Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 2233 Since You Call Me Perverted (Two in One)

Chapter 2233 Since you called me a pervert... (two in one)

That day and night.

Deng Xinhua pushed open the door and found that the room was pitch black and the lights were off, so he kicked off the high-heeled shoes with ease, felt the switch with his finger and pressed it.

The main lamp in the living room was turned on, and the light dispelled the darkness of the night.

But before she threw her bag on the sofa, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

Deng Xiaoqi sat cross-legged on the sofa with one leg hanging on the ground, and beside her was a Pikachu pillow that fell to the floor for some unknown reason.

On the table in the restaurant were three dishes and one soup prepared by the nanny, which was already cold, and it could be seen from the arrangement of the chopsticks that the food had not been touched at all.

"Xiao Qi, why are you sitting here in the dark?"

Deng Xinhua took off her sunglasses and threw Chanel's handbag on the single sofa next to her. She could see that her daughter was very upset, but she didn't care. She took off her earrings and said, "What's wrong? Didn't Mom tell you to stay with the client?" Eating out and not coming back for a while, shall I let you eat alone?"

Deng Xiaoqi remained silent, unmoving, like a Buddha.

Deng Xinhua put the earrings away, walked up to her and sat down: "What's wrong? Did you fail the final exam? Don't be sad, just work harder next time."

In the matter of grades, the mother never scolded her.

Deng Xiaoqi turned her head and looked at Deng Xinhua with a questioning look: "You said you were eating with a client, and I ask you, who is this client? What's his name?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly? You don't even know people in the business field."

"Don't know?" Deng Xiaoqi stood up abruptly, gritted her teeth and said, "Is the surname Lin? The single name is the word 'yue'?"

Thinking of the scene of Lin Yue slapping her face in public, she hated it, gritted her teeth with hatred, wished she could tear him to pieces, the dignified school girl was humiliated and exposed in public, how would she see people in the future? How to maintain arrogance?

Deng Xinhua's face changed. Although she had some bad premonitions from her daughter's reaction just now, she was still somewhat panicked by being exposed on the spot.

"Who did you hear that from?"

"I just asked if you have any?"


"Is he your client? What client? Are you going to change from Deng Bancheng to Deng Mancheng?"


Another slap landed on her face, the difference was that Lin Yue slapped her on the left cheek, while Deng Xinhua slapped her on the right cheek.

"Deng Xiaoqi!"

Yes, hearing the nickname "Deng Bancheng" from her daughter made her flustered to a higher level. She didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of her, even though Lin Yue said "Get ready for the storm" before getting out of the car, She thought he was talking about Jiang Qilong, but she didn't realize until now that she was the one who was going to face the storm, and the ghostly weather came from the backyard——her daughter, but this doesn't mean that Deng Xiaoqi can also use her nickname articles, run on her, humiliate her.

"Everyone can call that, but you can't!"

"Why can't I? Are you afraid of others saying what you do yourself?"

Deng Xiaoqi clasped her hands tightly, and her voice grew louder and louder, sounding hysterical.

Yes, Lin Yue's slap on her was embarrassing, but compared to the fact that she had no father and was born of Deng Xinhua's promiscuous sex, it was nothing.

"Because I did this for you." Deng Xinhua thought that she gave birth to Deng Xiaoqi under tremendous pressure, a woman who pulled her up with shit and urine and gave her a life far beyond ordinary people. is it easy? A small price to pay? Even if the daughter can't understand, she can't stand on the opposite side of her.

However, the reality is cruel.

"I don't need you for my own good, I would rather not have the life I have now." Deng Xiaoqi looked crazy, covered her face and shouted: "You might as well not have given birth to me back then."

"you you……"

Deng Xinhua was so angry that he couldn't speak, he raised his hand and wanted to fight, but stopped midway because of his heartache.

Deng Xiaoqi rushed out with red eyes, opened the door and ran away.


Hearing the sound of the door closing heavily, Deng Xinhua slumped on the sofa. She thought that the matter would develop to this point, but she never thought that Deng Xiaoqi's reaction would be so intense. ?

Of course she didn't understand, what happened today, what stimulated Deng Xiaoqi the most was that when Lin Yue said the name "Deng Bancheng", Qian Sanyi was also there. In other words, he stripped her naked in front of her male god. Clothes, skinned from her.

Just like that, after sitting for an unknown how long, she heard the sound of brakes coming from the road several buildings away, and she woke up with a start, regretting hitting her daughter, what if Deng Xiaoqi commits suicide because of what happened just now? We must know that today's children are no different from the children who grew up in the previous difficult years. They have a lot of pressure to study since they were young, and their psychological construction is very fragile.

But just when she was about to cheer up and go downstairs to find her daughter, the mobile phone that was left on the coffee table rang, and when she picked it up to look at the content, her expression changed slightly.


Deng Xiaoqi rushed down from upstairs and ran out of the community in one breath, and was blown by the hot wind on the street, sobering up a little.

The right side of her face was still hurting, Deng Xinhua slapped her very hard, and seemed to have affected the nerves on the left side of her face, the area where Lin Yue slapped her in the afternoon also started to feel hot and numb, it was extremely uncomfortable.

In Jiangzhou, since the community she lives in is called a mansion, the river view is naturally standard, and the wind blowing from the water is cool. Compared with the street lights, there are fewer people, and it is suitable for a quiet person. Anyway, she is like a ghost. Like floating to the embankment along the river.

It was getting late, and all the walkers had gone home. Only a few people with fishing rods and long-sleeved trousers were sitting on the inside of the railing to fish. She walked a distance, and the more she walked, the more afraid she became, and the more she walked, the more she regretted it. , because several poorly dressed people kept looking sideways at her.

After she came out, she realized that she didn't bring her mobile phone, she couldn't contact her friends, and she didn't have money to stay in a hotel. It can be said that she was in a situation where the sky was wrong and the place was not working. Continue to stroll.

After walking forward for a while, she felt that someone was following her on the sidewalk above, and felt that it would be dangerous to go on like this, so she turned left, went up the next step, and came to the sidewalk to take a closer look. There was indeed someone following her, but it was not a stranger People are her old acquaintances.

"Why are you? You pervert! Why are you following me!"

That's right, the person sitting on the Peugeot scooter was the culprit who caused her to end up in this situation - Lin Yue.

"If you can't think about committing suicide by jumping into the river, it means that there is a woman on Weibo headlines who committed suicide because of her anger with her mother. Will the netizens point the finger at me? Say I was the direct cause of this tragedy? By the way, don't you love beauty? ? The floating corpse is ugly."

"Whether I live or die is none of your business!" Deng Xiaoqi shouted loudly.

A man and woman in their thirties came obliquely in front of them. As they walked and watched, half of the tattoo could be seen on the right arm, and the social brother with the left hand hooked on the shoulder of a woman with smoky makeup and shorts said without any authenticity: "Now The young man who quarreled would run away from home. If there is any conflict that cannot be resolved in bed, I think back then you and I..."

Deng Xiaoqi heard those unsavory words, and vented her anger on others: "What are you looking at, does it have anything to do with you? Hooligans."

Brother Society became angry when he heard this, and pulled the girl who was also very "society" to turn around and walk towards the two of them.

"Little Hoof, what did you just say, tell me again."

Following his footsteps, there was also a disgusting smell of alcohol, presumably he had just finished eating skewers at the food stall in front.


Lin Yue warned in a deep voice.

"Hey, little thing, your hair hasn't grown yet, and your temper is not small." Brother Society stretched his face very long, he rolled up his short sleeves, revealing the white tiger pattern on his shoulders, and picked up a loose floor tile to face Lin Yue. Walking away, the woman with the beauty snake tattoo on her calf next to her didn't even say to stop her, she also smiled and watched the man play handsome.

"Repeat what you said just now..."

Before finishing the rest of the sentence, Lin Yue suddenly exerted strength, touched the ground with his left foot, and kicked his right leg forward. Brother Society's body weighing more than 200 kilograms flew out with a whimper, and hit the iron rail separating the sidewalk and the non-motorized vehicle lane with a bang. On the fence, the whole person fell to the ground, sitting limply and howling.

From the outside, there were no obvious scars, and the strength of the person was relieved by the fence, avoiding the danger of landing on the back of the head, but for the person concerned, the bones all over his body seemed to be falling apart, and he didn't even see how the boy opposite him stepped out. In my impression, there is only the action of lowering the pedal bracket, and then... nothing more.

"Tiezi." The woman with smoky makeup was stunned, and after confirming again and again that the guy who flew out was her boyfriend who was as strong as a bear, she hurried over to ask him if he was okay.

Deng Xiaoqi's face was pale, and her whole body was trembling slightly. As a girl who grew up in an ivory tower, she had never seen this before.

But Lin Yue was as indifferent as if he had slapped a fly to death, and continued the conversation just now: "That's right, your life and death is none of my business, it doesn't matter whether you jumped into the river to death, or were killed by lustful people first, then you are gone. Maybe I can move my mind and inherit your mother's property, just like this pedal of more than 20,000 yuan, it is a gift from your mother, and she also said that she will give me a car when I get my driver's license during the summer vacation."

He didn't even look at the social men and women who were moaning in pain, stepped on the pedals, and turned the car around: "I just want to ask you, should I go back or not?"

Deng Xinhua gave him the pedal? It was a gift of 20,000+ as soon as he made a move, and he promised to give him a car. What is the relationship between him and her mother?

Deng Xiaoqi was heartbroken and angry, as well as puzzled, but in the current situation, if she didn't go with Lin Yue, the man would be able to spare her lightly after he calmed down? After thinking twice, he gritted his teeth and got on the back seat of the pedal.


The car started fast and powerfully, her body instinctively leaned back, and then the car suddenly braked suddenly when it got off the curb, and she leaned forward again under the action of inertia, her chest hit the back of the person she hated so much.

Stop quickly.

Get off the road.

Accelerate and turn again.

"Catch it, I don't care about throwing it out."

"Shameless, rascal!"

What can Deng Xiaoqi do?

He could only hug his waist reluctantly, and was driven by the scooter to the community where Deng Xinhua lived.

Not far away, the social man half paralyzed on the ground was still screaming, and the woman was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.


After a month and a half.

Going far away, entering September, the weather is finally cooler. After sending away the last senior year, the elite middle school welcomes a new batch of freshmen. A new chapter in high school life.

For a student like her who is seriously partial to subjects, division of subjects means rebirth.

"La la la..."

She was wearing a JK miniskirt, flicked the bow tie of her shirt, happily humming a ditty, bouncing and walking towards Class 2 and 6 of Senior High School, but when she passed the small square in front of the teaching building, she braked suddenly and stopped, Because there's something wrong with the atmosphere ahead.

Lin Yue was standing under the sculpture of a young man studying with his broken schoolbag that had remained unchanged for thousands of years. Opposite him was Qian Sanyi with a clean face, and beside him were several female students who were looking at the number one scholar with nympho eyes.

The two of them...wouldn't fight.

Lin Miaomiao pushed her glasses, at this moment, even the dullest person could smell the strong smell of gunpowder in the arena.

"Yeah, the experimental class lacks an ignorant person like you, and the learning environment has improved. I'm so happy. Finally, I don't have to look at that annoying face anymore."

"Unlearned and incompetent?"

Qian Sanyi sneered and said: "Plagiarism, skipping classes, ranting against teachers, going through the back door, beating up girls, taking self-willedness as personality, typical black sheep."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this tone is really very Qian Sanyi. It seems that Deng Xiaoqi's matter has greatly stimulated you." Lin Yue ignored the hostile eyes of those nymphomaniacs, folded his arms and said, "Is it because of her?" I empathize with my family background, your father, whether you have it or not, is actually the same, right?"

"Scum!" Qian Sanyi is proud of his talent and has always been idle, pretending to be profound, but when it comes to issues related to his mother... there is a saying that Long Younilin will be angry when he touches it, and Pei Yin is his. Ni Lin, Lin Yue not only cried his mother angrily, but also used his family situation to make fun of him from time to time, this Liang Zi couldn't be resolved.

A female student behind said: "Qian Sanyi, what are you talking about with him, this kind of person is not worthy to lift your shoes."

"That's right, just like those poor people on the Internet who hate the rich, they can't compare to their studies, and their skills are first-rate." Some people are also in agreement.

"You lick him hard, but he looks dismissive. People like you are called dicks, and those who slander people on the Internet are called keyboard warriors. If you understand the concept, you are cursing people, otherwise you will only appear ignorant." Lin Yueyao Shaking his head, he didn't want to get entangled with these idiots: "It's almost like saying that I feel the same as you, don't worry, I will definitely teach you a lesson on behalf of you, and let you really understand Deng Xiaoqi's treatment, but what? ...This matter has to be done step by step, slowly."

Leaving this sentence with a smile, he turned and left.

Qian Sanyi wanted to go back, but thought he was a little LOW, hesitantly saw Lin Miaomiao approaching, his face turned pale: "Why are you alone, where is Deng Xiaoqi?"

"I haven't come yet, I said I'm traveling to Europe."

"Do you believe this too? Traveling in Europe? I think it's because I transferred to another school."

Qian Sanyi pretended to be clever and dropped this sentence, and left.

The girls next to her saw the male god leave, and soon left, leaving behind Lin Miaomiao who couldn't be happy.

Deng Xiaoqi wouldn't really have to transfer to another school like Qian Sanyi said?

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

The two of them were finally assigned to the same class...

Lin Miaomiao came to the second and sixth class of high school as if she had lost her soul. When did Tang Yuanming come and what kind of self-introduction did she have? When Wen Hao woke up, he stood up and answered "Yes".

"Lin Miaomiao, what's wrong with you? You look absent-minded?"

Just as Tang Yuanming finished speaking, two people came outside the door.

"You are Mr. Tang, the head teacher of Class 2 and 6 of Senior High School. I am Deng Xiaoqi's mother, Deng Xinhua."

"Oh, hello, hello."

Tang Yuanming left the podium and went outside to talk to Deng Xinhua, while Deng Xiaoqi also entered the classroom under the complicated gazes of her classmates. She glanced at the culprit who made her lose her head in school out of the corner of her eye, and found that the other party even glanced at her I have no interest in doing eye exercises while facing Liuyun.

"Xiaoqi, I thought you wouldn't come."

Lin Miaomiao was very excited. Taking advantage of Tang Yuanming's absence, she gave her best friend a warm hug, took her hand and sat down in the seat next to her.

After Tang Yuanming and Deng Xinhua finished talking, they returned to the classroom and continued the next process. In the next two classes, one was used to distribute the textbooks for the second year of high school and the test papers for the final exam of the second semester of high school, and the other was used for general cleaning.

Classmate Lin Miaomiao, who threw off the title of labor committee member, was lazy on the grounds that she was on duty at the radio station.

Here she was sitting on the computer chair with her feet upright, when Liu Yang walked in from the outside, she was so frightened that she hurriedly changed her position, coughed softly and sat upright.

"Station Master, long time no see, new semester and new atmosphere, I hope you will take care of me in the future."

Liu Yang waved the folder in his hand: "Stop...don't play with get close, I'm here to...tell you...your partner is promoted this the third year of high school, people feel that time is is heavy, application...retired...retired from the war, our radio station...has always been...old and new, so this semester I...I will arrange a new...partner for you."

Lin Miaomiao was not surprised that her partner quit, but was very excited, excited that she had become a teacher and could be on her own, and it was her turn to lead newcomers.

But while excited, she made an unexpected discovery.

"Station Master, your stuttering doesn't seem to be that serious anymore?"

"Be serious!"

Not only was Lin Miaomiao not serious, but she even muttered something neatly in a low voice. Isn't this stuttering problem a difficult and miscellaneous disease? Who treated it? Very clever.

Liu Yang glared at her and looked back at the corridor.

"Come in... come on."

As soon as the voice fell, a boy walked in from the outside.

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback: "Qian Sanyi! Why are you?"

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