Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2215 Chapter 2213 Is the short video good? (two in one)

next morning.

Jiang Tianhao woke up early in the morning, washed up briefly, and then went to the dormitory management room to find Li Daokui, because the life teacher promised him to go to the accounting office early in the morning to press for a refund last night, in order to let Lin Yue leave as soon as possible. , One of them is the dormitory teacher, and the other is the head of dormitory 205. They share common interests. After all, the guy who was expelled from the school is still living in the dormitory. It's like holding a time bomb in his arms, making people uneasy.

On the other hand, Lin Yue was not affected at all. He was still the same as before. After getting up, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. Why is it that people with student status can have such a good mentality.

Of course, some people call his performance thick-skinned and shameless.

After running, he went to the cafeteria and asked for two deep-fried dough sticks, a cup of soy milk and a fried egg. Auntie Dafan picked a big one for him. It wasn't that she was more conscientious than those students, but because she was caught by Lin Yue for shaking her hands last time. The chopsticks were in a mess, for fear of offending him and being drowned again.

Lin Yue didn't say thank you, and took the food to the side for breakfast.

Punish shamelessness with shamelessness, defeat magic with magic, deal with rogues with rogue methods, and use evil to balance evil, this is his motto.

After breakfast, when others went to the classroom for class, he walked to the boys' dormitory. On the way, he met many guys who had just woken up, and ran towards the teaching building with messy hair and rings of eyeballs. Occasionally, they dropped textbooks on the ground. He didn't leave because he was curious, and almost plunged into the flower pond by the roadside.

When he walked into the hall of the boys' dormitory building and pushed open the door of room 205, he saw Li Daokui sitting in front of Sun Chuan's desk. Seeing him come back, he took out the prepaid tuition and accommodation fees with a blank expression.

"Come on, this is your tuition refund."

Lin Yue walked over, picked up two stacks of hundred-yuan bills, lightly flipped his thumbs, and made a light popping sound: "That's right."

Li Daokui stood up and put on a "seeing off face".

"Go and make the bedding."


Lin Yue sat down in front of his desk, and patted the denim schoolbag next to him: "Do you think I can carry these things by myself?"

Li Daokui suppressed his anger and said: "If you can't do it once, you can do it twice."

"Then I might as well call a moving company, but I don't know when they will arrive."

"You... don't push yourself too far."

Lin Yue ignored him, took out the unfinished wood carvings and carving knives in the drawer, and began to carve like no one else was there.

Li Daokui's nails almost tore through the skin on the back of his hands.

"Okay, I'll do it."

In order to get rid of this unsightly troublemaker as soon as possible and complete the principal's order, he could only force himself to bear it, walked over to roll up the bedding on the bed and carried it on his shoulders, then lifted the trolley case under the bed, and walked towards the door of the dormitory go.

In this way, Li Daokui was carrying the bedding in front, and Lin Yue was carrying the backpack in the back. When passing the teaching building in front, he happened to meet Wei Lina who was going to deliver things to the reception room at the door. As the head teacher of Class 10, she was very angry about this uneven.

"Ms. Li, why don't you let him move it by himself?"

Before Li Daokui could speak, Lin Yue turned a corner and went straight to the teaching building.

"Hey, hey, what are you going to do?"

"I'm tired, I'll go to the classroom for a while, and wait for the moving company to arrive before leaving."

"Don't, don't."

Li Daokui cast a embarrassed look at Wei Lina.

Without further ado, Lin Yue took off the schoolbag and handed it over: "Anyway, teachers and students, you, as the class teacher, should deliver it to the school gate, so let's have a look."

"I send you?"

Of course Wei Lina refused, she wished there were no such students, let alone sent to the school gate.

Lin Yue put his schoolbag on the ground and continued walking towards the teaching building.

Li Daokui quickly winked at Wei Lina: "Mr. Wei...he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, don't make it difficult for me to do well?"

"You can call security, just drive him out, he is no longer a student of our school."

From her point of view, there is absolutely no need for Li Daokui to fall into a situation where he is deflated, and it is better to leave this matter to the security guards.

Lin Yue looked up at the laboratory building to the north.

"Li Daokui, I remember that the lock on the roof door of the laboratory building is broken, do you want to know if the logistics staff have replaced it with a new one?"

Go to the rooftop?

Now students are under a lot of pressure, and there are not a few people who commit suicide by jumping off a building. When will it not cause a storm of public opinion in the society? What's more, Lin Yue's parents are not in the country, so the school is more responsible for the accident. Even if he was trying to scare people, the school would also be brought to the fore when the people from the fire brigade arrived.

"Teacher Wei, what do you think... why did you provoke him?"

Wei Lina's face was slightly pale, she looked at Lin Yue who continued to walk towards the teaching building, gritted her teeth, endured the humiliation and said, "Okay, I'll see you off."

Don't mention her regrets now, why did you say those extra words just now, you are so embarrassed now, but as long as you send this kid out of school, you won't see each other again in the future, so she silently recited "Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and broaden the sea and the sky ", picked up the denim schoolbag that was thrown on the ground.

What surprised her was that just now Lin Yue carried it on his shoulder with one hand. It didn't look heavy, but when it was in her hands, it seemed to be carrying a cargo of twenty or thirty kilograms, which was very heavy.

"Be careful, if you break my things, you won't be able to pay for it."

Only then did Lin Yue turn around and walk towards the school gate with his hands behind his back, while two teachers followed behind, one carrying the bedding and the other carrying the schoolbag to struggle forward, which was quite interesting.

Coincidentally, two security guards came from the direction of the complex building. The one on the left took off his hat and scratched his scalp. The one on the right stared at him for a long time before clapping his hands: "The one in front... is the student who was just expelled yesterday, right?"


"Then why would Teacher Li and Teacher Wei help him carry things? Aren't you afraid that the principal will get angry and give them small shoes?"

"How do I know that?"

Lin Yue's walking speed started to slow down, and then quickly. When approaching the school gate, Wei Lina was already panting from exhaustion. She really wanted to throw away this denim schoolbag that didn't know what it contained, but she was afraid of breaking the contents and being caught. The guy with the super power to act as a demon could only hold on with a grin. In the end, his facial features were distorted beyond human appearance, and his back was dripping with sweat.

"Hey, what's that?"

On the contrary, Li Daokui is easier than her. Men are stronger, and the summer bedding can be heavy. If it is a short distance of tens of meters, you don't need to carry it on your shoulders, and you can do it with a pinch.

Wei Lina looked forward and saw two people standing in the reception room, a man and a woman. The man was holding a Sony camera, the woman was holding a microphone, and something similar to a work ID was hanging on her chest.

This... what's the situation? When she came to deliver the documents just now, there was no one there.

At this moment, Lin Yue, who was walking in front, had already passed through the turnstile, and moved forward a few steps. The man holding the camera said "Hey", patted the shoulder of the woman who was explaining something to the guard, and stopped Lin Yue first.

"This student, if I'm not mistaken, you are Lin Yue from Class 10, Senior High School, right?"

"Uh, it used to be, but it's not now." Lin Yue said with a trace of hesitation: "You are..."

At this time, his female colleague came over and picked up the press card hanging on her chest: "Hello, we are reporters for the "Social Hot Spots" column of Fuzhou TV Station. My name is Jiang Wan, and he is my colleague, Song Guanghui."

"Oh, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well, can we interview you about what happened yesterday?"

Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice, "You interview me? Did Principal Xie call you here? Heh, he really does everything he can to make a student bad."

"Student Lin Yue, I think you have misunderstood. We were not invited by Principal Xie. We saw a post about you on the Internet and wanted to do an important special program on quality education and exam-oriented education. That's why we came here." I will come to Jiangzhou from Fuzhou."

"Online? Post?"

"The hot post on the Internet last night... No one notified you?"

"My mobile phone was confiscated by the teacher. Internet access is not allowed in school."

"Oh, I see."

The two reporters looked at each other and nodded, and just as Jiang Wan was about to take out his mobile phone to show him the posts that went viral in various Internet communities in the early morning, Li Daokui shouted from a distance: "Who are you and what are you doing?"

Jiang Wan looked at the sound: "They are..."

"They are the teachers who 'send' me away from school under the order of the principal. One is the life teacher in the boys' dormitory, and the other is my former class teacher." His voice was very loud, and the word "send" was very cold, and his emotions Everyone can understand it.

Jiang Wan winked at Song Guanghui, who picked up the camera, took off the front dust cover, and started recording at Li Daokui and Wei Lina.

The two people in the back looked confused, not knowing what happened, but Lin Yue's statement...was obviously not objective.

"It's not like that, don't listen to him."

Wei Lina blushed, and once she put her schoolbag on the ground, she had to go forward to distinguish it, because she had good eyesight, and noticed an SUV with the words "Fuzhou TV Station" parked in front of the school gate. What does this mean? The man and woman who stopped Lin Yue were reporters from Fuzhou TV Station, and what Lin Yue said just now clearly pushed himself to the disadvantaged side.

Yes, facing elite high schools, he was weak, but to her and Li Daokui, at least this morning, he was extremely strong, treating them like coolies.

However, her explanation was so feeble that anyone who watched the video last night, combined with the current scene, would think that they followed the principal's order to drive him out of the school.

Just as she was about to explain further, she heard two bangs and two men got off from a van that just drove over, holding a camera and a microphone. The sign on the microphone read "Jiangzhou Evening News" Character.

Even the Jiangzhou Evening News is here? You must know that Jiangzhou Evening News is the largest media in Jiangzhou besides Jiangzhou TV Station. What happened? Why are all these people coming to that kid?

Wei Lina is a woman in her 40s. She usually chats on WeChat and receives files via QQ. Surfing the Internet and posting in the community is completely impossible. Her friends are about the same age as her, and the posts ferment in the early hours of the morning. So until now, no one told her that this boy who had just been dropped out of an elite high school became famous, and the song that seemed to describe him was spreading all over the Internet.

"Li Daokui, let me ask you, is it you, the accountant, went to get the refund for me when he was not at work? I finished breakfast in the cafeteria, and when I went back to the dormitory, I saw that you were already sitting on the chair Sun Chuan gave me, waiting for me?" Lin After Yue asked this sentence, he found that Wei Lina's hands were empty, and his face changed slightly. He looked back and noticed that the denim schoolbag fell on the ground, and he pushed Li Daokui straight to his schoolbag without caring about continuing the conversation.

Seeing his reaction, Song Guanghui hurriedly followed with his camera on his shoulders, and the Jiangzhou Evening News reporter who had just arrived also quickly followed with his camera in his hand.

At this time, Lin Yue had already unzipped the denim schoolbag, and took out a pot of money grass from inside.

Wei Lina suddenly realized, no wonder she felt that the schoolbag was very heavy, it turned out that he made this stuff in it.


Very suddenly, a loud shout interrupted her thinking. Lin Yue pulled down the schoolbag that had been removed from the flower pot, revealing the contents inside——a nearly completed hollow double-sided wood carving with a length of more than 20 centimeters. , it looks like a fan decoration, on which is a reproduction of the portraits of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyun Pavilion in the Tang Dynasty... Unfortunately, it is now broken into three petals.

"I went to an elite middle school. Tang Yuanming, a history teacher in the second year of high school, played a key role. He is also my cousin. What I did in the past two days had a very bad influence on him. I feel guilty. I know he likes woodcarving crafts. , I thought about carving one to give him as a token of gratitude, but I didn’t expect... You all saw it and took pictures, so please testify for me, I will sue her in court.”

It can be seen that the reporter from Jiangzhou Evening News knows a little bit about wood carving, so he studied it carefully and asked, "Are you using golden nanmu?"

Lin Yue said: "That's right, I took out the New Year's money from these years, and spent more than 9,000 yuan to buy raw materials, and the invoices are all there."

He opened the side pocket of the denim schoolbag, and there was indeed an invoice for the purchase of wood.

Wei Lina's complexion was extremely bad, and the raw materials alone cost more than 9,000 yuan. If artificial labor is added...

The reporter seemed unwilling to let her go without scaring her to death: "You carved this?"


"Have you learned it before?"

"That's right."

"Good stuff, but it's a pity."

How much is it worth if a reporter can say good things? At least one to twenty thousand.

"Reporter Zhang, how much do you think he is worth?" Li Daokui glanced at the press card on the chest of the Jiangzhou Evening News reporter. The name on it was Zhang Quan.

I went to 205 for an inspection these days, and every time I saw Lin Yue knocking there, he didn't dare to say it, and he didn't dare to care about it. He thought he was just a playful guy. Can this thing sell for a lot of money?

Zhang Quan thought for a while and said: "As far as this quality is concerned, if it is a work of a famous craftsman, at least it will be worth this amount."

He held out two fingers.

Li Daokui tentatively asked, "20,000?"


When Wei Lina heard about it later, she was paralyzed.


If the year-end bonus is not counted, two years' salary!


at the same time.

Outside the principal's office.

Yin Tiesheng came to the door with his hair almost flying, bent his arms and knocked.

Boom boom boom...

"Come in."

It was Xie Weizhou's voice, which sounded very blunt, as if he was suppressing his anger.

Yin Tiesheng was a little timid, because he asked Liu Yang to announce the result of Lin Yue's treatment yesterday morning, and then hid, and did not directly deal with the expulsion matter. First, he was afraid of being beaten again, and second, he was worried that Lin Yue would be cornered. Tell him about him. Anyway, there are many people in the school who are unhappy with that kid. There are teachers and students. There will always be someone who can't hold back to attract firepower.

Could it be that Xie Weizhou thought he was slow?

With such a mood, he pushed open the door of the principal's office and walked in.

"Old Xie, are you looking for me?"

Smiling and saying hello, he found that not only Xie Weizhou was in the room, but also a young man in his twenties, dressed a bit old-fashioned, with a white shirt and black trousers, and a pair of Jiu Mu Wang's leather shoes on his feet.

Hey, isn't this the little grandson recruited from Huashi last year?

why is he here

Xie Weizhou said in a deep voice, "Is that Lin Yue... gone?"

Sure enough, it was about Lin Yue.

"Let's go. Accountant Ding just called me and said that Li Daokui took away the refunded tuition and accommodation fees."

The expression on Xie Weizhou's face did not improve, but the gloomy look became more intense.

"Have you watched the video on the Internet?"

"Online? Video? What video?"

Xie Weizhou glanced at the young teacher beside him. Xiao Sun took out his mobile phone, tapped the screen a few times with his fingertips, and handed it to Yin Tiesheng.

He took it with doubts and looked it over carefully.

Slowly, his face changed, becoming even uglier than Xie Weizhou's. Not to mention those messages, the shot of him being beaten was actually slowed down, can this be tolerated?

" did it get posted on the Internet?"

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