Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2214 Chapter 2212 Indeed, elite high schools are not good enough for him (two in one)

Students of all grades returned to their classrooms.

However, many people can't calm down and study at all. Because the third year of senior high school is due to take the college entrance examination in less than a year, the situation is better. The students in the first and second year of senior high school have less control. There are various arguments.

I admire what he dares to say and do, pity him if he doesn't learn, talk about him being stupid, have nothing to do with himself, and make up jokes. Many people dare not speak out against the school. After all, Han Chuang studied hard for more than ten years, for what purpose? Isn't it just for college entrance examination? If the school finds out about his remarks in support of him and dismisses him as an accomplice, the loss will be great.

"I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it a long time ago," Tang Yuanming held back for a long time but still couldn't hold back: "It's really mud that can't support the wall!"

"My mud can't support the wall, or your mud can't support the wall? Am I wrong in what I said?" Lin Yue said: "The school's preferential treatment for Qian Sanyi interprets the word 'privilege', Set an example for students with distorted three views? Is the phenomenon of unquestionable authority that I complained about a stumbling block to the development of science? As for the education that is the cornerstone of all, it is so bad that people should not let people say it. Shut up my mouth and make me admit my mistakes in public, like Xie Weizhou and Yin Tiesheng bow their heads?"

Tang Yuanming said: "Yes, yes, you are right, but have you thought about the result of doing this? Is it useful? It is useless! Not only is it useless, but it will also harm yourself."

Lin Yue took out a history book from somewhere, waved it contemptuously, and threw it on the history teacher's chest with a slap.

"So, the book praises the Six Gentlemen of 1898 and the Hundred Days Reform, but as a teacher, you despise them from the bottom of your heart and think they are pure idiots, otherwise you wouldn't say that I am a muddler. Don’t go on the wall, right? Then you teachers, who think you are cultural people, but tell the students what you don’t want in class, don’t you feel that you are a double-faced person? Don’t you feel schizophrenic? Isn’t it uncomfortable?”


Tang Yuanming was left speechless by his refutation, and finally had to sigh: "Is it worth it?"

If such a thing happened, the school would definitely expel him from school. Not only that, but he might not even be accepted by the public school for transfer. He could only go to a high-fee private middle school outside Jiangzhou. The teaching quality is average and he has to pay high tuition fees.

"I really don't know how to tell your parents about this."

He knew Lin Qiang, and he accepted his death. Lin Yue's mother, Wang Yu, was also similar. Her son was right, but he was expelled from a school that didn't allow people at all. Can they work in Africa with peace of mind? It is bound to be tangled and sad, and it is necessary to fly back to China to deal with this matter.

It can only be said that the price of upholding justice is too high these days.

"Don't tell them." Lin Yue said, "I will take care of this."

"You can handle it? How do you handle it?" Tang Yuanming trembled slightly, his face was stunned, thinking he was telling a joke, no, crazy.

Lin Yue gave him a chuckle, and walked towards the boys' dormitory without answering the question directly.


Xie Weizhou also returned to the principal's office, and Yin Tiesheng was with him.

At his age, he didn't know about the young woman's whiteness, and he wouldn't listen to it if he knew it.

"Fire, I didn't say anything, fire him! You can do it right away."

Yin Tiesheng stood there in a daze, as if he hadn't heard the angry old man's instructions. He was thinking about a question, and he was also afraid of it. How did Lin Yue know what he did on the weekend? Although the kid lowered his voice when he kicked over the table, the teachers around heard him.

If... If ha, that kid tells about his affair with that female teacher, then there will be a big problem, from family to work, everything will be messed up.

"Vice Principal Yin, I'm talking to you."


Only then did Yin Tiesheng react.

"Go to the radio station now and tell the teachers and students in the school that Lin Yue has been expelled."

Xie Weizhou's expression is a capitalized "undoubtedly". As an educator in his 50s, over the years, when was he given the middle finger? Today, not only will this rebellious boy be expelled from school, but he will also be notified of this matter to other middle schools in Jiangzhou District to see who will take him in in the future.

"Principal?" Yin Tiesheng looked embarrassed. When he didn't know how well Lin Yue knew about his situation, he went to deal with the punishment of expulsion. It's all ruined.

"Do you want me to repeat it again?" Xie Weizhou bent his fingers and tapped on the table.


Seeing that Xie Weizhou was furious, Yin Tiesheng didn't dare to disobey him at this time, so he could only agree, and walked out of the principal's office with hesitation and apprehension.


after an hour.

Great break.

After finishing radio gymnastics, the music stopped, and Liu Yang's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Students, please pay attention. In view of Lin Yue's actions after the flag-raising ceremony, the school leaders have decided to give him a punishment of expulsion from the school. I hope everyone will take warning and treat him as a negative Textbooks, put all your energy into studying in the future, don’t be fooled by those deceptive words, grades are your way out, and you will have a better life if you get into a good university.”

The stationmaster of the radio station is a stutterer, but he is quite fluent in reading manuscripts.

After listening to the broadcast, the students were not surprised that Lin Yue would be expelled from the school. Kick over the rostrum, hit the vice-principal, and greet the principal's uncle, such a stubborn guy, don't fire him, keep him for the New Year.

"Another guy who failed to be serious... Hey, why did I say again?"

"That slap made me feel so good."

"Yes, it sounds cool. I have long disliked Yin Tiesheng. He is the one who set up the rule of not mixing tables in the cafeteria?"

"Gossip, Wang Hongying, the life teacher in the girls' dormitory, is his cousin's niece."

"Is it real?"

"Of course."

"No wonder she is so lenient. This is her cousin's way."


At this moment, Tian Shanshan, the chemistry teacher who came downstairs with the teaching aids, stared at her, scaring the students who were walking in the corridor and talking about it into silence.

"Do you want to be expelled from school like him?"

The few students didn't dare to say more, and ran away.

Tian Shanshan continued to go downstairs, and when she came to the corner, she bumped into Tang Yuanming who was walking upstairs, looking very unhappy.

"What? Did you get scolded by the principal?"

Tang Yuanming kept silent, his face was not very good-looking.

"Who made you so troublesome, heh, you shouldn't accept such a student who thinks it's cool to contradict the teacher."

"Mr. Tian, ​​if you don't go to class, you will be late."

Tang Yuanming was indeed called by the principal to scold him, saying that he did not educate his cousin well and had a very bad influence on the school. If he is not an excellent teacher at the municipal level and has worked in an elite middle school for more than ten years, he will definitely be there next time. Set an example for him at the faculty meeting.

Tian Shanshan hit a soft nail and walked away with a cold face.

Tang Yuanming shook his head.

Teachers, they all like obedient students and don’t like students with ideas. This is more and more like those profit-oriented enterprises in society. Value for money created.


at dusk.

After exercising on the playground, Jiang Tianhao returned to the dormitory with a sweaty body and a basketball in his hand. He was stunned when he opened the door, because his lower bunk was still the same as when he left in the morning, and Lin Not only was there nothing missing on Yue's desk, but there was also a flower pot filled with soil, in which a cluster of shy money plants was planted.

He looked at Tian Xu who was lying on the desk doing homework, kicked the chair leg, pointed at Lin Yue's bed and said, "What's going on?"

The radio station made a broadcast in the morning, announcing that he would be expelled from school. It's already dark, why haven't you packed your things and left?

Tian Xu looked back at him, shrugged, and then pointed to the balcony. Only then did Jiang Tianhao notice the sound of rushing water, and threw the basketball under the bed, followed the sound, took a closer look, and found Lin Yue Filling the watering can.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"Is it related to you?"

Jiang Tianhao was dissatisfied with his attitude of not turning his head back and belittling himself, and wanted to grab his shoulder, but considering that the other party was no longer a student of an elite high school, he really wanted to jump the wall and fight with him, there were only harms and no benefits, so he He didn't do anything, and said coldly: "Didn't you say that the elite high school is not good enough for you? Now that you have been expelled, don't you think it is ridiculous?"

Lin Yue picked up the green watering can, walked into the dormitory, and poured it on the copper money grass that was not vigorous enough on the table.

"The financial side didn't refund my tuition and accommodation fees to me. Why did I leave? You paid the hotel and didn't stay? Are you stupid or am I stupid?"


Jiang Tianhao gritted his teeth and looked at him.

"Don't accept? If you don't accept it, go to the finance department now and ask the accountant to return my money. I will pack up and leave immediately."


Going to finance now? The financial office got off work early, okay?

"Don't beep if you can't."

Lin Yue put the copper money grass on the desk out of the way, pulled the chair beside him and sat down, took out the wood carving that was not finished yesterday from the drawer, and continued to refine the corners with a carving knife.

This guy has never read a book since he moved into 205, he took out tools to carve when he had nothing to do, he didn't look like a student at all, it made people angry.

"Just leave after the money is refunded..."

Jiang Tianhao snorted coldly, turned around and went outside to find Li Daokui.

In the matter of getting Lin Yue out of the boys' dormitory, they are allies. As life teachers, they will go to the financial department to find an accountant early tomorrow morning, which should speed up the process of refunding tuition and accommodation fees.

If it really doesn't work, he, Mr. Jiang, can help to advance the payment. This amount of money is nothing to the Jiang family.

He really didn't want to see more of this annoying guy for a day.


The students handed in their mobile phones, and the teachers didn't have such a big Internet addiction, so they didn't know that after 10 pm, a video went viral on the Internet.

In 2014, the short video app was not launched, Youku was still the largest video platform in China, the Tianya community was not closed, the users of Xici Hutong were extremely active, while Zhihu and Douban belonged to niche websites, Zhalang’s blog was in decline, but Weibo was very popular. fire.

On the Jiangzhou channel of and Tianya Community, someone uploaded a few minutes long video, which showed the scene after the flag-raising ceremony of the elite middle school at close range. , what the student who pointed the middle finger at the rostrum said was quite vague, but with Chinese subtitles, the difficulty of understanding is 0, and the clip of him slapping the vice principal uses a slow motion effect, and the cup is poured out The tea—the details of the tea leaves covering the glasses lenses, and the details of the face painted with tea foam, are extraordinarily realistic and vivid, just like using a movie-level lens.

At first glance, this video is nothing, and it is quite novel. After all, there are not many students who dare to say those words to the principal, and even slap the vice principal. Under normal circumstances, those "bad students" are all Suppressing the evil, I found a place without street lights and surveillance, got a sack and slapped the enemy's head, several people punched and kicked, and walked away after some sticks. But if you watch the video in front of you carefully, you will find that it is getting better and better.

No, it's not good-looking, it should be said to be burning.

It's not just that his words are powerful, to be precise, the reason why the scene is hot and makes people feel relieved is 70% because of the background music of the video --- a song that everyone has never heard before, the battle song!

Someone deliberately increased the volume, carefully discerned the lyrics, and recorded it.

Both are brave.

The wound on your forehead, yours, is different, your mistake.

All, there is no need to hide.

Your battered doll, your mask, your ego.

Take the light, they say, and tame every monster.

Stitch your wounds up, they say, no one loves clowns.

Why alone, no, glorious.

People are only imperfect and worthy of praise.

Who said that a man covered in mud is not a hero.

I love you walking down a dark alley alone.

I love the way you don't kneel.

I love you to persevere through despair.

Refuse to cry.

Love your tattered clothes.

But dare to block the gun of fate.

Love you so much like me.

The notches are all the same.

To go, to match, this ragged cloak.

Fight, fight, with the humblest dream.

To the whimpers and roars in the night.

Who said that those who stand in the light are considered heroes.

They say getting rid of your madness is like wiping off the dirt.

They say that you have to go up the steps, and the price is to bow your head.

Then let me, no, ride the wind.

You are just as proud, that kind of bravery.

Who said that playing ordinary games is not a hero.

(Not everyone remembers the lyrics, not everyone has heard the song, and no one will go back to review the lyrics for this chapter. If you don’t write it out, who knows what the meaning of the following content is, and those who make nonsense with rhythm will be banned for seven days. )


This song is paired with a video, which feels like an MV, but everyone knows that this is not a film, this is a real scene in Jiangzhou Elite Middle School, because just two hours later, around 1 o'clock in the morning, someone was Maopu Forum posted an article reposting the video with a text explanation.

According to the information I have learned, the incident happened at the elite middle school in Jiangzhou District. The school leaders attached great importance to it, but the result of the school's handling was to give the student a probation sanction, and ordered him to do a deep review after the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, otherwise, he would be expelled from the school.

Take light to tame every monster, they say. Stitch your wounds up, they say, no one loves clowns. They say getting rid of your madness is like wiping off the dirt. They say that you have to go up the steps, and the price is to bow your head. This word is really well written. It is obvious that the school rules are unreasonable, but the students who want to make corrections admit their mistakes and bow their heads. There is no one in the three grades, more than 30 classes, and more than a thousand students before this. He dared to raise objections to those inhumane school rules, and no one at the scene dared to support him. I don’t know what kind of pen Mr. Lu Xun would use to satirize these spineless soft-footed shrimps. He said that elite schools are not worthy of Like him, indeed, none of such a principal, such a teacher, such a classmate is worthy of him.

The line in the lyrics, "Who said that those who stand in the light are considered heroes" is also very well written. Isn't the hero who stands in the light the so-called number one in the high school entrance examination? He enjoys the privileges given by the school frankly. His grades are good, but the construction of the three views is too poor. He is standing in the spotlight, but should this kind of person be praised?

The insider told me that after the ceremony, the school announced the punishment of the student in the form of radio, without any accidents, expulsion, and I also learned from other channels that the name of this song is "The Lonely Brave Man" ".

The posts posted in the early hours of the morning are even more popular than the recent Hollywood pornography incident. People who like to listen to music repost videos everywhere, parents with children repost articles, and some big Vs on Weibo also start to race against time, asking everywhere about First-hand knowledge of the song and the story behind it to create topical content.

The students in elite middle schools don't know anything about this, because those who live in the school can't get mobile phones, and most of the day students are high school seniors with heavy studies, and they basically sleep at this point.

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