Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2195 Don't Pretend, It's a Showdown (Two in One)

a week later.

Wuzhong Road, Huidexuan.

On the wall facing the door of the box is a very Hui style ink painting, the dining table and chairs are also antique, the chandelier is also professionally designed, and there is a circle of milky white column lights outside, surrounding the big lantern in the middle .

More importantly, the private room is large enough, with tables and chairs for eating, and a balcony for drinking tea and watching the scenery. The purple sand tea set and pink flower arrangement look pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, the environment is nice."

Gao Chang walked into the private room, took a look at the environment, and showed a surprised smile on his face. He thought that Gu Shihai was the host, so he must save and save, search and search again, it’s not that kind of roadside shop, the fly restaurant is good , if you want to talk about a restaurant with a bit of class, counting on your fingers, there are only two times, one time when Gu Xin was admitted to a key university, and one time when Gu Xin and Ge Yue got engaged.

As for the choice of Portman for the wedding, it was the Ge family's idea.

"Hey, this private room is quite spacious."

Gu Shilian walked in from the outside with the old lady on her arm, and was quite surprised by the configuration of the private room.

"Mom, Shilian, you are here."

Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai, who were standing on the balcony watching the scenery outside, heard the voice coming from the door, and hurried forward to greet them.

Gao Chang said: "Brother, sister-in-law, it's not cheap to have a meal here, right? It's just a bit far away."

Gu Shihai let the old lady take a seat at the front door: "It's been a long time since our family got together, let's go out and have a good meal."

Gao Chang said with a half smile but not a smile: "Brother will spend the money."

"I'm the boss, I should."

Seeing the smile on his face, Gu Shihai felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Why did you choose a restaurant so far away from where you live? Because it just opened and there was an event. When Su Wangdi went outside to distribute flyers, she picked up a 20% discount coupon for Huidexuan, and matched it with the opening package. It can achieve 50% off, and the standard of 2,000 yuan for 1,000 yuan, saves money and saves face, how great.

Gu Shilian hung her coat on the hanger near the door, walked to a place half a meter away from the old lady and sat down, the middle seat was reserved for her second brother Gu Shihong.

"By the way, where is Gu Xin? Why didn't Gu Xin come?"

"Ask Gu Xin." Su Wangdi said, "I got a call in the morning and went out with a friend, saying that I went to investigate some project. He knows this place, so come later."

Gu Shilian glanced at Gao Chang, who smiled back.

Before coming here, she was wondering whether she should talk to Gu Xin before eating. After all, she was an aunt, and she always wanted to save some face for her nephew. Gao Chang, it was still her previous idea, to embarrass Gu Shihai and his wife. Come on, I can only say that God is on Gao Chang's side.

Boom boom boom...

At this time someone knocked on the door, and when they looked back, they saw that Gu Shihong had arrived, wearing a slightly thicker linen suit and clean-shaven. I wonder if he is angry with his son and daughter—one is promiscuous everywhere, making it popular all over the Internet, and when the father goes to the vegetable market, he is pointed at by others, and when he goes to pick up the little tiger, he will also encounter all kinds of weird eyes. One was married to the Shi family. From mother to son, he was a wonderful woman. He was recently married and divorced. Anyway, none of them made him feel at ease.

"Mom, brother, sister-in-law."

"Shihong is here, come to Mom."

The old lady patted the position on the right hand side, and said that she hadn't seen her second son for more than half a month, and she missed her very much.

"Look at you, you are so worried that your hair has turned gray a lot."

"Mom, I haven't dyed my hair for a long time."

Gu Shihong sat down beside her, looked at the empty table, glanced around and said, "Have you ordered?"

Gao Chang pouted at Gu Shihai, meaning the boss ordered.


Gu Shihong nodded.

"Gu Yin, how many times have I told you not to run around, don't run around, let me see you next time, and don't go home for me."

"Mom, stop pinching, it hurts."

A figure flashed at the door, and Feng Xiaoqin and Little Tiger walked in. The former grabbed the latter's clothes, while the latter frowned, and there was a red mark on his chubby face.

Gu Shihong was a little distressed: "Xiaoqin, the child is not sensible, what is wrong with him, you can tell him well, don't do anything."

Feng Xiaoqin glanced at him, didn't take his father-in-law's words seriously, took off the thin black shirt without a collar, took the little tiger by the hand, walked to the chair near the door and sat down.

The old lady patted her second son's hand and whispered, "Are her parents still living at home?"

Gu Shihong nodded slightly.

"Her brother had an accident, and her parents were worried, so they must not be at ease if she left like this."

"Then let them live at home forever?"

"Just add a pair of chopsticks. Mom, don't worry about it." Gu Shihong didn't want to hide it from her, but he knew he couldn't hide it. Gu Shilian could hide this matter for a while, but not forever.

"Then who lives in my room?"

"Xiaoqin and the little tiger."

Look at the great-grandson, the old lady stopped talking.

Gu Shihong knew that the old lady had endured it, so why didn't he? The entire Gu family, Gu Xin was not married, Gu Shilian and Gao Chang couldn't have a child, so they went to the orphanage to adopt a daughter, and the fourth generation of the Gu family only had a little tiger. The child loves his mother again, so what should he do if he is a grandfather? Are you as unscrupulous as Gu Lei, throwing Feng Xiaoqin and her parents out of the house? With the daughter-in-law's mouth, what kind of education will the little tiger be like? If he turns against the Gu family in the future, even if he dies, he will never rest in peace.

Everyone thinks that he is easy to bully and too weak, but he can only do this, because Gu Lei has already slandered, if he doesn't show his face to others, there is room for maneuver in everything, which makes Feng Xiaoqin anxious, really pulling the little tiger How about jumping off a building?

Crying, making trouble and hanging three times, shrew three treasures, some people hate it deeply, but it is undeniable that it is easy to use, because it can disgust a family for many years, and it can hurt the feelings of the elderly most. As the saying goes, the Yun family and all things prosper, young people who are not married and have no children cannot understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Grandma, Dad, aunt, uncle." With the sound of pattering footsteps, Gu Qingyu walked in from the outside, and everyone was not surprised by this. Basically, as long as you go out to meet people, high heels are standard, and sometimes you can change them twice a week. Ten pairs, different in the morning and evening. She also said that other girls love bags, but she loves high heels.

"Qing Yu, you're here."

Just as Gu Shilian was about to get up to say hello, Gu Qingyu stepped aside, letting out a man's figure.

She was taken aback.

The whole family was similar, even Gu Shihong was stunned, he didn't expect that she would bring someone over.

Also, what does this... mean?

"Zhanxiang needs no introduction, everyone knows him."

Gu Qingyu pulled out Boss Zhan, who shrank his feet back and hid his face to the side, and said in a low voice, "Who said downstairs just now that this was all a small scene, drizzle, now is your chance to express yourself, don't miss it."

Zhan Xiang was a little timid and nervous.

Yes, he has a lot of wine shops, and he has seen a lot of big bosses and leaders, but today is different. Gu Qingyu brought him to a family gathering, which somewhat meant meeting his parents.

The problem is that Gu Qingyu's father is Gu Shihong. This old man has always disliked him. He thinks that he came to Shanghai before finishing high school. It is more luck than skill that he can get what he is today. He is not good enough for her.

"Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, Uncle, Aunt, Uncle..." He was honest and shouted at the people at the dining table, but stopped when he reached Feng Xiaoqin. He didn't know whether to call her sister Qin as before or Follow Gu Qingyu's relationship.

"Zhan... Zhanxiang, right? Come, sit, sit." The old lady showed an amiable side, smiled and waved, signaling him to hurry to the table.

Gu Shihong remained silent, his eyeballs slanted against Gu Qingyu.

The last time I got married with Shi Yuan, there was a prelude, no one notified, I went directly to get the marriage certificate, and then took Shi Yuan to everyone to recognize my relatives under the pretext of treating guests to dinner. What can he do? Turn your face on the spot and take your daughter's hand to the Civil Affairs Bureau to file for a divorce? But what is the result of this marriage? At least in the Wanziyuan community, it can be said that it is notorious and ended hastily.

What about now? She played this trick again, knowing that he didn't like Zhan Xiang, and brought Zhan Xiang to meet his parents.

"Dad, this is the wine that Zhan Xiang brought."

Gu Qingyu pulled up the sleeve of the bottoming shirt, lifted the gift bag behind Zhan Xiang, and put it on the turntable in the middle of the dining table.

Kweichow Moutai.

In China, the pattern in the middle of the brown gift bag is known to everyone except the blind.

Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi's faces were not very good-looking, because the two bottles of Yanghehaizhilan they brought over looked very stingy.

The standard of 1,000 yuan, two bottles of Haizhilan, if you count the value alone, you can buy a bottle of Feitian Moutai together, they still have some common sense.

Gao Chang and Gu Shilian looked at each other, the former chuckled, his heart was like a mirror.

Why did Gu Qingyu bring Zhan Xiang to the family banquet? On the one hand, she wanted to say goodbye to Shi Yuan's marriage. On the other hand, she also knew that Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi had no good intentions in instigating the family gathering. Most likely it was to see Gu Shihong's joke. As a daughter, of course, she couldn't let her Father made a fool of himself. The purpose of bringing Zhan Xiang here is to show my uncle and aunt. She Gu Qingyu kicked Shi Yuan and the big boss Zhan Xiang seamlessly connected in marriage, unlike their Gu Xin, whose ex-girlfriend chased after her No, the job is gone.

"It's such a good wine. Let me see. Kweichow Moutai is still from 2013. I need to drink two more glasses today, isn't it, big brother, second brother?"

Gao Chang has always been a watcher who doesn't take too much trouble, ignored Gu Shilian's warning, pulled the gift bag on the turntable, took out a bottle of wine from it, held it in his hand and looked back and forth, looking around, While watching it, they talked about how good this wine is and why it is so popular, which made the old couple very angry.

Da da da……

"Hello, may I ask... is the food ready?"

Hearing a knock on the door, a waiter wearing a short cheongsam with a lotus print came in and asked with a smile.

This somewhat eased the embarrassment of Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai.

Just when the old lady was about to ask Gu Shihong if his grandson would come, a familiar male voice came from outside.

"Let's serve."

It's Gu Lei.

Including Feng Xiaoqin and the little tiger, all the family members at the dining table looked up at the door of the private room.

Soon, Lin Yue's face appeared in everyone's field of vision.

But he didn't come alone, he was followed by Feng Xiaoqin's younger sister Feng Qianqian.

Gao Chang looked at Feng Xiaoqin, then at Feng Qianqian, and thought it was interesting, sisters duel.

You must know that Feng Xiqin is Feng Xiaoqin's younger sister. She has never attended before, and she is not qualified to attend the Gu family banquet. Today Feng Xiaoqin came with Gu Shihong, and Feng Qianqian came with Gu Lei. who? Obviously, Gu Lei's wife.

My sister stays with me, my sister fucks hard.

It is said that the Gu family was messed up by Gu Lei, but this Feng not much better than the Gu family.

He was excited, and Gu Shihai and Su Wangdi were also very excited, because even if they didn't say anything, Feng Xiaoqin and sisters Feng Xiqian were on the same stage, which was a big show in itself.


Zhan Xiang felt his scalp tingling. Last weekend Gu Qingyu ate a bad stomach. He ran to the hospital to take care of him. Afterwards, the relationship between the two quickly heated up. Yesterday Gu Qingyu called him and asked him to attend a family reunion. He was very excited at the time. Just call Gu Lei to announce the good news——Without the interference of his brother-in-law, Shi Yuan and Gu Qingyu would not be able to divorce, and he would have no chance to take advantage of it, so he has always regarded Gu Lei as his brother-in-law-to-be and benefactor. It was well said at the time, it was an ordinary family dinner, and there would be no unpleasant things happening. How could he have known that he was put on... no, it should be said twice.

Gu Qingyu said that it was rare to have a party, and it was the first time he met his parents, so he had to bring at least two bottles of good wine, and Gu Shihong liked to drink white wine, so he bought two bottles of Feitian Moutai in 2013, thinking of the strong three sauces and five. However, as soon as he entered the door, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. When Gu Qingyu brought the gift bag to the dining table, his aunt and uncle looked at him differently.

Now that Gu Lei brought Feng Qianqian here again, the atmosphere in the room became even more uncomfortable. To him, an outsider, it was simply a disaster on earth.

"What are you doing in a daze? Go."

Rather than saying that the waiter was driven away by Lin Yue, it was better to say that he was pardoned. Anyway, he walked in such a hurry that he almost tripped him.

"sit down."

Lin Yue walked to a place two places away from Su Wangdi and pulled up the chair, settled Feng Qianxi, and sat down next to her.

Feng Xixi has dressed up carefully, her hairstyle is no longer a mediocre long ponytail, but a wavy curl, her makeup is also ladylike, and she has no aura. leather shoes.

And Feng Xiaoqin is opposite her. If you want to talk about people's feelings, one is as harsh as a knife, one is calm and introverted, one has anger written on his face, and the other is full of confidence. Therefore, the left and right of the dining table are like two distinct world.

Also, Feng Xiaoqin is 38, Feng Qianqian is 25, one has a yellow face, one is in youth, one has given birth to a child, one is single and has no children, one is full of calculations, one is obedient... Any man with a smart mind knows how to choose.

Gu Qingyu arranged for Zhan Xiang to get close to Feng Xiaoqin, but as soon as his butt touched the chair, he bounced up as if sitting on a nail, and moved to the right side of the goddess with a pleading face.

No one spoke, and silence was worse than a storm.

Boom boom boom...

There was a knock on the door, and the waiter who entered the room with a plate saved the people in the private room.

There are six appetizers, Wushan tribute goose, mountain fungus, beef tendon with pepper, yam millennium fruit, boneless duck feet, and small crispy melon for appetizers.

After laying out the dishes, the last waiter said slowly and left.

"Come on, eat vegetables, eat vegetables, Mom, try this Wushan tribute goose, this is the signature dish in the shop." Gu Shihai picked up a goose leg for the old lady, watched her chew and eat half of it slowly, touched it Touch my wife's feet.

Su Wangdi was holding a duck paw until her mouth was full of oil. After receiving the signal from the man, she said without raising her head: "Gu Lei, my auntie advises you, this wife should be the original match. Xiaoqin married to Gu's family so well For many years, from the mother to the little tiger, they have taken care of them meticulously. She is a good wife and mother. If you say you insist on getting a divorce, marry another one. Regardless of what outsiders think, how old the little tiger will be. , he wants to hate you to death."

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