Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2193 The child in her stomach is mine (two in one)

Three days later.

Lanson Glass headquarters building.


The elevator door opened, and with the sound of pattering footsteps, Sun Qi came out from inside.

Today, she is still radiant, with vigorous makeup, wearing a white suit jacket with black fringe, permed into a wavy shape, her wine-red hair is scattered on her shoulders, with the top and bottom of the stiletto And ups and downs.

"Mr. Zhou, look, you even personally sent me downstairs. This is really... so flattering."

"Hey, Sun Qi, don't say that, thanks to you, the IPO can go so smoothly."

Sun Qi straightened her hair around her ears, and smiled modestly while holding a classic Dior handbag in both hands: "The main reason is that Lanson Glass has good qualifications, so I also did some errand work."

"You're too humble. I've noticed all your hard work these days." Mr. Zhou took the gift bag handed over by the receptionist and gave it to her: "You always mention Gu Qingyu in front of me. No less accomplished than her."

"Mr. Zhou, don't praise me, and this...I can't ask for it. The company has rules and regulations, and it is not allowed to accept gifts from customers."

"This is the chocolate I brought back from a business trip to Belgium. The company staff in charge of the listing project each have a copy. It is not an expensive gift."

"Then thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Mr. Zhou nodded with a smile: "That's it, call me back."


Sun Qi turned around and left with a gift bag. The black stiletto heels of the same brand as the handbag rattled, and the crisp footsteps echoed in the lobby on the first floor. Several men in suits and ties all looked at him. straight up.

Coming out of the office building, she walked towards the parking lot on the right. There was her newly bought Audi A4L. To be precise, it was the sale that Gu Lei introduced to her. I don't know how he did it, and I don't know if the 4S shop can make money.

Not only is he weird about buying a car, but everyone including the people in the company thinks that Lansen Glass's smooth listing process is due to her. Only she knows that without Gu Lei, the plan would never have progressed. so fast. To this day, she still doesn't understand why Xiaobai, who graduated from a technical secondary school and has never set foot in the financial industry, has richer and more solid professional knowledge than someone like her who graduated from a prestigious university and worked in a securities company for three or four years. Unable to handle the procedure, just call Gu Lei, and it will be solved the next day. The key is that there are some problems that cannot be solved by experience, but by relationships. Thinking about it seriously, it is a bit... intriguing.

The annoying thing is that when I asked him what method he used to achieve his goal, he was always fooled by Tai Chi every time, and it was useless to force him to ask him when he went to bed.

This guy... not only can cause trouble, but also hides a lot of secrets that no one knows.

She secretly swore that in the days to come, she would peel off his disguise layer by layer to see how many things were hidden under his belly.


When she was about to park the Audi car, she pressed the unlock button of the car key.

The headlights flashed a few times, and the rearview mirror unfolded. She opened the trunk first, took off her high-heeled shoes, and put on sneakers specially used for driving. When she started the car and was about to fuel up and leave, the co-pilot's door opened and she got into the car alone.

"It's you?"

After seeing the person's face clearly, Sun Qi turned his body defensively and shrank back.

"That's right, it's me."

Accompanied by the voice, there is also a strong smell of alcohol.

Sun Qi waved his hand, trying to dispel the disturbing smell, and frowned at his ex-boyfriend who said that being lonely would be better described as "sloppy".

At this time, Gu Xin's face was flushed, his breathing was heavy, and a few drops of wine were still stained on the thick stubble of his chin. Looking at the rear of the car through the rearview mirror, he could find a big green bottle under the concrete pillar of the parking lot. , should be Red Star Erguotou or Niulanshan Erguotou.

"Are you following me?"

Sun Qi was very angry and a little scared.

"Sun Qi, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Gu Xin slapped the center console, the cuffs of the white shirt were unbuttoned, and it was stained with mud or vegetable soup, it looked dirty .

"Why did you do this to me? Why!"

Sun Qi knew what he meant by saying this, because this was not the first time he had blocked her.

After Gu Lei was fired from the company, Gu Xin went to her and said that he didn't mind what happened before. He and Ge Yue, she and Gu Lei... It's all over, and it can be evened out. No one should blame anyone anymore. .

She said to think about it, he thought his chance had come, and began to show his hospitality again, and she was no longer as indifferent as before, accepted his invitation to have dinner, and went back to her alma mater together, visited the classroom where she attended lectures in school, new The dormitory building and stadium were repaired.

He thought that the haze would soon dissipate, and the relationship between the two would be reunited, but it didn't. He just used his own tactics to deal with him, and recorded the conversation between him and Jack Liu and sent it to Gu Lei.

Yes, as an unemployed person, he has no real loss, but Jack Liu and Shi Yuan lost their jobs because of Mr. Fengyin Shen's pursuit, and even faced the consequences of being sued by the company. Because of this incident, Jack Liu asked someone to severely punish him. Repaired him, and now there are still bruises on his arms and thighs from the beating of the bench.

The physical pain is secondary, the most important thing is the mental humiliation! He couldn't accept Sun Qi treating him like this.

"Why do you do this to you? I made it clear last time that I don't love you anymore. Please don't pester me any more. "

Gu Xin stared at her with wide eyes: "You don't love me anymore, so do you love him?"

Sun Qi said: "Yes, I love him."

"You love him? Would rather help him deal with me?"


She didn't deny it, didn't hesitate, her voice was powerful and decisive.

"You mean!" Gu Xin was very excited, his voice was full of unwillingness, and the smell of alcohol around him was also vigorous, and the smell of car perfume hanging on the passenger door handle couldn't suppress the stench.

"Do you know what this is? He won't even let his sister-in-law off. A scum like this, you say you love him? You actually say you love him?!"

His hands were shaking, the phone screen in his palm was shaking, and the video preview on the phone screen was also shaking.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not difficult to understand why he was so sad and angry. As much as he licked the dog in front of Sun Qi, Sun Qi licked the dog in front of Gu Lei.

Sun Qi: "..."

Gu Xin pointed at the phone screen excitedly: "Why don't you talk, don't tell me you don't know about this, don't tell me you haven't seen this video."

Of course she has.

As soon as the video was posted on the Internet, those men in the company who had thoughts about her shared the link to the work group. Cindy only gave a few warnings and did not impose any substantial punishment.

Gu Xin said: "Talk, talk! Do you see that they are living together, and you still love her? Pooh!"

His face is red, the raised veins on his forehead are blue, and his shirt is white. This is actually a little game of color matching.

Sun Qi sighed: "I love him is my business, whether he loves me or not is his business."

Gu Xinru was seriously injured.

Three seconds later, he howled like a wounded beast.




It wasn't until a Hyundai Cable 8 passed by, and the driver in the driver's seat looked at the inside of the car with monster eyes, that Gu Xin controlled his emotions.

"Are you pissing me off on purpose?"

"Whatever you think." Sun Qi said: "Gu Xin, we have already broken up, please don't pester me anymore, if you do this again next time, I will definitely call the police and arrest you."

Gu Xin gritted her teeth and said, "Sun Qi, you are so cruel."

After speaking, I took a look at the brand new Audi, and a thought flashed through my mind.

"Did he buy this car for you? Tell me, didn't you?"

Sun Qi hesitated, not knowing how to answer this question, because he could say yes or no.

Seeing this, Gu Xin directly punched the glove box baffle, shaking the center console three times.

Sun Qi was terrified, and wanted to push open the door of the driver's cab and run away, but he couldn't bear to part with the newly bought Audi, so he had a quick wit, picked up his phone, pointed to a photo in the album and said, "Gu Xin, take a look. who is she."

The red-eyed man looked at the phone screen and was stunned.

A pregnant woman sat on the seat next to the hallway with the words "Obstetrics and Gynecology" hanging on it. She had just shown her pregnancy and her belly was not too big, but because of her thin body, she was very eye-catching among pregnant women waiting for their number to be called.

Gu Xin thought she was dazzled, so she shook her head, looked again and again, and finally convinced herself that she was right.

It's Ge Yue.

Ge Yue, she is actually pregnant!

"I recognized it, right?" Sun Qi said, "You like explaining so much, so please explain."

It was obvious that Sun Qi thought the child was his.

"How is it possible? Impossible!"

Gu Xin sat paralyzed on the sofa of the co-pilot, blowing alcohol continuously, muttering "impossible".

"Sun Qi, I was engaged to her, but we didn't do anything."

"Her father sees her very strictly."

"You believe me, really, the child is not mine, definitely not mine."

"Sun Qi, Sun Qi..."

He was very excited and wanted to grab Sun Qi's arm and explain seriously. He didn't want to miss it. After a closer look, he found that his ex-girlfriend opened the car door and ran outside. The front of the car was grabbed by two men in security uniforms.

"Don't move, do you hear me, be honest."

"Let go of me, let go of me, Sun Qi, Sun Qi..."

The two security guards had practiced more or less, no matter how hard Gu Xin struggled, he couldn't find a chance to break through the obstacles and chase after his ex-girlfriend.

And what Sun Qi was most concerned about was not whether to call the police, but whether it would lead to bad consequences if she showed Ge Yue's photo to Gu Xin, because she knew very well that the child in Ge Yue's belly belonged to Gu Lei—— ——Gu Qingyu once called her to ask her what she meant, saying that if she wanted to, she would match her with Gu Lei. Her answer was yes, but things were not going well. A few days ago, she had the cheek to ask how Gu Qingyu was doing. What she got was The answer is rather vague.

She really couldn't figure out who else was better than her around Gu Lei, so she investigated carefully, and finally found out through tracking that Gu Lei had been in contact with Ge Yue, and from the body shape, Ge Yue was pregnant.

So, that's why he was hesitant to marry her after she gave her a very clear signal.

Speaking of it, his behavior is pretty scumbag, but he was set up as a scumbag in the early morning, isn't it all from the residents of Wanziyuan community that he has a wife and son, and a toad wants to eat swan meat, thinking about his cousin? Did the girlfriend start it?


the next day.

Ge Rushan's family.

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

There was a rapid and dull knock on the door outside.


Ge Yue pushed open the bedroom door, buttoned up the buttons of the coral fleece pajamas, walked to the door with the cotton slippers on, peeked through the cat's eyes, and then pressed the doorknob and pulled it in.

A man with an angry face appeared in the corridor.

"I need an explanation."

Looking at the man who almost became her husband, Ge Yue said lightly, "Come in and talk." After speaking, he turned around, walked to the three-seater sofa in the living room and sat down.

Gu Xin endured his anger and walked into the living room, glanced around, but didn't find Ge Rushan and Deng Fang's couple, so he became more courageous, gritted his teeth and said: "Ge Yue, what do you mean?"

"what do you mean?"

Ge Yue asked knowingly, and after speaking, he didn't know whether he was deliberately provocative, or he remembered the doctor's order, picked up the plate on the coffee table and ate half of the folic acid capsules, took one out, put it in his mouth, and took it with water.

Gu Xin didn't have any patience with Sun Qi at all, and almost yelled: "I told you to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through divorce procedures, and you kept making excuses of one kind or another to refuse to go, what on earth are you trying to do? Who is the child in your stomach? of?"

Ge Yue put down the cup in his hand and looked up at him.


"You fart!" Gu Xin pointed at her excitedly: "You and I are very clear about this matter, I have never touched you at all, I will ask you again, whose child is it?"

"Gu Lei's, twins, how are you? He's pretty good, right?"

Her expression was calm, her eyes were calm, and her tone was calm.

However, when this name fell into Gu Xin's ears, it was a bolt from the blue.

The ex-girlfriend was fucked by Gu Lei.

The ex-wife is pregnant with Gu Lei's child.

Is there anything more tragic and infuriating than this in the world?

"Why?! Why are you doing this?"

He was on the verge of going berserk, with a ferocious face, tense nerves, and a straight body, just like a wounded beast.

Ge Yue said, "Revenge on you, okay?"

Hearing this answer, he understood.

Ge Yue did not want to divorce him on purpose. In this way, the two are still husband and wife legally, so if she slept with Gu Lei and had a child within the marriage, it would be equivalent to cuckolding him.

I thought that what happened to Sun Qi was already Gu Lei's biggest humiliation to him, but I didn't expect that there was a big thunder waiting for him here.


He stepped down and kicked the bench in front of the coffee table away.

Gu Lei!

That bastard was driving him crazy.


Just as he was yelling at Ge Yue, there was a sound of water flushing from the direction of the bathroom, and then the door opened to the outside.

"Ge Yue, didn't I tell you to take a good rest in the room? If you do this, you will scare the child. What if you get gas?"

No wonder Ge Rushan and Deng Fang were not at home, it turned out to make room for the tryst between the daughter and the son-in-law.

Gu Xin looked at the instigator of all this, who dared to show his love face to face and hand out a turtle card after being approached by the sufferer, it could be said to be too deceitful.

"Gu Lei!"

With a roar, he turned the anger he had accumulated in the past two days into a fist full of hatred.


There was a crisp crash.

When fists and palms intersected, Gu Xin felt that his entire arm was crippled, but the man on the opposite side didn't feel it, and looked at him with a half-smile.

"Just this bit of anger? You are too useless."

After provoking Lin Yue, he let go of his palm.

Gu Xin took a step back, his expression changed, and he waved his other hand out.

This time Lin Yue didn't catch it directly, the knife in his palm fell and struck Lai Fist Tiger's mouth.


Gu Xin groaned miserably, covered her wrist, and bowed her back in pain.

After such a moment, he saw a fruit knife for peeling fruit in the fruit plate at the corner of the coffee table, and gritted his teeth to grab it.

Lin Yue suddenly stretched out his foot and hooked it underneath.


Gu Xin hit the ground face down.

"While I don't think it's dangerous, you're going to scare my kids."

Lin Yue walked up to Ge Yue, hugged her waist and sat down. After Gu Xin took a breath, he raised his bruised and swollen head and patted the armrest of the sofa.

"Now can we study how to humiliate your parents?"

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