Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2200 Other People at the End of the Volume (Continued) (Two in One)

"Feng...Feng Xiaoqin, what nonsense are you talking about, it's obviously your wish."

Shi Zhiwei was so angry that his eyes widened, he wished he could strangle this talkative master to death.

Yes, he drank, but this level is not even five points drunk. He remembered what happened just now clearly and clearly. If Feng Xiaoqin didn't want to refuse and welcome, how could he go on.

"Sister-in-law Guo, you've seen it all, it's him...he's molesting me." Feng Xiaoqin said loudly, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and dialed 110: "Boss Shi, why did you push me to send my parents away?" When you go back, you kindly invited me to live in Xianyun Pavilion, so it turns out that you have no good intentions from the very beginning."

"Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, don't call the police, don't call the police."

How dare Shi Zhiwei allow her to call the police. Once the police arrive and the case is filed, it will be a big trouble.

He's usually inconspicuous, and everyone says he's obscene, but being insignificant doesn't mean he's stupid, like this kind of thing, as long as the woman bites you to death and QJ her, it's indisputable.

When he prevented Feng Xiaoqin from calling the police, Ren Ming kept on recording at the door, and asked very kindly, "Xiaoqin, do you want me to call 110 for you?"

"Get out, get out, it's all because of you!"

Shi Zhiwei pointed to Ren Ming and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will fire you immediately."

"Boss Shi, how dare you be so arrogant after doing such a bad thing!" Ren Ming said to Feng Xiaoqin, "Xiaoqin, don't be afraid of him. I am here, and your eldest brother is also downstairs."

Shi Zhiwei became furious and threw out the oranges from the fruit plate on the coffee table, scaring the onlookers at the door to jump. He closed the door and locked it from the inside, ignoring the knocking on the door outside, and walked up to Feng Xiaoqin. He said kindly, "Xiaoqin, I know you were frightened by her and said that because you panicked, right?"

Feng Xiaoqin said loudly: "Boss Shi, you open the door. I will tell you to open the door. If you don't open it again, I will not only sue you for QJ, but also for illegal detention. can go to jail."

Shi Zhiwei's eyeballs rolled around for a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he tentatively said, "Tell me, how much do you want?"

Feng Xiaoqin said, "It's not about money, you're committing a crime."

It is not about money, but the real situation is about money. Who is Boss Shi? A businessman, or a profiteer, is not able to grasp the psychology of both sides of the transaction——Feng Xiaoqin's tone became weaker, and her eyes brightened, which showed that her heart was moved.

"As long as you don't call the police, it's not a crime. You say, how much money you don't call the police."

Feng Xiaoqin didn't speak immediately, she lowered her head and thought for a while: "One million."

one million?

Shi Zhiwei said angrily: "You are talking like a lion, Feng Xiaoqin, what happened just now... You did it on purpose, right? You actually tricked me."

Feng Xiaoqin raised the phone: "If you think it's too expensive, then call the police and let the police judge the responsibility."

Is Shi Zhiwei her friend?


But this kind of friend is more nonsense than wine and meat friends.

Previously, Shi Zhiwei wanted to rent an idle clubhouse in the community, but Gu Shihong disagreed, so he colluded with her, the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, to conduct a questionnaire survey, promising to build an activity center for the elderly after renting the clubhouse, but he deceived a lot of people, Wangxing Pavilion was renovated, The residents of the community saw that there was no senior activity center at all, so they spread fire on her. They lost their jobs, lost face, didn't get any benefits, and even caused a lot of trouble.

In the end, Shi Zhiwei was blocked, and Feng Danian was found a place to stay, but because he couldn't control his own son, Feng Danian fell into the trap of selling pirated models. What happened today was just that Shi Zhiwei wanted to take revenge on Gu Lei, so he took her in. , and then contacted Shi Yuan about teaching English to children without a teacher qualification certificate. Based on the relationship between Shi Zhiwei and Zhan Xiang, would it be possible to know that Shi Yuan is a technical secondary school student? As a result, when the child's parents blocked him to speak, he turned his face and sold it to Shi Yuan. For a person like this, it would be irresponsible for him to trust him. Since he wanted to cuckold Gu Lei and was hit by Ren Ming If it is broken, then simply do one thing and keep going, and instead blackmail Shi Zhiwei a sum of money to solve the urgent need.

In the matter of betraying her "friend", she didn't have the slightest psychological burden.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't call the police, there is something to discuss." Shi Zhiwei said with a bitter face: "Xiaoqin, you also know that because of Gu Lei's report, my Wangxing Pavilion has been closed for a long time for rectification. After getting a good relationship and reopening, I have to lose money to the parents of the children. Money is tight, and I can't afford so much money. Please allow me to take it easy, okay? I will definitely get it all together for you within half a year. "

Feng Xiaoqin said categorically: "No, why did you tell the residents of the community when you rented the clubhouse? It's been almost half a year. Has the senior activity center been built yet? I haven't even seen a shadow of it. Boss Shi, your credit is with me. I have been bankrupt for a long time, just now, give it to me immediately, if you really can’t get it out, you can borrow it, there is a small loan company if my friend can’t borrow it, didn’t you introduce Mr. Hao of Youbang to me? One million can be paid on the same day, but if you talk to him, five million will be fine."

"This... this..."

Shi Zhiwei was both angry and regretful, the so-called cause of yesterday is the result of today, Feng Xiaoqin arranged him clearly.

"Qinqin, good Qinqin, 1 million is too much, I really can't get it out, can it be less, less."

Feng Xiaoqin said, "I didn't ask for this for myself."

"What's the meaning?"

"Why do you think sister Ren is so eager to help me? She has the video just now in her hand. If it is posted online, will my innocence be lost? How can I remarry in the future? And Gu Lei also has good reasons to sue for divorce, so at least Give her two to three hundred thousand yuan, and she will keep it secret for me."


Shi Zhiwei was still hesitating.

"Boss Shi, is a million dollars too much for you? A house in your Wanziyuan community is worth tens of millions. This million is nothing to you." Feng Xiaoqin said, "I'm only waiting for three of you. If the money hasn’t arrived on my card for three hours, then I’ll call the police and let the police handle the matter.”

have to.

"Okay, okay, just wait, I'm going to raise money for you right now."

What can Boss Shi do? He didn’t cuckold Gu Lei, but was blackmailed for 1 million. In the current situation, the attempted QJ is enough for him to drink a pot. In order to avoid going in and squatting for a few years, he can only spend money and avoid disaster. One million, Xianyun Pavilion As long as there are no accidents in the business, it will be profitable in a year or so.

Soon, Boss Shi borrowed 600,000 yuan from Mr. Hao of Youbang, plus the 400,000 yuan he could use, and made up a million yuan for Feng Xiaoqin.

That's it for this matter.

But even so, the night was spent in fear, worrying that the police would knock on the door in the middle of the night.

The next day, Shi Zhiwei came to the store in a hurry without washing his face, brushing his teeth, and untangling his hair, because the foreman called to tell him that Feng Xiaoqin had left, and Ren Ming and Guo Qiang were having a quarrel.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Rebellion, you guys."

Shi Zhiwei pushed open the door of the office and saw Guo Qiang and his wife sitting on the sofa in a big way. The man also put his leather shoes covered with oil and vegetable mud on several sides, which did not look like an employee at all.

Ren Ming said, "Boss Shi, let me ask you, where did Feng Xiaoqin go?"

"The feet are on her legs, how do I know where she went?"

"Then what happened yesterday, how did you talk about it?"

Shi Zhiwei was taken aback when he heard the words, and then thought about the attitude of Guo Qiang and his wife. He felt that something was wrong, so he turned away from the foreman who arrived in the morning and didn't know what happened last night. On the sofa: "Didn't she tell you?"

Ren Ming said, "What are you talking about?"

Shi Zhiwei asked again: "Did she not share your money?"

Ren Ming looked puzzled: "Split the money? What kind of money?"


Shi Zhiwei slapped his thigh. In fact, he wanted to slap himself in the face, but because Guo Qiang and his wife were around, it was not easy to do such a thing.

Hunting geese all day long, today I was pecked by a house sparrow.

No wonder Feng Xiaoqin ran so fast, it turned out that Ren Ming was not given any money, and she took the one million for herself.

"What happened last night, Feng Xiaoqin stole 1 million from me, saying that 300,000 was used to buy the video in your hand."

Now that the matter has developed to this point, there is naturally no need to hide it.

Guo Qiang and Ren Ming glanced at each other, feeling very angry.

Shi Zhiwei took out his mobile phone and called Feng Xiaoqin, but the result was that the phone was turned off.

Ren Ming didn't believe in evil, and tried to dial Feng Xiaoqin's phone, and also reminded the other party to turn off the phone. She was so angry that she threw the phone on the coffee table: "No, I'll go to Teacher Gu."

Guo Qiang said: "Teacher Gu drove her out of the house, what's the use of you looking for Teacher Gu?"

"Playing with me, how dare you play with me." Ren Ming picked up the phone again, and clicked on the keyboard with his hand: "Anyway, you are already shameless, Feng Xiaoqin, I will ruin your reputation."

Is this going to post the video taken last night on the Internet? Not to mention whether the police will intervene, whether Feng Xiaoqin will deny being QJ after intervening, the impact of the incident alone is enough for Boss Shi to drink a pot-this matter is no worse than a Rolls-Royce blocking the door, Promised to build an activity center for the elderly but did not build it, it would be a shame to throw it at grandma's house, and it would seriously affect the business of Xianyun Pavilion and Wangxing Pavilion.

In a hurry, Shi Zhiwei snatched her mobile phone away.

"What are you going to do? Can't send it."

To his surprise, Guo Qiang and his wife didn't snatch the phone and let her delete the video.

"Boss Shi, do you think we didn't make a backup before we came here? This is knowledge that can be learned from watching TV dramas. It is not allowed to post here. Let's go home and post it."

Guo Qiang's words painted a layer of azure color on his face, which has been doing spa for a long time.

"You threatened me?"

Guo Qiang raised his hands and said: "Heaven and earth conscience, Boss Shi is so kind to us and gave us a job opportunity. Although I have been deducting my salary as a cook without a chef certificate, the two of us can still cover our monthly living expenses together. Yes, it's too late to be grateful, why would you threaten you, we did this just to discredit Feng Xiaoqin."

After speaking, he looked at Ren Ming and said, "The relatives and friends in her hometown should be able to see it? Should they be able to?"

Shi Zhiwei said: "If you want to take revenge on her, don't involve me."

Guo Qiang stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand, and pretended to shake hands with him.

"Boss Shi, thank you for allowing our couple to work in Xianyun Pavilion, but it is really difficult for outsiders to gain a foothold in Shanghai. We decided to take our children back to our hometown."

"Don't." Shi Zhiwei said anxiously: "Tell me, how much money do you want?"

"Boss Shi, it's not about money. The key is that what Feng Xiaoqin did is too shameless. Oh, who is blackmailing you in the name of my daughter-in-law?" He is not the same as selling expired food to the elderly.

"300,000." Shi Zhiwei stretched out three fingers: "Just treat it as my money to buy out the video copyright, how about it?"

Guo Qiang glanced at his wife.

The latter said nothing.

He turned his head and said, "Boss Shi, didn't I say that? It's not about money."

Shi Zhiwei is so angry, all the people around him, damn it, are either liars or profiteers.

"35..." Halfway through the speech, Ren Ming realized that Ren Ming's expression had not changed, and he gritted his teeth and added 50,000: "No, 400,000, how about it? It's enough sincerity."

Ren Ming's face softened in an instant: "Boss Shi, if you are the only one in this video, if you say a word, don't delete it, we have the right to pretend that there is no such thing, and blame Feng Xiaoqin, what is it! Right?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Shi Zhiwei always thought he was very smart, but today was different, he felt like a clown, he was just pecked by Feng Xiaoqin last night, and today he was overturned by this couple who usually look down on him, he was obviously angry If it doesn't work, you have to be kind and agreeable like the third grandson.

"Since Boss Shi begged us so sincerely, then the head of the family..."

Ren Ming looked over with a questioning face.

Guo Qiang said: "Forget it, because Mr. Gu usually takes good care of us, let's just pretend that nothing happened last night, so as not to cause trouble for his old man."


Shi Zhiwei looked at the two people who sang together, and scolded Zhan Xiang over and over again in his heart. If it wasn't for the sake of Boss Zhan, would he have taken them in?

"I'm going to get you money right now."

Two hours later, Guo Qiang walked out of Xianyun Pavilion with a bank card containing 400,000 RMB.

He used to go through the back door, but today he went through the front door, and the person who saw him off was Boss Shi, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

"Boss Shi, Feng Xiaoqin cheated you so much, so you just let it go?"

Shi Zhiwei said angrily: "Then what else?"

"Then do you want to take revenge on her?"

Shi Zhiwei's expression changed.

"Don't worry, I still understand the truth of using people's money to eliminate disasters. My wife will delete the video when I go back."

"Then what do you mean by that?"

Guo Qiang gave him a meaningful smile, got into a green taxi with Ren Ming, and waved goodbye to him.

Shi Zhiwei couldn't get enough of this sentence, the taxi drove nearly 100 meters, and he was still looking at the car behind and stomping his feet.

"Did you say..."


three days later.

Liuzhou Road, Herun Tianxiang Tea House.

Zhan Xiang took Feng Xiaoqin into the box, excused himself to buy cigarettes, closed the door and left.

Lin Yue looked at her with a half-smile: "I'm curious, where did you get so much money and sell the house in your hometown?"

"You don't have to worry about that."

Feng Xiaoqin sat where Zhan Xiang was drinking tea just now, and poured half a cup of tea into the enamel hat cup without treating herself as an outsider, and took a sip from it: "Where's the settlement document?"

Lin Yue unzipped the leather bag, took out a document and put it on the tea table.

"Where's the money?"

Feng Xiaoqin threw the dark blue Adidas schoolbag that Gu Qingyu gave to Little Tiger behind him into his arms: "You want 600,000."

The two people pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other, which really has the meaning of a classic plot in a gangster movie.

Lin Yue unzipped the zipper, counted roughly, and pretended to be surprised: "It's interesting."

At this time, Feng Xiaoqin also finished checking, and she was sure that the document was a reconciliation document issued by the copyright party. She packed her things and got up to leave.

"Where's the little tiger?"

"What? Missed him?"

"No, just ask. The teacher called my dad yesterday and asked him why he didn't go to school for three days in a row."

Feng Xiaoqin sneered, "This has nothing to do with you."

Lin Yue said: "It has nothing to do with me? Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce the marriage, and the custody will belong to you. You can say such things again."

Feng Xiaoqin continued to sneer: "You want me to divorce you? It's not that simple."

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