Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2196 End of Volume - Ge Yue Chapter (Two in One)

Feng Xiqian gave Su Wangdi a hard look.

The old lady in the countryside was not timid at all, and looked at her with her swollen eyes blinking.

Feng Xiaoqin on the opposite side was very proud.

In fact, she also knew that what Su Wangdi said was trying to provoke the relationship between the two sisters. In the past, she would definitely have slapped this old guy with shame, but now it is different. What about Gu Lei?

Children are not only the weakness of their parents, but also the weakness of the elderly.

There are so many marriages and divorces in the society, young people can be willful, but can the elderly? Isn't it generally the older generation of the divorced parties who wipe the ass of the younger generation?

So, the royal family with the least lack of heirs has the saying that mothers are more expensive than children, not to mention that only a good family is born in modern times.

With a little tiger by her side, it is equivalent to mastering Shang Fang's sword. She can anger the old lady at the top, retreat Gu Qingyu at the bottom, and threaten Gu Shihong and Feng Xixi in the middle? What to fight with her, what's wrong with Gu Lei's love, he has no house, no money, no job now, could it be possible for him to raise a son in the future? Eat soft rice?

Lin Yue said: "So, Auntie, according to your opinion, should parents give up their lives for the sake of their children?"

Feng Xiqian looked back and looked at him worriedly.

Before bringing her here, he said that this test would have to be passed sooner or later, and if Auntie wanted to bring Zhan Xiang to the banquet, he would take her to the banquet. As the old saying goes, good things come in pairs.

She knew that Feng Xiaoqin would definitely come, so even if she had to bite the bullet, she would come.

My elder sister knew that once she showed weakness on occasions like meeting her family, she would never even think about raising her head in front of Feng Xiaoqin in the future.

"Sister-in-law, please don't say a few words." Gu Shihong also disliked whether Su Wangdi could not open the pot and carried it. As a people's teacher, he usually didn't think of people as bad, and felt that sister-in-law was the same as before, just talking But the brain, the heart is not bad, otherwise why did she and her elder brother spend so much money to invite the whole family to dinner? This was unthinkable before.

"Shihong, I have good intentions, don't I, I'm in charge." Su Wangdi touched Gu Shihai, and seeing that he still had the attitude of "I don't want to be a villain, and you are the one to charge forward when you offend people like this", she turned her head to look at Gu Shihong again. Said: "Na Shihong, let me tell you, do you like Xiaoqin or Qianqian?"


Gu Shihong was so questioned that he didn't know what to say.

He despises Feng Xiaoqin, but mother and child are one, offending Feng Xiaoqin is like messing up the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.

As for Feng Qianqian, he would be happy to see his son find a young, beautiful, well-behaved and obedient person, but as a people's teacher, he can't do such things that ruin his reputation,'s difficult.

Gao Chang looked at the embarrassed second brother, knowing that it was almost time, he said playfully, "Sister-in-law, according to your opinion, it is right for an adult to make any sacrifice for the sake of the child, right?"

"That's right." Su Wangdi put down her chopsticks, with a look of reason and madness: "Look at you and Shilian, you and Shi Lian gave up such a big Zhou Zhang just to have a child. This Duo Duo was not born by myself, but was adopted by the orphanage, and it is also regarded as If it’s her own, she even sold the house in order to get her out of the country.”

Boss Gu Shilian was not happy about what she said, and a mouthful of water stuck in her throat, almost choking herself.

Su Wangdi didn't seem to notice it, and continued: "Your elder brother and I are the same. Back in the day, we saved Gu Xin and raised Gu Xin. You don't know what kind of life we ​​lived."

"It's been hard work." Gao Chang nodded: "Then for the sake of grandson, elder brother, and sister-in-law, you have to make persistent efforts and suffer more in the future."

At first Su Wangdi thought he was talking about her and Gu Shihai's "child" Gu Xin, and nodded seriously, taking a bite of the sweet and sour pickled cucumber before realizing it.

"Wait, Gao Chang, what are you talking about? Grandson?"

"Yes, grandson."

One sentence attracted everyone's attention.

Before coming to the party, Gu Shilian thought about what Gao Chang was going to do, and she was a little bit psychologically burdened. Now, it's gone. She just wants to see how Su Wangdi and Gu Shihai can set an example, or slap themselves.

"Brother, sister-in-law, to tell you the truth, Ge Yue's mother came to see us last weekend."

Gu Shihai couldn't help asking: "What does she want from you?"

"Make peace."

"Say peace?"

"Yes, Ge Yue is pregnant, twins, Gu Xin's."

What? !

Gu Shihai and his wife stood up in shock and stared at Gao Chang in disbelief.

"What did you say? I didn't catch it."

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, just sit down and talk." Gao Chang waved his hand, motioning them to sit down, and then said unhurriedly: "Ge Yue's mother is Deng Fang, right? Yes, it's Deng Fang, she went to find us , said that Ge Yue is pregnant with Gu Xin's child, or twins, let us do your work for the sake of the child and see if we can avoid a divorce."

Gu Qingyu was overjoyed, and thought that this uncle was really interesting. Thinking about the conversation just now, he deliberately took Su Wangdi into the ditch. Now it's all right, let's see how you answer.

"Dad, I remember you said that Ge Yue's mother also went to our house to look for you, and wanted you to come forward to make peace, right?"

"That's what happened."

"No wonder Ge Yue has been refusing to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate. It turns out that he is pregnant with Gu Xin's child, twins. How rare, who would be willing to fight? Uncle, aunt, then you see, for the sake of the child, let Gu Xin Let's make do with Xin and Ge Yue, anyway, he doesn't have a girlfriend right now."

This is true, using Su Wangdi's statement just now to treat him in his own way, not to mention, he also focused on the fact that Gu Xin does not have a girlfriend.

Of course he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore, because the ex-girlfriend he wanted to get back was slept by Gu Lei.


Su Wangdi is very uncomfortable, do you object? He just told Gu Lei to make do with Feng Xiaoqin for the sake of the little tiger, and asked Gu Shihong to persuade him. Now that it's Gu Xin's turn, his attitude has changed? Isn't that slapping yourself in the face?

Lin Yue said: "Uncle, Aunt, aren't you afraid that the twin grandsons will hate you when they grow up?"

The old lady also persuaded: "Shihai, Wangdi, twins, they are very rare."

"I... we... It's not like you don't know Gu Xin's personality, we can't persuade you."

When Ge Rushan was in power, Su Wangdi was outspoken, seeing Ge Yue as a problem, even if Gu Xin was unemployed now, she still thought that Ge Yue was not worthy of a talented son.

Gu Qingyu said: "If you can't persuade Gu Xin, you think my dad can persuade Gu Lei? Auntie, uncle, you are the eldest in this family, so you can set an example."

"Old man."

Su Wangdi looked at Gu Shihai with pleading eyes.

Gu Qingyu and Gu Lei's siblings kept talking about each other, two against one, and she couldn't fix it.

Regrettably, her expectations were in vain, and Gu Shihai did nothing, choosing to remain silent on this sensitive issue.

Da da da……


Just when she was in a dilemma and was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say, the door of the private room opened, and her precious son Gu Xin walked in from the outside.

It was cold, and he was still wearing the standard off-white coat that he used to work in the Customs Working Committee. His appearance was very stable, but his expression was not stable. If he had to use one word to describe it, it would be "flashing with anger".

"Gu Lei!"

Accompanied by this shout, he walked up to Lin Yue, grabbed his collar and punched him.


Lin Yue dodged sideways, took advantage of the opportunity to hold the fist that his cousin swung, and whispered in his ear: "Is the fake show right?"

"Gu Xin!"

"Gu Xin, what are you doing?"

Gu Shihong, Gu Shihai, and Gu Shilian became anxious when they saw their cousins ​​attacking each other as soon as they met. They quickly got up from their seats and went to the two people who were constantly tugging to persuade them to fight.

The waiter who came to serve the hot dishes at the door was stunned. He didn't know whether to continue serving the dishes, or avoid the limelight and bring the dishes back to the kitchen. To be honest, it was quite hot.

"Gu Xin, let go, what can't you say well." Gu Qingyu walked over to separate the two: "Why did you hit him?"

Gu Xin said angrily: "You said what good things you did."

"I have done a lot of good things, helping the blind to cross the road, helping the traffic police uncle to direct traffic, sticking boards on the mouse holes, taking stray male cats to be neutered... Which one do you say?"

Gu Qingyu wished he could sew his mouth shut, whatever he could do, he was the first to cause trouble.

Gu Xin turned her head to look at the box door, and said angrily, "You still not coming in?"

Everyone followed his gaze, only to see the restaurant waiter holding a blue and white platter with free-range rooster in it, looking at them with embarrassment.

Who did Gu Xin let in? waiter? But what does this have to do with Gu Lei?

Just when everyone was looking at each other, not knowing what the words meant, a woman slipped through the door and entered the room.

A pregnant woman, to be exact.

A navy blue anti-radiation maternity dress was worn over a puff-sleeved T-shirt, black and white hairpins were pinned behind the ears, and the hair was pulled back, with a plain face and no makeup applied.

"Ge Yue?"

Gu Qingyu was taken aback, looked at Weilong's lower abdomen, and found that she was indeed pregnant, as uncle said, about six or seven months old, but she didn't raise her baby at home, what did she come to Huidexuan with Gu Xin? ?

As far as brains are concerned, Gu Qingyu is the top two in the Gu family, and no one dares to be the number one. Thinking of Gu Xin's punching of his younger brother, his head buzzed, and a scalp-numbing guess burst out in his heart.

Zhan Xiang was unresponsive in this regard, seeing the waiter carrying hot dishes in a dilemma, he kindly went to pick them up.

When Gu Qingyu saw it, he hurried over to tear the person away, told the waiter not to serve the food, closed the door, walked to Ge Yue silently, and blocked the person behind him.

"Qing Yu, why..."

"you shut up."

Zhan Xiang was choked back by her words, unable to understand what happened to her.

Fortunately, this question has an answer soon.

Gu Xin said: "Ge Yue, you say it yourself, your family is here, say it in front of everyone."

Ge Yue: "..."

"You don't say it? Are you sorry to say it? If you don't say it, I will help you." Gu Xin pointed to Lin Yue and said, "Did you see the twins in her stomach? Yours."

What? !

One stone stirred up waves, and everyone in the room, except Gu Qingyu and the little tiger, were dumbfounded—the former guessed it, and the latter was not sensible enough.

The child in Ge Yue's belly belongs to Gu Lei?

Feng Qianqian was anxious, and pushed Gu Xin in a hurry: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gao Chang and Gu Shilian looked at each other with weird faces.

Didn't Deng Fang say that the child belongs to Gu Xin? How did he become Gu Lei's? This turn is too fast, maybe there will be a car accident.

Gu Shihong also thought he was talking nonsense: "Gu Xin, what basis do you have for saying this?"

"According? Is it based?" Gu Xin took out two pieces of paper from his trouser pocket, shook them off and patted them on the table: "Look at what this is."

Gu Shihong held it in his hand and looked at it, only to see "DNA Test Report" written in the header, and below it was a list of various data.

He couldn't understand it, and neither could Gu Shilian and the others.

Gu Xin explained: "Ge Yue said that the child is mine and has been refusing to file for a divorce, but I figured the time was not right, so I took her to the hospital for a paternity test five days ago, and I promise that if the test results show that the child is mine I will not get a divorce, and live with her for the sake of the child. The results came out today, and the doctor told me that the child in her womb is not mine, but it has a certain degree of compatibility and meets the standards of collateral blood relatives within three generations. After that, under my persecution, She told about the matter with Gu Lei. That's right, the child belongs to him, and if you count the time, you can match up."

Gu Shihong looked at Lin Yue and said, "Gu Lei, let me ask you, is what Gu Xin said true?"

Only then did he pretend to be awakened, scratched his scalp, and said with a little uncertainty: "Maybe, probably, it's possible."

Feng Xiqian grabbed his wrist as if she had been hit hard, so hard that her skin turned red: "Brother-in-law, what do you mean by that...?"

Lin Yue said embarrassingly: "Didn't I mess up Gu Xin's wedding before we were still together? I saw Ge Yue's condition was not good, so I did something for her with a trace of guilt. To alleviate her frustration, once we had a dinner together and drank too much, she just got divorced, and I, my family was frustrated, so... I couldn't hold on, I don't know which time I won, or the two."

He was very honest and spoke in great detail, but the expressions of those who heard the news were complicated and weird.

Comforting my sister-in-law and comforting her on the bed, the key is that she is still pregnant, the more important thing is that she is pregnant with two, and the more important thing is that Ge Yue thinks it is Gu Xin's... What the hell, do you think the Gu family is not messy enough? One Feng Xiaoqin, one Feng Xiqian, it's okay for the sisters to compete for favor, and Cheng Yaojin came out halfway to recognize their relatives with a big belly, what's the matter? What to do!

Gu Shihong felt that this son must have come to seek revenge on him.

The old lady doesn't think so, twins, Gu Shihong gave birth to a pair of twins, if Gu Lei also gave birth to a pair of twins, is it God's will? Compared with Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Qianqian, if Ge Yue is willing to marry Gu Lei...she But you have to give it a thumbs up.


chi chi...

There was a farting sound, Gu Qingyu looked back and found that it was Zhan Xiang.

He's not farting, he's laughing, the kind he's trying to hold back but can't hold back.

"Why are you laughing? Is this funny?"

Zhan Xiang quickly waved his hands: "It's not funny, it's not funny, it's not funny at all."

But his expression betrayed his mood perfectly.

The main thing is, this Gu Lei is too capable. Before this year, no matter how you look at it, he was an honest man, and he could even be called a wimpy man... In Sichuan dialect, it is called raking ears, but a year later, look what he has done, Feng Qianqian ---Sister-in-law, Ge Yue--sister-in-law, Sun Qi--cousin's ex-girlfriend, he just plucked the weeds by the side of the nest, you can see that Gu Xin is bald.

"Some people think that if they listen to four cards, they will win the game. They didn't expect to be cut off." Feng Xiaoqin said eccentrically: "The children are six or seven months old, and they are still twins. They can't induce labor."

Feng Xixi knew that she was mocking herself, and replied bitterly: "What are you proud of? After the child is born, the little tiger is not the only child of the fourth generation of the Gu family. Can you still kidnap them with the little tiger?"

No one expected that the two sisters would pinch each other for this matter.

The little tiger looked at his mother, then at his second aunt, and with a bitter face, he picked up a tissue to wipe the grease from the corner of his mouth when he gnawed on the duck's paw. At such a young age, he still doesn't know what Aunt Ge's big belly means.

"I can't afford to raise one of them, but twins? Who will take care of them after birth? It's really embarrassing to say it." Knowing that her son didn't have to marry Ge Yue, Su Wangdi felt a lot more relaxed.

Gao Chang glanced at her, and said casually, "Shi Lian, tell she cheating in marriage?"

Gu Shilian said: "Can't you just say a few words less?"

This point out a very interesting logic.

From a legal point of view, Ge Yue slept with Gu Lei during the duration of their marriage and was pregnant with his child. It would be embarrassing for Gu Shihai's family to be ashamed. Gu Lei... the old Wang next door, um, everyone shouted and beat him. people envy.

Gu Shihai's face was longer than a donkey's.

Originally, he wanted to see Gu Shihong make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect it to be a pro-recognition meeting. The person who almost became his daughter-in-law turned his face and planted seeds for his younger brother's son.

Boom boom boom...


The door lock slammed softly, and a woman in her thirties, wearing a suit and shirt, pushed open the door and asked with a polite smile, "Guests, is this dish... still available?"

She should be the store manager of Hui Dexuan. If there is something wrong with the rose hall, the waiter will report the information, so of course she will come to visit.

"What to serve, don't eat."

Gu Shihai poured out his resentment on her head.

The female store manager didn't dare to speak, so she quickly closed the door and left. Zhan Xiang wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but was grabbed by Gu Qingyu.

He regretted coming here.

You can't believe Gu Laoer's words about ordinary dinner parties.

At this moment, Gao Chang's cell phone rang, he took it out and looked at it, frowning and put it to his ear.

After finishing a few words, the son-in-law of the Gu family glanced around and told everyone the worse news——Ge Yue's parents had arrived.

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