Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2167 The original mistress lives under the same roof (two in one)

Gu Shihong is holding a net bag of onions in his right hand, and a black plastic bag, which contains newly bought small river prawns. Even if he leaves the water, he can still feel them bouncing in the plastic bag. On his left hand is a little tiger, carrying a schoolbag , holding Grandpa's hand, licking the lollipop while bouncing towards the unit building.

"Grandpa, is this the lollipop that Pigman eats?"

The little guy held up a lollipop and asked.

"Yeah, I remember it's called Rainbow Lollipop."

"No, no, it's a super lollipop."

"Yes, it's a super lollipop."

"Grandpa, when we came here just now, I seemed to see my aunt."

"Why didn't I see it?"

"It's in the gazebo, blocked by a group of old ladies."

"Oh, maybe something is wrong with her." Gu Shihong didn't take it to heart.

The little tiger licked two more bites of the lollipop, not to mention, he really looked like a chubby pigman from the side: "By the way, Grandpa, my mother talked to my little uncle on the phone yesterday."


"My mother was trying to persuade my uncle to study hard, but when he said he didn't want to study anymore and wanted to come to Shanghai, my mother got angry, saying that she didn't have her own house, and now she was unemployed, so she couldn't take care of my uncle."

Gu Shihong paused, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Grandpa, isn't this mother's home?"

"Yes." Gu Shihong let go of his grandson's hand and walked into the corridor of the unit building.

"Then why did she say it wasn't her house?"


Gu Shihong didn't know how to explain this problem to him.

"Grandpa, look."

The little tiger interrupted his thinking, pointing to the dark place at the end of the corridor on the second floor and shouting.

Gu Shihong took a closer look and found a person sitting there.

"Boss Guo? Why are you sitting here?"

"Teacher Gu." Guo Qiang stood up and took two steps towards the entrance of the corridor. The faint light shone on his face, which was quite ugly, and he scratched his beard. His head and face hadn't been washed for a long time, and his mental state was similar to that of street wanderers. Han is about the same.

"It's my wife, she...she won't let me in."


The old man sighed, went to the door and patted it.

"Who is it? A woman's voice came from the room."

"it's me."

"Oh, Teacher Gu."

Squeak, the door opened, and Ren Ming's face appeared on the opposite side: "Mr. Gu, what's the matter..."

In the middle of speaking, he found Guo Qiang standing behind the old man, and his face suddenly pulled down.

Gu Shihong said: "Is there anything you can't talk about properly?"

"Yes, wife." Guo Qiang said pitifully: "Recently, business is not doing well, and I owe boss Zhan more than a year's rent. I just want to earn two more money."

"In order to earn the dozens of dollars, the store can't be opened now, what should I do in the future? Do you drink northwest wind?"

"I'm going to look for a job tomorrow, okay?"

Guo Qiang was caught by the police and squatted for half a month because he used broken ingredients to cook for the elderly living alone on Huashan Road. He was also fined a lot of money and his business license was revoked. Gu Shihong knew about this.

"Xiao Ren, if you drive him out of the house, don't you and the child have no hope?"

"Yes, yes." Seeing his wife's softening attitude, Guo Qiang quickly hit the snake with the stick and stepped into the house.

Gu Shihong handed over the black plastic bag in his hand again: "This is the river prawn I bought at the market, it's very fresh, take it for the children to eat."

"Teacher Gu, how can you be so embarrassing." Guo Qiang's daughter-in-law said she was embarrassed, but her hands were not slow. She took the river prawn in her hand, turned around and gouged out the man's eyes, and then said, "I heard that Xiaoqin He and Gu Lei also lost their jobs, Mr. Gu..."

"It's okay. I'll call Qingyu tonight and ask her to find another job for my younger brother. I'm used to it." Gu Lei said in the morning that he would go for an interview, but Gu Shihong had no confidence in his son.

"Then... then you can ask your daughter, is there a job suitable for my man?"


Gu Shihong was very speechless, and kindly helped, not only getting two catties of river prawns, but also introducing jobs to other men.

"Let me ask for you."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu." Ren Ming smiled happily and watched him go upstairs.

"Grandpa, you said you ate deep-fried shrimp in oil at night." The little tiger was very frustrated.

"Tomorrow, grandpa will buy it for you tomorrow, how about it?" the old man said while taking out the key, but just as he inserted the key into the keyhole, his expression changed, because there was a faint quarrel between the two in the room Voice.

"Over the years, have you earned more than 6,000 yuan a month for the things you do? Street sweepers earn more than you. What's wrong with me losing money to the New Year? I earned it myself. What about you? Nibbling on your dad at home, Going out to nibble on your sister, are you still ashamed to say me?"

In the past six months, Gu Shihong had gotten used to his son and daughter-in-law yelling at each other, so he just frowned, turned the key and opened the door to enter the house.

Feng Xiaoqin was standing in front of the dining table with a spoon in his hand and an apron around his waist. He was probably cooking. Gu Lei was sitting on the sofa in the living room. On the left side of the coffee table was a bag of hickory-flavored mountain melon seeds, and on the right side There are piles of melon seed skins like hills.

I didn't say anything, it must be because he didn't care about anything after returning home, just idled there, which made Feng Xiaoqin feel unbalanced, so he came to the living room to quarrel with him just now.

That's right, she just lost 50,000 yuan to Feng Danian, and she was flustered because she didn't have any money in her hands. Adding the blow of unemployment, she certainly wouldn't be in a good mood.

In the past, if Feng Xiaoqin was asked to cook, she would at most talk behind her back about how difficult it is to serve the whole family. Since she started working as a delivery person outside, she seldom cooks and always complains. Complaining about this and that, he almost didn't ask the father-in-law to convert her labor into money, so that the old man would not use her if he could not use her.

"Okay, the child is back, Xiaoqin, please don't say a few words."

"Why should I say less?" Feng Xiaoqin pointed at Lin Yue, and said meanly: "Ask him if he has found a job, and he doesn't even say a word. Don't think about it, it must be useless. He usually looks like he has his eyes above his head. , Look down on this, look down on that too, look at the people around, who is not better than him, my sister will not say, look at Zhang Xiang, not relying on parents, not fighting for relationships, earning more than 100 million assets from scratch, and then look Look at Boss Shi, who is even worse educated than him. He didn’t graduate from junior high school. He opened the Foot Washing City and built Wangxing Pavilion. I just resigned, turned around and joined Aimeng Securities. I heard that the place where I worked with my sister was the same unit. Your brother-in-law Shi Yuan didn’t have a high degree of education, but he spoke English very well. A monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, I won’t talk about Dodo, she will definitely stay abroad to develop after graduation. Don’t let me talk about him, don’t talk about him, what if the little tiger takes him as a role model in the future?”

Gu Shihong shook his head, not surprised that his son did not find a job, because after six months of observation, the name Gu Lei became synonymous with "unreliable" in the Gu family.

"Little Tiger, you should do your homework first, it's noisy outside, remember to close the door."

The old man sent his grandson back to study, and was about to say a few words to his son to calm things down, when the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and found that it was his daughter.

"Hello, Qing Yu."


"I just got home, what's up?"


"Your brother? Yes, hey, what can he do, every day... Oh, there is something I want to tell you. Your brother got into a fight and was detained a few days ago."


"It's okay, I'll be back early. His boss found out about it and fired him."


"What did you say to go to the interview this morning, just came back, I don't think it's worth it, so you can help him find another job, I know you are still angry about what happened last time, but he is your brother after all, if you don't help him, who will help him?" Him."


"What? Aimeng Securities? Return the project manager? Is it your brother? Impossible, impossible, Shi Yuan made a mistake."


Gu Shihong glanced at his idle son on the sofa with a strange look on his face: "Okay, I'll tell him."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, met Feng Xiaoqin's puzzled eyes, walked to the three-person sofa and sat down.

"Your sister said you found a job? That is to say, the interview in the morning was successful?"

"That's right."

"Aimong Securities? Or the project manager?"


"Gu Lei, tell me honestly, what's going on?"

Gu Shihong is still very clear about how much his son has. If you say that he delivers express delivery, runs Didi, the old man believes him, works as a network administrator, sells insurance, the old man also believes it, and being a chef can also be called a reason. Use materials, but go to financial institutions to play money and help companies go public and raise funds? He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"I went to the interview and passed, it was easy."

"I mean, how could you possibly get into a company like that?"

"Is Shi Yuan better than me? If he can get in, why can't I get in?"

Gu Shihong was stunned by this question, yes, Shi Yuan can be a master of ceremonies, and even a tour guide can get in. If his son is serious, it is not impossible.

"No, Shi Yuan started as a newcomer when he entered. You are the project manager."

My daughter works in a financial company, and the old man knows a little bit about the division of ranks in it. After all, people often ask in the wine market, as for him, if he wants to describe how good his daughter is to others, he can't just come here. He has to tell the facts and lay down the rules. .

"I did their big boss a favor. He originally planned to give me money, but I didn't want it. He knew that I was unemployed and said that he would introduce me to a job. After I went there today, I found out that he was Aimeng As the CEO of securities, he must not let me be wronged. Starting from a newcomer, he gave me the title of project manager. He was afraid that I would not do well and be pointed out by others, so he arranged for me to be a competent person. Assistant, finally encouraged me to take my time, saying that education in this industry is just a stepping stone, as long as you stay for ten or eight years, see a lot, contact more people, build a network, and graduate from a technical secondary school can also gain a foothold."

"What did you do for him? He treats you so well?"

"I saved his son. If it wasn't for me, his son would have been killed by a dump truck. With such a great kindness, is there any problem in compensating me for a middle-level position in the company?"


After being told by him, Gu Shihong was speechless. At first glance, it sounds reasonable.

But how could you say that the person he saved was the son of the big boss of Aimeng Securities, and his brother-in-law Shi Yuan and cousin Gu Xin were also in Aimeng Securities.

Gu Shihong took a look at his daughter-in-law. She said just now that her son was not as good as Gu Xin and Shi Yuan, so she turned her face and her son became the superior of those two people...

Feng Xiaoqin's expression was quite complicated. She was both surprised and delighted that Gu Lei was able to enter Aimeng Securities. After all, as a middle-level securities company, the basic salary alone is over ten thousand, but don't thank Fei, she is angry, because such a Big boss, the money must not be less, as long as you get the money, you can go out and buy a house.

At this time, the door of the second bedroom was opened, and the old lady came out with a blushing face, and said in a strange way: "When I was young, the fortune teller said that the eldest grandson will meet a nobleman after he is thirty years old. It seems that the big boss is destined to be a nobleman." , There are some people who spend their whole life calculating, but after calculating and calculating, what do they get in the end?"

Feng Xiaoqin really wanted to tear her mouth apart.

At this moment, the door opened, and Feng Xiqian walked in from the outside, changed her shoes, put down her bag, and said "I'm back", without looking at the people in the living room, she turned her head and went into the second bedroom.

Feng Xiaoqin thought that her sister was being made things difficult by that master again, and that Gu Lei wanted to discuss with her about finding a job, so she didn't have the same knowledge as the old lady, and followed her sister's footsteps.

Gu Shihong always felt that this matter was not as simple as what his son said, but judging from the current situation, there would be no problem, so he stopped breaking the casserole and went to the kitchen to cook. Guo Qiang and his wife are married, but the onions have to be fried.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, when Lin Yue got up, Feng Xiaoqin was still sleeping. The little tiger followed Jue Shao’s grandfather to eat steamed buns across the street. It was not a big problem not to eat, and I was too lazy to start a gang, so I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

As soon as he left the unit, he saw Feng Xixi waiting for him in the shade of a tree.

"Brother-in-law... I... I... go with you."

She pointed to the BMW parked on the right, meaning very simple, rubbing against the car.

Thinking about it, Feng Xixi works on Yincheng Road, less than one kilometer away from Aimeng Securities, and can take a private car. Who wants to squeeze the subway and bus during the morning rush hour?

"Then you don't wait for me up there, it's so hot downstairs."

It has entered the dog days, even if it is morning, a little exercise can make the body feel sweaty.

Feng Xixi pursed her lips and did not speak, followed behind him to the car, and got into the co-pilot.

Just as Lin Yue was about to start the engine, she saw her take out a translucent plastic bento box from her pocket, with two flower rolls in the middle, and salted duck eggs cut into quarters, cold cucumbers, and half a chicken chop in the grid next to it.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet, I got up early and made an extra serving."

She tried to appear as calm as possible, but her evasive eyes revealed her thoughts.

Sure enough, there are some things that you can't go back after knowing.

Lin Yue wanted to change to someone like Gu Qingyu. For the talk of awakening past life memories, she would only treat it as nonsense and deceitful nonsense. Feng Qianqian was different because she needed a reason to convince herself that she should not do anything to her brother-in-law. Mind, after all, you have to consider the relationship between sisters, parents, and worldly vision. This is much more difficult than ordinary little girls overcoming psychological barriers to become rich people's mistresses.

Therefore, if the story is well told, women are indispensable.

"Thank you." Lin Yue took the lunch box and stared blankly for a while.

She asked, "What's wrong?"

"Look hungry."

"Then how eat before going to work?"

Why did Feng Qianqian wait for him downstairs instead of up there? She was afraid that her sister would think too much when she saw her behavior.

Lin Yue shook his head: "I will eat at the company, let's go, I will send you to work first."

He glanced at the north-facing window on the third floor, and drove the BMW out of the berth.

Didn't Feng Xiaoqin deliberately not cook for him? If she doesn't do it, someone will do it.

Judging from the current situation, Feng Xiqian's place... is almost at the door.

It's time for Feng Danian to come, the next plot is quite exciting.


Half a month later, Yongfu Road, Yongfuhui.

Gu Shihong and Gu Qingyu met Shi Yuan's parents in the box.

Ever since he was choked on by his brother-in-law at the wedding announcement banquet and was beaten up again, Shi Yuan has been brooding about it, because those words are true, and Gu Qingyu has already brought him to see his relatives, what about him? After the two got married, the man's parents hadn't invited the woman's parents to have a meal. This is really unreasonable.

So after he joined Aimeng, Hua Yongyu also found a kidney source, and after a successful transplant operation, he finally gave his mother the confidence to agree to see her in-laws.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Once the Wu Zang Temple was poured with rice wine, Shi Yuan's father, Shi An, talked more, and Gu Shihong was also a little bit drunk.

The more Hua Yongyu listened, the more unhappy Shi An kept praising Gu Qingyu. He was capable, beautiful, highly educated, good-natured, well-educated, and Gu Qingyu was three times better than this. Forty or fifty years ago, that She is also not qualified to be her daughter-in-law.

"I'm not praising my son. If our family, Shi Yuan, is admitted to university in Shanghai, he will definitely be no worse than Qing Yu."

Gu Shihong laughed: "I know this, Shi Yuan studied very well when he was young."

Hua Yongyu continued: "It's just that there is one less Shanghai hukou, um, just like your family. You said that those who have Shanghai hukou at birth are not because they are outstanding, but because they have good luck. The starting line is different. Then Can you catch up?"

This sentence made the four of them feel embarrassed.

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