Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2166 You gave birth to me (two in one)

Lin Yue nodded, first showing a satisfied smile, and after a few breaths, he changed into a pensive expression: "However, I heard from Qianqian that she has not been happy working in your bank for the past two months."

President Cheng's expression froze, somewhat embarrassed.

"Qi Qian, what's your master's name?" Lin Yue turned around and asked.


Before Feng Qianxi recovered from the shock, she realized that they were looking at her, and she was at a loss for what to do.

As for what brother-in-law and President Cheng said just now... She didn't listen to a word.

Sister Wang touched her hand and reminded in a low voice, "Tao Honggang."

"Ah, yes, Tao Honggang, Tao Honggang is my master."

"Yes, yes, this is Tao Honggang. I have to thank him face to face. Sissy has been arguing to lose weight before coming to work in the bank, but she can't lose weight no matter what. After coming to the bank for two months, she has become slimmer. The bad habit of going to bed late has also been changed."

"Heh, heh heh, heh heh..."

The embarrassment on Cheng Xingchang's face became even stronger. Anyone who wasn't a fool could hear the sarcasm in this grotesque tone.

Regardless of whether it's the loss of body fat or lack of sleep, it can only explain one thing, that is, Tao Honggang has arranged a lot of work for Feng Xiqian.

"President Cheng?"

Lin Yue looked at him with a smile.

"Little Wang."

President Cheng is still very good, he turned his head and gave Sister Wang a wink.

The customer is God, in order to serve the God of Wealth well, what is it to call Tao Honggang to apologize, express his attitude or something?

Low-spirited, begging grandpa to sue grandma, feeling hesitant to criticize and greet them with a smile, this is a compulsory course for every cashier.

Sister Wang turned and walked out of the VIP room.

In fact, Tao Hong was just outside the door, because a few colleagues at the same level as him came behind, wanting to know the origin of this big client, and the scene was a bit chaotic. Putting it into action, it can be said that the person who eavesdropped outside was caught off guard.

"Tao Honggang, the president is calling you."

"calls me?"

Tao Hong just looked at the colleagues who were gloating behind him, straightened his suit, and walked into the VIP room bravely.

"President, are you looking for me?"

"Little Tao, come, let me introduce you. This is Feng Xiqian's brother-in-law, manager Gu Leigu of Aimeng Securities. He is a major client of our firm. This time, come to sign a cooperation agreement and take a look at Qianqian. Whether Qian adapts to working here with us, I think you are his master, and you should have more say in this regard."

Tao Hong just scolded the old fox in his heart, look at what he said, nothing leaks, no one can offend.

"Ah, huh, Mr. Gu... hello."

He stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Lin Yue, but he didn't know that the other party didn't move. There was a pause of three seconds, and he could only laugh dryly, and then withdrew his hand.

"Mr. Gu, President Cheng, I can say responsibly that Cici is the most gifted and the most capable of learning among the interns I have supervised. More importantly, she is hard-working and quick-thinking. She can often draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences , and being able to mingle with colleagues has helped me a lot, I'm afraid that as a master, I will have to face the result that she is better than blue in two months."

Seeing what she said, Feng Xiqian was stunned.

Why didn't she know that she had so many advantages.

How thick-skinned Tao Honggang was when he opened his eyes and told nonsense!

"Make it up, keep making it up." Lin Yue didn't give him any face, looked at his watch, and glanced coldly at President Cheng: "President Cheng, I'm short on time, so I won't let you down, this contract can be done for you, but The necessary condition is that he let me go."

Tao Honggang's complexion changed, he never thought that this kid would not save him any face: "President."

He looked at President Cheng, who was expressionless.

"Mr. Gu..."

He looked at Lin Yue again, who also had a cold expression on his face.

"Sissy, Qianqian, you can say good things for Master. Whether you can say good things or not, Master has done something wrong these days, and Master has apologized to you."

Speaking of which, Tao Honggang is also a master who can bend and stretch. He trained Feng Xiqian like a dog just now, and now he humbly begs her for a good word: "You know, Master still has the mortgage and car loan to pay back, and the child is only in elementary school. If you lose it, For the job in the bank, our whole family has to drink Mistral."


Feng Xiqian was really moved with compassion.

Lin Yue glared at her, then turned to look at President Cheng: "President Cheng, as far as the amount of business I can provide you is placed in a slightly smaller city, it shouldn't be difficult for Sissy to be the vice president, right? Is it so difficult for you to lay off one person?"


President Cheng was hesitant, he was inclined to lay off Tao Honggang, but well, this news is not good to hear, and it is easy to cause bad influence inside the bank, and in the end everyone is playing like this, what is the job of the president? To expand, in addition, Tao Honggang is also an old man of Huanghai Bank, so there are still some connections.

"Let's go, Sissy, I'll take you to another bank. With this, you won't have to worry about finding a job."

Lin Yue got up to leave, but President Cheng had a bitter expression on his face: "Mr. Gu, are you really going to do this? You're like this... I can't explain it to the people below."

"Okay, then I'll give you an explanation."

He took out his mobile phone and put it on the coffee table, dialed a person's number, and pressed the hands-free button.

Soon, the connection is connected.

"Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

"Is it Mr. Ye?"

"I am."

"I'm a staff member of Huanghai Bank, and I want to verify with you, did you handle a mortgage loan business at the Yincheng Road branch two months ago?"

"That's right."

"Is the person who has been communicating with you called Feng Qianxi?"

"It's Feng Xixi. The little girl worked hard. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this loan?"

"No, just to check the information with you, thank you."

Lin Yue hung up the phone and looked at President Cheng.

"President Cheng, let me ask you, since it is the business that Sissy is following up on, why Tao Honggang's performance is accounted for, please give me an explanation."

"Tao Honggang!" President Cheng looked at his old subordinate: "You did this...?"

", I..."

Tao Honggang was able to read President Cheng's mind——I can't help you.

"Xiao Tao, you are also an old employee of our company, how come? Oh, you are ready to go to the personnel department to resign tomorrow."


Tao Hong just looked frustrated, but soon turned into anger, gnashing his teeth and looking at the person who messed with his work.

Lin Yue didn't care, and said to Feng Xiqian: "See? Whether the complaint is useful or not depends on who made the complaint."

People outside the VIP room looked at me and I looked at you, while mourning for Tao Honggang, they made up their minds that it was time to build a good relationship with Feng Qianqian.

The executives of securities companies who can decide which bank to sign a contract with have such a brother-in-law, they can't afford to offend them.


In the evening, a few fiery clouds floated in the sky. In the far east, a passenger plane flew south, with a faint white mark drawn on the tail.

The BMW drove into Wanziyuan Community and stopped at the parking space near the clubhouse.

Lin Yue and Feng Qianqian got out of the car and walked towards the apartment building where the Gu family lived.

There was undisguised admiration in Feng Xiqian's eyes, and she always felt that with the passage of time, there were more and more curious and surprising things about him, and it was no longer the trash snack in Feng Xiaoqin's mouth: "Brother-in-law, you haven't told me how Entered Aimong Securities, and even worked in a senior management position."

She asked this question in the car just now, but her brother-in-law took out a set of cosmetics for her from the storage box. You must know that this is something she was reluctant to buy after looking at it for a long time. A set costs more than 2,000 RMB. Back then, I worked at Bianlifeng, and my monthly salary was only a little over 3,000, which was simply unaffordable.

She was distracted by the gift, so she forgot about it until the car drove into the community and saw the clubhouse that had become the Wangxing Pavilion. She thought of the sister who was put together by Boss Shi, and thought of calling at noon When my sister told her about her dismissal, she recalled the conversation just now.

"Is this... very important?" Lin Yue looked at the sign at the entrance of Wangxing Pavilion and said.

Feng Xiaoqin was thrown vegetables leaves and eggs by the residents of the community because of helping the evildoers, and even the old lady Zhang who was in trouble with her was also excluded. When she went to dance in the small square, no one was willing to be her dance partner, so Shi Zhiwei naturally received a lot of scolding .

In order to relieve the pressure, he made this thing, and posted a notice on it, saying that the activity room for the elderly will be built, but it will be later, please give him some time, grandparents.

If you think about it with your butt, you know, this is a tactic to delay the attack.

People's emotions are the same as in war, they decline again and again, and Shi Zhiwei takes advantage of this. In the future, he will use some discount coupons and foot washing coupons to pull them together and divide them, and the problem will not be big.

Feng Qianqian also saw the sign, but didn't pay attention.

"Last time you said that my sister did something sorry for you, but you haven't told me until now, are you... are you lying to me?"

"Of course you will know when the time comes." For the second question, Lin Yue practiced Tai Chi again, but for the first question, she did not divert her attention this time.

"Why did you join Imoen and get the position of project manager? It's actually very simple, because that's what I do in another world."

If it were someone else, they would definitely sneer at what he said, thinking that he was lying. Feng Xiqian was different, she had heard a lot about the past and present, and subtly took it seriously.

"Brother-in-law, then you said that you treated me badly in the previous life, what exactly...why did you treat me badly?"

Her voice was a little trembling, because she had thought about this question for a long time, and thought about many possibilities. She was looking forward to it, but also afraid, after all, their relationship was quite something.

Lin Yue suddenly turned around: "Do you really want to know?"

She was startled, stopped, her face changed a few times and she nodded: "I think."

Lin Yue continued to walk forward: "In the last life, I... had a child with you, but for one reason or another, I couldn't marry you, and I couldn't even publicly admit my relationship with the child."

He didn't say the latter words, and the former words were also very general.

The sun was setting, and the wind blowing through the gaps in the unit buildings took away a bit of the sweltering summer heat and the restlessness of passers-by, and brought a whisper, which was a few old ladies complaining to each other under the gazebo in front. If you listen to Teacher Gu, you won’t be fooled by Boss Shi and Feng Xiaoqin. Why is the gap between a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law so big? No wonder it is rumored that Gu Lei despises Feng Xiaoqin. divorced her.

Lin Yue continued to move forward, Feng Qianqian stood in place, and the distance between the two became farther and farther.

She thought about the possibility of being abandoned from beginning to end, but she didn't expect that things were even more outrageous than she thought. The two people in the previous life actually had a child, and it sounded like she was raising it alone. No wonder he said he owed her, this matter... It's too much.

If he said that in the last life, they were lovers, broke up because they graduated from high school and went to college, or went their separate ways after college, she would still have doubts, but she believed the above words, because it was tantamount to Labeling himself a "scumbag" may even destroy the good impression she has given her these days.

So, they were husband and wife in their previous life? Underground couples are also couples, but they are not recognized by law.

Feng Qianxi didn't go home, so she sat down on the bench next to the gazebo, staring blankly at the fountain in the middle of the small square.

Is there really anyone who awakens past life memories? This supernatural thing...

If it is true, how should I face him in the future? Can we continue the frontier? What does he mean? Where is my sister? My sister knows, can I still be a sister?

The old lady in the gazebo pointed at her figure, she didn't know what she was talking about. In the past, even if she didn't say something ugly, she would roll their eyes at them. Today is different, she is not in the mood to respond those people.


Meanwhile, Shanghai International Garden.

In Gu Qingyu's house.


Gu Qingyu pushed open the door and walked into the house. Seeing that there were no lights on in the house, he thought that Shi Yuan hadn't come home, so he put on his slippers and turned on the light in the living room. When he turned around, he saw the light on the sofa facing the door. Sitting alone.

"Shi Yuan? Why didn't you turn on the light when you came back? You scared me to death."

She let out a long breath with a shocked expression, hung up her bag, walked to the coffee table, and looked at her husband who looked pensive.

"What's the matter? You look out of your mind."

"You're back." Shi Yuan covered his nose with both hands and wiped his face: "There's something... I think..."

"Is something wrong? What's the matter? Why are you hesitating?" Gu Qingyu sat down beside him: "Did you encounter a problem that you can't solve at work? Tell me, maybe I can give you some advice or something."

Speaking of Shi Yuan going to work in Aimeng, she didn't like it, but she couldn't hold back Hua Yongyu's hope that her son would become a dragon.

On the issue of marriage outlook, her mentality is quite positive. Since she can't persuade her, she can only choose to support and believe. After all, Shi Yuan has also guaranteed her work. Something out of the ordinary.

Earlier at the wedding banquet, Gu Lei said that Shi Yuan was not too proud but inferior. She agreed with this statement and knew what her brother said was right. Women are strong and men are weak, and the man is unwilling to do so. This is the result of their marriage. Fatal flaw, she wants to overcome this difficulty, so she can only make concessions on the issue of work, thinking that as long as Shi Yuan can prove himself and regain his confidence, life will be easier in the future.

"It's not a problem." Gu Yuan shook his head: "I met someone in class today."

"Meet someone? Who?"

"Gu Lei."

"Gu Lei?" Gu Qingyu was taken aback: "What did he go to Aimeng for?" After saying this, his face changed: "Is it to embarrass you?"

"No, he went to Imen to apply for a job."

"Application? What are you driving... wait, is that Cindy?"

It is not impossible for Cindy to recruit Shi Yuan, a rookie with no industry experience, into Aimeng.

"No, Gu Lei is Aimeng's big boss, and Pete always brings it with him."

"Peter Du? How is it possible! You read it wrong."

Shi Yuan said: "It's not wrong. If you don't believe me, you can ask Cindy. The job given by the big boss is a project manager, but he enjoys the treatment of a director."

"Shi Yuan, what's wrong with you today?"

Gu Qingyu still didn't believe it. Originally, Gu Lei's entry into Aimeng was a jaw-dropping thing. What is the project manager's treatment? Is this still her brother?

Shi Yuan didn't say anything, took out his mobile phone and dialed Cindy's number, and pushed it in front of Gu Qingyu after hearing the waiting tone.

The phone connects.

"Hello, Shi Yuan? Calling so late, what's the matter?"

"Master, it's me, Qing Yu."


Gu Qingyu said a few words to Cindy, then hung up the phone.

Shi Yuan observed her expression carefully, and after confirming that there was no disguise, he said, "You really didn't arrange Gu Lei's entry into Aimeng?"

According to his wife's description to his brother-in-law, he didn't think that Gu Lei could get the support of the big boss with his own ability. He struggled with this matter for a long time, because he suspected that there was Gu Qingyu behind Gu Lei's joining Aimeng. shadow.

So here comes the question, if Gu Lei's joining Aimeng was really Gu Qingyu's operation, why did she do it? Was it for Cindy? Or was it aimed at him? In short, he spent the whole afternoon in entanglement and speculation.

Gu Qingyu glanced at him angrily: "Do you think I can persuade Peter Du to let a technical secondary school student with no industry experience be a project manager and still enjoy the director's treatment? I want to have so much energy, and now it's not me who listens to Zhao In short, Mr. Zhao listened to me."

After she finished speaking, she ignored Shi Yuan, shook her hair, took out her mobile phone, walked to the balcony, looked at the street view and dialed her home number.

"Hey, Dad..."

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