Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2202 The fate of mother and child (two in one)

Feng Danian stood there blankly.

Originally, when he saw the brother-in-law bringing his second sister to the detention center, he thought he was being picked up from prison, but what Feng Xiqian said made him realize that he had made a mistake. While he was surprised by the relationship between the second sister and the brother-in-law, his heart was churning He was furious, and then suspected that the two of them had done something wrong to the eldest sister, but when it came to divorce and illegitimate children, his brain shut down along with his cerebellum.

An illegitimate child pretending to be a younger brother?

Isn't Feng Xiaoqin just a younger brother?

Is it him?

That's not him, who else could it be?

Although it was difficult to accept such a turning point, his reason told him that it was not impossible.

Why did Feng Xiqian's attitude towards him change drastically? This is a problem, he and Feng Xiaoqin are more than 20 years old, it is really strange, and this elder sister always points out everything to him, more than Feng Jun and Liu Guiying, this is another one A question worth pondering.

Eldest sister becomes mother?

Nephew becomes brother?

Mom and Dad turned into Grandpa and Grandma?

He felt dizzy, and everything became strange.

In front of him, He Xiaomei gave Lin Yue a gouged look, and muttered in a low voice, "Shanghai people are said to be scheming, and it's true. If you don't give me a penny, you want to get divorced. Are you out of your mind?"

"Feng Xiaoqin, you don't keep your word." Lin Yue shook his head with disappointment on his face: "Do you have to follow the routine of being separated for two years and suing for divorce? Haven't you heard a saying, keep a line in life, and I really want to see you in the future."

Feng Xiaoqin said in her heart that I want to wholesale cuckolds for you, but you still want to be a human being and keep a front line, so I really want to see you in the future? It's ridiculous.

"If you want to divorce now, yes, give me 10 million, and I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate from you immediately."

Lin Yue was still smiling, Feng Xiqian couldn't bear it anymore, spat and cursed shamelessly.

Feng Xiaoqin was about to retort, when Feng Danian came to his senses, walked over and grabbed her arms and shook them vigorously: "What did he just say? I'm not your brother, I'm your...your...son?"

"Da Nian, now is not the time to explain. I will tell you slowly when I get home."

"I don't want to listen to you speak slowly, I just want to know if what he said is true?"


Feng Xiaoqin hesitated, hesitating was approval, but it was hard to say,

Feng Danian pushed her hard.

"Why are you doing this?!"

I don't raise my own child, I leave it to my parents, and I go to Shanghai to marry another man and have another child. Let alone a rebellious boy, even a well-behaved and obedient girl will never accept such a situation peacefully. Relationship.

Feng Xiaoqin sat down on the asphalt road, feeling pain in his palms from the small stones, but it didn't matter.

Yes, the scandal of raising an illegitimate child as a younger brother has become popular on the Internet. Feng Danian will know about it sooner or later, and she has no intention of hiding it, but she is prepared. is another matter.

She was afraid that Feng Danian would not be able to accept it, but what she was afraid of was becoming a reality.

"Da Nian, sister...Mom...also..."

"I don't have a mother like you! No!" Feng Danian acted a little hysterical, took off his schoolbag, and slammed it on the ground, shaking up a circle of dust, and smashed the mouthwash cup issued in the detention center.

He Xiaomei said goodbye to the other bag, went to help Feng Xiaoqin, and did not forget to say a word of justice.

"Da Nian! Don't say that about your mother. If she doesn't do this, what will she do to support you?"

Feng Danian was kicked out of Gu's house and went to Feng Qianqian to rent a house. During the two days, she lived in He Xiaomei's house, so she thought she was kind to Feng Danian and qualified to say such things.

clap clap...

Lin Yue applauded and said, "Draining the blood of her husband's family to raise an illegitimate child, what a great maternal love, do you want me to find someone to get a monument, engrave her glorious deeds on it, and stand at the entrance of Feng Youfang Village? Let everyone passing by Everyone pays homage to him?"

This sentence further angered Feng Xiaoqin.

She had a ferocious face, burst into anger, and shouted in a low voice: "Gu Lei, wait, I will make you a joke of the people of the whole country, and make your Gu family unable to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives."

She has such ability.

Gu Lei dared to admit in front of her that he had cheated in marriage, and he was not afraid of others posting videos of him seducing his sister-in-law on the Internet. If he was in the first year of junior high school, she would be able to be fifteen years old. The cuckold, and made the news public, so that he can also taste what it is like to be poked in the back and say "those who humiliate others will always humiliate them".

As for divorce and remarriage... She never thought about it at all, because everyone knew that Feng Danian was her illegitimate child, and a serious man would definitely not want her, so there was nothing to worry about.


Lin Yue shook his head, took Feng Xiqian's hand and said, "Look, for you, I've kindly advised her to get together and break up, but she wants to cuckold me, what can I do?"

There was no trace of sisterly affection on Feng Qianqian's face. There was only resentment for Feng Xiaoqin and Feng Danian, not pity.


At this moment, a Volkswagen police car with blue and white paint approached from the corner ahead and stopped beside them. Two policemen and a man got out of the car.

Feng Xiaoqin saw the two policemen she knew. Officer Liu Linliu from Longbai Police Station, and the other was his apprentice Xiao Gong. Two days ago, Gu Shihong called the police to chase people away.

When her gaze passed through the gap between the two of them and saw the face of the man who was walking with her, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Shi Zhiwei?

Why is he here?

Feng Xiaoqin guessed that he came here for the 1 million. After all, she agreed to give Ren Ming 400,000, but she didn't keep her promise. She thought about the consequences of this matter. After a few words of infamy, nothing happened. As for Boss Shi, he was afraid that she would sue QJ to the police. so what? Far from taking 400,000 more. In the end, nothing happened afterwards, Guo Qiang and his wife disappeared, so Shi Zhiwei brought the police over and sued her for extortion? At that time, Ren Ming was not alone at the scene, and there were several witnesses. As long as she insisted that the money was paid by Boss Shi to prevent her from calling the police, the police had to ask Guo Qiang and his wife for verification. Once Boss Shi was found to be wrong , that is a negotiation behavior, and there is no extortion.

So in this matter, she is confident.

"Ms. Feng, we are policemen from Longbai Police Station. Boss Shi of Xianyun Pavilion is suing you for extortion. Please follow us back to the police station for investigation."

Liu Lin's words confused the three people on the opposite side.

Feng Xiaoqin couldn't figure out who gave Boss Shi the courage to sue her for blackmail.

He Xiaomei and Feng Danian didn't know what happened.

"Shi Zhiwei, do you dare to sue me?" Feng Xiaoqin glared at her with threats.

At this time, Shi Zhiwei took out his mobile phone, clicked on the photo album, and selected a video for Feng Xiaoqin to watch.

In the picture, she was about to pour tea for him, but was grabbed by the wrist.

Isn't this the live video shot by Ren Ming? Shi Zhiwei dare to show this to the police? Isn't that hitting the muzzle?


The seat is wrong, the time is wrong.

Ren Ming filmed it at the door when Shi Zhiwei was making out with her, but the video in Shi Zhiwei's hand... has a full 4K picture quality, and the angle is very tricky. The facial expressions and body movements of the two people are clearly captured. No conversation left.

"Feng Xiaoqin, you didn't expect that, did you? There are surveillance cameras in my private room in Xianyun Pavilion." Boss Shi's expression fully interpreted a word——relieve hatred.

Are there surveillance cameras in the private room?

How can it be! Feng Xiaoqin was quite familiar with Xianyun Pavilion, and had never heard of or seen it.

And the reality is, unless the police station mandates it, which dry-cleaning foot city boss will install this in the private room of his store? Do you think you make too much money? A profiteer like Shi Zhiwei would do such a thing?

"Boss Shi, how much did you say?" At this moment Lin Yue intervened in the conversation between the two.

Shi Zhiwei replied: "One million."

"One million? If you are convicted of extortion, you will be sentenced to more than ten years." He looked at Feng Xiaoqin with a smile, and counted with his fingers: "After two years of separation, you can sue for divorce, and you can make her abide by women's morals, mother. Go in, I should take custody of the little tiger, Boss Shi, I want to thank you for doing me such a great favor."

Feng Xiaoqin's face was ugly like never before.

Ren Ming recorded it at the door. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she woke up from the confusion, her thoughts turned, and she quickly bit Shi Zhiwei back. It started in the private room, and the photos were so clear, once the court finds that Shi Zhiwei's QJ is suspicious, then there is a high probability that she will be convicted of taking the opportunity to blackmail.

1 million, this amount is just like what Gu Lei said, enough to send her in for more than ten years.

Even if she is only sentenced to ten years, she will be forty-eight when she comes out.

"Ms. Feng, please cooperate with us." Liu Lin repeated.

Unlike last time at Gu's house, the policeman's expression was very serious. Feng Xiaoqin felt hopeless, her legs softened, and she sat down.

Fortunately, Xiao Gong had quick eyesight and quick hands, he held her by the arm, exchanged a glance with Master, and carried her to the police car.

He Xiaomei noticed Feng Xiaoqin's pale face, and also noticed that her legs were weak. She could have helped, but she didn't extend a helping hand.

"Last time, the mother came out, and the son went in. This time, the son came out, and the mother went in. Tsk tsk, these two scenes really caught my attention."

Lin Yue gloated and said sarcastic remarks.

But no one understood the first half of his sentence.

Feng Xiaoqin woke up after being dragged to the front of the police car, and shouted with his hands on the car door: "The surname is Gu, is it you, did you do it?"

"How is it possible, I'm just a spectator at the meeting, I really didn't expect you to be able to blackmail Boss Shi." Lin Yue was serious, with an innocent face: "The revenge has been paid, Boss Shi, are you happy? "

Shi Zhiwei wanted to smile, but after squeezing for a long time, he only twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression had nothing to do with the word "happy", because he realized a problem, Gu Lei is Zhan Xiang's prospective brother-in-law, and Guo Qiang and his wife are Zhan Xiang's It was recommended to work in his Xianyun Pavilion, Guo Qiang and his wife live downstairs from Gu Shihong, so do Gu Lei and Guo Qiang have any relationship other than neighbors?

Looking at the whole thing, he was blackmailed by Feng Xiaoqin for 1 million, and he spent another 400,000 to buy two videos in the hands of Guo Qiang and his wife --- the video that can prove Feng Xiaoqin's blackmail was sent to him only two days ago.

Now that Feng Xiaoqin was arrested by the police on suspicion of extortion, as the two people who conspired with disgusting Gu Lei, do they count as a dog bite a dog?

"Ah, let her go, let her go, ah..."

Feng Danian rushed to the front of the police car like a lunatic, yelling like crazy, he just came out of the detention center, first learned the cruel fact that the eldest sister is actually his own mother, and then watched her blackmail Boss Shi for saving him Being arrested will definitely affect your emotions, and it is normal to collapse.

"What do you want to do!" Xiao Gong pointed forward, Feng Danian's expression changed many times, but he did not act aggressively in the end.

Lin Yue looked at He Xiaomei with a smile on his face and said, "Take me to pick up the little tiger."


"If you don't do this, as a father, I will report to the police that you are abducting and trafficking children."

A look of fear flashed across He Xiaomei's face, she knew that the man in front of her could do what she said.

Lin Yue walked to the BMW, opened the door and got in: "Don't worry, she won't be able to get out."

He Xiaomei didn't dare to say anything more, she walked over with her head down, and got into the back compartment like a thief who was caught at the scene.


The BMW ran over on the ground, leaving Feng Danian behind and driving into the distance.


two months later.

On the eve of the Spring Festival.

Lanterns are hung on the light poles in some streets, and big lucky characters are hanging on the left and right sides of the billboards. There are wave after wave of promotional activities in stores, and the flow of people shopping is also crowded into major shopping malls like a tide.

In terms of the most peaceful places, there are only detention centers and prisons.

Da da da……

The iron door slid to one side, and the policewoman on duty took a step back. Feng Xiaoqin, who was wearing a yellow vest and handcuffed, came from the corridor. When she saw the man sitting at the table in the meeting room, she was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head just go.

The police found her just now and said that relatives were visiting her.

She thought it was Feng Jun and Liu Guiying who came, but when she went to the place, she found out that it was not, the person visiting her was her deadly enemy Gu Lei.

"Don't you want to know about Feng Danian's recent situation?"

The sound of questioning floated into her ears, Feng Xiaoqin paused, hesitated for a while, and then chose to compromise, walked into the meeting room, and sat down on the other side of the table.

"How did you get in here?"

You must know that she is currently in custody and cannot meet relatives and friends without a trial.

"If you haven't received a divorce certificate, then I will be your legal husband. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. The leaders of the detention center are sympathetic to the people's situation. There is also a precedent for opening an opening for visitation."

"How is New Year's Eve?"

For Feng Xiaoqin, the above question was just a random question. Her focus was on Feng Danian. After Liu Lin took her away that day, she was sent to the detention center on the same day. As for what happened outside after she came in, that is not a concept No.

"See for yourself."

Lin Yue smiled at her, took out his phone, unlocked the photo album, found a video, tapped it lightly, pointed the screen at her, and put it on the table.

"let me go."

"You let me go."


"Damn it."

"I fuck your grandma!"

"Gag him."


In the grayish-green picture, dark lines outline a personal outline. Occasionally, a human face flashes in front of the camera. The eyes are white and reflectively, as if they were shot with an infrared night vision camera.

"Call, call you X X."

One person kicked the person lying on the floor, and four people next to him pressed the hands and feet of the person lying on the floor. Directly behind, a burly person groped in the dark to take off the pants of the person lying on the floor. .

This voice, and the figure of the person lying on the ground...

Feng Xiaoqin's head buzzed, as if it was about to burst.

Feng Danian...

It was her son Feng Danian.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake in the video." At this time, Lin Yue put on a guilty look, took the phone back, and went back to the album to search for the target, while explaining: "Originally, I wanted to use this to exchange for a divorce certificate. And the custody of the little tiger, but it’s a pity that it’s useless. Oh, it’s here, it’s here, this is.”

He didn't give Feng Xiaoqin a chance to explode, so he turned the phone over and pushed it in front of her.

The protagonist of the second video is him. It shows that he walked out of a supermarket on the side of the road, holding a soft Zhonghua in his hand, and was about to open the door of a BMW parked on the side of the road when a masked man rushed out from behind with Holding a half-meter-long machete, he greeted the back of his head, but he seemed to have eyes behind his back, sideways dodged the sneak attack, and wrestled with the man. After about half a minute, he stood up, and the masked man fell on the ground. On the ground, a blood-like liquid dripped from the crotch.

At this time, he walked over and pulled the masked man's hood, and a distorted face appeared in the camera.

If seeing the first video was about to split my head, now my whole body is about to explode.

The man who was jailed because he failed to kill someone was none other than her son, Feng Danian!

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