Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2191 Take your family home (two in one)

Dodo went to the Vienna Conservatory of Music, and Gao Chang and Gu Shilian were also in a state of resignation. They didn't have much to do during the day, or they called their daughters to ask about the situation there, whether they were used to the food, and whether they encountered problems in their studies. When I encountered a problem, I just didn't feel at ease, and then I was dismissed by my daughter and took too much care. These days, if I can't answer the phone calls from them, I will not answer them.

When the two of them saw it, they might as well stop calling and find something to divert their attention.

Gu Shilian had a good heart and took the old lady into her own home to raise her. She used to be at the second brother's side, she was very relieved, but now she is not at ease, because Gu Lei is too troublesome, and Feng Xiaoqin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If you want to talk about throwing face at the elders, she is really familiar with it. I'm really afraid that the old lady will get angry with the couple. This new home only has two bedrooms. If there are three bedrooms, she will invite the second brother to stay for a few days and let the two people make trouble.

"Mom fell asleep?"

"Not yet, I just took the medicine and I'm sending a voice to Duoduo."

Gu Shilian walked out of the second bedroom wearing a purple shiny pajamas, and found Gao Chang on the computer chair smiling, as if he saw something interesting: "What's wrong? You're smiling like this."


Gao Chang motioned for her to come over, pointing to the monitor in front of him: "Look for yourself. I'm really convinced by our eldest nephew."

Gu Shilian walked over, and the man put the headphones on her ears, and pressed the space bar on the keyboard.

The middle window of the screen starts to play the video.

About five minutes later, Gu Shilian looked bewildered and let Gao Chang take off the headphones.

"How about it, is it interesting?"

interesting? He really doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Gu Lei, Feng Qianqian, what happened?!"

It is already surprising that Gu Lei subtly rules Sun Qi, but now he is doing Feng Xiaoqin's own sister? That was his sister-in-law.

"Isn't this nonsense? Why does he think this house is not chaotic?"

Gao Chang smiled and said nothing.

"dare you laugh!"

Gu Shilian was so angry that she sat down on the sofa, took out her mobile phone, and tried to call her brother several times, but was stopped by Gao Chang.

"Why don't you let me call my second brother?"

Gao Chang said, "What did you say?"

She stopped at this question, yeah, what did you say? To embarrass the second brother in front of her?

"If you have to make this call, you can wait for another two days, and then call after the second brother's silence." Gao Chang walked to her and sat down, stretched out his hand to squeeze her shoulder: "Actually, I think Gu It is better for Lei to marry Feng Xiqin than Feng Xiaoqin. Don't you often say that this woman is too calculating. Looking back now, in order to stay in Shanghai, she took her illegitimate child as her younger brother. She made it clear that she was here to suck your second brother's family of human blood."

"Yes, Feng Xiaoqin is too calculating, but isn't there a little tiger in the middle? If Gu Lei does this, the child will hate him when he grows up."

"Second brother also thinks the same as you, so Feng Xiaoqin has slapped him to death."

Gu Shilian also knew that what Gao Chang said was very reasonable, but...


She sighed heavily, she and Gao Chang couldn't have a child, so they could only go to the orphanage to adopt one, but look at the eldest nephew, this child is really a big burden under certain circumstances.

Gao Chang leaned back, with the back of his head pressed against the back of the sofa: "After the boss and his wife know what happened the day before yesterday, they should watch this video again, and they must be very happy."

Gu Shilian recalled what Gu Shihai said a few days ago when he came here to see the old lady, saying that the family hadn't been together for a long time, should they find a time to get together.

The words are beautiful, but from Gao Chang's point of view, the family gathering is fake, it depends on whether Gu Shihong's joke is true, after all, Gu Lei was fired by Aimeng, and the second child will not be able to show off his son and daughter everywhere. He has a long face.

And the matter of Shi Yuan defrauding people for money the day before yesterday was even more embarrassing. Gu Shihong, a middle school teacher with a good reputation, and Gu Qingyu, an investment bank elite with an annual income of several million, the son-in-law of the former and the husband of the latter, actually cheated for tens of thousands of dollars. child? There is also Feng Xiaoqin's younger brother, Feng Danian, who was arrested by the police for breaking the law. Maybe he will go to jail. Yesterday, Gu Lei cheated on his sister-in-law, and the sisters fought against each other. Ping wave again.

Will Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi give up humiliating their younger brother and give their son a chance to take revenge?



The phone screen lights up to show that someone is speaking in the family group.

She looked down and saw that it was from Su Wangdi, and asked if everyone had time recently, and if they had time, it was time to get together.

Gao Chang also saw the sister-in-law's speech, pointed to the phone and said, "What did I say, the eldest couple will not let go of the opportunity to show the second child a good look."

Gu Shilian shook her head, not knowing what to say.


On the other side, Ge Rushan and Deng Fang also saw the video of sisters fighting for husband.

"What's going on? What's going on?!"

The man was very emotional, because his resolute face with two sword eyebrows hardened into a piece of cast iron.

Deng Fang said: "I think he is taking advantage of my sister-in-law. You didn't look at that Feng Xiaoqin. She is too calculating. If the two of them are like this, they still won't get a divorce. If it is our daughter, even ten Yueyues can't beat her. I know." , he is fighting fire with fire."

"Just give him a reason!"

Ge Rushan kept pointing his fingers at his wife, and he couldn't figure out what kind of ecstasy soup Gu Lei had given her. Since the last time she went to Gu's house to ask for an explanation, Deng Fang's attitude towards Gu Lei changed. My daughter broke up with Gu Lei, and she still can't hear him speak ill of Gu Lei.

"I'm just looking for a reason." Deng Fang said: "Falsifying rumors of cheating has no effect, what else can he do? We can only use a stronger medicine."

"Then you can't provoke my sister-in-law, right? Didn't you read the messages on the Internet? The words are so ugly, even if he succeeds, how about his daughter getting married? Others will say that this kind of man who has no bottom line is rushing to get her. She is blind." Yet?"

"Are you worried about your daughter's reputation? Then no matter how bad he is, he is better than you."

Ge Rushan's face turned red suddenly, because his wife was poking his weak spot. You must know that he is still on probation, and his son-in-law Dingtian is an irresponsible scumbag in emotional matters, what about him? A corrupt official who devours the people's fat and anointment is indeed much better than him in comparison.


He raised his hand and wanted to hit someone, but he didn't dare to drop it. With his frozen face and fiery eyes, anyone would think he was very pitiful.

"Dad, Mom, can you please stop arguing!"

At this time, the door of the bedroom opened, and Ge Yue came out lazily. There was a bag protruding outwards under the loose coral fleece pajamas. Even if you are not married, you can get an answer after seeing this scene—— She is pregnant.

"Alas!" Ge Rushan lowered his arms, sighed heavily, turned around, and sulked towards the balcony.

Now he is in a state of isolation and helplessness. In this family, when it comes to Gu Lei, it is two to one... no, it should be said four to one, because it doesn't matter if Ge Yue is pregnant or not.

That's right, twins.

The key is that the mother and daughter are quite happy.

"He called me just now."

Ge Yue's words attracted the attention of the couple.

"He said soon, within a month, he will take me to see my father and grandma."

The "dad" here certainly does not refer to Ge Rushan, but to his father-in-law Gu Shihong.

After saying this, she touched her protruding belly, because she was pregnant with twins, the embryonic development was faster than that of ordinary women, and she was thinner and smaller, so she took a long vacation to stay at home as early as a month ago. fetal.

a month...

Ge Rushan said in a deep voice: "Okay, I want to see what he can do in this month."

Deng Fang ignored him, walked up to Ge Yue, and helped her into the room.

"Didn't the doctor say it? Tell you to move less, rest more, and stay happy."

"You guys are arguing so fiercely outside, can I be happy?"

"It's not all about your dad, he's just worrying about it every day."

Hearing the conversation between mother and daughter in the bedroom, Ge Rushan had a very headache. They said that the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law more and more pleasing to her eyes. This daughter was not married yet, so she was lied to?


at dusk.

Wanziyuan Community, Gu's family.

Gu Shihong sat on the sofa with his arms crossed, looking at the white paper on the coffee table with a serious face, on which were written three large characters crookedly - dead fat man, which he took off from the child's back when he went to pick up the little tiger, I don't know which classmate in the class made a prank.

Of course, this has to be reminiscent of what happened to the little tiger's father. It makes people wonder whether the students who played pranks simply wanted to tease him, or they heard the comments from adults, or saw the messages on the Internet, with personal emotions do this kind of thing.

Feng Xiaoqin was wearing whitewashed jeans, and sat on the bench beside the coffee table without saying a word, but the corner of her eyes was a bit sinister, and the corners of her mouth were sharp enough, which fully interpreted the word "mean" .

Gu Qingyu was also there, his complexion didn't look very good, the lying silkworm part under the eyelids was a little swollen, and his hair didn't bother to take care of it, it was loosely scattered on his shoulders, presumably because he had a lot of mental stress recently and didn't have a good rest yesterday.


She opened the door, looked at her younger brother who was taking Feng Qianqian home with her, and forced a smile.

"Gu Lei, are you back?"

Her aura is very weak, because even Gu Shihong was angry before she could apologize to her younger brother for what happened last time, and attributed the responsibility for Gu Lei's unemployment to her. You should tell your brother clearly right away, keep it secret, what do you want to do? When Shi Yuan comes home and talks behind closed doors, if the other party swears that he won't do it again, is she going to lie to her brother for the rest of his life?

Lin Yue ignored her. In front of Gu Shihong and Feng Xiaoqin, he generously took Feng Qianqian's hand and walked into the living room.

"Tell me, you made more than 20 phone calls in half a day, why did you call me back?"

This is a bit of a knowing question.

"You... this pair of dogs..."

Feng Xiaoqin gritted her teeth in hatred, and stared fixedly at the two hands that were clasped opposite her.

She hated Gu Lei, hated him for attacking her younger sister, and she also hated Feng Qianqian, hated her for being tempted by her brother-in-law.


Gu Shihong coughed, forcing Feng Xiaoqin's dirty words back into his stomach.

She gritted her teeth and turned her head away.

Gu Shihong signaled Gu Qingyu, who was about to speak, not to speak.

"Gu Lei, let me ask you, what is going on?"

"Don't you know everything? What's the point of hearing me say it again?"

He didn't deny it, and he didn't mean to defend himself at all.

Gu Shihong had a headache, and now he is somewhat aware of the matter. No wonder Feng Xiqian has become more diligent in the past two months, rushing to work, and showing great respect to him. This is the one who replaced her own sister as his daughter-in-law early in the morning. idea.

If you want to say that this son is really amazing, there is a beautiful woman with a model figure at Aimeng Securities who is willing to marry him. At home, Feng Xiaoqin was dug out of everyone's corners and got his sister-in-law. No wonder Gu Qingyu asked Gu Whether Lei wants to marry Sun Qi, the answer he gets is "Let's see", it turns out that his son is very sought-after.

"If that's the case, then I'll say it straight."

Gu Shihong said: "I don't agree with you two being together."

Before Lin Yue could speak, Feng Xiqian became anxious: "Why? I am sincere to my brother-in-law... Unlike her, who has been scheming against you, sister, and brother-in-law. Even the little tiger is her target. Woman, you still insist on letting her be your daughter-in-law? Are you trying to push your son into the fire pit?"

"Alas." A bitterness flashed across Gu Shihong's face, but he still said firmly: "I am Gu Lei's father, and if I say no, I won't."

Feng Xiqian looked at Feng Xiaoqin who was sneering again and again, she was about to cry with anger, she couldn't figure it out, she would rather be accused by others than to be with Gu Lei, she didn't care that he was unemployed, married and had a child, and gave up her original family Why can't the daughter-in-law of the Gu family be as good as that evil woman who is lying on the Gu family and doing all kinds of calculations and sucking blood?

"Is fame so important to you? Even more than the happiness of your children?"

Gu Shihong's face twitched, he couldn't hold back when he was being lectured by a girl in her twenties.

The point is that she is right. In the entire Wanziyuan community, everyone knows that Mr. Gu has a good name and a good face. Just like when he went to see the old lady a few days ago, Gao Chang made fun of him and talked about his problems and encounters. To the doctor.

That's right, I met a miracle doctor, and the miracle doctor was his son.

Look at what Gu Lei has done in the past six months, making a big fuss about his cousin's wedding, suing a dying old lady, smashing a Rolls Royce, cheating in marriage, and now marrying his own sister-in-law... That's true, Gu Shihong Not to mention his name is well-known throughout Shanghai, within 1KM of the Wanziyuan community, it is definitely the shadow of a famous tree. When Gu Lei is mentioned, no one does not think of him.

"Sissy, shut up!"

Feng Xiaoqin said angrily, "Are you still reasonable?"

"I have no reason, are you right? Don't call me by my name, I don't have a sister like you." Feng Xixi became more and more excited as she spoke, because she couldn't figure out why Feng Xiaoqin still had the face for doing so many things to the Gu family. Complaining in front of Gu Shihong, urged the old man to break up her and her brother-in-law.

"Is there no sister like me?" Feng Xiaoqin walked to the door of the master bedroom, turned the doorknob, and pushed the door in: "It's okay not to recognize my sister, but don't you recognize your parents?"

As the voice fell, two middle-aged people walked out of the room, a man and a woman. The man was wearing a green cloth jacket, which looked very rough, but even so, it was much more delicate than those hands. He was Gu Lei's father-in-law Feng Jun. , is also the father of Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Qianqian, an old farmer who is less assertive than his wife, but if he is stronger, it is impossible for Feng Xiaoqin to give birth to Feng Danian.

In front of Feng Jun on the right, Feng Xiaoqin's mother Liu Guiying is wearing a wide-shouldered khaki jacket with twill stripes, and the wind of the 1980s hits her face.

"Dad, Mom..."

Feng Qianqian's momentum was severely frustrated, and she involuntarily took half a step back.

She didn't expect Feng Xiaoqin to take over her parents from her hometown in Anhui. She thought she would do everything right. The only choice for her to be a sister is to recognize the facts and choose to divorce. But who would have thought that Feng Xiaoqin would work hard enough to avoid divorce. .

Lin Yue helped her from behind, and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to see them, I'll send you away now."

Liu Guiying looked at him, then at her second daughter, and slapped her thigh in anger: "Shame, shame."

Yes, Feng Xiqian went all out to be with him, but making a decision is one thing, seeing her parents is another - she can tear Feng Xiaoqin apart under the control of resentment, but she can't ignore her parents. Opinion.

"Shame? Who is shame? Feng Xiaoqin? Or you?" Feng Qianqian was worried, and Lin Yue would not give them face: "Feng Jun, Liu Guiying, do you still have the face to come to my house?"

"Gu Lei, what are you talking about?" Gu Shihong glared at him. It was obvious that he didn't think he would save face for the two elders of the Feng family. No matter what, they were the little tiger's grandparents. Let him marry Feng Xiqian, then Feng Jun and Liu Guiying are still his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

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