Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2192 I am good at childbirth (two in one)

"Speak normally."

Lin Yue said: "If I know that you invited them to your home, don't say more than 20 phone calls in half a day. If you call for a day and a night, I will lose if I accept it."

One sentence pushed the old man back.

Gu Qingyu had a terrible headache. In the past, his younger brother gave the old man some face, but today he is really angry. Look at what he said, it can kill you.

"Gu Lei, it doesn't matter who you are with, they are still your elders, and Dad is also thinking about you..."

"Shut up." Lin Yue said, "Do you think I don't know?"

"what do you know?"

"Before I married Feng Xiaoqin back then, you knew that Feng Danian was the son of her and that short-lived fiance, right? Why didn't you tell your family about such a big thing?"

Gu Qingyu's face was extremely ugly: " did you know about this?"

"Is it important?"


"Don't have the face to answer?"

Gu Qingyu looked at the bewildered Feng Xiaoqin and said, "I wanted to tell you, but after I called you, you said that Feng Xiaoqin was pregnant and you planned to marry her..."

"So for the sake of the little tiger, you decided to hide this matter, right? Wait, you don't think that Feng Xiaoqin is a loving and righteous woman who gave birth to this child for her dead fiancé, and she will treat us well in the future, right? A woman who refuses to listen to her parents' advice on such a major life event as having a child shows that she is not only stubborn, but also willful. I think you have already learned about borrowing money to buy a house; Leave it to my parents, and come to Shanghai to be a fishing girl by myself, which shows that she has a thick skin and can calculate. You have seen this by now. If you told the matter back then, I would be in pain for a few days at most, and it would appear now Is it a situation where the tail is too big to lose?"

Gu Qingyu's heart was very blocked. She didn't expect her younger brother to see through her thoughts on this matter. She still felt that Feng Xiaoqin was pitiful back then, and because she was pregnant with a little tiger, she concealed the truth. Who knew in the end? Become a farmer and a snake in the new era, relying on marriage and children, Feng Xiaoqin controls the Gu family to death.

Lin Yue saw that she was cowardly, the old man didn't dare to talk too much, he looked back at Feng Jun and Liu Guiying and said: "You two came to Shanghai this time, persuading Qianqian to break up with me is one reason, and there is a second reason, right? Lin Yue glanced at Gu Shihong: "Did the two of them ask you to help rescue Feng Danian?"


Gu Shihong tugged the corners of his eyes back slightly, but did not reply.

The son was right again, Feng Jun and Liu Guiying begged him to help Feng Danian, and they did not hesitate to kneel down to him for this, which made him, a people's teacher, and his in-laws feel as if he was in someone else's house in his own house. comfortable.

"This is not marriage, this is poverty alleviation!"

Lin Yue sneered coldly, and looked back at Feng Xiaoqin: "Over the years, my father has paid for the utilities, electricity, gas, and property expenses for meals, vegetables, and my aunt's contribution for the children's interest classes. There are 2,500 yuan transferred to your dad's card, and my pocket money is only 200 yuan a month. The 2,500 yuan, in your words, is for your parents' pension, but in fact most of it is used Is Feng Danian right? Using my money to support other people's children, and doing such immoral things, is it a problem for your Feng family to compensate me with a young, beautiful, well-behaved and obedient new daughter-in-law? This is fair, isn't it? "

After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched his hand down, wrapped around Feng Qianqian's waist, and kissed her in front of the elders of both parties.

It took three to five seconds before he turned his face away.

Feng Xiqian stared at him blankly, her face was ruddy, her eyes wandered, she felt a little shy and a little embarrassed, but she was more happy, because her brother-in-law's behavior had risen to the level of expressing her opinion in front of the elders, and it was no longer a relationship between two people. Private life.




The shrill cry interrupted the tenderness of the two people.

Feng Xiaoqin's face was full of hatred, and she couldn't control her emotions and kept roaring like countless noisy crows.

She knew that her relationship with Gu Lei was over, but she just couldn't accept the scene in front of her, anyone could do it, just like when she knew he had unspoken rules for Sun Qi, she was indifferent and calm, except Feng Qianqian... no.

The sister-in-law kicked her sister into the main palace, which might have been a good story in ancient times, but it would be an insult in modern times, not to mention that she has always played the role of the head of the family in the Feng family, and she has paid more than her parents in educating her younger sister and younger brother , and more attentively.

The younger sister who used to obey her and was so nice to wear a skirt has become the lover of the man she hates the most. Can she not hate it?

Liu Guiying's reaction was also great, she kept rubbing her chest with her hands, as if she was going to have a heart attack.


Feng Jun pointed at the two of them, too angry to say a word.

The second daughter is twenty-five years old, not to mention that Guan Yue is ashamed and beautiful. Come on, Feng Qianqian chose such a man because she was obsessed with ghosts.

"Can't accept it?" Lin Yue hugged Feng Qianqian's waist and looked at them with a smile: "I wonder if you were as angry as now when Feng Xiaoqin insisted on giving birth to Feng Danian?"

Gu Qingyu could tell that his younger brother was taking revenge on Feng Jun and Liu Guiying by declaring sovereignty over their daughter in front of his biological parents. The key point is that the woman herself was very happy and completely ignored the attitude of her family. This is too embarrassing. .

"Gu Lei, come here, come in, I have a few words to tell you."

She pulls his arm from behind.

Lin Yue frowned, and glanced back at her, showing impatience.

"One minute, just one minute."

Gu Qingyu looked at him with pleading eyes.

Lin Yue thought for a while, let go of Feng Xixi's waist, told her to wait a while, and followed Gu Qingyu into the second bedroom on the left.

"Gu Lei, do you know, in fact, my father's point of view is that if you insist on marrying Feng Qianqian, we will not stop you. On this point, after what happened with Sun Qi and the day before yesterday, my father also wants to understand that Feng Xiaoqin is a woman. not really a good person."

Gu Qingyu closed the door, walked up to him, and spoke out what the old man was thinking.

"Then what did he mean by what he just said?"

Lin Yue pulled the wicker chair in front of the desk and sat down.

Gu Qingyu said: "He was forced by Feng Xiaoqin to do this."

"What's the meaning?"

"Oh." She sighed, sat down with her hand on the bed, and whispered: "Feng Xiaoqin threatened Dad, saying that if he dared to agree to your marriage, he would leave Shanghai with the little tiger and never recognize him as a grandfather."

Lin Yue sneered and said, "This is just right, let her sister give me another one. To tell you the truth, I am quite confident in the matter of giving birth."

"Gu Lei! It's not that you don't know how dad is. Over the past ten years, watching the little tiger grow up day by day, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren cannot be easily let go."

"Since he was reluctant to part with the little tiger, I went to sue for divorce. According to the usual practice, the son was mostly awarded to the father, and she owed a lot of debt. Even if I cheated first, the court would not support her claim for custody."

"That's what I told her too." Gu Qingyu said, "Guess what Feng Xiaoqin said?"

"How to say?"

"She said that we were forcing her to a corner. If she got in a hurry, she would jump off the building with the little tiger, making you and dad unhappy for the rest of your life."

"So, Dad just compromised like this?"

As far as Lin Yue is concerned, this is of course an indifferent scene. Feng Xiaoqin doesn't want to see him, and he doesn't have much affection for the little tiger. It's not just right. Threatening a character who kills without blinking by being a ghost or something? I can only say that she is really interesting.

Obviously, Gu Shihong can't be like him. It's no wonder that the people's teacher can hold on to a rural shrew.

Gu Qingyu nodded: "This afternoon, Dad asked me to come back to discuss this matter. What he meant was that we should pay for her to fill in the hole in her loan. The condition is that she agrees to a divorce, no little tiger, and we will be with you from now on. The Gu family has nothing to do with it anymore, so I didn't agree, because even if the loan hole is filled, Feng Xiaoqin will definitely not give up the house in Ruisiyuan. As long as she is in Shanghai and still has contact with the little tiger, it is impossible to break up with the Gu family. It was at this time that Feng Xiaoqin brought her parents over from the high-speed rail station, because of you and Feng Qianqian, and Feng Danian's arrest by the police."

Speaking of which, she sighed: "You think that their other purpose is to save Feng Danian, and Dad also thought of it. I have been giving him winks and telling him that some things can't be controlled. Many times, your Good intentions will only sink you deeper and deeper."

Lin Yue understood what she meant. There is a statistic in psychology. If you are in trouble and plan to borrow money for emergency, who among the people you know has the highest probability of lending you money? Not relatives, not friends, but people who have lent you money before. In this matter, as long as Gu Shihong opened the door, Feng Danian would be the first person Feng Xiaoqin would think of asking for help when encountering difficulties in the future.

"Dad also knows that he can't control it, but what do you know, Liu Guiying knelt down on the ground directly for Dad, think about it, just Dad's temper... Sigh..." When Gu Qingyu said this, there was a bit of resentment that hated iron and steel.

Lin Yue knew what she was thinking.

"Feng Danian is obviously Feng Xiaoqin's son, you can see it too, one threatens with a little tiger, the other sells his dignity for help, one soft and one tough, one civil and one military, heh..."

Gu Qingyu shook her head: "This Feng Xiaoqin, I used to think that she was quite calculating, but I didn't see it until today...there is no bottom line in doing things."

"Who can you see clearly? It sounds like an investment bank elite, but it's actually naive."

Lin Yue curled his lips and got up to leave.

"Gu Lei... about the plan, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hide it from you, but at that time... I was very confused at the time, and I didn't know how to face this matter." Gu Qingyu took his hand, this time She didn't answer his calls for two days, and didn't reply to his WeChat messages. She really didn't know when she missed the opportunity for reconciliation in front of her, and when would she wait for the next time.

"You want me to forgive you for what you did?"


"It's very simple, testify in court and send Shi Yuan to prison."

Gu Qingyu's eyeballs flickered: "Gu Lei, do you really want to do such a great job?"

"Are you distressed?"


"Then what are you talking about?"

"I just think there must be a compromise, at least a husband and wife, if I send him to prison... oh..."

"Still can't bear it."

Lin Yue took two steps forward, stopped when he put his hand on the doorknob, turned around and said, "Well, for your sake, don't say I didn't give him a way out, because of him, I'm unemployed at home now, I want to If you don’t go to jail, you will have to compensate me for the loss. Two words, the house.”


The door slammed softly.

He went out.

Gu Qingyu froze in place, a house?

Shi's old house in the alley of YP District?

She thought for a while, and the wrinkles between her brows gradually relaxed. Now that things are going to go to court, she must testify, otherwise her father will be disappointed and her younger brother will break up with her. Now that Gu Lei let go, he gave the Shi family a chance to save money and avoid disasters. For her, it was a good time to get together and leave. She consciously did her best, and the result depends on Hua Yongyu's choice.

When Lin Yue came out, Feng Xiaoqin was questioning Feng Qianqian.

"Is this how you repay your parents for their upbringing?"

These words left my sister speechless.

Being calculated belongs to being calculated, but it is undeniable that she was indeed raised by Feng Jun and Liu Guiying.

"The grace of nurturing?" Lin Yue walked to Feng Qianqian's side, put his arms around her shoulders and said, "I have a proposal, I will take care of Feng Danian's matter, and you will write off the grace of nurturing Qianqian, and no one will owe anyone from now on. How about it?"

"Can you save Da Nian?" Feng Xiaoqin didn't believe he could do it.

"You just need to answer yes, or no."

Feng Xiaoqin and her parents looked at each other, and Feng Qianqian also looked at him puzzled.

"I'll give you three days to think about it. If you want to think it over, call me and don't bother my dad." He stretched out three fingers and emphasized: "Three days."

After speaking, she left with Feng Xiqian in her arms.

Feng Xiaoqin gritted her teeth in hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

Even the presence of her parents can't change Feng Qianqian's desire to marry Gu Lei. This younger sister... 90% of them are perverted.

Lin Yue and Feng Qianqian went downstairs holding hands, just in time to bump into Guo Qiang and Ren Ming who opened the door and walked out. The two looked at his expression, not to mention how exciting it was.

"You... this is..."

"do you have any opinion?"

"Don't dare, dare not, don't dare." Guo Qiang quickly waved his hand, and then closed the door after speaking, and the husband and wife returned to the living room.

The Gu family was in chaos. A gossiping woman like Ren Ming, of course, couldn't avoid debating. The two chatted for an hour last night when they suddenly realized a problem.

In the past, Feng Xiaoqin trained Gu Lei to be a dog, but now his young and beautiful sister is sleeping with him, and he owes a whole lot of debt.

Gu Lei has always looked down on that cheap brother-in-law named Shi Yuan, and news broke out on the Internet that the boss of Aimeng Securities is going to sue Shi Yuan, and Gu Qingyu also filed for divorce.

As for Gu Xin, his wedding with Ge Yue was messed up by him, and the ex-girlfriend who went back to chase after Hao Bai Cai gave him an affair, and lost his job.

There is also Boss Shi, Wangxing Pavilion was ordered to suspend business for 3 months for rectification, Granny Zhang was basically killed by a dog.


In short, none of the people who had trouble with him had a good end.

As for who he divorced and who he was going to marry, Guo Qiang and his wife certainly didn't dare to shoot at each other.

On the other side, the two came downstairs and got into the BMW.

Feng Xiqian said: "Can you really rescue Feng Danian?"

Lin Yue smiled slightly: "Of course."

For some reason, she always felt that this smile was... How should I put it, rather than playful, it would be better to talk about evil.

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