Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2216 Ma'am, you don't want your daughter either (two in one)

Chapter 2216 Ma'am, you don't want your daughter either... (two in one)

Xie Weizhou said: "Look at the words of those people below, how ugly they are."

Yin Tiesheng swiped down and found that it was indeed the case. Lin Yue, who ignored the school rules as nothing, became the object of everyone's admiration, while Xie Weizhou and him, including the entire elite middle school, were regarded as villains.

"It's too much! It's too much!"

Xie Weizhou said: "Vice Principal Yin, now we can only rely on you to restore the school's reputation."

"rely on me?"

"That slap... can you swallow this breath?"

At this point, Yin Tiesheng understood that Xie Weizhou meant to ask him to call the police. After all, he was the most embarrassing person in the video. Not only did he get slapped by Lin Yue, but the publisher of the video even violated his portrait rights.

Yes, he couldn't swallow the breath.

But if you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it.

Call the police and arrest someone? What if the video publisher is Lin Yue? I just slapped him, even minor injuries are not counted. Even if there is another violation of portrait rights, it is not enough to be detained. In turn, what kind of ending will he face?

"Old Xie, you see that everyone has been expelled. There were many parents of high school seniors who came to the school to visit the ceremony that day. If they uploaded it, we really have to investigate it. Isn't the reputation of the elite middle school even worse?"


What do you mean by that? Yin Tiesheng confessed?

Xie Weizhou looked at his deputy with unbelievable eyes. Is this the stern Yin Tiesheng he knew?

"Old Xie, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Yin Tiesheng hurriedly said goodbye. In this matter, he didn't want to be used by Xie Weizhou as a gunman. You must know that it is not easy to be a vice principal. It is the principal's responsibility to make achievements. If something goes wrong, he will be the one to take the blame.


Watching the vice principal leave, Xie Weizhou stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

If Yin Tiesheng does not stand up to muddy the water and attract the hatred of netizens, once the situation intensifies and public opinion spreads to the mainstream society, the higher authorities will certainly not sit idly by. At that time, he will be interviewed, asked to explain, and he will be criticized and dealt with.

Teacher Sun carefully put the phone in his pocket, feeling very embarrassed.

Just as he was racking his brains to find an excuse to leave, Xie Weizhou waved his hand: "Go and do your work."


The very "motivated" Mr. Sun seemed to be pardoned, but just as he was walking to the door, Xie Weizhou called him back.



"Go and call Tang Yuanming over."


Teacher Sun agreed, opened the door and walked out.


Great break.

There was a sound of thumping footsteps in the corridor outside the classroom of Class 1, Senior High, mixed with yells of "Get out of the way" and "Get out of the way". Jiang Tianhao recognized Lin Miaomiao's voice. Looking back, A figure slid through the back door.

"It's not good, it's not good, something big happened."

"Miaomiao, slow down."

Deng Xiaoqi frowned and looked at her worriedly. She was really afraid that she would not be able to stop the car and hit the desk or a classmate and fell heavily.

Jiang Tianhao shook his legs, opened his shirt, and looked like a dandy: "What's wrong, is your snacks confiscated by Mr. Wang, or is it that your aunt is coming?"

Lin Miaomiao ignored the two of them, looked at the students in the class, swallowed, and took out her mobile phone out of breath: "Listen."

This guy... actually hid a mobile phone that was not confiscated by the teacher. The key is that she dared to take it out in front of her classmates, she was so courageous.

"Both are brave."

"The wound on your forehead, yours, is different, your mistake."

"All, there is no need to hide."


A very rhythmic melody came from the speakers.

The new song is a proper new song, and it is full of emotion and tension, the more you listen to it, the better it sounds.

Even Qian Sanyi, who was wearing earphones in the front seat and posing with a cold CEO face, took off his earphones and stared sideways at him.

"Miao Miao, this song is quite nice. Who released the new song? Xu Song? Or Zhang Jie?"

Deng Xiaoqi walked over while asking, tilting her head to look at her best friend's mobile phone screen.

Sun Chuanchu, Tian Xu and others agreed with her evaluation very much.

"It's very nice, Lin Miaomiao, tell everyone, this song...whose new single is it?"

To everyone's surprise, Lin Miaomiao's answer was: "I don't know either, I only know it's called the Lonely Brave, and..."

Lonely brave.

It fits the theme quite well.

"The object it describes is Lin Yue."

As soon as the name came out, several sitting students stood up, and Sun Chuanchu, Tian Xu, and Jiang Tianhao looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lin Yue from Class 10? Hasn't he already been fired?

This song "Lonely Brave" is used to describe Lin Yue, what is going on?

"If you don't believe me, take a look."

Lin Miaomiao put the mobile phone on Tian Xu's table, and everyone gathered around suddenly, all staring at the screen of the mobile phone with wide eyes, the short one behind would either pick up the person in front, and said let me see, let me see To see, you can either stand on tiptoe vigorously, raise your head vigorously, and think about looking at corners and corners.

Jiang Tianhao passed away early, his family was rich, he grew up with good food, well-developed, tall and big, so he can see clearly than others.

Unexpectedly, what happened after the flag-raising ceremony yesterday was posted on the Internet.

"This kid... is... he angry? Hitting the he still angry?" Sun Chuan stuttered, because this incident was too shocking.

Lin Miaomiao knows that this is not a question of whether it is popular or not, this video will have a very far-reaching impact in the coming time.

"It's not just him, but the entire elite high school...and us."

She scrolled down the post, only to see a group of netizens making complaints about it.

Heaven rewards those who work hard: "One hundred and forty thousand people were disarmed, and none of them was a man."

Three bowls but no post: "From the perspective of physiognomy, this principal is not a good person at first glance."

Cute Smurf: "I know the number one student in the senior high school entrance examination. I heard that his family is very rich. My mother told me to learn from him."

The combination of the six spirits: "This is too fierce. After ten years of hard study, I have to say no to those leaders who are full of bad things. If it were me, I would definitely not have the courage. I admit, I It's a coward, I can't do it, but I admire this kind of person."

Bull Demon King's flower girl: "Who has a follow-up?"

Lingyue Internet Cafe: "If everyone is fired, what will happen next?"


Originally, when the singing sounded, Qian Sanyi also wanted to know what song it was. He was smart enough to know that Sun Chuanchu and others also had the same thoughts. Sitting in his seat, until Lin Miaomiao said that this song was written for Lin Yue, he couldn't help frowning.

Qian Sanyi is a proud person, because he has the capital to be proud. He is the number one student in the district high school entrance examination, the kind who is not partial to subjects, and his knowledge reserve is several times that of his peers.

Qian Sanyi is also a person with eyes on the top of his head. He also has the capital of arrogance. His family has been a top student of Aurora University since his grandfather's generation. He has good genes, a good family background, and a high IQ... so tall that he can be crushed Among the students in the elite middle school, only his grandfather's student, Uncle Jiang Yuwen, who was studying at Caltech, could catch his eye in terms of achievement.

Of course, he would be upset and dislike Lin Yue who was talking about him, but he didn't think that this person could affect him. He was good at studying, had a high IQ, and had good genes. These three aspects were enough to kill that person instantly. The bottom one of the whole grade.

The two of them are not on the same starting line at all, and it can be said that they are people from two worlds.

However, for some reason, the voices of the students behind were lowered as they talked, and he felt like a light was on his back, so he looked back and found that Sun Chuanchu, Liang Yunshu and others were using a very strange Look at him.

Qian Sanyi was somewhat flustered, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "What's wrong?"

Deng Xiaoqi said bitterly: "Who said that the hero who stands in the light is worthy of being compared with Qian Sanyi? He is a mouse in a dark sewer, yes, the kind that can't see the light."

Qian Sanyi was confused by her, and she was not so excited, why did she look like someone stepped on her tail.

Of course he couldn't understand the girl's mind, the male god was bullied, it was more uncomfortable than being bullied herself.

"Lin Miaomiao, what's going on?"

Lin Miaomiao pushed the frame of the glasses, and moved the phone forward: "You can see for yourself."

Just when Qian Sanyi reached out to pick it up, a figure flashed at the front door, and chemistry teacher Tian Shanshan walked into the classroom with teaching aids, and saw the mobile phone at a glance.

"Whose phone?"

With a loud shout, Lin Miaomiao's hands trembled in fright, and her mobile phone fell on the desk, while the other students scattered and fled back to their seats.

"bring here!"

Facing the ruthless and cold-faced teacher, Lin Miaomiao shrank her head, picked up her mobile phone and walked over, carefully placing the things on the podium, as if she was afraid that her movements would be too violent and irritate her.

Tian Shanshan glared at her, ready to put away her phone for class, but when her gaze swept across the screen, she couldn't help frowning, holding it in her hand to browse for a while, her expression changed.


that night.

A Porsche 718 drove into the underground parking lot with a deep, crisp, explosive voice, turned around skillfully, and stopped at the 5-2-15 parking space.

Deng Xiaoqi's mother, Deng Xinhua, unbuckled her seat belt, picked up the Hermès limited-edition handbag on the co-pilot, opened the door and got out.

Valentino's high heels hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

Just as she was holding the car keys and was about to lock the car, she suddenly found a very abrupt extra person beside the concrete pillar on the left front. Because of the angle, it was difficult to reach the light, and she couldn't see his face clearly. She only knew it was a man.

Her heart suddenly rose to her throat.


The man in the shadow took half a step forward, revealing a somewhat immature face.

This... is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

She breathed a sigh of relief and felt at ease.

"What are you doing standing there?"

"Wait for you." Lin Yue took another two steps forward, looking directly into her eyes.

"Wait for me?" Deng Xinhua was stunned for a moment, carefully looked him up and down for a long time: "Do we know each other?"

"do not know."

"I don't know you and you said to wait for me?"

She held the phone in her palm, thinking that if something was wrong, she would call the police.

Lin Yue said, "I know your daughter."

"What do you mean?" Deng Xinhua heard him mention Deng Xiaoqi, her heart tightened, her hand holding the phone was even stronger, and she took half a step back.

"Let's put it this way, I want you to do a few things for me."

"Working? What are you doing?"

Deng Xinhua never thought that one day she would be stopped by a young man who could be her son and force her to do something. How should I put it, it's a bit funny: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter." Lin Yue patted the hood of the Porsche 718: "I just need to know who you are, Miss Deng Bancheng."

Hearing this nickname, a trace of indignation flashed across Deng Xinhua's face, but he was more flustered.

"Deng Bancheng? Did you really sleep with half of the men in Jiangzhou City? If so, it's not easy to hide it for so long." Lin Yue chuckled: "You don't want your daughter to know what her mother is. people?"

"You...threatened me?" Deng Xinhua was very emotional, the hand holding the handbag trembled slightly, completely unaware that one day he would be manipulated by a young boy: "You are so despicable."

"Are you despicable? As long as it works." As soon as the words finished, Lin Yue's phone rang from his trouser pocket. He took it out and found that it was Tang Yuanming who called: "I'll give you a minute to think about it."

After speaking, he stepped aside to answer the phone.

"Lin Yue, are you not at home?"

"Oh, I'm shopping outside, what's the matter, cousin?"

"I...I...I's good to relax. Don't worry about going to school. My cousin will contact you in a few days. I have a classmate who works in the Education Bureau in Fuzhou. Help."

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry at all."

Regarding Tang Yuanming's hesitation to speak, Lin Yue "sees through but doesn't reveal".

"Okay, take care of yourself these few days."


The phone hangs up.

Lin Yue glanced at the darkened screen, and walked back to Deng Xinhua: "Tell me your answer."

Deng Xinhua shook her head, her collarbone-length earrings kept swaying, very dazzling, or she was a woman with long sleeves and good at dancing, wandering among countless rich men, even though she was 41 years old this year, she still had the charm of the past Some, the most important thing is that she knows what is clothing, what is wearing, and what kind of jewelry to wear can enhance her charm.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yue stared at her for a while, until the woman's pretended calmness became unnatural, and then said slowly, "Do you want to play a game?"


Twenty minutes later.

Fengjingyuan Community.

Tang Yuanming pushed open the door and hung the key on the hook near the switch. Before he could change his slippers, the bedroom door opened, and Wang Dingnan, who was wearing a pair of white trousers, came out from inside.

"How? Did anyone see it?"

"No, but I called him and said he was shopping outside."

"Shopping? He made you like this, so you still have the nerve to go shopping?"

Wang Dingnan was very angry, and his voice was quite high.

Tang Yuanming pointed to the door opposite: "Keep your voice down."

"Why are you whispering? Am I wrong?"

Wang Dingnan thought he had a good reason to get angry. Today, Tang Yuanming came back before the end of class time. After asking, he found out that the fault was caused by his cousin. Originally, he could pass the test by doing a good review. He went to overthrow the chairman. To the point where she slapped the vice-principal, Tang Yuanming still suppressed the report. Today, he couldn’t suppress it anymore, because the video was posted on the Internet, and he himself was kicked out of the school by the principal, and went home to work as a cousin. Send a clarification video, explain the situation, apologize for the damage to the school's reputation, when will he get rid of this cousin, and when will he go back to teach.

In short, Tang Yuanming was suspended because of Lin Yue's messing around.

After she knew what was going on, she held back her anger and drove Tang Yuanming to find the cousin who caused trouble. What happened? He came back without saying anything, and the kid was still out shopping and playing, it would be strange if he could hold back his anger.

"Where's your phone? Give me the phone."

"What do you want a mobile phone for?" Tang Yuanming didn't follow his words and looked at her with vigilance.

"If you don't tell me, I'll tell him."

Tang Yuanming held back his temper and said, "Lin Yue was just fired today, and he's in a bad mood. What's wrong with going out to relax? Is there anything we can't talk about in two days? Do you have to embarrass him now? I beg you to have some sympathy, okay?"

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