Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2232 Me and your mother, um (two in one)

Chapter 2232 Me and your mother, um... (two in one)

Xie Weizhou also shuddered when he heard that.

But now is not the time to talk to Lin Yue, pointing to the burnt-smelling equipment, he said, "What's going on here?"

"School...principal, radio...station...station..." Liu Yang really wanted to tell him what happened, but seeing the principal's increasingly impatient face, he said to Lin Miaomiao: "Miao... ...Miaomiao, and...the principal..."

"Principal, it is like this."

Lin Miaomiao also thought he was long-winded, so she introduced what happened just now to the principal without waiting for the content to be fully explained.

After listening to her words, Xie Weizhou and Zhao Rongbao understood that this matter had nothing to do with Lin Yue. It was the network administrator Qiu Lin'an who was not good at learning and broke the school's equipment.

"Go back first, don't worry about things here."

Anyone could hear clearly that the headmaster was in a very unhappy mood, and Qiu Lin'an's job would most likely be lost.

Thinking about it, he was asked to repair the computer, but in the end the whole set of equipment was burned, not to mention disrupting the daily order of the school, and purchasing equipment was a lot of money, someone must be responsible for it.

"Principal, it's really not me..."

Qiu Lin'an wanted to jump off the building to prove his innocence, so he touched the computer mainframe, the switches, power amplifiers, and tuners in the cabinet, but he didn't move, God knows why it suddenly burned down.

Of course he couldn't figure out why. Only Lin Yue knew the answer, and he was the one who did it.

[Firefly] can be used as a flash bomb. The most people know about this thing, but in fact it releases EMP. The equipment is destroyed, and it is more destructive than a gun in modern society.

"Station Master Liu, you should go out too. I have something to do with classmate Lin Yue." Xie Weizhou and Zhao Rongbao have been waiting in the principal's office for the reporter from "Jiangzhou Evening News" to leave, and they are going to talk to Lin Yue, whether they can go to the discipline department Deputy Minister, don't stare at the broadcasting station. As a result, Lin Yue's legs were very fast. They sent the reporter away with their front feet, but they disappeared with their back feet. After asking, they found out that they were going in the direction of the broadcasting station, so the two rushed to the broadcasting station without stopping. stand.

"Okay...okay, are busy...busy." Seeing that Qiu Lin'an gave him a big thunder, Liu Yang didn't dare to stay in the room, so he hurriedly dragged Lin Miaomiao away.

The network administrator over there also walked out sullenly, and when he was almost at the door, he remembered that he had forgotten something, and went back to put the bricked Apple notebook in his computer bag, tucked it under his arm, and went out of the house, thinking about it over and over again. , Thinking about how unlucky I am today.


"What are you looking at? Let's go." Zhao Rongbao dispersed the students surrounding the radio station and closed the door.

Lin Yue sat on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, and looked at the two of them with a smile: "It's a simple matter. If you have to let someone who doesn't know how to repair it, what's the matter? The system is broken."

Looking at the mess on the opposite side, Zhao Rongbao frowned and asked, "Do you know how to repair?"

"Isn't it just a virus? Domestic network security is getting better and better, but in Africa, the Internet level is equivalent to more than ten years ago, and viruses and Trojan horses are rampant. I stayed there for a winter vacation and learned about anti-virus and anti-virus. I took a winter vacation, so do you think the level is higher or lower than that half-baked network administrator who graduated from a junior college?"

Zhao Rongbao expressed doubts about this, but his opinion is not important, Xie Weizhou's opinion is the key.

"I thought about it for a while, the deputy head of the radio station is no good, I can arrange for you to join the student union and serve as the deputy head of the discipline department, how about it?"

"Have you bullied me for not reading "Book of Shang Jun?"

Lin Yue left behind these words, stood up and left.

"Do you really want to be the deputy head of this radio station?"

"That's right."


The principal actually compromised? Zhao Rongbao was very surprised, but it's understandable after thinking about it deeply. Xie Weizhou is afraid, afraid that this guy will become an Internet celebrity, and he will tweet about it on Weibo every day. Will the school change or not? The old man wants to live two more years.

Lin Yue paused, turned around and said, "I don't want to be the deputy station master for nothing. I will help the school contact the source of these damaged equipment. It only costs half of the previous purchase price. How about it?"

Half of the purchase price?

"Are you kidding?" Zhao Rongbao didn't believe he could do it. Although Xie Weizhou is not the kind of person who hates evil and is stern and selfless, he also tolerates the procurement staff to make money from it, but there is still a bottom line. The school's procurement items are based on 10% Considering the rebate, it is high enough, and this means that it is basically impossible for Lin Yue to negotiate a discount of 30 to 40% with the supplier.

"I have an exclusive source of goods, and there are no middlemen to make the difference."

Lin Yue left behind an intriguing sentence, opened the door and left.

"Fucking...Ah Choe... Xuanxu." Zhao Rongbao sneezed, moved to the window, and then felt his nose felt better: "Principal, the water for this computer accessory is very deep, you can't put it in such a Let him do the important things."

Xie Weizhou said, "Let him do it."


"It's not bad."

Zhao Rongbao thought for a long time before he understood the meaning of these words. If you don't do well, you will make mistakes. As long as you grasp Lin Yue's handle, you will not be so passive in the future, always being led by the nose by him.

For example, if the promised things are not done well, do you still have the nerve to be the deputy station master? For another example, if he ate money from it, if the school punished him with expulsion, would netizens still criticize the principal? Instead, it will give Lin Yue and his parents a taste of social death.


a month later.

The branch exam is also the end of the final exam.

Lin Miaomiao took Deng Xiaoqi to a trot and squeezed into the crowd of students who were checking the results of the list.

The screen kept jumping, and the new shift list switched back and forth.

"Senior Class Two and Three, Senior Two and Four Classes, Senior Two and Five Classes..."

When the list flashed to Class 6, Grade 2, Lin Miaomiao saw her name and Deng Xiaoqi's name, and immediately cheered with both hands: "Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, did you see that, Class 6, we are in Class 6."

The main reason why she was so happy was that she and Deng Xiaoqi were in the same class, and she couldn't live without girlfriends. Another reason was that Class 26 of Senior High School was one of the liberal arts experimental classes, which proved the level of liberal arts of the two of them.

"Hey, Miaomiao, look, why is Lin Yue still there?"

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't figure out how he got into the liberal arts experimental class. You should know that she and Lin Miaomiao were serious about subjects. In the first year of high school, mathematics, science, chemistry and chemistry were lagging behind, which lowered the total score. Lin Yue was different, and his scores in each subject were similar. , then how did he get into the experimental class?

Lin Miaomiao said: "I heard that the head teacher of the liberal arts experimental class is my little uncle."

"Your little uncle? Is it Lin Yue's cousin? The one who teaches history in the second year of high school?"


"I said, it turned out to be through the back door."

Deng Xiaoqi was indignant. In her first year of high school, she said that Qian Sanyi was engaging in privileges, and Balabala made a fuss, making herself look like a warrior against injustice.

"I think... maybe it's because his art grades are so good." These words are not considered to put gold on Lin Yue's face. His wood carvings are really good, lifelike and lifelike. She even went home on weekends When I saw someone blocking him at the school gate, I ordered a commemorative wood carving.

"You still talk for him." Deng Xiaoqi was very upset when she thought about the conversation with her mother before. Even Deng Xinhua said that Lin Yue was good, and suggested that the two of them get along well. How is he? How is he good? Poor grades, trouble-making, ruthless in words and actions, and most importantly, he is the person Qian Sanyi hates and looks down on the most. These factors come together, especially the last point, which she cannot accept no matter what this person's.


She snorted coldly, let go of her best friend's hand, pushed the crowd and squeezed out.

"Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, why are you angry?" Lin Miaomiao felt that she was a little puzzled, but still quickly chased after her.

Deng Xiaoqi left the school gate straight away, and when she passed the turnstile, many people were waiting for their parents to pick them up, while Qian Sanyi was taunting Lin Yue for some reason.

"Liberal arts class, if you go to the liberal arts class, won't you be unable to copy my test papers in the future?"

Qian Sanyi is such a proud person. Whether he is facial paralyzed or cold and arrogant, he usually laughs off those jealous or critical remarks. Only Lin Yue's plagiarism is an unacceptable humiliation for him. Coupled with the fact that Pei Yin was crying at the parents' meeting in the first semester of high school, the relationship between the two of them can be said to be extremely bad.

"It seems that you are very disappointed with the result of this class assignment." Lin Yue didn't turn his head or raise his eyes, and was very focused on looking at his phone.

"Didn't some people claim to have both arts and sciences?"

"There is a saying that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Qian Sanyi curled his lips, and turned his right foot around the bicycle stirrup for half a circle. In fact, he really wanted to say that a dog that bites people does not show its teeth, and the more it barks, the more mercilessly it is, but such words do not fit his personality. , suppressing the urge to ridicule further.

In his opinion, the most important thing for students is their academic performance. The so-called one-strength drop ten times, as long as the grades are good, all the deficiencies can be made up for. , those students in Qingbei, would they care about the opinions of the students who graduated from the broken school? No, I just think it's Luther's Chi Chi Wai Wai.

"People who have to go through the back door when they are divided into classes, are they also majoring in arts and sciences? Don't be ridiculous, okay? Are you sure about your own level?"

When Deng Xiaoqi learned that Lin Yue was assigned to the same class as her, and that her male god chose science, she was already holding back her anger, but when she went outside and saw that the two of them were fighting again, it was naturally her duty to speak for the male god.

"Back door? What back door?"

Jiang Tianhao had been eavesdropping not far away, and when he saw Deng Xiaoqi coming out, he naturally wanted to come over to show his presence.

Of course, the idea of ​​curiosity is second to none. Now that Deng Xiaoqi is tearing up Lin Yue, she must go up and lick it.

Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi who were waiting for the bus ahead also looked at her with puzzled expressions.

Deng Xiaoqi said: "The head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2 is his cousin."

"Xiaoqi!" Lin Miaomiao was a little unhappy. Although this matter cannot be concealed, Deng Xiaoqi said it in front of so many people. It has a negative impact on Tang Yuanming's reputation.

"Oh, that's how it is." Everyone was stunned.

"Aren't you convinced? If you don't agree, go to the principal to report it and see if he takes care of you?" Lin Yue said: "A child who has a mother but no father to teach him is really not very smart."

He didn't explain that he was going to the sixth class, but that the headmaster forced him into Tang Yuanming's hands. To some extent, he was teaching students according to their aptitude. It was nonsense to enter the experimental class through the back door.

Is there a mother to raise or no father to teach?

Liang Yunshu, Wei Xindi and the others looked at each other, a little confused about what was going on, was he talking about Deng Xiaoqi?

"What did you say, tell me again!"

Deng Xiaoqi stepped forward with a face full of anger, the most unacceptable thing in her life was the word "no father".

Lin Yue put the phone in his pocket, stood up and stared into her eyes: "I heard from your mother that it was your 18th birthday two weeks ago?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Deng Xiaoqi became more and more puzzled. Why did Lin Yue pretend to know her mother? But at this time, obviously, you can't admit cowardice, you have to be tough!

"Of course it's none of my business, because I generally don't hit children under the age of eighteen."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a crisp snap.

Everyone didn't see his movements clearly. When they realized it, Deng Xiaoqi had already turned her head and looked at the ground blankly, as if she had been stunned. Her left face was bright red, and there was a clear palm print in the middle.

"Lin Yue! What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao felt sorry for her best friend, and ran to support Deng Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, are you alright?"

When Jiang Tianhao saw the goddess being humiliated, he was immediately furious, and raised his fist to ask Lin Yue to settle the score.

"Jiang Tianhao, do you know Deng Xiaoqi's mother's nickname?"

This question was stopped by the licking dog.

"Deng Bancheng, why is it called Deng Bancheng? It is said that she has slept with half of the rich people in Jiangzhou for so many years. As far as I know, your Jiangjia kitchen is asking her to help introduce strategic partners in order to expand its scale, so I'm curious if your father is on her mother's list."

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Tianhao was furious, and when he was about to shake his fist to greet him, Lin Yue flicked the phone lightly, and put the phone in front of his face. In the photo was Jiang Qilong entertaining Deng Xinhua.

"I think, you probably don't want me to send this photo to your mother."


Jiang Tianhao gritted his teeth and looked at him, this matter, even if Jiang Qilong and Deng Xinhua had nothing to do with each other, Wang Suli would definitely feel jealous when he saw this photo.

Lin Yue continued to add insult to injury: "So, the person you like is an illegitimate daughter who doesn't even know who her own father is, referred to as wild species."

Everyone was stunned, even the students who were not in the experimental class were stunned. They looked at Deng Xiaoqi, and then at Lin Yue.

The school beauty was... Her mother gave birth to a wild man?

Lin Yue further said: "Several parent meetings have been held. Have your parents met her father? Liang Yunshu, Wei Xindi, as roommates, have you heard her talk about her father? No, because she has nothing about her father. memory."

"Stop it!" Lin Miaomiao looked at Deng Xiaoqi, who was trembling all over and on the verge of collapse, and finally couldn't help but exploded, walked up to Lin Yue and raised her hand to hit her.


As soon as Lin Yue grasped her wrist, he pushed it back, only to hear an ouch, Lin Miaomiao fell to the ground.

"I knew about this in the first semester of high school, but I never said it. I wanted to save you some face, but you kept licking the ass of that champion man who didn't even have any interest in looking at you again and again. , to find fault with me, I can only say that you asked for what happened today." Lin Yue looked at Deng Xiaoqi and said, "Why did your mother keep persuading you to befriend me? Didn't you think about this issue carefully? Do you think your mother will harm you?" You?"

After saying this, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't hold back any longer, and didn't have the heart to wait for the bus. She pushed away the students who were blocking the way in front of her, and ran away in tears.

"Little Qi..."

Jiang Tianhao stretched out his hand, wanting to say something, but only called out his name.

He wanted to chase but was afraid that the goddess would embarrass him, and he would be embarrassed, and what Lin Yue said just now contained too much information, and his CPU was smoking.

Lin Miaomiao got up silently, patted the dirt on her buttocks silently, gave Lin Yue a hard look, and went after Deng Xiaoqi.

This matter... can you say that Lin Yue was wrong? After all, it was Deng Xiaoqi who provoked him first.

Jingle Bell……

Qian Sanyi didn't say anything, rang the bell twice, and rode away on his bicycle.

While Liang Yunshu, Wei Xindi and others put aside their discussions in a low voice, it can be seen that many girls gloated, because just like boys would be jealous of handsome male students with good grades and good ball skills, girls are the same, Deng Xiaoqi has always boasted that As beautiful as a flower, she considers herself a goddess, but in the end, this actually a bastard.

At this moment, there was a deep and powerful engine sound from the side of the road, and a Porsche 718 drove up. Lin Yue stepped forward, opened the passenger's door and sat in.

With sharp eyes, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help being surprised when he saw the short-haired woman wearing sunglasses in the driver's seat.

Isn't that Deng Xiaoqi's mother?

What does his mother have to do with Lin Yue?

No one can answer this question, and those who can answer this question drive away.

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