Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2201: Sun Qi Chapter at the end of the volume (two in one)

Chapter 2201 End of Volume-Sun Qi Chapter (2 in 1)

Lin Yue picked up the teacup and took a sip, his eyelids slightly raised.

"Oh, do you still have conditions?"

Feng Xiaoqin said: "I'll talk to you about this issue when the new year comes out."

Although she has already obtained the settlement letter, she is still worried that Gu Lei is playing tricks in the middle, and she wants to use this matter to stabilize him first, and wait for the new year to come out safely. As for whether to divorce after coming is it possible!

The fact that she wanted Boss Shi to cuckold Gu Lei was disturbed by Ren Ming, but it didn't mean she would give up the idea. Wait until Feng Danian is fine, and see how disgusting she is to him.

Want to divorce for nothing?

What are you thinking!

Two years of separation is equivalent to automatic divorce. Two years is enough for her to put on as many cuckolds for him. If the Gu family doesn't want to be ashamed, then fine, take the money, and let the money go away.

"Feng Xiaoqin, are you so interesting?"

At this moment, a person came out from behind the screen of Ba Juntu.

Feng Qianqian.

Her good sister, the former...

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. When Feng Danian is fine, you will have nothing to worry about. If you want to get a divorce, you have to pay a price that satisfies you, right?"

I have to say that in order to understand, no one knows my sister better than my sister.

Feng Xiaoqin looked at Lin Yue, then at Feng Qianqian, sat down at the table again, and sarcastically said: "Qiqian, you have been with him for so long without telling me, how are you doing now? Everything you do is for Ge It's hard for Yue to make a wedding dress, isn't it?"

"This is a matter between me and him, and you don't need to worry about it."

"You've lost all your parents' face."

"Do you still want face? If you want face, you won't do those disgraceful things."

Feng Xiaoqin said coldly: "You are still talking for him up to now. From now on, I don't have a sister like you, and my parents don't have a daughter who is willing to be a mistress."

After leaving this sentence, she picked up her handbag and turned to leave.

Scammed 1 million from Boss Shi, 600,000 was given to the copyright owner, and after receiving the settlement, there are still more than 400,000 in hand. The so-called family has surplus food, don’t panic, just transfer to the parents’ bank card, enough for the whole family I have lived for more than ten years. As for the 1 million loan from Youbang, go sue. Auction the house in Ruisiyuan Community to pay off the debt. As for whether the money is enough to fill the hole, it depends on the renter, the bank, the small amount How did the loan company negotiate with Gu Shihong? Anyway, it has nothing to do with her, who is not afraid of black households.

Feng Xixi stomped her feet angrily.

"What did I say? She is this kind of person. She won't get a divorce easily if she doesn't rub some oil on you."

Lin Yue smiled and didn't answer the conversation. He took a sip from the enamel hat cup placed on the tea table: "The tea set is pretty good. Do you think it would be good to buy a set like this for our new home?"

Feng Xiqian was so angry that she didn't have the heart to think about it.

"You should think of a way, the little tiger is still in her hands."

Speaking of this, Lin Yue wanted to laugh at the screenwriter of this TV series, or the author of the novel, what gave them confidence, thinking that a 38-year-old woman who killed her husband and brought a bottle of oil could have the first Erchun's? A wealthy mother, GWY who has never been married has taken a fancy to her; is a charterer like Zhan Xiang with a net worth of over 100 million also interested in her? What do you think, the best way to recognize yourself is to go to a dating agency and ask a matchmaker to help recommend a partner. This way of looking in the mirror to recognize yourself is far more fun than playing with big data pushes such as Weibo and Douyin all day long A thriving community is more effective and grounded.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while."

Feng Xiqian pouted and went to his side, with an expression of displeasure.

Lin Yue said: "That's your own sister, are you so eager to see me take care of her?"

"I don't have such a big sister." The current Feng Xiqian is full of disdain, not to mention hatred, towards her parents, sister, and younger brother.

Yes, parents raise their children, no matter how many there are, children should not blame their parents. However, in the case of Feng Danian, it is like four people playing mahjong, three people circle her and one person, it is not uncomfortable. .

She even blamed Feng Xiaoqin for the fact that her brother-in-law was forced to marry Ge Yue. If Feng Xiaoqin hadn't dragged her away, she and her brother-in-law would have already obtained a marriage certificate. Taking advantage of a loophole?

Lin Yue poured her a cup of tea: "Don't be angry, try it, the high-quality Mingqian tea, if you don't drink it, it will be wasted."


Gu Shihong was busy separating himself from the Feng family, Zhan Xiang was busy dating Gu Qingyu, Ge Rushan and his wife were busy preparing various necessities for the approaching due date, and Gu Xin was also busy looking for Sun Qi.

Now the whole internet knows that Gu Lei's marriage is in turmoil, not to mention whether Feng Xiaoqin agrees to a divorce, even if he is working in Tong Feng's family, Gu Lei's marriage partner is also Ge ​​Yue, it cannot be Feng Qianqian, let alone Sun Qi. In the parking lot, Sun Qi thought that the child in Ge Yue's womb belonged to him, but now it has been proved that he is innocent, so Sun Qi has no reason to reject him.

Back then he was forced to act, on the one hand because he had a clue in the hands of his cousin, and he didn't want to go to jail, so he had to admit it with a pinch of his nose; I gave it to Gu Lei. As for the green hat, I wear one and two. Sun Qi already wears one, and it's not bad for Ge Yue's.

"Then Miss Sun, follow the plan we agreed upon."


"Okay, come back, there's really no need to send me downstairs."

"Oh, I'll stop by the supermarket in front of the community to buy some fruit."

"Well, do you want me to give you a ride?"

"No, two steps, just take it as an activity and take a walk."

"Okay then, goodbye."


At the gate of the unit building, Sun Qi, who was wearing a long thick woolen coat, watched a man in overalls get on a battery car and leave. She also collected herself and walked to the west gate.

Seeing that the time was coming, Gu Xin pushed open the door of the driver's cab, picked up a bouquet of roses from the passenger seat, and quickly ran to Sun Qi to stop him.

"Sun Qi."

"How did you come?"

She was surprised and flustered, indifferent to the roses handed to her.

Gu Xin said, "It's for you."

"I do not want."

To his surprise, the ex-girlfriend took a few glances, then suddenly pushed the bouquet of roses forward, glanced at the pedestrians around him, and stepped forward quickly.

"Sun Qi, Sun Qi."

Gu Xin was frustrated and angry at the same time. He came here with great sincerity and bought her favorite roses from ROSA GALLICA, but in the end, she didn't even have the interest to take a look at them.

"Why are you doing this to me?"


Sun Qi didn't speak, just wrapped his woolen coat between his arms, and walked forward with his head bowed.

"Sun Qi."

Gu Xin rushed to her in a stride, opened his arms to stop her.

A gust of wind blew through the gap between the buildings, blowing up the milky white card in the middle of the bouquet, circling a few times in the air, and falling on the floor tiles near the flowers, with "I LOVE YOU!" written in artistic words in the middle There is also a small red heart below. The surface of the small heart is made of reflective particles, which reflect the brilliance of the stars under the setting sun.

Several passing aunts were attracted by the interaction between the two, and stopped to watch.

"Gu Xin, can you stop pestering me?" Sun Qi was very irritable and helpless.

After the company was blocked, he came to the community to block, why is he like a piece of dog skin plaster, no matter how hard he can't get rid of it?

"Sun Qi, I don't believe you didn't see the news on the Internet. The child in Ge Yue's belly is not mine, but Gu Lei's."

Sun Qi nodded: "Yes, I saw it, but so what?"

"So what?" Gu Xin was very excited, waving his arms and said: "My parents were there at the time, and Gu Lei had already stated that he wanted to marry Ge Yue. It's impossible for you."


Sun Qi didn't want to talk to him, and turned to the side, trying to go around, but Gu Xin moved quickly and stopped her again.

"Sun Qi, can you stop being obsessed with obsession? He is not good enough for you."

Sun Qi said blankly: "He is not good enough for me, can you?"

Gu Xin was stumped by this question. He used to be a civil servant of the Guangong Committee, so of course he deserved it. Now he has been unemployed for several months. As for Sun Qi, he bought a house and a car. She signed several orders for the company, and was favored by Mr. Du. At the end of the year, nine times out of ten, she will be a female elite who will be promoted to project manager. Regardless of the previous relationship foundation, he is really not good enough for her.

"Sun Qi, I will work hard, as long as you give me a chance."

Sun Qi shook his head: "Gu Xin, how many times do you have to tell me to understand, we can't go back, I don't like you anymore, no, I hate you very much now."

Gu Xin heard that her expression changed continuously, she threw the rose in her hand to the nearby flower bushes, and then shouted at the two people who were watching the fun next to her: "Have you seen enough? Get out of here."

The two old ladies rushed out of the way, and the one with a limp in his left leg tripped himself and almost fell to the ground.

Sun Qi couldn't help scolding: "Gu Xin, why are you yelling!"

"Let me ask you, do you still think about him? Don't you?"

"So what?"

"Even if he made Ge Yue's belly bigger?"

Sun Qi also went all out: "That's right."

"Are you blind?"

Gu Xin twisted her hand tightly, but Sun Qi shook it twice to no avail.

"You don't love so many men, fall in love with a scumbag."

"What about you? Why don't you let me go, let yourself go, and find a woman who is willing to date you?" Sun Qi said: "Gu Xin, let go, we can't."

"I do not believe……"

"I'm going to Germany. You saw the person who left on the battery car just now. That's a real estate agent who came to help me sell the house."

"What?!" Hearing the above sentence, Gu Xin felt as if she was being struck by thunder, and she took it for granted that she did this to leave this sad place: "He is just playing with you, I don't believe you can't see it, for such a Man, is it worth it?"

"Whether it's worth it or not is a very personal thing."

"What are you doing? Let her go!"

Just as Sun Qi finished speaking, before Gu Xin could reply, two men, one tall and one short, came running from the corner of the front building, wearing big caps and security uniforms. The short one was holding a baton, and the tall one was holding a riot fork. Someone reported what happened here to the property.

"Gu Xin, if I were you, I would definitely choose to leave."

Gu Xin looked at the security guards who were getting closer, and then at the indifferent ex-girlfriend, gritted his teeth, threw away his hands, and ran to the parking space with a depressed mood, not forgetting to yell manically twice on the way.

He couldn't figure out what's so good about Gu Lei. Sun Qi would rather love a scum who plays with emotions than get back together with his ex-boyfriend.


Half a month later.

HP District Detention Center.

The sun shone on the heavy iron door, and the round rivets diffused a piece of orange.

Feng Xiaoqin walked back and forth anxiously at the door in a red sweater.

He Xiaomei, who was behind her, became much calmer. She untied the old blue scarf and rewrapped it around her. She took out the thermos cup she carried with her and drank two sips of hot water. Feeling better in her stomach, she hesitated and walked to Feng Xiaoqin. Beside her, patted her arm, and handed over the thermos: "Xiaoqin, it's too cold, drink some hot water to warm your stomach."

"No need, Sister He, I'm not thirsty."

Feng Xiaoqin waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need it.

He Xiaomei didn't persuade her much, and put the thermos cup into her bag.

She is not one of those glamorous urban women. Her bags are full of makeup boxes, sunscreen sprays, sunshades, sunglasses and so on. As a middle-aged woman who does housework for others, the most important thing in her bag is her mobile phone. The second is the hot water in the thermos.


Another ten minutes passed, and as the electric folding door behind the big iron door slid to one side, a young man with hair slightly longer than the monk came out with a Nike bag on his back.

Maybe it was because the sun was a bit dazzling, he stopped the moment he stepped out of the iron gate, built a pergola with his hands, and covered his forehead.

"New year."

Feng Xiaoqin yelled and hurried up to meet her.


Feng Danian was very happy when he saw Feng Xiaoqin came to pick him up, and then saw He Xiaomei following him, and called out "Sister He".

However, he found that the other party had a strange expression after hearing this address.

He went in before the video of Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Qianqian's tearing up was exposed. Naturally, he didn't know that he was not Feng Xiaoqin's younger brother, but her illegitimate child. He Xiaomei knew that Feng Danian should call her aunt according to her seniority, but now she is called "sister" , There will be lumps in my heart more or less.

"Da Nian, look at you, you've lost weight." Feng Xiaoqin looked over and over while touching his arm: "Inside, no one bullied you, right?"

Hearing this, Feng Danian looked a little nervous, but he didn't make it too obvious, and hid his shoulders and back: "How come, since I was a child, I have never lost a fight, and there are prison guards, the people inside dare not move I."

Feng Xiaoqin believed his words. Indeed, Feng Danian loved to cause trouble since childhood, but every time it was someone else who suffered. He was famous for being able to fight within a 3-mile radius.

"Okay, let's go home first, and have a good lunch at noon."

She didn't mention the sale of pirated models, she was afraid of irritating her rebellious son, and she didn't mention Feng Xiqian's falling out with her family. She planned to have a good meal at noon, and then took Feng Danian to Sister He's hometown for a few games God, take a break, and tell him what happened during the time he went in in a steady and orderly manner—even with the settlement letter from the copyright owner, Feng Danian was sentenced to criminal detention for selling pirated models, with a two-month reprieve, but she I have consulted a lawyer in advance, and I can go to other places after reporting.

The plan is good, but sometimes, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Just as they were about to leave, a BMW came quickly and stopped less than ten meters away from the three of them. With the sound of opening and closing the car door, a man and a woman came down from it—Feng Xixi and Lin Yue.

Feng Xiaoqin's face turned cold.

"Why are you here?"

Feng Danian looked bewildered, wondering why the second sister got mixed up with Gu: "Second sister, why do you..."

Feng Xiqian said with resentment: "Don't call me second sister, I don't have a younger brother like you."

Feng Danian glared at him. Feng Qianqian slapped him because he spoke ill of Gu Lei before, and the anger in her heart is still there. How dare she throw face at him?

Feng Xiaoqin took his son behind him: "Gu Lei, what do you want to do?"

Lin Yue said: "Divorce, didn't you say that you will get the divorce certificate after he comes out?"

Feng Xiaoqin glanced at Feng Danian, trying to keep calm: "I said it before, but not now, we will talk about this matter in a few days."

Lin Yue couldn't help laughing, and said with a playful look: "Feng Xiaoqin, I guess you won't easily obtain a divorce certificate from me. Saying this is just a way to slow down the battle, lest I think Feng Danian is the illegitimate child of you and your dead fiancé, who pretended to be a younger brother and raised more than a dozen Telling him about what happened in 2009 will disrupt your slow-moving plan, right?"

Feng Xiaoqin thought that in order to divorce her smoothly, he would not provoke her at the critical moment, but he did not expect that this guy would not follow the routine at all, and directly used the big move to anger her.

"Okay, okay, Gu Lei! If you want me to sign the divorce agreement, you are wishful thinking."

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