gu Xin's cousin? Doing this...don't you think it's too much?"

From Ge Rushan's standpoint, it is understandable and acceptable for Ge Yue to take revenge on Gu Xin, but considering the relationship between Gu Lei and Gu Xin...the fathers of both parties are brothers. If it is exposed, it will make it impossible for the whole family to do it.

He naturally couldn't understand Lin Yue, not to mention that he was not pleasing to the eyes of Gu Shihai's family, even as a time traveler, he would not care about the kinship of the current character, at most he would give a certain amount of patience and preferential treatment to characters with good impressions, What's more, he is still a senior traveler. If every world indulges too deeply in kinship, he will become schizophrenic after a long time.

So it's still the same sentence, life and death are bearish, if you don't accept it, you can do it, but if you want to have a clear mind, you will be done.

"Deng Lianjie is your brother-in-law. Since your accident, he hasn't even been in the door. You should often complain to your wife, saying that you don't have such a younger brother? So, there is a saying that is good. Don't suffer from others. Advise others to be kind."

Ge Rushan said: "You are a person with a wife and children, have you ever thought about whether it is wrong for them to do so?"

Lin Yue said: "I thought you came to talk to me to ask when I would marry your daughter. Hey, I didn't expect you to persuade me to return to the family."

Ge Rushan didn't care about his teasing tone, and said with a serious face: "You are not worthy of Yueyue."

Lin Yue put the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff, and looked at cheap father-in-law with great interest: "Do you know who the last person said that?"


"your wife."


"Then do you know what she got?"


"She must not have told you that she slapped me in the underground parking lot."

Ge Rushan's face flushed red, and he grabbed Lin Yue's collar with his hands. Who would have thought that halfway through the movement, a fist hit his face first, and he was beaten so that his head turned to the other side, hitting him on the ground. On the co-pilot's door, the whole person's eyes were full of gold stars, and he was dizzy.

"She slaps, you punch, one mother-in-law, one mother-in-law, you can't favor one over the other."

Ge Rushan was very dizzy, but his mind was still there. Hearing this sentence, his lungs almost exploded. As the former deputy director of the Land Planning Bureau, he had never been subjected to this, not to mention that the other party was still the one who wanted to marry his daughter.

“仔细想想,丈母娘我扇了不少,丈母爹还是头一次揍,不过你应该庆幸有一个好女儿,而且是我要娶的女人,不然你以为区区缓刑就能赎罪吗?我的判罚标准But it’s much stricter than the law.”

This tone of judging you on behalf of the people, the original irrational behavior suddenly became reasonable, and it is still the kind of a righteous partner.

Phoo... Phoo... Phoo...

It took Ge Rushan a while to recover, not knowing how to describe him.



Six relatives do not recognize?

Unreasonable stir three points?

Also, should this car get off or not? It was hard to swallow this breath after being punched like this.

At this time, Lin Yue stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the cigarette butt flew out in a whirl, and fell into the compartment of a garbage collection tricycle passing by in front left.

"It's interesting to think about it. Your wife said I'm not good enough for Ge Yue, and you said I'm not good enough for her. Have you ever asked her opinion? And on this matter, the bargaining chip is with me, not you. there."

Ge Rushan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"You should ask your wife to ask Ge Yue if this month's menstruation has been postponed."

Children don't know the meaning behind this sentence, but adults know it.

Ge Rushan's face looked as if it had been painted with putty powder, as white as it could be.

His pregnant?


Ge Rushan raised his fist again, but he couldn't let go no matter what he was glared at by the aggressive gaze from the driver.

Lin Yue patted the steering wheel: "Do you have any questions?"

Ge Rushan came to solve the problem, but he didn't expect that the problem was not solved, but even worse.

He pushed open the car door, walked down in a daze, stood on the sidewalk and looked at the neighborhood, not knowing what to say to Deng Fang when they met in a while.


The BMW drove past him, and a faint exhaust smell pierced his nose.

half an hour later.

Lin Yue drove back to the Wanziyuan Community, and a Passat happened to leave the berth near the south gate, so he didn't drive inside, and parked directly at the place where the car in front drove away.

Shanghai, no, it should be said that first- and second-tier cities across the country are facing parking difficulties. Wanziyuan Community is an old community, unlike newly-built residences that have underground parking lots, plus some foreign vehicles that pay for parking. The charging standard was raised a few days ago, and it is still difficult to find a parking space, so it is good to park if there is one. Compared with parking downstairs in the unit, it is just a matter of walking a few more steps.

"Oh, look, the decoration of the clubhouse is progressing really fast. Boss Shi does what he says. In the words of a literati, what is it called? Action."

"That's right, after the clubhouse is built, we old sisters will have a place to dance. We don't need to be in the small square in front, where we get hot in summer and cold in winter. It's terrible."

"I heard that Boss Shi is going to install a central air conditioner. The decoration budget alone is 2 million, 2 million. It's a big deal. My family always says that there are not many good people who open such a big massage shop and pedicure shop. , I won’t talk about it now.”

"Let me tell you, I have to thank Feng Xiaoqin for this matter. Without her, Boss Shi wouldn't be able to rent the clubhouse at all. Teacher Gu just pressed the button."

"Tell me, what did Mr. Gu think? Why stop something good."

"The benefit fee is not in place, right?"

"No way."

"Why not, then tell me, he can stay comfortably at home, why did he take over the job of the director of the owner's committee? I don't believe that there is no oil and water in it."

"Yes, yes, I said that a long time ago."

"I have to thank Feng Xiaoqin. If she hadn't helped Boss Shi conduct a survey, Gu Shihong wouldn't have nodded."

"Grandma Zhang, don't you have a bad relationship with Boss Shi? You've been in the hospital for so many days, why are you helping to talk good things now?"

"Xiaoqin told me that Boss Shi admitted his mistake in public. I was still in the hospital, wasting the money of Xianyun Pavilion. If the clubhouse ran out of money for renovation, it would be bad for everyone. I think she said That's right, I asked Zhang Dingguo to go through the discharge procedures. Alas, actually, I've lived in long enough. It's boring and mournful. No one plays with me. It's better to go back to the community. It's okay to go downstairs and dance. How long does it take? There is no nurse watching the TV, how free it is.”


Several old ladies were sitting in the gazebo and chatting.

Lin Yue turned his head and saw that the door on the first floor of the clubhouse was open. There were a few small trucks parked in the open space in front of the steps, and there were advertisements for the decoration company behind them. Several migrant workers were carrying sandbags and latex down. paint or something.

He chuckled and continued walking forward.

"Hey, having said that, Boss Shi treats Feng Xiaoqin..."

An old lady who turned her back to him stopped in the middle of her speech, because the wrinkled old sister on the opposite side saw Lin Yue passing behind and made a gesture of silence.

Mrs. Zhang looked back, smoothed the hair around her ears with her hands, and said in a strange way: "There are some people who don't know themselves. They have such a good wife at home, and they go outside every day to mess with flowers. It's a shame." In the past, it was necessary to cut the nose and dig out the eyes."

Lin Yue thought of a word, calling a dog can't change eating shit, it seems that the previous loss has not been enough.

He didn't speak, just pointing to a few people in the pavilion, counting one, two, three, four, five.

An old woman with curls from her hair asked, "What are you doing?"

"Let me count first, and I have a plan in mind, and I will send wreaths when you die."

"You little red guy, how do you talk?"

Elderly people, especially those who have retirement funds and have a lot of time and energy, the most taboo word is "death". Of course, they can't bear Lin Yue's words.

"Don't you like it? Well, tell me what you like. You dance downstairs on weekdays, and you also dance downstairs on weekends. You like surfing so much. On the day you died, I invited some male models to dance downstairs in your unit." Striptease, let's send you off to the last stage of your life, okay?"

Some old ladies were already trembling with anger, and some were looking for bricks and stones to throw him.

"Brother-in-law, let's go."

Following the reminder from behind, Feng Xixi dragged his clothes and hurriedly left the gazebo area.

"Why do you care about those people? They have nothing to do every day, except for dancing in the square, they just gossip."

"I just thought it was interesting." Lin Yue saw that she was carrying a bag and changed into work clothes: "It's getting dark today, what are you going to do if you're not home for dinner?"

"Oh, I have an appointment with a client to discuss business, so I won't be at home for dinner."

"Did an appointment with a client? Didn't you ask for a day off today?"

Feng Xiqian was about to speak when a white modern car stopped at the gate, and her mobile phone rang, presumably the taxi she called with a taxi app had arrived.

"Brother-in-law, I won't tell you anymore. The car is here and I have to go."

She grabbed the shoulder strap of her backpack and ran towards the south gate.

Lin Yue looked at the apartment building where Gu's family was located. Instead of continuing to move forward, he shot back and sat back in the cab of the BMW X1.


An hour and a half later.

In the Xiaojishi Shanghai Restaurant next to the Pudong Metropolis.

The soft music was flowing slowly, and the aroma of cooking wafted throughout the hall.

A bouquet of violets stood on a dais near the dining table, the weight of the blossoms bending the branches.

There are several dishes on the dining table, all of which are famous dishes in the local cuisine.

Sitting on the side of the dining table facing away from the main door was Feng Xixi. Opposite her was a man in his fifties with a pair of myopia glasses on his nose. His hair was combed back and sprayed with hairspray. He looked like a successful person.

"Miss Feng, how do you think about the plan I mentioned last time?"

Feng Qianqian smiled reluctantly, instead of answering his question directly, she took out a document from her bag and pushed it over.

"Mr. Huang, this is the contract. Otherwise, you can read it first. If there is no problem, let's sign it later."

Huang Yizhou pushed his glasses, laughed, and said yes yes yes, and sat down beside Feng Qianqian with the contract.

"I almost forgot such an important thing, the contract, sign the contract."

Feng Qianqian's body stiffened suddenly, and her expression became very unnatural.

When he called to ask for a deposit before, this Huang Yizhou had a deposit of 8 million in his unit, and he could decide which bank to deposit in to get close to her.

She is not a fool, of course she knows what medicine is sold in the gourd surnamed Huang, but she knows that she knows, and things have to be done, because the end of the month is coming soon, if she can't get this deposit, then she will have to pack up at the beginning of next month Juan left.

She didn't want to just give up on a good job she finally got, so even though she knew that Huang Yizhou had bad intentions, she still took chances.

"Miss Feng, what kind of perfume do you use? It smells so good."

Huang Yizhou stuck to her again, and put his face close to her hair, stretched out his hand, and slowly, slowly leaned on her waist.

"Do you think this is good? After dinner, I will sign the contract, and then we will find a place..."

Feng Xixi bit her lower lip, feeling extremely nervous.

"Let her go."

Suddenly, an angry shout sounded from behind.

She shivered and turned her head to look quickly.

The guests eating in the restaurant also looked at their table.


As soon as Feng Xiqian finished speaking, she slammed a fist on Huang Yizhou's face, and heard a scream of "ah", the wretched old man fell on the dining table, covered in food and oil, looking very embarrassed.

Lin Yue still couldn't let go of his hatred, and grabbed him by the collar, dragged him to the ground, and kicked him out.


There was another shrill cry, Huang Yizhou turned around with blood on his mouth, the myopia mirror flew out and hit the wall next to him, bang, the glass on the left frame shattered.

"Brother-in-law, stop beating, stop beating."

Feng Xixi was anxious, afraid that her brother-in-law would beat him to death, so she quickly put her arms around his waist from behind and pulled him a little farther away.

"Sissy, let go, I'll kill this bastard today." He scolded and muttered suddenly: "I said why you left the community in overalls at such a late hour, so it's because of him..."

Feng Xiqian glanced at the diners around, and then at the boss who was hiding behind the bar and calling the police, with a worried look on her face.

"Brother-in-law, calm down, calm down, okay?"

"Dare to hit your idea, I can't spare him!"

What he said sounded like he was worried about his sister-in-law's safety, but when it fell into Feng Qianqian's ears, he had a strange feeling.

What was Gu Lei's impression before? Cowardly, cowardly, out-of-the-ordinary, unreliable, anyway, the whole body is full of shortcomings, the only advantage is being honest... and she is not liked by women. Now, she is a completely different person, regardless of her attitude towards Feng Xiaoqin, at least towards her. For my sister-in-law... fighting back against the aunt, driving away the little hooligans, introducing good jobs, and worrying about her being in danger when she comes out at night, all these things moved her heart.

And that confusing sentence he said last time - I owed her in my previous life.

What did you owe her in your previous life?

Could he see past lives?

Well, this matter seems to be nonsense, but thinking about his changes, maybe... he really awakened the memory of his previous life, so maybe his whole person has changed.

There is another question, what kind of relationship can use the word owed?

If it's...a matter between a man and a woman, it can also explain why he was worried about her. Seeing that Huang Yizhou wanted to take advantage of her, he became angry and hit hard.

In addition, there is an old saying that is good, ten years of cultivation can cross the boat, and a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together. In this reincarnation, she is his sister-in-law, and the relationship between sister-in-law and brother-in-law is inherently ambiguous. Then the problem comes, the previous life How many years would it take to become her brother-in-law in this life?

She felt that maybe this was destined in her previous life.

"The police are here, the police are here." Accompanied by the discussions among the diners, two policemen came in from the outside.

It is very close to the Pudong Metropolis, and there are police cars on duty at the intersection at night, so it is normal to arrive quickly after receiving the police.

"Who's fighting?" asked the leader.

The restaurant owner pointed to Lin Yue and Huang Yizhou, whose mouth was covered in blood, and said, "They fought."

"Why did you fight?" After asking the question, the policeman realized that this is not the place to handle the case: "You two, come with us to the police station."

In this way, two policemen took them into the police car.

Feng Xiqian also went with her, recorded a statement, and waited in the police station for a long time. However, the final result was that the fact that Gu Lei caused minor injuries in the fight was clear. piece.

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